963 resultados para Diffusion process


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On retrouve dans la nature un nombre impressionnant de matériaux semi-transparents tels le marbre, le jade ou la peau, ainsi que plusieurs liquides comme le lait ou les jus. Que ce soit pour le domaine cinématographique ou le divertissement interactif, l'intérêt d'obtenir une image de synthèse de ce type de matériau demeure toujours très important. Bien que plusieurs méthodes arrivent à simuler la diffusion de la lumière de manière convaincante a l'intérieur de matériaux semi-transparents, peu d'entre elles y arrivent de manière interactive. Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle méthode de diffusion de la lumière à l'intérieur d'objets semi-transparents hétérogènes en temps réel. Le coeur de la méthode repose sur une discrétisation du modèle géométrique sous forme de voxels, ceux-ci étant utilisés comme simplification du domaine de diffusion. Notre technique repose sur la résolution de l'équation de diffusion à l'aide de méthodes itératives permettant d'obtenir une simulation rapide et efficace. Notre méthode se démarque principalement par son exécution complètement dynamique ne nécessitant aucun pré-calcul et permettant une déformation complète de la géométrie.


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In the early 19th century, industrial revolution was fuelled mainly by the development of machine based manufacturing and the increased use of coal. Later on, the focal point shifted to oil, thanks to the mass-production technology, ease of transport/storage and also the (less) environmental issues in comparison with the coal!! By the dawn of 21st century, due to the depletion of oil reserves and pollution resulting from heavy usage of oil the demand for clean energy was on the rising edge. This ever growing demand has propelled research on photovoltaics which has emerged successful and is currently being looked up to as the only solace for meeting our present day energy requirements. The proven PV technology on commercial scale is based on silicon but the recent boom in the demand for photovoltaic modules has in turn created a shortage in supply of silicon. Also the technology is still not accessible to common man. This has onset the research and development work on moderately efficient, eco-friendly and low cost photovoltaic devices (solar cells). Thin film photovoltaic modules have made a breakthrough entry in the PV market on these grounds. Thin films have the potential to revolutionize the present cost structure of solar cells by eliminating the use of the expensive silicon wafers that alone accounts for above 50% of total module manufacturing cost.Well developed thin film photovoltaic technologies are based on amorphous silicon, CdTe and CuInSe2. However the cell fabrication process using amorphous silicon requires handling of very toxic gases (like phosphene, silane and borane) and costly technologies for cell fabrication. In the case of other materials too, there are difficulties like maintaining stoichiometry (especially in large area films), alleged environmental hazards and high cost of indium. Hence there is an urgent need for the development of materials that are easy to prepare, eco-friendly and available in abundance. The work presented in this thesis is an attempt towards the development of a cost-effective, eco-friendly material for thin film solar cells using simple economically viable technique. Sn-based window and absorber layers deposited using Chemical Spray Pyrolysis (CSP) technique have been chosen for the purpose


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En este trabajo construimos un modelo de mercado financiero basado en un proceso telegráfico más un proceso de saltos para la valoración de opciones Europeas. Vamos a asumir que el tamaño de los saltos es constante y después que es aleatorio, en ambos casos estos saltos ocurren cuando la tendencia del mercado cambia. Estos modelos capturan la dinámica del mercado en periodos con presencia de ciclos financieros. Mostraremos la estructura del conjunto de medidas neutrales al riesgo, además, de fórmulas explícitas para los precios de las opciones Europeas de venta y compra.


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The fluorescence quenching kinetics of two porphyrin dendrimer series (GnTPPH(2) and GnPZn) by different type of quenchers is reported. The microenvironment surrounding the core in GnPZn was probing by core-quencher interactions using benzimidazole. The dependence of quencher binding constant (K(a) ) on generation indicates the presence of a weak interaction between branches and the core of the porphyrin dendrimer. The similar free volume in dendrimers of third and fourth generation suggests that structural collapse in high generations occurs by packing of the dendrimer peripheral layer. Dynamic fluorescence quenching of the porphyrin core by 1,3-dicyanomethylene-2-methyl-2-pentyl-indan (PDCMI) in GnTPPH(2) is a distance dependent electron transfer process with an exponential attenuation factor beta=0.33 angstrom(-1). The quenching by 1,2-dibromobenzene occurs by diffusion process of the quencher toward to the porphyrin core, and its rate constant is practically independent of dendrimer generation.


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Use of hydrogen as a temporary alloying element in titanium alloys is an attractive approach to improve the mechanical properties of the materials, enhance processability and thereby reduce manufacturing costs. In this paper, the hydrogen diffusion process and the phase transformation both between titanium particles and in titanium sheets were computationally simulated to analyze the mechanism of hydrogen diffusion in different phases (α-Ti, β-Ti and TiHx). With the simulation based on the thermodynamics and kinetics, quantitative behaviors of the hydrogen diffusion and the phase transformation were analyzed. The simulation results provide an insight into the diffusion process and improve the fundamental understanding of the mechanism of diffusion and phase transformation.


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Use of hydrogen as a temporary alloying element in Ti alloys is an attractive approach to improve the mechanical properties of the materials, enhance processability and thereby reduce manufacturing costs. In this paper, the hydrogen diffusion process and the phase transformation both between Ti particles and in Ti sheets were simulated to analyze the mechanism of hydrogen diffusion in different phases (α-Ti, β-Ti and TiHx). With the simulation based on the kinetics and thermodynamics, quantitative behaviors of the hydrogen diffusion and the phase transformation were analyzed. The simulation results provide an insight into the diffusion process and improve the fundamental understanding of the mechanism of diffusion and phase transformation.


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Molecular dynamics simulation was employed to study the atomic interactions in titanium carbides and iron matrix containing carbon and titanium, which are significant for understanding the formation of titanium carbide cluster during precipitate process. The atoms trajectory and diffusion coefficients of carbon in titanium carbide were analyzed to provide a vacancy-exchanging mechanism and clarify the carbon concentration dependence of carbon diffusion in titanium carbide. The dependence of the formation of titanium carbide cluster in iron matrix on carbon was determined from the study of atoms diffusivity, cluster formation and formation energy of titanium carbide cluster. The simulation results provided insight into the carbon diffusion process and improved the understanding of the formation of titanium carbide cluster.


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Trata de uma proposta de mensuração de mercado de bens duráveis em nível municipal. O processo de modelagem assume que: a função deve ser determinada a partir do análise do estágio do produto em seu processo de difusão n o mercado, cada município é uma unidade representada p o r variáveis obtidas através d e dados secundários e os dados secundários a serem coletados podem determinados através d o conhecimento d o comportamento de compra do produto. No modelo, os resíduos sã o tratados como ferramenta estratégica mercadológica. É apresentada uma aplicação do modelo para condicionadores de ar


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Meu objetivo nesta tese é compreender o processo de transnacionalização do movimento negro brasileiro e as suas consequências para a luta antirracista no Brasil. Em outras palavras, busco compreender como os negros brasileiros se articulam com os negros do mundo para cumprir seus objetivos. Uma vez que hoje a cultura negra global tem sido compreendida a partir da metáfora do “Atlântico Negro”, que representa um espaço de trocas transnacional que conecta todos os sujeitos da diáspora negra, assumo esta mesma metáfora como ponto de partida para minha reflexão. Entretanto, me interessa refletir sob um dos aspectos do Atlântico Negro, que é a sua dimensão organizacional. Se é pelo Atlântico Negro que hoje circulam um conjunto de conteúdos que são compartilhados pela comunidade negra mundial, tais como idéias e práticas que estão relacionadas a religião, a música, a literatura e as formas de organização, então podemos afirmar que a organização do movimento negro brasileiro se alimenta também destas múltiplas dimensões. Para desenvolver esta linha de argumentação, a tese utiliza o caso do movimento negro brasileiro para analisar o processo de difusão de um frame transnacional racialista que é apropriado pelo movimento negro como base para a elaboração de um diagnóstico, prognóstico e ressonância das ações de combate ao racismo no Brasil e para a definição das estruturas de mobilização e das estratégias de ação do movimento. Contudo, esta apropriação não ocorre sem problemas, pois este frame enfrenta outros frames locais, de caráter não-racialista, o que acarreta severas restrições ao ativismo transnacional na medida em que o próprio movimento negro se vê diante do dilema entre manter o alinhamento com o frame transnacional e aproveita as oportunidades políticas oferecidas pelo racialismo, ou relativiza este frame fazendo algumas concessões em suas propostas e na sua organização, a fim de se adaptar aos frames locais, negociando estas oportunidades a partir das restrições existentes. Para entender esta dinâmica, proponho a metáfora do “Encontro das Águas” amazonense, como um ponto de argumentação complementar ao Atlântico Negro, pois leva em conta os aspectos locais da luta antirracista que se apoiam na mestiçagem como identidade autônoma que não se dilui facilmente na identidade negra. Além de desenvolver estes pontos, a tese contribui para compreender melhor a dialética entre o global e local, bem como as tensões advindas dos frames em disputa.


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Mensalmente são publicados relatórios pelo Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos (USDA) onde são divulgados dados de condições das safras, oferta e demanda globais, nível dos estoques, que servem como referência para todos os participantes do mercado de commodities agrícolas. Esse mercado apresenta uma volatilidade acentuada no período de divulgação dos relatórios. Um modelo de volatilidade estocástica com saltos é utilizado para a dinâmica de preços de milho e de soja. Não existe um modelo ‘ideal’ para tal fim, cada um dos existentes têm suas vantagens e desvantagens. O modelo escolhido foi o de Oztukel e Wilmott (1998), que é um modelo de volatilidade estocástica empírica, incrementado com saltos determinísticos. Empiricamente foi demonstrado que um modelo de volatilidade estocástica pode ser bem ajustado ao mercado de commodities, e o processo de jump-diffusion pode representar bem os saltos que o mercado apresenta durante a divulgação dos relatórios. As opções de commodities agrícolas que são negociadas em bolsa são do tipo americanas, então alguns métodos disponíveis poderiam ser utilizados para precificar opções seguindo a dinâmica do modelo proposto. Dado que o modelo escolhido é um modelo multi-fatores, então o método apropriado para a precificação é o proposto por Longstaff e Schwartz (2001) chamado de Monte Carlo por mínimos quadrados (LSM). As opções precificadas pelo modelo são utilizadas em uma estratégia de hedge de uma posição física de milho e de soja, e a eficiência dessa estratégia é comparada com estratégias utilizando-se instrumentos disponíveis no mercado.


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This thesis presents general methods in non-Gaussian analysis in infinite dimensional spaces. As main applications we study Poisson and compound Poisson spaces. Given a probability measure μ on a co-nuclear space, we develop an abstract theory based on the generalized Appell systems which are bi-orthogonal. We study its properties as well as the generated Gelfand triples. As an example we consider the important case of Poisson measures. The product and Wick calculus are developed on this context. We provide formulas for the change of the generalized Appell system under a transformation of the measure. The L² structure for the Poisson measure, compound Poisson and Gamma measures are elaborated. We exhibit the chaos decomposition using the Fock isomorphism. We obtain the representation of the creation, annihilation operators. We construct two types of differential geometry on the configuration space over a differentiable manifold. These two geometries are related through the Dirichlet forms for Poisson measures as well as for its perturbations. Finally, we construct the internal geometry on the compound configurations space. In particular, the intrinsic gradient, the divergence and the Laplace-Beltrami operator. As a result, we may define the Dirichlet forms which are associated to a diffusion process. Consequently, we obtain the representation of the Lie algebra of vector fields with compact support. All these results extends directly for the marked Poisson spaces.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We investigate several diffusion equations which extend the usual one by considering the presence of nonlinear terms or a memory effect on the diffusive term. We also considered a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. For these equations we have obtained a new classes of solutions and studied the connection of them with the anomalous diffusion process. We start by considering a nonlinear diffusion equation with a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. The solutions obtained for this case generalize the usual one and can be expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions present in the generalized thermostatistics context (Tsallis formalism). After, a nonlinear external force is considered. For this case the solutions can be also expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions. However, by a suitable choice of the nonlinear external force, we may have an exponential behavior, suggesting a connection with standard thermostatistics. This fact reveals that these solutions may present an anomalous relaxation process and then, reach an equilibrium state of the kind Boltzmann- Gibbs. Next, we investigate a nonmarkovian linear diffusion equation that presents a kernel leading to the anomalous diffusive process. Particularly, our first choice leads to both a the usual behavior and anomalous behavior obtained through a fractionalderivative equation. The results obtained, within this context, correspond to a change in the waiting-time distribution for jumps in the formalism of random walks. These modifications had direct influence in the solutions, that turned out to be expressed in terms of the Mittag-Leffler or H of Fox functions. In this way, the second moment associated to these distributions led to an anomalous spread of the distribution, in contrast to the usual situation where one finds a linear increase with time


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The degradation behaviour of SnO(2)-based varistors (SCNCr) due to current pulses (8/20 mu s) is reported here for the first time in comparison with the ZnO-based commercial varistors (ZnO). Puncturing and/or cracking failures were observed in ZnO-based varistors possessing inferior thermo-mechanical properties in comparison with that found in a SCNCr system free of failures. Both systems presented electric degradation related to the increase in the leakage current and decrease in the electric breakdown field, non-linear coefficient and average value of the potential barrier height. However, it was found that a more severe degradation occurred in the ZnO-based varistors concerning their non-ohmic behaviour, while in the SCNCr system, a strong non-ohmic behaviour remained after the degradation. These results indicate that the degradation in the metal oxide varistors is controlled by a defect diffusion process whose rate depends on the mobility, the concentration of meta-stable defects and the amount of electrically active interfaces. The improved behaviour of the SCNCr system is then inferred to be associated with the higher amount of electrically active interfaces (85%) and to a higher energy necessary to activate the diffusion of the specific defects.