304 resultados para Dictyostelium Orthologs


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We have investigated the role of myosin in cytokinesis in Dictyostelium cells by examining cells under both adhesive and nonadhesive conditions. On an adhesive surface, both wild-type and myosin-null cells undergo the normal processes of mitotic rounding, cell elongation, polar ruffling, furrow ingression, and separation of daughter cells. When cells are denied adhesion through culturing in suspension or on a hydrophobic surface, wild-type cells undergo these same processes. However, cells lacking myosin round up and polar ruffle, but fail to elongate, furrow, or divide. These differences show that cell division can be driven by two mechanisms that we term Cytokinesis A, which requires myosin, and Cytokinesis B, which is cell adhesion dependent. We have used these approaches to examine cells expressing a myosin whose two light chain-binding sites were deleted (ΔBLCBS-myosin). Although this myosin is a slower motor than wild-type myosin and has constitutively high activity due to the abolition of regulation by light-chain phosphorylation, cells expressing ΔBLCBS-myosin were previously shown to divide in suspension (Uyeda et al., 1996). However, we suspected their behavior during cytokinesis to be different from wild-type cells given the large alteration in their myosin. Surprisingly, ΔBLCBS-myosin undergoes relatively normal spatial and temporal changes in localization during mitosis. Furthermore, the rate of furrow progression in cells expressing a ΔBLCBS-myosin is similar to that in wild-type cells.


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We have developed a fluorimetric assay with the use of the dye FM1-43 to determine the rate at which Dictyostelium amoebae endocytose their surface membrane. Our results show that they do so about once each 4–10 min. A clathrin null mutant takes its surface up only ∼30% more slowly, showing that this membrane uptake cannot be caused by clathrin-coated vesicles. Surprisingly, Ax2 and its parent, NC4, which differ in their rates of fluid-phase internalization by ∼60-fold, take up their surfaces at the same rates. These results show that, in axenic cells, the uptake of fluid and of surface area are separate processes. The large activity of this new endocytic cycle in both Ax2 and NC4 amoebae appears capable of delivering sufficient new surface area to advance the cells’ fronts during migration.


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The Drosophila apterous (ap) gene encodes a protein of the LIM-homeodomain family. Many transcription factors of this class have been conserved during evolution; however, the functional significance of their structural conservation is generally not known. ap is best known for its fundamental role as a dorsal selector gene required for patterning and growth of the wing, but it also has other important functions required for neuronal fasciculation, fertility, and normal viability. We isolated mouse (mLhx2) and human (hLhx2) ap orthologs, and we used transgenic animals and rescue assays to investigate the conservation of the Ap protein during evolution. We found that the human protein LHX2 is able to regulate correctly ap target genes in the fly, causes the same phenotypes as Ap when ectopically produced, and most importantly rescues ap mutant phenotypes as efficiently as the fly protein. In addition, we found striking similarities in the expression patterns of the Drosophila and murine genes. Both mLhx2 and ap are expressed in the respective nerve cords, eyes, olfactory organs, brain, and limbs. These results demonstrate the conservation of Ap protein function across phyla and argue that aspects of its expression pattern have also been conserved from a common ancestor of insects and vertebrates.


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The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a widely used model system for studying a variety of basic processes in development, including cell–cell signaling, signal transduction, pattern formation, cell motility, and the movement of tissue-like aggregates of cells. Many aspects of cell motion are poorly understood, including how individual cell behavior produces the collective motion of cells observed within the mound and slug. Herein, we describe a biologically realistic model for motile D. discoideum cells that can generate active forces, that interact via surface molecules, and that can detect and respond to chemotactic signals. We model the cells as deformable viscoelastic ellipsoids and incorporate signal transduction and cell–cell signaling by using a previously developed model. The shape constraint restricts the admissible deformations but makes the simulation of a large number of interacting cells feasible. Because the model is based on known processes, the parameters can be estimated or measured experimentally. We show that this model can reproduce the observations on the chemotactic behavior of single cells, streaming during aggregation, and the collective motion of an aggregate of cells driven by a small group of pacemakers. The model predicts that the motion of two-dimensional slugs [Bonner, J. T. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 9355–9359] results from the same behaviors that are exhibited by individual cells; it is not necessary to invoke different mechanisms or behaviors. Our computational experiments also suggest previously uncharacterized phenomena that may be experimentally observable.


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Starving Dictyostelium amoebae emit pulses of the chemoattractant cAMP that are relayed from cell to cell as circular and spiral waves. We have recently modeled spiral wave formation in Dictyostelium. Our model suggests that a secreted protein inhibitor of an extracellular cAMP phosphodiesterase selects for spirals. Herein we test the essential features of this prediction by comparing wave propagation in wild type and inhibitor mutants. We find that mutants rarely form spirals. The territory size of mutant strains is approximately 50 times smaller than wild type, and the mature fruiting bodies are smaller but otherwise normal. These results identify a mechanism for selecting one wave symmetry over another in an excitable system and suggest that the phosphodiesterase inhibitor may be under selection because it helps regulate territory size.


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We report here the development of a regulated gene expression system for Dictyostelium discoideum based on the DNA-damage inducibility of the rnrB gene. rnrB, which codes for the small subunit of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase, responds to DNA-damaging agents at all stages of the D.discoideum life cycle. Doses that have little effect on development have previously been shown to increase the level of the rnrB transcript by up to 15-fold. Here we show that all elements necessary for DNA-damage induction are contained in a 450 bp promoter fragment. We used a fusion of the rnrB promoter with the gene encoding GFP to demonstrate an up to 10-fold induction at the RNA level, which appears in all aspects similar to induction of the endogenous rnrB transcript. Using a fusion with the lacZ gene we observed an up to 7-fold induction at the protein level. These results indicate that the rnrB promoter can be used to regulate the expression of specific genes in D.discoideum. This controllable gene expression system provides the following new characteristics: the induction is rapid, taking place in the order of minutes, and the promoter is responsive at all stages of the D.discoideum life cycle.


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Taking advantage of the ongoing Dictyostelium genome sequencing project, we have assembled >73 kb of genomic DNA in 15 contigs harbouring 15 genes and one pseudogene of Rho-related proteins. Comparison with EST sequences revealed that every gene is interrupted by at least one and up to four introns. For racC extensive alternative splicing was identified. Northern blot analysis showed that mRNAs for racA, racE, racG, racH and racI were present at all stages of development, whereas racJ and racL were expressed only at late stages. Amino acid sequences have been analysed in the context of Rho-related proteins of other organisms. Rac1a/1b/1c, RacF1/F2 and to a lesser extent RacB and the GTPase domain of RacA can be grouped in the Rac subfamily. None of the additional Dictyostelium Rho-related proteins belongs to any of the well-defined subfamilies, like Rac, Cdc42 or Rho. RacD and RacA are unique in that they lack the prenylation motif characteristic of Rho proteins. RacD possesses a 50 residue C-terminal extension and RacA a 400 residue C-terminal extension that contains a proline-rich region, two BTB domains and a novel C-terminal domain. We have also identified homologues for RacA in Drosophila and mammals, thus defining a new subfamily of Rho proteins, RhoBTB.


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p300 and CBP participate as transcriptional coregulators in the execution of a wide spectrum of cellular gene expression programs controlling cell differentiation, growth and homeostasis. Both proteins act together with sequence-specific transcription factors to modify chromatin structure of target genes via their intrinsic acetyltransferase activity directed towards core histones and some transcription factors. So far, p300-related proteins have been described in animals ranging from Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. In this report, we describe p300/CBP-like polypeptides in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Interestingly, homology between animal and plant p300/CBP is largely restricted to a C-terminal segment, about 600 amino acids in length, which encompasses acetyltransferase and E1A-binding domains. We have examined whether this conservation in sequence is paralleled by a conservation in function. The same amino acid residues critical for acetyltransferase activity in human p300 are also critical for the function of one of the plant orthologs. Remarkably, plant proteins bind to the adenovirus E1A protein in a manner recapitulating the binding specificity of mammalian p300/CBP. The striking conservation of an extended segment of p300/CBP suggests that it may constitute a functional entity fulfilling functions that may be essential for all metazoan organisms.


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When individual amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are starving, they aggregate to form a multicellular migrating slug, which moves toward a region suitable for culmination. The culmination of the morphogenesis involves complex cell movements that transform a mound of cells into a globule of spores on a slender stalk. The movement has been likened to a “reverse fountain,” whereby prestalk cells in the upper part form a stalk that moves downwards and anchors to the substratum, while prespore cells in the lower part move upwards to form the spore head. So far, however, no satisfactory explanation has been produced for this process. Using a computer simulation that we developed, we now demonstrate that the processes that are essential during the earlier stages of the morphogenesis are in fact sufficient to produce the dynamics of the culmination stage. These processes are cAMP signaling, differential adhesion, cell differentiation, and production of extracellular matrix. Our model clarifies the processes that generate the observed cell movements. More specifically, we show that periodic upward movements, caused by chemotactic motion, are essential for successful culmination, because the pressure waves they induce squeeze the stalk downwards through the cell mass. The mechanisms revealed by our model have a number of self-organizing and self-correcting properties and can account for many previously unconnected and unexplained experimental observations.


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We have created a strain of Dictyostelium that is deficient for the Ca2+/calmodulin-independent MLCK-A. This strain undergoes cytokinesis less efficiently than wild type, which results in an increased frequency of multinucleate cells when grown in suspension. The MLCK-A-cells are able, however, to undergo development and to cap crosslinked surface receptors, processes that require myosin heavy chain. Phosphorylated regulatory light chain (RLC) is still present in MLCK-A-cells, indicating that Dictyostelium has one or more additional protein kinases capable of phosphorylating RLC. Concanavalin A treatment was found to induce phosphorylation of essentially all of the RLC in wild-type cells, but RLC phosphorylation levels in MLCK-A-cells are unaffected by concanavalin A. Thus MLCK-A is regulated separately from the other MLCK(s) in the cell.


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The aggregation stage of the life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum is governed by the chemotactic response of individual amoebae to excitable waves of cAMP. We modeled this process through a recently introduced hybrid automata-continuum scheme and used computer simulation to unravel the role of specific components of this complex developmental process. Our results indicated an essential role for positive feedback between the cAMP signaling and the expression of the genes encoding the signal transduction and response machinery.


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High resolution gene maps of the six chromosomes of Dictyostelium discoideum have been generated by a combination of physical mapping techniques. A set of yeast artificial chromosome clones has been ordered into overlapping arrays that cover >98% of the 34-magabase pair genome. Clones were grouped and ordered according to the genes they carried, as determined by hybridization analyses with DNA fragments from several hundred genes. Congruence of the gene order within each arrangement of clones with the gene order determined from whole genome restriction site mapping indicates that a high degree of confidence can be placed on the clone map. This clone-based description of the Dictyostelium chromosomes should be useful for the physical mapping and subcloning of new genes and should facilitate more detailed analyses of this genome. cost of silicon-based construction and in the efficient sample handling afforded by component integration.


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We have developed a mutagenesis technique that uses antisense cDNA to identify genes required for development in Dictyostelium discoideum. We transformed Dictyostelium cells with a cDNA library made from the mRNA of vegetative and developing cells. The cDNA was cloned in an antisense orientation immediately downstream of a vegetative promoter, so that in transformed cells the promoter will drive the synthesis of an antisense RNA transcript. We find that individual transformants typically contain one or occasionally two antisense cDNAs. Using this mutagenesis technique, we have generated mutants that fail to aggregate, aggregate but fail to form fruiting bodies, or aggregate but form abnormal fruiting bodies. The individual cDNA molecules from the mutants were identified and cloned using PCR. Initial sequence analysis of the PCR products from 35 mutants has identified six novel Dictyostelium genes, each from a transformant with one antisense cDNA. When the PCR-isolated antisense cDNAs were ligated into the antisense vector and the resulting constructs transformed into cells, the phenotypes of the transformed cells matched those of the original mutants from which each cDNA was obtained. We made homologous recombinant gene disruption transformants for three of the novel genes, in each case generating mutants with phenotypes indistinguishable from those of the original antisense transformants. Shotgun antisense thus is a rapid way to identify genes in Dictyostelium and possibly other organisms.


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Randomly distributed Dictyostelium discoideum cells form cooperative territories by signaling to each other with cAMP. Cells initiate the process by sending out pulsatile signals, which propagate as waves. With time, circular and spiral patterns form. We show that by adding spatial and temporal noise to the levels of an important regulator of external cAMP levels, the cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor, we can explain the natural progression of the system from randomly firing cells to circular waves whose symmetries break to form double- and single- or multi-armed spirals. When phosphodiesterase inhibitor is increased with time, mimicking experimental data, the wavelength of the spirals shortens, and a proportion of them evolve into pairs of connected spirals. We compare these results to recent experiments, finding that the temporal and spatial correspondence between experiment and model is very close.