431 resultados para Dialectic.
Au cours des trois dernières décennies, le travail quotidien des cadres gestionnaires infirmiers de premier niveau (CGIPN) a subi de profondes transformations quant aux rôles qu’ils occupent et aux responsabilités qui leur incombent dans les divers établissements de santé. Ces CGIPN vivent et subissent de la pression au regard de leur charge de travail, faisant en sorte qu’ils perçoivent avoir peu de temps pour réaliser adéquatement leur travail en gestion, et que plusieurs infirmières de la relève qui souhaitent faire carrière en gestion se questionnent sur la possibilité d’œuvrer dans ce domaine de la pratique. Peu d’études portent sur l’état de la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) chez ces professionnels. Divisé en trois volets, le projet de recherche mixte séquentielle exploratoire a pour objectif général d’explorer la QVT chez les CGIPN et les facteurs qui l’influencent dans les divers établissements de santé québécois. Les objectifs spécifiques visent à : 1) décrire et comprendre ce que signifie la QVT auprès des 14 CGIPN œuvrant en Centre hospitalier affilié (CHA) à l’Université, 2) décrire et comprendre ce que signifie l’absence d’une QVT auprès des CGIPN en CHA, 3) développer et valider un nouvel instrument de mesure des facteurs favorables et défavorables pouvant influer sur la QVT à partir des données qualitatives auprès de CGIPN (n= 11) œuvrant en Centre de santé et des services sociaux et de CGIPN (n= 11) en Centre hospitalier universitaire, 4) identifier et mesurer les facteurs qui influencent la QVT des CGIPN (n= 291) travaillant dans divers établissements publics de santé et 5) déterminer si les caractéristiques sociodémographiques influencent le choix des facteurs de la QVT. Inspiré de la philosophie du Human caring de Watson comme perspective disciplinaire, le premier volet qualitatif fait appel à une méthode phénoménologique descriptive husserlienne. Pour ce faire, deux séries d’entretiens semi-dirigés à l’aide d’un guide d’entrevue visent à répondre aux deux premiers objectifs. Le second volet cible l’élaboration et la validation d’un instrument de mesure permettant de répondre au troisième objectif de la recherche et le dernier volet, de type quantitatif corrélationnel, s’applique à répondre aux deux derniers objectifs. Dans la première phase, l’analyse visuelle des données qualitatives (verbatim) permet l’émergence des résultats qualitatifs, soit de cinq eidos-thèmes favorables exprimés par les participants et décrits par ordre d’importance : 1) l’actualisation du leadership et des habiletés politiques pour l’amélioration de la qualité des soins infirmiers, 2) les éléments contextuels propices à l’humanisation organisationnelle, 3) le soutien organisationnel favorisant l’épanouissement socioprofessionnel et personnel, 4) l’organisation apprenante favorisant le développement des compétences en gestion des soins infirmiers et 5) l’accompagnement personnalisé répondant aux besoins spécifiques des novices en gestion des soins infirmiers. L’essence de la QVT pour les CGIPN se définit par l’émancipation socioprofessionnelle du cadre gestionnaire infirmier de premier niveau dans sa pratique clinico-administrative au sein d’une organisation humaniste. De plus, trois eidos-thèmes défavorables se dégagent des analyses qualitatives. Les résultats, décrits par ordre d’importance, sont : 1) la déshumanisation organisationnelle, 2) les conditions défavorables à la pratique en gestion des soins infirmiers et 3) l’accompagnement insuffisant des gestionnaires infirmiers novices. L’essence de l’absence d’une QVT pour les CGIPN se présente comme la dysharmonie au travail du cadre gestionnaire infirmier de premier niveau à l’intérieur d’une structure organisationnelle déshumanisante mettant en péril sa pratique clinico-administrative. Par la suite, une mise en relation des deux essences du phénomène a permis de faire émerger la signification universelle de l’expérience de la QVT et l’absence de celle-ci pour des CGIPN œuvrant en CHA comme étant : une dialectique en administration des services infirmiers dans laquelle se vit des pratiques humanisantes permettant l’atteinte d’un idéal de QVT, en coexistence avec des pratiques déshumanisantes conduisant à l’absence de QVT. Afin de respecter les postulats des méthodes quantitatives, les huit eidos-thèmes qui émergent de la première phase qualitative se transforment en facteurs favorables (FF) et défavorables (FD) à la QVT pour la réalisation des deuxième et troisième phases de la recherche. Dans la seconde phase, le construit théorique qui provient des huit eidos-thèmes et 23 thèmes permet de développer un nouvel instrument de mesure qui s’avère unique à cette population à l’étude. L’analyse psychométrique de l’instrument de mesure (questionnaire auto-administré en mode électronique) permet l’obtention d’un score global du coefficient alpha de Cronbach (α) de 0,93, ce qui est jugé excellent. Dans la troisième et dernière phase, les analyses statistiques des données (logiciel SPSS, version 22 pour Windows 7, 2013) issues de l’enquête quantitative provinciale en ligne (Web) mettent en évidence des résultats probants. Les résultats du questionnaire en ligne avec une échelle ordinale à cinq niveaux révèlent un score global du coefficient alpha de Cronbach à 0,95. De plus, les résultats quantitatifs suggèrent que les facteurs favorables (FF) à la QVT ont des scores moyens de 3,99 (FF1), 3,97 (FF2), 3,96 (FF3), 3,72 (FF4) et 3,53 (FF5) et les trois facteurs défavorables (FD) à la QVT ont des scores moyens de 3,91(FD1), 3,78 (FD2) et 3,56 (FD3). Ces facteurs correspondent aux eidos-thèmes favorables et défavorables de la QVT du volet qualitatif phénoménologique. Les résultats quantitatifs révèlent quelques relations significatives des caractéristiques sociodémographiques (âge et années d’expérience) sur le choix des facteurs qui influencent le plus fortement la QVT. En conclusion, le fait de pouvoir mieux décrire et comprendre la signification de la QVT ainsi que son absence et de pouvoir identifier les facteurs qui sont les plus susceptibles de l’influencer permet de formuler des recommandations pour les quatre domaines de la pratique infirmière. Des pistes d’avenues sont formulées pour maintenir la relève infirmière à des postes de CGIPN au sein des organisations de santé en lui assurant des moyens pour optimiser humainement sa QVT.
Im Dezember 1997 veröffentlichte die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung den als Rechtsgutachten abgefassten Beitrag des Heidelberger Juristen Friedrich-Christian Schoeder (Schroeder 1997). Die Frage, die Autor und Zeitung eher spielerisch als aus konkretem Anlass umtrieb, galt dem rechtlichen Status eines Menschen, dessen Kopf auf den Körper eines anderen Menschen transplantiert wurde. Medizinisch waren und sind solche Eingriffe noch nicht durchführbar, aber immerhin schienen sie für den Autor und die Zeitung eine Aktualität zu besitzen. Auch bei folgenden Auseinandersetzungen, die in den Medien um die Konsequenzen der medizinisch-technischen Entwicklung geführt wurden, geraten Bewusstsein, Subjektivität und Körper zum statischem Abbild des Gegenwärtigen, sie werden nicht als Substrat historischer Prozesse begriffen. Ohne den Begriff der Vergangenheit plaudern sich eine Vielzahl Autoren durch die Zukunft. In dieser muss auch der auf einen fremden Körper übertragene Kopf als Rechtssubjekt verwaltet werden. Aber wie verändert sich der Mensch, durch eine medizinische Maßnahme vervollständigt, die dauerhaft seine Körpergrenze verschiebt? Die Transplantationsmedizin ist bei der Auseinandersetzung um Subjektivität nicht nur dann von besonderem Interesse, wenn ein Kopf auf, sondern auch, wenn ein gespendetes Organ in einen fremden Körper verpflanzt wird. Die Trennung von Fremd und Eigen, Außen und Innen ist eng mit dem Zivilisationsprozess und der Subjektwerdung verbunden. Was körperlich durch medizinische Maßnahmen verschoben wird, die Grenze zwischen Außen und Innen, ist die Bedingung der Möglichkeit von Subjektivität. Der Titel dieser Arbeit, Der Prothesengott, verweist auf die individuellen und zivilisatorischen Leistungen, die vollbracht werden mussten, um mit Fug und Recht „Ich“ sagen zu können. Der Begriff Prothesengott ist der Freudschen Schrift Das Unbehagen in der Kultur entnommen. Freud schreibt dort vom Ideal des Prothesengottes und das erste Kapitel der hier vorgelegten Arbeit ist der Entfaltung dieses Ideals gewidmet. Dieses Begriffspaar hat mehr Bedeutungsnuancen, als Freud an Ort und Stelle entwickelte. Es umfasst die Bedeutung von Mythos und Gott als Prothesen, als Ideale, die den Menschen vervollständigten. Aber auch die Bedeutung von Theorien, Ideen, schlicht Idealen als Prothesen Gottes ist angesprochen, und damit der Versuch, den Verlust Gottes auszugleichen. Und zu guter Letzt benennt es das Ideal eines Gottes durch Prothesen, die Apotheose, wie Freud sie meinte: Als Vergötzung der Prothesen, mit denen der Mensch sich vervollständigt, um sich nach dem Tod Gottes selber ein Versprechen auf Erlösung sein zu können. Mit dieser Entfaltung soll die Zivilisation wie die individuelle Entwicklung als ein Prozess rekonstruiert werden, in dem Subjektivität gleichzeitig hervorgebracht und beschädigt wird. Diese Dialektik von Zivilisation und Barbarisierung findet ihren vorläufigen Höhepunkt im Fortschreiten der technischen Mittel unserer Zeit. Zur empirischen Fassung der historisch vorfindlichen Subjektivität wurden Patienten der Transplantationseinheit der Universität Leipzig gebeten, in den ersten drei Monaten nach der Operation Tagebücher auszufüllen. Diese Tagebücher wurden mit statistischen und hermeneutischen Methoden ausgewertet. Die Transplantationserfahrung offenbart sich in den Tagebüchern zwar als besondere, aber in eine Vielzahl von Techniken der Körpergestaltung eingebettete Maßnahme. Neben einer kritischen Würdigung des methodischen Vorgehens wird im fünften Kapitel die Transplantationserfahrung in den Kontext anderer Forschungsergebnisse zur Gestaltung des Körpers gestellt. Deren kritische Diskussion und die Transplantationserfahrungen bieten einen Ausblick darauf, was Eingedenken der Natur im Subjekt heute bedeuten kann.
En este texto se presenta y se discute el concepto de identidad narrativa y el testimonio concretamente a través de la filosofía del francés Paul Ricoeur y del Italiano Primo Levi. Comienzo por plantear el problema del cogito y la respuesta de Ricoeur con el concepto de atestación bosquejando la pregunta sobre el quién, que habla, narra o lee. Se Continúa con la dialéctica entre el idem y el ipse como dos formas de explicar la identidad. Esto lleva a trazar la identidad narrativa y las preguntas sobre ¿Quién narra? y ¿Quién lee? Así se va dilucidando mediante el texto de Levi la idea de catarsis o de evaluación tanto para el narrador como para el lector que en su texto o lectura, respectivamente, buscan un sentido para el acontecimiento. Al final y como síntesis entre el testimonio y la identidad narrativa se subraya la pregunta sobre ¿Quién es responsable? introduciendo el carácter ético de la identidad narrativa.
La Teoría de la Acción Humana desarrollada por Antanas Mockus, parte del principio de que la acción humana es multimotivada y multiregulada. Entre las multiples regulaciones se encuentran los Sistemas de Regulación Social Ley, Moral y Cultura quienes en cierta medida explican el accionar y la interacción social. No obstante dado que la sociedad contemporánea se caracteriza por ubicarse en un contexto intercultural de contactos y fricciones permanentes, entre distintas perspectivas culturales en distintos grados de hibridación, el divorcio entre los sistemas regulatorios parece inevitable. Entendiendo al Espacio Público habermasiano ya no reservado únicamente a los actores institucionales, sino a la sociedad civil y los medios masivos. Es en este nuevo espacio deliberativo donde el Anfibio Cultural se desenvuelve a fin de resolver la problemática del divorcio entre los sistemas regulatorios. El anfibio valiéndose de sus herramientas camaleónicas y traductoras buscará por vías dialógicas la reducción así sea parcial, a mínimos aceptables de discusión e interrelación cultural. La imagen articulada a un mecanismo cultural por un lado reconstruye realidades pero por el otro alimenta el ciclo de producción y aceptación de imaginarios colectivos. De esta manera la presente investigación propone evidenciar los conceptos de Mockus en el desarrollo de una producción audiovisual, así como también realiza un aporte conceptual a la teoría al incluir la Dialéctica del Reconocimiento como una herramienta eficaz a la hora de buscar generar acuerdos. La presente investigación propone evidenciar cómo a partir del análisis de una producción audiovisual se promueven valores, cultural, ideas y costumbres que incentivan tanto el divorcio como la armonización entre los sistemas regulatorios.
Diante das incertezas que perpassam o crescente envelhecimento das populações ressalta o papel das Instituições de Solidariedade Social e das respostas sociais na protecção às pessoas idosas e no apoio às famílias, para conquista do bem-estar individual e colectivo. Com este estudo pretendeu-se determinar de que forma os serviços disponibilizados pela resposta social em Centro de Dia promovem a autonomia e o envelhecimento activo dos clientes. A autonomia está presente em todo o curso de vida da infância até a velhice numa dialéctica entre a condição de dependência e independência. Mas principalmente pela necessidade da autodeterminação que converge com a afirmação dos Direitos Humanos, subsidiário de um envelhecimento activo e digno. Deste modo a investigação decorreu sob o referencial teórico do envelhecimento activo da autonomia e das respostas sociais. Como metodologia de análise foi utilizada uma abordagem que aliou o qualitativo e quantitativo (plural mix). A investigação decorreu na resposta social em Centro de Dia da Associação dos Idosos e Deficientes do Penedo (AIDP). Para a recolha de dados optámos por instrumentos de inquirição directa aos técnicos responsáveis e aos clientes. No caso dos primeiros foram aplicadas duas entrevistas semi-directivas e no segundo um questionário semi-estruturado individual. Os resultados elucidam o papel que a resposta social em Centro de Dia assume na promoção da autonomia, nomeadamente, na representação de oportunidades para o envelhecimento activo dos clientes e a percepção destes acerca dos resultados no seu quotidiano.
‘Escola, Família e Educação da Sexualidade’ fundamenta historicamente o processo de desenvolvimento da sexualidade na sociedade humana em Freud, Foucault e outros, como suporte teórico para abordar a necessidade de buscar a formação da criança na parceria escola e família, amparados pela lei nº 9.394/96, das Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Brasileira e Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais em seus Temas Transversais. Visa compreender a complexidade da temática em uma unidade escolar por meio da pesquisa ação, na identificação, descrição e análise da prática educativa reflexiva. Utiliza a abordagem qualitativa e visão dialética, o que pressupõe o processo histórico da sociedade e dos sujeitos. Indaga os professores do Ensino Fundamental I do município de Cotia - SP sobre a relação escola e família, constituída em parceria, de forma a favorecer a orientação educativa da sexualidade. Destacam no contexto do Projeto Político Pedagógico escolar, os desafios e perspectivas dessa relação, a concepção dos docentes sobre essa questão e o desenvolvimento integral do aluno. Conclui que escola e família revelam dificuldades em abordar o tema com as crianças e reconhecem a necessidade da parceria entre elas. As análises contribuem para o Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, possibilitam a caracterização da relação escola e família e indicam a necessidade de revisão de posturas e valores, reforçados na proposta de orientação educativa da sexualidade, produto deste estudo de caso e desenvolvida pela pesquisadora em horário de trabalho pedagógico coletivo, durante a pesquisa ação. Este estudo motivou a construção do conhecimento indicando novas pesquisas e aprofundamento.
Vivemos uma época de empolgante dialética entre o público e o privado. Para alguns, são conceitos basicamente e ontologicmente antagónicos, que (quase sempre) forçosamente se excluem, ou só de má vontade convivem um com o outro. Por outros tantos o público está a ganhar terreno excessivo à autonomia privada, numa era de «big brother» vivenciado, que não teríamos querido nem imaginado possível. Mas em contraste, há quem peça a convocação do Estado, para áreas das quais, neste nosso mundo ocidental, havia sido proscrito. A banca será o melhor exemplo, mas está longe de ser o único. A harmonia entre os públicos (o bem público, o serviço público, o interesse público) e os privados (com a sua iniciativa, criatividade, visão e ambição) devem coexistir numa harmonia que se quer perfeita. A segurança privada demonstra que isso é não só possível, como é desejável e essencial. Assim, cada um cumpra o seu papel.
The emergence of social action amid governance is relatively new, but has been cases and situations even in earlier centuries than the 20th century. The presence, however, of a permanent social action in the State as a regular form of action public institutions, further established in republican constitutions in Latin America, is a significant novelty in the exercise of public administration. This research deals with the analysis of this reality, still incipient, and the implications of the permanent presence of the society in the state function. A reference framework for treating relationship between society and State involvement in a deep dimension is no stranger to the analysis of ideologies, agencies, interests and policy management dimension. This study analyzes the current situation of this participation in the State, in the case of Ecuador, with some references with other countries in the region. The study concludes that this participation is still incipient, amid a complex dialectic of stakeholders. Finally research makes some proposals to operationalize such participation and make it real, deep and continuous.
Project managers in the construction industry increasingly seek to learn from other industrial sectors. Knowledge sharing between different contexts is thus viewed as an essential source of competitive advantage. It is important therefore for project managers from all sectors to address and develop appropriate methods of knowledge sharing. However, too often it is assumed that knowledge freely exists and can be captured and shared between contexts. Such assumptions belie complexities and problems awaiting the unsuspecting knowledge-sharing protagonist. Knowledge per se is a problematic esoteric concept that does not lend itself easily to codification. Specifically tacit knowledge possessed by individuals, presents particular methodological issues for those considering harnessing its utility in return for competitive advantage. The notion that knowledge is also embedded in specific social contexts compounds this complexity. It is argued that knowledge is highly individualistic and concomitant with the various surrounding contexts within which it is shaped and enacted. Indeed, these contexts are also shaped as a consequence of knowledge adding further complexity to the problem domain. Current methods of knowledge capture, transfer and, sharing fall short of addressing these problematic issues. Research is presented that addresses these problems and proposes an alternative method of knowledge sharing. Drawing on data and observations collected from its application, the findings clearly demonstrate the crucial role of re-contextualisation, social interaction and dialectic debate in understanding knowledge sharing.
Modern Lovers was a survey show of contemporary art practices in dialogue with modernism, bringing together established and emerging artists based in London and international artists from Berlin, Jerusalem and Zagreb. The show features video, film, installation, sculpture, music and performance work that addresses the legacy of the avant garde and the survival of its aesthetics within contemporary culture. In 1976, as punk rock was busy smashing the cultural rubble left behind by the second world war and rejecting the consumer society that had emerged from the ruins, one band bravely announced that it wanted no part in this destruction. Jonathan Richman's Modern Lovers sang about how they still loved the old world. Neither parents nor girlfriends could understand, but the decaying inner city with its false promises of progress still held a fascination for Richman, who claimed he wanted to keep his place in this arcane landscape. Punk's assault on culture was the logical conclusion of modernism's linear narrative of art as a force of innovation that must reject preceding artistic movements to establish new ones. Echoing the negations of Dada, it set out to put an end to this narrative, an end to culture. It is partly because of this inherently destructive and totalising side of Modernism that it has come under harsh critique in the post modern era. Nevertheless, we are still caught up in the same dialectic of progress, revolution and destruction. Post modernism has failed to unseat our desire for the revolutionary moment, even as it has been co-opted to the degree of meaninglessness by the discourses of marketing and Capitalism. But, like Jonathan Richman, the artists in the exhibition "Modern Lovers" keep returning to modernism for something else. Instead of taking it at its word when it proffers revolution, they turn to it in search of reform. Still loving the old world and desiring a dialogue with the past, perhaps as an antidote to the eternal present of Capitalism, they are willing to engage with its aesthetics and ideas on equal ground. Leaving behind the ironic deconstructions of post modernism, they find perspectives worth salvaging and juxtapose them with contemporary visual productions. Trading in the grand narratives of modernity for a more personal approach, they don't seek the purity of form that drove the avant garde movements that inspire them but rather revel in adulteration, dilution and contamination of the past by the present". A live performance by sala-manca was sponsored by the British Council and took place May 26th, 19:00. MODERN LOVERS was accompanied by a catalogue (14.80 cm x 14.80 cm) including essays by Avi Pitchon, the sala-manca group and the curators. A discussion panel about the exhibition themes, as well as the catalogue launch,took place at Goldsmiths College's cinema on the 27th of May at 14:00, chaired by Dr. Suhail Malik (Senior Lecturer & Course Leader Postgraduate Fine Art Critical Studies at Goldsmiths College) and with the participation of Tom Morton (curator, Cubitt Gallery, and regular contributor to Frieze magazine), sala-manca (artist group), Dr. Amanda Beech (artist, curator and senior lecturer at the Wimbledon School of Art), Matthew Poole (course director of MA Gallery Studies, dept. of Art History and Theory at the University of Essex).
This article examines how conventional studio production strategies were active in the construction of political meaning in the 1974 television play 'Absolute Beginners' written by Trevor Griffiths. Produced for the BBC anthology series Fall of Eagles, the play dramatises Lenin's involvement with the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP) and explores the contradictions between personal ethics and political necessity. Through close textual analysis and contextual discussion of other plays in the series, this piece demonstrates how shot patterns and spatial and performative devices in 'Absolute Beginners' supported the drama's socialist-humanist themes. Drawing on existing writing about the studio mode, it argues that the qualities of intimacy and presentational distance that it engendered were highly appropriate for the personal and the political dialectic in 'Absolute Beginners'. While using authorship as a convenient category for referring to the coherence of Griffiths' thematic concerns and dramatic structure during this period, the article complicates notions of the television dramatist as author by arguing for the importance of visual style and showing how 'ordinary' studio form was operational in the play's political meanings.
This article discusses the aesthetic and spatial representational strategies of the popular studio-based musical television drama serials Rock Follies and Rock Follies of ’77. It analyses how the texts’ themes relating to women and the entertainment industry are mediated through their postmodern ironic mode and representation of fantastic spaces. Rock Follies’ distinctive stylised aesthetic and mode of caricature are analysed with reference to the visual intentions and ‘voice’ of the writer, Howard Schuman. Through considering the programmes’ various spatial strategies, the article draws attention to the importance of visual and performance style in their postmodern discourse on culture, fantasy, gender and subjectivity. Analysis of the spaces of musical performance, characters’ domestic environments and simulated entertainment spaces reveals how a dialectic is established between the escapist imaginative pleasures of fantasy and the manipulative and exploitative practices of the culture industry. The shift from the optimism of the first series, when the LittleLadies first form, to the darker mood of the second series, in which they are increasingly divided by industry pressures, is traced through changes in the aesthetics of space and characterisation. As a space of artifice, performance and electronic visual manipulation that facilitates the texts’ reflexive representation of culture and feminised fantasy, the studio’s unique aesthetic strengths emerge through this case study.
This article reports the results of a mixed-methods approach to investigating the association between globalisation and MATESOL in UK universities. Qualitative and quantitative data collected from academic staff through eight emails, four interviews and 41 questionnaires indicate that the globalised context of higher education have affected these programmes in a number of ways including an increasing interest in recruiting more international students and a growing awareness about the need for curriculum and content modifications. The analysis of the data suggests that although change has been an inherent characteristic of these MAs over the past decade, it has been implemented gradually and conservatively, often relying on a dialectic relationship between academic staff and universities’ policies. The results imply that factors other than globalisation have also been at work. Many of the participants contend that globalisation has not lowered the quality of these MAs or standards of good practice.
Consequences of role taking: the ”I”, the ”me” and individuality This paper analyzes the tendency of taking the ”I” and the ”me” in G. H. Meads theory of role taking as two separate, qualitatively different parts of human personality, the ”I” being of individual origin, the ”me” of social. In the original Meadian sense role taking gives rise to both the ”I” and the ”me”. They are dialectically united rather than dualistically separated aspects. They refer to the joint functional power of the subject, finding itself as an object, mediated by the Other. As a consequence, the link between body and the social world becomes theoretically more stringent, as the body is given its place as a cognitive social object among others, this by contrast to interpretations where the body is left as an object mainly outside the human social experience and as a source of agency sui generis, a conception which is in opposition to Meads. The stress on the ”I”-phase, as related to body and concrete action in combination with its direct relation to the ”me”-phase, actualizes Mead as a forerunner in modern biologic/neurologic research on human perceptual, motivational and intentional capacity.Swedish Mead interpreters are critically analyzed. Interpretations of Charon, Giddens, Joas and Habermas are partly scrutinized. The author defines the conceptual pair in terms of activity, subjectivity, temporal relativity and distance.
Nação e sociedade civil são formas de sociedades politicamente organizadas, o estado, a instituição central, e o estado-nação a unidade político-territorial que se formaram a partir da Revolução Capitalista. Cada país de um estado-nação é constituído de uma nação ou uma sociedade civil, um estado e um território. Cada estado é a expressão de sua respectiva forma de sociedade politicamente organizada, mas a relação entre estado e sociedade é explicitamente dialética, uma vez que cada sociedade nacional cria seu estado para que este a regule. Considerando-se que essas definições são históricas, as formas de sociedade e, correspondentemente, as formas de estado se transformam de acordo com a história. Este trabalho apresenta de forma sumária estas formas históricas.