992 resultados para Diagnostic procedures
INTRODUCTION: This report of 2 cases describes the diagnostic procedures used to identify 2 Stafne's bone cavities (SBC) found in unusually anterior locations in the mandible, both mimicking periapical lesions of endodontic origin. METHODS: In the first patient, a 47-year-old man, an SBC was diagnosed in the area of teeth #27, 28, and 29. In the second patient, a 62-year-old man, the SBC was a fortuitous finding, because this patient was referred for dental implant therapy. RESULTS: In both cases, the final diagnosis was achieved by using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In both patients, the lingual bone cavity was found to be occupied by accessory salivary gland tissue. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of CBCT and MRI as noninvasive diagnostic techniques seems ideal to avoid surgical explorations, incisional biopsies, or enucleations of the lesion for diagnostic purposes.
AIM: To compare intraoral occlusal (OC) and periapical (PA) radiographs vs. limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in diagnosing root-fractured permanent teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 38 patients (mean age 24 years, range 8-52 years) with 44 permanent teeth with horizontal root fractures, intraoral radiographs (PA and OC) and limited CBCT were used to evaluate the location (apical, middle, cervical third of the root) and angulation of the fracture line. Furthermore, the conventional radiographs and CBCT images were compared for concordance of fracture location. RESULTS: In the PA and OC radiographs, 28 fractures (63.6%) were located in the middle third of the root, 11 (25.0%) in the apical third and 5 (11.4%) in the cervical third. The PA/OC radiographs and the sagittal CBCT images (facial aspect) yielded the same level of root fracture in 70.5% of cases (31 teeth; 95% CI: 54.1-82.7%). The PA/OC radiographs and sagittal CBCT images (palatal aspect) showed the same level of root fracture in 31.8% of cases. There was a statistically significant association between the angle at which the root fracture line intersected the axis of the tooth and the level of root fracture in the facial aspect of the sagittal CBCT images. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of the location and angulation of root fractures based on limited CBCT imaging differs significantly from diagnostic procedures based on intraoral radiographs (PA/OC) alone. The clinical significance for treatment strategies and for the prognosis of root-fractured teeth has to be addressed in future studies.
Canalicular adenomas are uncommon, benign epithelial neoplasms of the salivary glands that usually involve the upper lip and buccal mucosa of elderly people. Differential diagnosis of the canalicular adenoma versus adenocarcinoma is important, as it may result in unjustified radiotherapy or extensive and aggressive surgery. Despite the benign nature of canalicular adenomas, complete surgical removal and a regular clinical follow-up are recommended. The present article describes the diagnostic procedures, surgical management, and follow-up of a canalicular adenoma involving the palate of a 71-year-old man.
BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Complications and technical problems of paracentesis in cirrhotic patients are infrequent. However, the severity and the incidence of these events and their risk factors have not been assessed prospectively. METHODS: Cirrhotic patients (n = 171) undergoing paracentesis were included. Of the 515 paracenteses, 8.8% were diagnostic, and 91.2% were therapeutic. Technical features, demographic data, and adverse events during a period of 72 hours after the procedure were examined. RESULTS: Major complications occurred in 1.6% of procedures and included 5 bleedings and 3 infections, resulting in death in 2 cases. Major complications were associated with therapeutic but not diagnostic procedures and tended to be more prevalent in patients with low platelet count (<50 10(9)/L), Child-Pugh stage C, and in alcoholic cirrhosis patients. Technical problems occurred in 5.6%. The most frequent complication was a leak of ascites at the puncture site (5.0%), and in 89.5% there were no complications. CONCLUSIONS: The safety of paracentesis in cirrhotic patients might be decreased if risk factors, which depend on the characteristics of the patient and of the procedure itself, are present.
Clinical respiratory disease occurs almost every year in fall calves in the McNay Farm herd. Diagnostic procedures have implicated Haemophilus somnus (H. somnus) and bovine respiratory syncyial virus (BRSV) as the infectious agents primarily associated with this disease. Therefore, the 1995 calves were closely monitored after weaning and during the course of a respiratory disease. Serologic evidence indicated the involvement of the same two agents in the pathogenesis of the disease. Also, experimental evidence suggested a role for a preexisting immediate hypersensitivity to H. somnus and the development of this type of response to BRSV. We theorize that the pathogenesis of the clinical disease involved infection with H. somnus, establishment of immediate hypersensitivity in the lungs, viral infection with associated pathologic lesions, and viral exacerbation of the immediate hypersensitivity reaction with resultant clinical signs and tissue damage.
Despite being one of the most extensively researched of Eastern Himalayan languages, the basic morphological and phonological-prosodic properties of Apatani (Tibeto-Burman > Tani > Western) have not yet been adequately described. This article attempts such a description, focusing especially on interactions between segmental-syllabic phonology and tone in Apatani. We highlight three features in particular – vowel length, nasality and a glottal stop – which contribute to contrastively-weighted syllables in Apatani, which are consistently under-represented in previous descriptions of Apatani, and in absence of which tone in Apatani cannot be effectively analysed. We conclude that Apatani has two “underlying”, lexically-specified tone categories H and L, whose interaction with word structure and syllable weight produce a maximum of three “surface” pitch contours – level, falling and rising – on disyllabic phonological words. Two appendices provide a set of diagnostic procedures for the discovery and description of Apatani tone categories, as well as an Apatani lexicon of approximately one thousand entries.
PRINCIPLES To assess gynaecologists' awareness of bone healthcare in women and the prevalence of application of national recommendations on bone healthcare in Switzerland. METHODS During the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2012, the Swiss Association against Osteoporosis (SVGO) performed standardised interviews with conference participants (n = 210). Questions addressed responsibility for bone healthcare, and whether diagnostic procedures, initiation of bone-specific treatment and follow-up were performed in accordance with SVGO recommendations. RESULTS The majority of respondents were aged 30-50 years (60%), female (70%) and working as board-certified gynaecologists (69%). Ninety-three percent of respondents considered care for bone health as part of the gynaecologist's expertise. As diagnostic procedures, 44% recommended performing bone densitometry (DXA) only, 34% ordered additional laboratory testing. Seventy-two percent of respondents initiated a bone-specific treatment. Predictors for not performing diagnostic procedures and not initiating a bone-specific treatment were physician's age below 30, being a trainee gynaecologist, and working at a university clinic. Particularly, young trainee gynaecologists working at a university clinic were especially unlikely to initiate a bone-specific treatment (regression coefficient = -2.68; odds ratio [OR] 0.069, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.01-0.61; p = 0.16). Follow-ups were performed by 77% of respondents, but were less likely to be by female physicians (OR 0.27, 95% CI 0.09-0.84; p = 0.024). CONCLUSIONS Although the majority of board-certified gynaecologists follow national recommendations on bone healthcare, current medical training in obstetrics and gynaecology does not sufficiently cover the subject of women's health. However, since this is a small study our findings may not reflect the findings in the total population.
Botryoid odontogenic cysts (BOC) are considered to be rare polycystic variants of lateral periodontal cysts characterized by a multilocular growth pattern. The most frequent location of BOC is the mandible, predominantly the premolar-canine area, followed by the anterior region of the maxilla. The cyst shows a slight female predilection. This case report of a BOC demonstrates a treatment with initial fenestration and decompression of the cyst in order to prevent damage to adjacent structures such as the inferior alveolar nerve. The present case report emphasizes the importance of accurate clinical, radiographic, and histologic diagnostic procedures of unspecific radiolucent lesions in the jaws to establish a firm diagnosis and avoid inappropriate treatment strategies.
AIMS: Testing for inducible myocardial ischaemia is one of the most important diagnostic procedures and has a strong impact on clinical decision-making. Current standard protocols are typically limited by the required infusion of vasodilatory substances. Recent data indicate that changes of myocardial oxygenation induced by hyperventilation and breath-holds can be monitored by oxygenation-sensitive (OS) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) and may be useful for assessing coronary vascular function. As tests using breathing manoeuvres may be safer, easier, and more comfortable than vasodilator stress agent infusion, we compared its impact on myocardial oxygenation with that of a standard adenosine infusion protocol. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 20 healthy volunteers, we assessed changes of myocardial oxygenation using OS-CMR at 3 T during adenosine infusion (140 µg/kg/min, i.v.) and during voluntary breathing manoeuvres: a maximal breath-hold following normal breathing and a maximal breath-hold following 60 s of hyperventilation. The study was successfully completed in 19 subjects. There was a significantly stronger myocardial response for hyperventilation (decrease of -10.6 ± 7.8%) and the following breath-hold (increase of 14.8 ± 6.6%) than adenosine (3.9 ± 6.5%), whereas a simple maximal voluntary breath-hold yielded a similar signal intensity increase (3.1 ± 3.9%). Subjective side effects occurred significantly more often with adenosine, especially in females. CONCLUSIONS: Hyperventilation combined with a subsequent long breath-hold and hyperventilation alone both have a greater impact on myocardial oxygenation changes than an intravenous administration of a standard dose of adenosine, as assessed by OS-CMR. Breathing manoeuvres may be more efficient, safer, and more comfortable than adenosine for the assessment of the coronary vasomotor response.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is by definition unexpected and cardiac in nature. The investigation is almost invariably performed by a forensic pathologist. Under these circumstances the role of the forensic pathologist is twofold: (1.) to determine rapidly and efficiently the cause and manner of death and (2.) to initiate a multidisciplinary process in order to prevent further deaths in existing family members. If the death is determined to be due to "natural" causes the district attorney in charge often refuses further examinations. However, additional examinations, i.e. extensive histopathological investigations and/or molecular genetic analyses, are necessary in many cases to clarify the cause of death. The Swiss Society of Legal Medicine created a multidisciplinary working group together with clinical and molecular geneticists and cardiologists in the hope of harmonising the approach to investigate SCD. The aim of this paper is to close the gap between the Swiss recommendations for routine forensic post-mortem cardiac examination and clinical recommendations for genetic testing of inherited cardiac diseases; this is in order to optimise the diagnostic procedures and preventive measures for living family members. The key points of the recommendations are (1.) the forensic autopsy procedure for all SCD victims under 40 years of age, (2.) the collection and storage of adequate samples for genetic testing, (3.) communication with the families, and (4.) a multidisciplinary approach including cardiogenetic counselling.
Eosinophil infiltration can be observed in skin disorders, such as allergic/immunologic, autoimmune, infectious, and neoplastic diseases. Clinical presentations are variable and include eczematous, papular, urticarial, bullous, nodular, and fibrotic lesions; pruritus is a common symptom in all. In this review, we present representative eosinophilic skin diseases according to their clinical pattern, together with histologic findings and diagnostic procedures. We also discuss the potential roles of eosinophils in the pathogenesis of dermatologic disorder. Current pathogenesis-based diagnostic and therapeutic approaches are outlined.
This article gives a review of the classification, diagnostic procedures and treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies from a neurological point of view. The myositis syndromes can be subdivided into four groups, polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), inclusion body myositis (IBM) and necrotizing myopathy (NM), which substantially differ clinically and pathophysiologically. Myositis may also occur in association with cancer or autoimmune systemic diseases (overlap syndrome). Diagnosis of inflammatory myopathies is based on clinical symptoms, determination of creatine phosphokinase and acute phase parameters in blood (e.g. C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate), electromyography results and findings of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in muscle. A muscle biopsy is mandatory to confirm the diagnosis. High quality randomized controlled trials of treatment regimens for inflammatory myopathies are sparse; however, empirical experience indicates a clear effectiveness of immunosuppressive treatment of PM, DM and NM.
Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), a parasitic disease primarily of the liver caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus multilocularis, is highly endemic in Switzerland. In contrast to well-established management protocols in people, little is known with regard to optimal treatment strategies in dogs. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical signs and diagnostic procedures in dogs with AE and to evaluate outcome following medical treatment alone or surgery and medical treatment. Of 23 putative AE cases between 2004 and 2014, 20 were classified as confirmed (n=18) or probable (n=2) AE, based on abdominal ultrasound, serology, cytology, histology and/or PCR. Most dogs presented with abdominal distension in an advanced stage of disease. Dogs receiving specific treatment (radical or debulking surgery together with medical treatment, or medical treatment alone) survived longer than dogs left untreated, but no difference was found between treatment types. Survival at one year was associated with absence of free abdominal fluid, absence of abdominal distension and treatment of any type. However, dogs treated with debulking surgery all faced relapse. Findings of this study suggest that in AE-affected dogs for which a therapeutic approach is regarded appropriate by owners and veterinarians, radical surgical resection and medical treatment or, if total resection is not possible, medical treatment alone should be considered. However, studies on larger numbers of dogs are necessary before definitive treatment recommendations can be made.
BACKGROUND Niemann-Pick type C (NP-C) is a rare progressive neurodegenerative lipid storage disorder with heterogeneous clinical presentation and challenging diagnostic procedures. Recently oxysterols have been reported to be specific biomarkers for NP-C but knowledge on the intra-individual variation and on reference intervals in children and adolescents are lacking. METHODS We established a LC-MS/MS assay to measure Cholestane-3β, 5α, 6β-triol (C-triol) and 7-Ketocholesterol (7-KC) following Steglich esterification. To assess reference intervals and intra-individual variation we determined oxysterols in 148 children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years and repeat measurements in 19 of them. RESULTS The reported method is linear (r>0.99), sensitive (detection limit of 0.03 ng/mL [0.07 nM] for C-triol, and 0.54 ng/mL [1.35 nM] for 7-KC) and precise, with an intra-day imprecision of 4.8% and 4.1%, and an inter-day imprecision of 7.0% and 11.0% for C-triol (28 ng/ml, 67 nM) and 7-KC (32 ng/ml, 80 nM), respectively. Recoveries for 7-KC and C-triol range between 93% and 107%. The upper reference limit obtained for C-triol is 40.4 ng/mL (95% CI: 26.4-61.7 ng/mL, 96.0 nM, 95% CI: 62.8-146.7 nM) and 75.0 ng/mL for 7-KC (95% CI: 55.5-102.5 ng/mL, 187.2 nM, 95% CI: 138.53-255.8 nM), with no age or gender dependency. Both oxysterols have a broad intra-individual variation of 46%±23% for C-triol and 52%±29% for 7-KC. Nevertheless, all Niemann-Pick patients showed increased C-triol levels including Niemann-Pick type A and B patients. CONCLUSIONS The LC-MS/MS assay is a robust assay to quantify C-triol and 7-KC in plasma with well documented reference intervals in children and adolescents to screen for NP-C in the pediatric population. In addition our results suggest that especially the C-triol is a biomarker for all three Niemann-Pick diseases.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic progressive lung disease with poor survival. Recent studies have improved understanding of IPF and new discoveries have led to novel treatment options, which now have become available for patients. In face of the newly available therapies we present an update on the pathophysiology and epidemiology of IPF. We discuss the typical clinical findings and elaborate diagnostic procedures according to current guidelines and our daily practice approach. The role of biomarkers will briefly be outlined. Finally, we discuss novel antifibrotic treatment options for IPF (pirfenidone, nintedanib) and the management of patients regarding to comorbidities and complications. Both pirfenidone and nintedanib were shown to reduce the progression of IPF and therefore represent novel therapeutic strategies in this so far untreatable chronic lung disease.