934 resultados para Diabetic retinopathy.
PURPOSE To identify individual retinal layer thickness changes associated with visual acuity gain in diabetic macular edema treated with ranibizumab using layer segmentation on high-resolution optical coherence tomography scans. METHODS Retrospective observational case series. Thirty-three treatment-naive eyes with diabetic macular edema were imaged by spectral domain optical coherence tomography at monthly visits while receiving intravitreal ranibizumab treatment as needed, guided by visual acuity. Thickness changes of individual layers after 1 year were quantitatively analyzed and correlated with visual acuity gain. RESULTS The mean best-corrected visual acuity improvement at 1 year was 6.2 (SEM ± 1.5) Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters, and central retinal thickness decreased by 66 ± 18 μm. In the central subfield, there was a significant decrease of thickness for all layers (P < 0.05) except the outer nuclear layer. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that thickness decrease of the inner retina was associated with better visual acuity, whereas for the outer retina the opposite was true. The best estimate of final visual acuity (R = 0.817, P < 0.001) was obtained, by including baseline visual acuity and thickness change of the inner and outer plexiform layers in the model. CONCLUSION Whereas thickness decrease of the inner retina was positively associated with visual acuity gain, the opposite was found for the outer retina. This might be indirect evidence for recovery of the outer retina during ranibizumab treatment.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND), which permits downloading and sharing the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.
Aberrant blood vessel growth in the retina that underlies the pathology of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity is the result of the ischemia-driven disruption of the normally antiangiogenic environment of the retina. In this study, we show that a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis found naturally in the normal eye, pigment epithelium-derived growth factor (PEDF), inhibits such aberrant blood vessel growth in a murine model of ischemia-induced retinopathy. Inhibition was proportional to dose and systemic delivery of recombinant protein at daily doses as low as 2.2 mg/kg could prevent aberrant endothelial cells from crossing the inner limiting membrane. PEDF appeared to inhibit angiogenesis by causing apoptosis of activated endothelial cells, because it induced apoptosis in cultured endothelial cells and an 8-fold increase in apoptotic endothelial cells could be detected in situ when the ischemic retinas of PEDF-treated animals were compared with vehicle-treated controls. The ability of low doses of PEDF to curtail aberrant growth of ocular endothelial cells without overt harm to retinal morphology suggests that this natural protein may be beneficial in the treatment of a variety of retinal vasculopathies.
Purpose - The UK Prospective Diabetic Study has confirmed the importance of blood pressure (BP) as a major risk factor for diabetic retinopathy (DR). We wanted to investigate whether measuring the BP in the diabetic eye clinic could identify new hypertensive patients and monitor control in existing ones. Patients and methods - We compared BP in patients attending the diabetic eye clinic with home blood pressure measurement (HBPM) and ambulatory BP measurement (ABPM). In all, 106 patients attending a diabetic eye clinic were selected at random from clinic attendees. BP measurement (on an Omron 705 CP) was performed in the eye clinic and also compared to HBPM three times per day with an Omron 705 CP machine, and was compared to diabetic clinic measurements. In addition, 11 randomly chosen patients had 24 h ABPM to validate the above techniques. Results - In all, 106 patients (70 male and 36 female) were recruited for the study, of which 71 were known to be hypertensive on antihypertensive medication. Of the total, 75 patients (70.8%) had BP>140/85 in the eye clinic, of which 51 (68%) were known to be hypertensive on treatment and this was confirmed in 46 (90%) on HBPM. A total of, 24 patients (22.6%) were newly diagnosed as hypertensive in the eye clinic, which was confirmed by HBPM in 22 patients (92%). The mean BP of the measurements performed in the eye clinic was significantly higher than that carried out in the diabetic clinic (P<0.01). Tropicamide 1% and phenylephrine 2.5% eye drop instillation had no effect on BP. In 11 randomly chosen patients, 24 h ABPM validated both diabetic eye clinic and home BP measurements. Conclusion - Attendance at the diabetic eye clinic is an important chance to detect both new patients with systemic hypertension and those with inadequate BP control. Ophthalmologists should be encouraged to measure BP in their diabetic patients attending diabetic eye clinics, as it is an important risk factor for DR. On the basis of our findings, good BP control is a goal yet to be achieved in diabetic patients with retinopathy.
Purpose: Diabetes is a leading cause of visual impairment in working age population in the UK. This study looked at the causes of Severe Visual Impairment(SVI) in the patients attending diabetic eye clinic and influence on the rate of SVI, over a 12 year period, after introducing retinal screening programmes in the hospital and the community in 1993 (review in 1992, 1998 & 2004). Methods: Medical records of all the patients attending the diabetic eye clinic over a period of 5months(April to August) in 1992, 1998 and 2004 were reviewed. The data collected for each patient included age, sex, ethnic origin, diabetes (type,duration &treatment), the best corrected visual acuity (present and at time of presentation), type and duration of retinopathy and attendance record to both diabetic clinic and diabetic eye clinic. In this study, SVI is defined as a visual acuity of 6/36 or worse in at least one eye. Results: In 1992, of a total 245 patients, 58patients(23.6%) had SVI {38 (15.5% of total) due to diabetic retinopathy [31(12.6%) maculopathy, 2(0.8%) vitreous haemorrhage and 5(2%) retinal detachment] and 20(8.1%) due to non–diabetic retinopathy causes}. In 1998, of a total 297, 77patients(25.9%) had SVI {33(11.1% of total) due to diabetic retinopathy [19(6.4%) maculopathy, 9(3%) proliferative retinopathy, 8(2.7%) vitreous haemorrhage and 3(1%) retinal detachment]and 44(14.8%)due to non–diabetic retinopathy}. In 2004, of a total 471, 72patients(15.2%) had SVI{46(9.7%of total) due to diabetic retinopathy [37(7.8%) maculopathy, 1(0.2%) proliferative retinopathy, 6(1.8%) vitreous haemorrhage and 2(0.4%) retinal detachment]and 26(5.5%) due to non– diabetic retinopathy causes}. Conclusions: Introduction of formalised annual diabetic review including retinal screening and a community retinal screening programme has reduced the rate of severe visual impairment due to diabetic retinopathy, in patients attending diabetic eye clinic, from 15.5% in1992 to 9.7% in2004. Keywords: diabetic retinopathy
Background/aims: Retinal screening programmes in England and Scotland have similar photographic grading schemes for background (non-proliferative) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, but diverge over maculopathy. We looked for the most cost-effective method of identifying diabetic macular oedema from retinal photographs including the role of automated grading and optical coherence tomography, a technology that directly visualises oedema. Methods: Patients from seven UK centres were recruited. The following features in at least one eye were required for enrolment: microaneurysms/dot haemorrhages or blot haemorrhages within one disc diameter, or exudates within one or two disc diameters of the centre of the macula. Subjects had optical coherence tomography and digital photography. Manual and automated grading schemes were evaluated. Costs and QALYs were modelled using microsimulation techniques. Results: 3540 patients were recruited, 3170 were analysed. For diabetic macular oedema, England's scheme had a sensitivity of 72.6% and specificity of 66.8%; Scotland 's had a sensitivity of 59.5% and specificity of 79.0%. When applying a ceiling ratio of £30 000 per quality adjusted life years (QALY) gained, Scotland's scheme was preferred. Assuming automated grading could be implemented without increasing grading costs, automation produced a greater number of QALYS for a lower cost than England's scheme, but was not cost effective, at the study's operating point, compared with Scotland's. The addition of optical coherence tomography, to each scheme, resulted in cost savings without reducing health benefits. Conclusions: Retinal screening programmes in the UK should reconsider the screening pathway to make best use of existing and new technologies.
troduct I on . An observational longitudinal study. P ur P ose . Assess the relationship between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and DR cross-sectionally and longitudinally. M ethods . Adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), who were re - cruited from a hospital-based diabetes clinic in the UK. Patients with pre-existing OSA, end-stage renal disease and non-diabetic retinopa - thy were excluded. OSA (apnoea hypopnea index ≥ 5 events/hour) was assessed by a single overnight home-based cardio-respiratory study (Alice PDX, Philips Respironics, USA). DR was assessed us - ing retinal images between 2007 and 2012. Sight threatening diabetic retinopathy (STDR) was defined as presence of pre-proliferative or proliferative DR, maculopathy or photocoagulation. Advanced DR was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR. r esults . 199 patients were included (57.3% (n=114) men, 47.7% (n=95) White Europeans). STDR and OSA prevalence were 38.7% (n=77) and 62.8% respectively. A t b A sel I ne . STR prevalence was higher in patients with OSA (OSA+) compared to those without OSA (OSA-) [48.8% n=61 vs. 21.6% n=16, p<0.001]. After adjustment for confounders, OSA remained independently associated with STR (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.6-8.9, p=0.006), maculopathy (OR 4.5, 95% CI 1.8-11.4, p=0.002) and advanced DR (OR 3.9, 95% CI 1.02-15.3, p=0.047). Mild and moderate to severe OSA were independently associated with STR and maculopathy and only moderate to severe OSA was associated with advanced DR following adjustment for con - founders. l ong I tud I n A lly . Over the follow-up period of (4.4±1 years), more OSA+ patients progressed from no or background DR to advanced DR (15.3% (n=17) vs. 3% (n=2), p=0.01). OSA was an independent pre - dictor of advanced DR development after adjustment for confounders (OR 6.6, 95% CI 1.2-35.1, p=0.03). OSA did not predict the develop - ment of maculopathy. c onclus I ons . OSA is independently associated with STR and predicts the development of preproliferative and proliferative DR. Intervention - al studies are needed to assess the impact of OSA treatment on DR.
Background and aims: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a leading cause of blindness. OSA is associated with increased oxidative and nitrosative stress and endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Hence, it is plausible that OSA can promote the development and progression of DR. Materials and methods: An observational longitudinal study in adults with T2DM. Patients with pre-existing OSA, end-stage renal disease and non-diabetic retinopathy were excluded. OSA (apnoea hypopnea index ≥ 5 events/hour) was assessed by a single overnight home-based cardio-respiratory monitoring (Alice PDX, etc.). DR was assesses using retinal images between 2007 and 2012. Sight threatening retinopathy (STR) was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR, maculopathy or photocoagulation. Advanced DR was defined as pre-proliferative or proliferative DR. Results: 199 patients were included (57.3% men, 47.7% White Europeans). STR and OSA prevalence were 38.7 % and 62.8% respectively. STR preva-lence was higher in patients with OSA (OSA+) compared to those with-out (OSA-) [48.8% vs. 21.6%, p <0.001]. After adjustment for confounders, OSA remained independently associated with STR (OR 3.7, 95%CI 1.6-8.9, p=0.006, maculopathy (OR 4.5, 1.8-11.4, p=0.002) and advanced DR (OR 3.9, 1.02-15.3, p=0.047). Over 4.4±1 years, more OSA+ patients progressed from no or background DR to advanced DR (15.3% vs. 3%, p=0.01). OSA was an independent predictor of advanced DR development after adjustment (OR 6.6, 95%CI 1.2-35.1, p=0.03). OSA did not predict the development of maculopathy. Patients received continuous positive airway pressure treatment were less likely to develop advanced DR. Conclusion: OSA is independently associated with STR and predicts the development of preproliferative and proliferative DR. Interventional studies are needed to assess the impact of OSA treatment on DR.Supported by: NIHR (UK) and The UK Novo Nordisk Research Foundation.
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes that can lead to blindness if not readily discovered. Automated screening algorithms have the potential to improve identification of patients who need further medical attention. However, the identification of lesions must be accurate to be useful for clinical application. The bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) algorithm employs a maximum-margin classifier in a flexible framework that is able to detect the most common DR-related lesions such as microaneurysms, cotton-wool spots and hard exudates. BoVW allows to bypass the need for pre- and post-processing of the retinographic images, as well as the need of specific ad hoc techniques for identification of each type of lesion. An extensive evaluation of the BoVW model, using three large retinograph datasets (DR1, DR2 and Messidor) with different resolution and collected by different healthcare personnel, was performed. The results demonstrate that the BoVW classification approach can identify different lesions within an image without having to utilize different algorithms for each lesion reducing processing time and providing a more flexible diagnostic system. Our BoVW scheme is based on sparse low-level feature detection with a Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) local descriptor, and mid-level features based on semi-soft coding with max pooling. The best BoVW representation for retinal image classification was an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) of 97.8% (exudates) and 93.5% (red lesions), applying a cross-dataset validation protocol. To assess the accuracy for detecting cases that require referral within one year, the sparse extraction technique associated with semi-soft coding and max pooling obtained an AUC of 94.2 ± 2.0%, outperforming current methods. Those results indicate that, for retinal image classification tasks in clinical practice, BoVW is equal and, in some instances, surpasses results obtained using dense detection (widely believed to be the best choice in many vision problems) for the low-level descriptors.
PURPOSE: To collect information and opinions from a group of diabetic patients regarding diabetic retinopathy and its treatment, in order to get reliable information that can help to improve programs and actions to control and prevent this ocular disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed. The sample was from 980 diabetic patients seen in a diabetic association. A previous questionnaire was made with general questions about the main subject. Thereafter, an appropriate questionnaire was prepared. RESULTS: The sample showed that among 299 patients with age ranging from 16 to 83 years, with a mean of 57 years, mainly female (67.91%) did not know how severe their disease was (30.8%), or believed that it was not a serious problem (19.7%). The laser technique to solve diabetic retinopathy was known by 60.2% of the patients. It was reported as the only treatment available by 24.1%. Among the reasons for no treatment 59.8% reported that they did not think it was necessary and 29.7% could not afford it. CONCLUSIONS: Patients showed lack of knowledge about how serious is diabetic retinopathy, the possibility of using laser technique for it and the severity of the disease. Some patients believed in the efficacy of the treatment and some patients did not, but all of them reported that they were afraid of submitting to it.
Expansion of adipose tissue in obesity is associated with angiogenesis and adipose tissue mass depends on neovascularization. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the main angiogenic factor in the adipose tissue, and VEGF expression is tightly regulated at both transcriptional and translational levels. However, no previous study has tested the hypothesis that genetic polymorphisms in the VEGF gene could affect susceptibility to obesity. To test this hypothesis, we compared the distribution of genotypes and haplotypes including three VEGF genetic polymorphisms in obese children and adolescents with those found in healthy controls. We studied 172 healthy children and adolescents and 113 obese children and adolescents. Genotypes of three clinically relevant VEGF polymorphisms in the promoter region (C-2578A, G-1154A, and G-634C) of the VEGF gene were determined by TaqMan allele discrimination assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction. VEGF haplotypes were inferred using Haplo. stats and PHASE 2.1 programs. We found no differences in the distributions of VEGF genotypes and alleles (p > 0.05). However, the CAG haplotype was more frequent in the obese group than in the control group (4% versus 0%, respectively, in white subjects; p = 0.008; odds ratio 10.148 (95% confidence interval: 1.098-93.788). Our findings suggest that VEGF haplotypes affect susceptibility to obesity in children and adolescents.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production is regulated by growth factors and inflammatory cytokines, and VEGF plays a role in migraine. We examined for the first time whether three functional polymorphisms in the promoter region of VEGF gene (C(-2578)A, G(-1154A), and G(-634C)) and VEGF haplotypes are associated with migraine. We studied 114 healthy women without migraine and 175 women with migraine (129 without aura, and 46 with aura). We found no differences in the distributions of VEGF genotypes and alleles (p > 0.05). However, the CAC haplotype was more frequent in controls than in migraine patients, and the AGC haplotype was more frequent in patients with migraine with aura than in controls (both p < 0.05). These findings suggest that VEGF haplotypes affect susceptibility to migraine.
Plasma leaking from damaged retinal blood vessels can have a significant impact on the pathologies of the posterior segment of the eye. Inflammation in the eye and metabolic change resulting from diabetes mellitus causes vascular leakage with alteration of the phenotype of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and fibrocytes, resulting in changes in cell function. Phenotypically altered cells then significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of retinopathies by being incorporated into tractional membranes in the vitreous, where they secrete matrix molecules, such as fibronectin, and express altered cell surface antigens. We hypothesize that there is a direct relationship between the leaking of plasma and the proliferation and phenotypic change of RPE cells and fibroblasts, thus exacerbating the pathology of retinal disease. If the hypothesis is correct, control of vascular leakage becomes an important target of therapy in proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of blindness in the elderly population of Campinas, Brazil, and to describe the coverage and quality of cataract surgery services in the area. Methods: A brief assessment of cataract surgery services (using the RACSS (Rapid Assessment of Cataract Surgical Services Method) was conducted using random cluster sampling, with a sample composed of 60 clusters of 40 people aged 50 years or older. Visual acuity (VA) was measured and the lens status observed by direct visual ophthalmoscopy. From the selected sample of 2,400 subjects, 92.67% were examined. Results: Blindness (VA 3/60 with available correction) was found in 1.98 % (2.03 % among male subjects, and 1.94 % among female subjects). The prevalence of blindness varied with age, from 0.2%, in the group from 50 to 54 years, to 7.2% in those above 80. Cataract was the main cause of blindness (40.2%) followed by suspected posterior segment disorders (18.2%), diabetic retinopathy (15.9%), and glaucoma (11.4%). The cataract surgical coverage was of 93% (VA 3/60) and 82.18% when the criterion was VA 6/60 in the best eye. The main reasons the subjects did not receive surgical treatment were: fear of undergoing surgery, 11.1%; lack of awareness about the condition, 16.7%; waiting for maturity, 16.7%; and contraindication to surgery, 44.4%. Conclusion: Cataract is the major cause of blindness in Campinas. Education on eye diseases, their prevention and treatment must become part of the city`s public healthcare policies.
Purpose: To evaluate the short-term (10 months) safety of a single intravitreal injection of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in patients with retinitis pigmentosa or cone-rod dystrophy. Methods: A prospective, Phase I, nonrandomized, open-label study including 3 patients with retinitis pigmentosa and 2 patients with cone-rod dystrophy and an Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study best-corrected visual acuity of 20/200 or worse. Evaluations including best-corrected visual acuity, full-field electroretinography, kinetic visual field (Goldman), fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography, and optical coherence tomography were performed at baseline and 1, 7, 13, 18, 22, and 40 weeks after intravitreal injection of 10 X 10(6) autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (0.1 mL) into 1 study eye of each patient. Results: No adverse event associated with the injection was observed. A 1-line improvement in best-corrected visual acuity was measured in 4 patients 1 week after injection and was maintained throughout follow-up. Three patients showed undetectable electroretinography responses at all study visits, while 1 patient demonstrated residual responses for dark-adapted standard flash stimulus (a wave amplitude approximately 35 mu V), which remained recordable throughout follow-up, and 1 patient showed a small response (a wave amplitude approximately 20 mu V) recordable only at Weeks 7, 13, 22, and 40. Visual fields showed no reduction (with a Goldman Standard V5e stimulus) for any patient at any visit. No other changes were observed on optical coherence tomography or fluorescein and indocyanine green angiograms. Conclusion: Intravitreal injection of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in eyes with advanced retinitis pigmentosa or cone-rod dystrophy was associated with no detectable structural or functional toxicity over a period of 10 months. Further studies are required to investigate the role, if any, of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell therapy in the management of retinal dystrophies. RETINA 31: 1207-1214, 2011