897 resultados para Diabetes typ 2


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Background: Blacks have a higher incidence of diabetes and its related complications. Self-rated health (SRH) and perceived stress indicators are associated with chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between SRH, perceived stress and diabetes status among two Black ethnicities. Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study included 258 Haitian Americans and 249 African Americans with (n = 240) and without type 2 diabetes (n = 267) (N = 507). Recruitment was performed by community outreach. Results: Haitian-Americans were less likely to report ‘fair to poor’ health as compared to African Americans [OR=0.58 (95% CI: 0.35, 0.95), P = 0.032]; yet, Haitian Americans had greater perceived stress than African Americans (P = 0.002). Having diabetes was associated with ‘fair to poor’ SRH [OR=3.14 (95% CI: 2.09, 4.72),P < 0.001] but not perceived stress (P = 0.072). Haitian-Americans (P = 0.023), females (P = 0.003) and those participants having ‘poor or fair’ SRH (P < 0.001) were positively associated with perceived stress (Nagelkerke R2=0.151). Conclusion: Perceived stress associated with ‘poor or fair’ SRH suggests that screening for perceived stress should be considered part of routine medical care; albeit, further studies are required to confirm our results. The findings support the need for treatment plans that are patient-centered and culturally relevant and that address psychosocial issues.


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A saúde oral na terceira idade é um fator indispensável para o envelhecimento saudável e uma boa qualidade de vida. O tratamento médico dentário não se resume apenas na cura de lesões já existentes, e é necessário promover um programa preventivo, que vise controlar a incidência de problemas médico dentários, um programa curativo para tratar os problemas presentes e também a procura de um programa educativo servindo de apoio para as demais ações. O paciente idoso requer uma atenção maior durante o tratamento, por isso é preciso que o Médico Dentista conheça adequadamente a saúde geral dos idosos, pois estes podem apresentar um quadro de saúde complexo e serem portadores de diversas patologias crónicas e serem poli-medicados. São necessários cuidados especiais na consulta e uma correta anamnese desses pacientes, realizando um exame clínico oral detalhado apoiada por exames complementares. O objetivo principal do presente estudo é analisar as condições clínicas dos idosos portadores de Diabetes Mellitus e as suas complicações orais e ainda a sistematização de procedimentos de forma protocolada para o atendimento médico dentário de idosos portadores desta patologia.


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BACKGROUND: The objective was to investigate full retinal and inner retinal thickness in individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Eighty-four individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1DM), 67 individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and 42 non-diabetic individuals (control group) were enrolled. Participants underwent full retinal thickness evaluation in the central retinal, parafoveal and perifoveal zones and in the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) and ganglion cell complex (GCC), using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. As a preliminary step, the key variables of interest - age, sex, diabetic retinopathy (DR), duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels - were analysed and compared between the three groups. Full retinal thickness, RNFL and GCC thicknesses were also compared between the groups. The relationship between the type of diabetes and retinal tissue thickness was explored, adjusting for the five potential confounders. RESULTS: Compared to individuals with T1DM, individuals with T2DM had significantly reduced full retinal thickness in the parafovea and perifovea and reduced RNFL and GCC thickness. The mean differences were six (p = 0.020), seven (p = 0.008), six (p = 0.021) and four micrometres (p = 0.013) for the parafovea, perifovea, RNFL and GCC thicknesses, respectively. Thicknesses within the central zone (p = 0.018) and at the parafovea (p = 0.007) were significantly reduced in T2DM when compared to the control group. After adjusting for age, sex, diabetic retinopathy, duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels, the relationship between type of diabetes and retinal tissue thickness was not statistically significant (p > 0.056). CONCLUSION: Retinal tissue thickness is not significantly different between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, when adjusted for age, sex, diabetic retinopathy, duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels.


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We investigated the effect of different exercise modalities on high sensitivity-C reactive protein (hs-CRP) and other inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Eighty-two patients were randomized into 4 groups: sedentary control (A); receiving counseling to perform low-intensity physical activity (B); performing prescribed and supervised high-intensity aerobic (C) or aerobic + resistance (D) exercise (with the same caloric expenditure) for 12 months. Evaluation of leisure-time physical activity and assessment of physical fitness, cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory biomarkers was performed at baseline and every 3 months. Volume of physical activity increased and HbA1c decreased in Groups B–D. VO2max, HOMA-IR index, HDL-cholesterol, waist circumference and albuminuria improved in Groups C and D, whereas strength and flexibility improved only in Group D. Levels of hs-CRP decreased in all three exercising groups, but the reduction was significant only in Groups C and D, and particularly in Group D. Changes in VO2max and the exercise modalities were strong predictors of hs-CRP reduction, independent of body weight. Leptin, resistin and interleukin-6 decreased, whereas adiponectin increased in Groups C and D. Interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ decreased, whereas anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 and 10 increased only in Group D. In conclusion, physical exercise in type 2 diabetic patients with the metabolic syndrome is associated with a significant reduction of hs-CRP and other inflammatory and insulin resistance biomarkers, independent of weight loss. Long-term high-intensity (preferably mixed) training, in addition to daytime physical activity, is required to obtain a significant anti-inflammatory effect.


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Background: As the human body ages, the arteries gradually lose their elasticity and become stiffer. Although inevitable, this process is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors. Interestingly, many classic cardiovascular risk factors affect the arterial stiffness. During the last decade, accelerated arterial stiffening has been recognized as an important cardiovascular risk factor associated with increased mortality as well as with several chronic disorders. Objectives: This thesis examines the role of arterial stiffness in relation to variations in a physiological feature in healthy individuals. In addition, the effect on arterial stiffness of an acute transitory disease and the effect of a chronic disease are studied. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the prognostic value of a marker of arterial stiffness in individuals with chronic disease. Finally, a potential method of reducing arterial stiffness is evaluated. Material and study design: The first study examines pulse wave reflection and pulse wave velocity in relation to muscle fibre distribution in healthy middle-aged men. In the second study, pulse wave reflection in women with current or previous preeclampsia is compared to a healthy control group. The effect of aging on the different blood pressure indices in patients with type 1 diabetes is examined in the third study, whereas the fourth paper studies the relation between these blood pressure indices and mortality in type 2 diabetes. The fifth study evaluates how intake of a fermented milk product containing bioactive peptides affects pulse wave reflection in individuals with mild hypertension. Results and conclusions: Muscle fibre type distribution is not an independent determinant of arterial stiffness in middle-aged males. Pulse wave reflection is increased in pregnant women with preeclampsia, but not in previously preeclamptic non-pregnant women. Patients with type 1 diabetes have a higher and more rapidly increasing pulse pressure, which suggests accelerated arterial stiffening. In elderly type 2 diabetic patients, very high and very low levels of pulse pressure are associated with higher mortality. Intake of milk-derived bioactive peptides reduces pulse wave reflection in hypertensive males but not in hypertensive females.


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Inledning Diabetisk nefropati är den mest fruktade diabeteskomplikationen. Utvecklingen av nefropati har redan länge undersökts genom mätning av mängden albuminutsöndring i urinen. Nyligen har man upptäckt att njurfunktionen kan vara nedsatt oberoende av albuminuri. Mål Att undersöka prevalensen samt associationer av kronisk njursvikt utan albuminuri (nonalbuminuric renal disease eller NARD) hos typ 1 diabetiker. Betydelsen av blodtrycksmedicinering, speciellt ACE-/AT2-inhibitorer, behandlas också. Material och metoder Studien ingår i den nationella multicenterstudien FinnDiane. En population på ca. 4000 typ 1 diabetiker har analyserats. Patienter med nefropati utan albuminuri identifierades. Statistiska analyser gjordes med SPSS 19.0. Njurfunktionen (eGFR) estimerades med CKD-EPI ekvationen. Resultat Prevalensen av NARD inom den normoalbuminura gruppen var 3,5%, prevalensen hos män 1,0% samt hos kvinnor 5,4%. Sammanlagt 79 patienter med NARD (12 män och 67 kvinnor) identifierades. ACE-/AT2-inhibitorer kan påverka prevalensen av NARD men inte statistiskt signifikant (p=0,067). Risken för progression av NARD till mikroalbuminuri var betydligt större hos denna grupp (p=0,006) i jämförelse med den normoalbuminura gruppen med normal njurfunktion. I en överlevnadsanalys framkom att mortaliteten var högre inom mikroalbuminuri-gruppen än inom NARD-gruppen (p<0,001, ålders- samt könskorrigerat). Diskussion Prevalensen av NARD var lägre än i motsvarande studier utomlands på typ 2 diabetiker. NARD patienterna hade en ökad risk för progression till mikroalbuminuri men inte en ökad mortalitet. ACE-/AT2-inhibitorerna kan delvis förklara NARD fenomenet. Nya studier med ett större antal NARD patienter behövs för en noggrannare utredning.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether exposure to diabetes in utero affects resting energy expenditure (REE) and fuel oxidation in infants.

STUDY DESIGN: At 35 ± 5 days after birth, body composition and REE were measured in full-term offspring of Native American and Hispanic women with either well-controlled diabetes (13 girls, 11 boys) or normal healthy pregnancies (18 girls, 17 boys).

RESULTS: Control of dysglycemia during gestation in the women with diabetes mellitus met current clinical standards, shown by average glycated hemoglobin (5.9 ± 0.2%; 40.6 ± 2.3 mmol/mol). Infant body mass (offspring of women with diabetes: 4.78 ± 0.13, control offspring: 4.56 ± 0.08 kg) and body fatness (offspring of women with diabetes: 25.2 ± 0.6, control offspring: 24.2 ± 0.5 %) did not differ between groups. REE, adjusted for lean body mass, was 14% lower in offspring of women with diabetes (41.7 ± 2.3 kJ/h) than control offspring (48.6 ± 2.0, P = .025). Fat oxidation was 26% lower in offspring of women with diabetes (0.54 ± 0.05 g/h) than control offspring (0.76 ± 0.04, P < .01) but carbohydrate oxidation did not differ. Thus, fat oxidation accounted for a lower fraction of REE in the offspring of women with diabetes (49 ± 4%) than control offspring (60 ± 3%, P = .022). Mothers with diabetes were older and had higher prepregnancy body mass index than control mothers.

CONCLUSIONS: Well-controlled maternal diabetes did not significantly affect body mass or composition of offspring at 1-month old. However, infants with mothers with diabetes had reduced REE and fat oxidation, which could contribute to adiposity and future disease risk. Further studies are needed to assess the impact differences in age and higher prepregnancy body mass index.


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Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a highly heritable trait, but genome-wide association studies have identified few genetic risk factors. Epidemiological studies suggest associations between BMD and several traits and diseases, but the nature of the suggestive comorbidity is still unknown. We used a novel genetic pleiotropy-informed conditional False Discovery Rate (FDR) method to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with BMD by leveraging cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated disorders and metabolic traits. By conditioning on SNPs associated with the CVD-related phenotypes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, triglycerides and waist hip ratio, we identified 65 novel independent BMD loci (26 with femoral neck BMD and 47 with lumbar spine BMD) at conditional FDR < 0.01. Many of the loci were confirmed in genetic expression studies. Genes validated at the mRNA levels were characteristic for the osteoblast/osteocyte lineage, Wnt signaling pathway and bone metabolism. The results provide new insight into genetic mechanisms of variability in BMD, and a better understanding of the genetic underpinnings of clinical comorbidity.


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RESUMO - Introdução: A diabetes mellitus e a hipertensão arterial são problemas de saúde de elevada prevalência em Portugal. A sua distribuição geográfica e social é pouco conhecida, comprometendo o desenho e implementação de políticas de saúde. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a existência das desigualdades socioeconómicas na prevalência de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e de hipertensão arterial, na população residente na região Norte de Portugal, no ano de 2013. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo ecológico que analisou as 2028 freguesias da região Norte. Os dados foram obtidos através do Sistema de Informação das Administrações Regionais de Saúde e do Censos 2011. A associação entre os indicadores socioeconómicos e a prevalência destas doenças foi medida através da diferença de prevalências, do risco atribuível populacional, do índice relativo de desigualdades e pelo coeficiente de regressão. Resultados: A prevalência de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensão arterial foi de 6,16% e 19,35%, respetivamente, e apresentou uma distribuição heterogénea entre freguesias (variando entre 0%-23,7% para a diabetes e 2,8%-66,7% para a hipertensão). A prevalência de ambas as doenças estava significativamente associada com o baixo nível educacional, baixa atividade em sector terciário, desemprego e baixo rendimento (com diferença de prevalências entre decis opostos de até 1,3% na diabetes e até 5,3% na hipertensão). Os determinantes socioeconómicos foram responsáveis até 20% da prevalência destas doenças na população. Conclusão: Estes resultados demonstram a existência de uma distribuição socioeconómica e geográfica heterogéneas e a necessidade de criação de políticas de saúde que atuem nas freguesias menos favorecidas.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Several susceptibility genes for type 2 diabetes have been discovered recently. Individually, these genes increase the disease risk only minimally. The goals of the present study were to determine, at the population level, the risk of diabetes in individuals who carry risk alleles within several susceptibility genes for the disease and the added value of this genetic information over the clinical predictors. METHODS: We constructed an additive genetic score using the most replicated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 15 type 2 diabetes-susceptibility genes, weighting each SNP with its reported effect. We tested this score in the extensively phenotyped population-based cross-sectional CoLaus Study in Lausanne, Switzerland (n = 5,360), involving 356 diabetic individuals. RESULTS: The clinical predictors of prevalent diabetes were age, BMI, family history of diabetes, WHR, and triacylglycerol/HDL-cholesterol ratio. After adjustment for these variables, the risk of diabetes was 2.7 (95% CI 1.8-4.0, p = 0.000006) for individuals with a genetic score within the top quintile, compared with the bottom quintile. Adding the genetic score to the clinical covariates improved the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve slightly (from 0.86 to 0.87), yet significantly (p = 0.002). BMI was similar in these two extreme quintiles. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In this population, a simple weighted 15 SNP-based genetic score provides additional information over clinical predictors of prevalent diabetes. At this stage, however, the clinical benefit of this genetic information is limited.


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OBJECTIVE—To assess change in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children with diabetes over 2 years and determine its relationship to change in metabolic control.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—In 1998, parents of children aged 5–18 years attending a tertiary diabetes clinic reported their child’s HRQOL using the Child Health Questionnaire PF-50. Those aged 12–18 years also self-reported their HRQOL using the analogous Child Health Questionnaire CF-80. HbA1c levels were recorded. In 2000, identical measures were collected for those who were aged ≤18 years and still attending the clinic.

—Of 117 eligible subjects, 83 (71%) participated. Parents reported no significant difference in children’s HRQOL at baseline and follow-up. However, adolescents reported significant improvements on the Family Activities (P < 0.001), Bodily Pain (P = 0.04), and General Health Perceptions (P = 0.001) scales and worsening on the Behavior (P = 0.04) scale. HbA1c at baseline and follow-up were strongly correlated (r = 0.57). HbA1c increased significantly (mean 7.8% in 1998 vs. 8.5% in 2000; P < 0.001), with lower baseline HbA1c strongly predicting an increase in HbA1c over the 2 years (r2 = 0.25, P < 0.001). Lower parent-reported Physical Summary and adolescent-reported Physical Functioning scores at baseline also predicted increasing HbA1c. Poorer parent-reported Psychosocial Summary scores were related to higher HbA1c at both times but did not predict change in HbA1c.

CONCLUSIONS—Changes in parent and adolescent reports of HRQOL differ. Better physical functioning may protect against deteriorating HbA1c, at least in the medium term. While the HRQOL of children with diabetes does not appear to deteriorate over time, we should not be complacent, as it is consistently poorer than that of their healthy peers.


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Identification of all diabetic patients in the population is essential if diabetic care is to be effective in achieving the targets of the St Vincent Declaration.1 The challenge therefore is to establish population based monitoring and control systems by means of state of the art technology in order to achieve quality assurance in the provision of care for patients with diabetes. 2,3 Disease management receives extensive international support as the most appropriate approach to organising and delivering healthcare for chronic conditions like diabetes.4 This approach is achieved through a combination of guidelines for practice, patient education, consultations and follow up using a planned team approach and a strong focus on continuous quality improvement using information technology. 5,6 The current software (Medical Director) could not easily meet these requirements which led us to adopt a trial of Ferret. In designing this project we used change management7 and the plan, do, study, act cycle8 illustrated in Diagram 1.


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Although healthy food choices are important in the management of diabetes, making dietary adaptations is often challenging. Previous research has shown that people with type 2 diabetes are less likely to benefit from dietary advice if they tend to eat in response to emotions or external cues. Since high levels of dispositional mindfulness have been associated with greater awareness of healthy dietary practices in students and in the general population, it is relevant to study the association between dispositional mindfulness and eating behaviour in people with type 1 or 2 diabetes. We analysed data from Diabetes MILES - The Netherlands, a national observational survey in which 634 adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes completed the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (to assess restrained, external and emotional eating behaviour) and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-Short Form (to assess dispositional mindfulness), in addition to other psychosocial measures. After controlling for potential confounders, including demographics, clinical variables and emotional distress, hierarchical linear regression analyses showed that higher levels of dispositional mindfulness were associated with eating behaviours that were more restrained (β = 0.10) and less external (β = -0.11) and emotional (β = -0.20). The mindfulness subscale 'acting with awareness' was the strongest predictor of both external and emotional eating behaviour, whereas for emotional eating, 'describing' and 'being non-judgemental' were also predictive. These findings suggest that there is an association between dispositional mindfulness and eating behaviour in adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Since mindfulness interventions increase levels of dispositional mindfulness, future studies could examine if these interventions are also effective in helping people with diabetes to reduce emotional or external eating behaviour, and to improve the quality of their diet.


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This study examines the subjective wellbeing of Australian adults with diabetes who completed the Diabetes MILES—Australia survey, investigating by diabetes type and treatment, and by comparing with the subjective wellbeing of the general Australian adult population. In addition, the extent to which depression and socio-demographic factors account for subjective wellbeing is investigated. People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes have significantly lower subjective wellbeing compared to the general population, even after controlling for covariates (demographic and socio-economic status, diabetes duration, body mass index, number of diabetes-related complications, and depression). Furthermore, adults with type 2 diabetes using insulin to manage their condition report the lowest levels of subjective wellbeing, and are also most likely to report dissatisfaction with their current health. These findings suggest that living with diabetes, and in particular, living with type 2 diabetes and using insulin, strongly challenges the maintenance of subjective wellbeing.