878 resultados para Diabetes tipus 2


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AIM: The use of eye care services by people with and without diabetes was investigated in the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project (VIP), a population based study of eye disease in a representative sample of Melbourne residents 40 years of age and older. METHODS: A comprehensive interview was employed to elicit information on history of diabetes, medication use, most recent visit to an ophthalmologist and optometrist, and basic demographic details. Presence and extent of diabetic retinopathy was determined by dilated fundus examination. RESULTS: The Melbourne VIP comprised 3271 people who ranged in age from 40 to 98 years; 46.2% of them were male. Of 3189 people who had the fundus examination and knew their diabetes status, 162 (5.1%) reported having been previously diagnosed with diabetes and, of these, 37 (22.2%) were found to have diabetic retinopathy. Seven people (4.3%) had developed diabetes before age 30. The mean duration of diabetes was 9.2 years. People with diabetes were significantly more likely to have visited an ophthalmologist ever or in the past 2 years than people without diabetes. However, 31.8% of people with diabetes had never visited an ophthalmologist. The proportion of people who had never seen an ophthalmologist was 47.1% for people without diabetes, 34.2% for people with diabetes but without diabetic retinopathy, and 25% for people with diabetic retinopathy. Sixty one per cent of people with diabetic retinopathy had seen an ophthalmologist in the past year and a further 3% within the past 2 years. People with diabetes were not significantly more likely to have visited an optometrist than people without diabetes (p = 0.51). Overall, 37.7% of people with diabetes and 32.9% of people without diabetes had visited an optometrist within the past year (chi 2 = 2.25, 1 df, p = 0.13). Information concerning retinal examinations was available for 135 individuals (83.3% of people with diabetes). Only 74 (54.8%) could recall ever having a dilated fundus examination; 10 (14%) by an optometrist, 62 (86%) by an ophthalmologist, and five (7%) by a general practitioner. Of those 68 people who had seen an ophthalmologist in the past 2 years, 48 (71%) reported a dilated fundus examination during that time. This compares with 28 (43%) reported dilated fundus examinations in the 65 people who had seen an optometrist in the past 2 years. This finding is statistically significant (chi 2 = 10.2, 1 df, p < 0.005). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that nearly half of people with diabetes in Melbourne are not receiving adequate screening or follow up for diabetic retinopathy, despite universal health care.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO:Gestações complicadas pelo diabetes estão associadas com aumento das complicações neonatais e maternas. A complicação mais grave materna é o risco de desenvolver diabetes tipo 2 após 10-12 anos do parto. Para o controle rigoroso da glicose no sangue, as mulheres grávidas são tratadas de forma ambulatorial ou com internações hospitalares. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a efetividade do tratamento ambulatorial versus hospitalização em gestações complicadas por diabetes ou hiperglicemia.TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL:Revisão sistemática conduzida em hospital universitário público.MÉTODOS:Uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi realizada e as principais bases de dados eletrônicas foram pesquisadas. A data da pesquisa mais recente foi 4 de setembro de 2011. Dois autores selecionaram independentemente os ensaios clínicos relevantes, avaliaram a qualidade metodológica e extraíram os dados.RESULTADOS:Apenas três estudos foram selecionados, com tamanho de amostra pequeno. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o tratamento ambulatorial versus hospitalização em relação à mortalidade em nenhuma das subcategorias analisadas: mortes perinatais e neonatais, (risco relativo [RR] 0,65; 95% de intervalo de confiança [IC] 0,11-3,84, P = 0,63); morte neonatal (RR 0,29, IC 95% 0,01-6,07, P = 0,43), e óbitos infantis (RR 0,29, IC 95% 0,01-6,07, P = 0,43).CONCLUSÕES:Com base em estudos com risco de viés alto ou moderado, esta revisão demonstrou que não há diferença estatisticamente significante entre o tratamento ambulatorial comparado com o hospitalar na redução das taxas de mortalidade em gestações complicadas por diabetes ou hiperglicemia. Esta revisão sistemática também sugere a necessidade de mais ensaios clínicos randomizados sobre o assunto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main function of the immune system is the defense against infection, being composed by the leukocytes that modulate the immune response, which can be innate or adaptive. The physical exercise can causes positive or negative alterations in the total or relative number of leukocytes. When the exercise has a low or moderate intensity it`s considered beneficial for improving the function of the cells responsible for the defense and to reduce the risk of infectious illnesses. The type 2 diabetes is related to an incapacity of the body in rightly respond to insulin, associated to an resistance to its actions. The purpose of this research was to make a study of the immune system characteristics, as well as the type 2 diabetes and the relation among both and the physical exercise. So, it was analyzed a group of type 2 diabetics coming from Diabetics House of Franca -SP, treated through a program of mix physical training. Two collections of blood were pre and post training program for the pair comparable of the participants. It was found positive alterations of the subpopulations of leukocytes that show a probable improvement of the immunological state what allows us to suggest about a possible improvement of the immunological activity, what would be measured by the activation of these cells forward to an inflammatory/infectious condition. So, we suggest that future studies involving diabetes, immune system and physical exercise be encouraged.


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Lifestyle is directly related to the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2), a risk dramatically elevated by obesity and inactivity. Several studies have verified that educational interventions can delay the onset of DM-2. Some of the interventions strategies utilized medication and diet, diet and/or physical exercise or the combination of diet and exercise, generally referred to a change in lifestyle. Despite the evidence that DM-2 can be preventive, there is still limited availability of effective prevention programs. DM-2 is considered an emerging public health problem as it is estimated that by the year of 2030 there will be about 366 million people with diabetes worldwide. DM2 remains a leading cause of cardiovascular disorders and many other complications. Our intent with this paper is to present researches and strategies (diet and physical activity interventions) that successfully improved plasma glucose control as a result of an effective lifestyle intervention program.


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Pregnancy affects both maternal and fetal metabolism, and even in non-diabetic women, it exerts a diabetogenic effect. Among pregnant women, 2% to 14% develop gestational diabetes. Pregnancy can also occur in women with preexisting diabetes, which may predispose the fetus to many alterations in organogenesis, restrict growth, and the mother, to some diabetes-related complications, such as retinopathy and nephropathy, or to acceleration of the course of these complications, if they are already present. Women with gestational diabetes generally start their treatment with diet and lifestyle changes; when these changes are not enough for optimal glycemic control, insulin therapy must then be considered. Women with type 2 diabetes using oral hypoglycemic agents are advised to change to insulin therapy. Those with preexisting type 1 diabetes should start intensive glycemic control. As basal insulin analogues have frequently been used off-label in pregnant women, there is a need to evaluate their safety and efficacy. The aim of this review is to report the use of both short- and long-acting insulin analogues during pregnancy and to enable clinicians, obstetricians, and endocrinologists to choose the best insulin treatment for their patients.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS In diabetes mellitus type I, good glycaemic control is crucial in preventing long-term diabetic complications. The aim of this study was to determine the current level of metabolic control in children and adolescents in our diabetes outpatient clinic at the University Children's Hospital, Berne. Furthermore, the impact of different factors such as age, pubertal stage, sex, duration of diabetes and insulin regimen on glycaemic control was studied. METHODS In a cross-sectional, prospective study 168 children and adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus (f:m = 87:81; prepubertal 48 [mean age 4.4 years, mean duration of diabetes 2.8 years]; pubertal 120 [mean age 9.4 years; mean duration of diabetes 5.2 years]) were studied for three months. Clinical data and HbA1c levels (latex immunoagglutination test) were recorded, statistically analysed and compared with the international literature. RESULTS In our type I diabetic children and adolescents the overall HbA1c was 8.07 +/- 1.15% (mean +/- SD; test-specific norm for healthy subjects: 4.1-6.1%). Glycaemic control was significantly worse in the pubertal group compared to the prepubertal (HbA1c 8.22 +/- 1.25% vs. 7.81 +/- 0.87%; p < 0.01). In addition, we found better metabolic control in patients with duration of diabetes below 2 years in children and adolescents (HbA1c prepubertal < 2 years: 7.45 +/- 0.67% vs. > 2 years: 8.05 +/- 0.93%, p < 0.05; pubertal < 2 years: 7.62 +/- 0.75% vs. > 2 years: 8.31 +/- 1.29%, p < 0.005). Importantly, sex and insulin regimen did not significantly influence glycaemic control. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION The current level of metabolic control in our children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus type I is comparable to the glycaemic control of the intensively treated adolescent group of the DCCT-study, in whom decreased risk of long-term diabetic complications was found. In contrast, our patients were intensively treated in terms of frequent contacts with the diabetes team, but were not necessarily on an intensified insulin regimen. The impact of biopsychosocial support from multidisciplinary diabetes team on good metabolic control in children and adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus and their families seems to be very important.


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Despite increasing interest in the relationship between socioeconomic position (SEP) and health, there remains little understanding of the mechanisms through which SEP is related to chronic disease. This dissertation utilized data from 2,592 U.S. households in the 1995 telephone survey of the Aging, Status, and the Sense of Control study to: (1) investigate potential mediating factors in the association between educational level and prevalence of diabetes and (2) to investigate the association between the three major measures of SEP—income, education, and occupation—and the prevalence of diabetes. Regression analyses were conducted to examine the degree to which sense of personal control and social support mediate the association between level of educational attainment and diabetes and to examine the contribution of each of the SEP measures to diabetes. After adjusting for age, obesity, sex, and race, respondents with less than a high school education had greater odds of having diabetes than those with a college degree or higher level of educational attainment, although the corresponding confidence interval contained the null value (OR = 1.2, 95% CI: 0.7, 2.0). Neither sense of control nor social support significantly mediated the association between education and diabetes. However, sense of control was associated with diabetes status (OR = 0.7, 95% CI: 0.5, 1.0). Compared with income and education, employment status was the most strongly associated measure of SEP with diabetes prevalence. After adjusting for age, obesity, sex, and race, respondents who were unable to work due to disability had fourfold greater odds of having diabetes than those who were employed full time (OR = 4.0; 95% CI: 1.9, 8.3). Adding income and/or education to the model did not improve the fit. Understanding the impact of socioeconomic factors on diabetes requires consideration of multiple measures of SEP as well as the psychosocial pathways through which SEP may influence diabetes. ^


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This thesis presents an analysis of data from Molecular Epidemiology of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Mexican Americans. The study included 294 families. Among the participating families were 500 Mexican American females aged 19 to 86 who provided information on characteristics such as height, weight, and a variety of biochemical indicators. The research questions for this thesis are: (1) How strong is the association between indicators of the metabolic syndrome in study participants and their family histories of type II diabetes; and (2) How is an individual's family history of type II diabetes, age and socioeconomic status associated with the metabolic syndrome? In this thesis education status of the participants is used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. Answers to these questions are provided through the analysis of women's responses to written questionnaires and biochemical data. ^


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La diabetes es un trastorno que por su naturaleza crónica, acompaña a su portador a lo largo de toda la vida; es por esto que el paciente diabético requiere de una amplia gama de información que le permita tomar las riendas de su propio tratamiento, para así controlar en gran manera su futura evolución clínica. El presente estudio tiene como objetivos: determinar el conocimiento que tienen sobre su enfermedad los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2; identificar el conocimiento que tienen los pacientes con respecto a su tratamiento y evaluar el conocimiento que tienen los pacientes en relación a su autocuidado.


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— In 2000, according to the World Health Organization, at least 171 million people, 2.8% of the population worldwide, suffered from diabetes. The Centres for Disease Control has defined it as an epidemic disease. Its incidence is increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2030 this number will almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in the more developed countries. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when pancreas does not assure enough insulin secretion or when the body does not consume the insulin produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. The effect of uncontrolled diabetes is the hyperglycaemia (blood sugar), which eventually seriously damage many organs and systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. Diabetes type 2 (most common type of diabetes) is highly correlated with elderly people, obesity or overweight. Promoting a healthy lifestyle helps patients to improve their quality of life and in many cases to avoid complications related to the disease. This paper is intended to describe an iPhone-based application for self-management of type 2 diabetic patients, which allow them improving their lifestyle through healthy diet, physical activity and education


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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"The National diabetes mellitus research and education act (Public law 93-354)": v. 1, p. 93-97.


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There is evidence for the role of genetic and environmental factors in feline and canine diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in cats. Evidence for genetic factors in feline diabetes includes the overrepresentation of Burmese cats with diabetes. Environmental risk factors in domestic or Burmese cats include advancing age, obesity, male gender, neutering, drug treatment, physical inactivity, and indoor confinement. High-carbohydrate diets increase blood glucose and insulin levels and may predispose cats to obesity and diabetes. Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets may help prevent diabetes in cats at risk such as obese cats or lean cats with underlying low insulin sensitivity. Evidence exists for a genetic basis and altered immune response in the pathogenesis of canine diabetes. Seasonal effects on the incidence of diagnosis indicate that there are environmental influences on disease progression. At least 50% of diabetic dogs have type 1 diabetes based on present evidence of immune destruction of P-cells. Epidemiological factors closely match those of the latent autoimmune diabetes of adults form of human type 1 diabetes. Extensive pancreatic damage, likely from chronic pancreatitis, causes similar to28% of canine diabetes cases. Environmental factors such as feeding of high-fat diets are potentially associated with pancreatitis and likely play a role in the development of pancreatitis in diabetic dogs. There are no published data showing that overt type 2 diabetes occurs in dogs or that obesity is a risk factor for canine diabetes. Diabetes diagnosed in a bitch during either pregnancy or diestrus is comparable to human gestational diabetes.