928 resultados para Diabetes Education


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We examined the association between lifecourse socioeconomic status (SES) and the risk of type 2 diabetes at older ages, ascertaining the extent to which adult lifestyle factors and systemic inflammation explain this relationship. Data were drawn from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) which, established in 2002, is a representative cohort study of ≥50-year olds individuals living in England. SES indicators were paternal social class, participants' education, participants' wealth, and a lifecourse socioeconomic index. Inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein and fibrinogen) and lifestyle factors were measured repeatedly; diabetes incidence (new cases) was monitored over 7.5 years of follow-up. Of the 6218 individuals free from diabetes at baseline (44% women, mean aged 66 years), 423 developed diabetes during follow-up. Relative to the most advantaged people, those in the lowest lifecourse SES group experienced more than double the risk of diabetes (hazard ratio 2.59; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.81-3.71). Lifestyle factors explained 52% (95%CI:30-85) and inflammatory markers 22% (95%CI:13-37) of this gradient. Similar results were apparent with the separate SES indicators. In a general population sample, socioeconomic inequalities in the risk of type 2 diabetes extend to older ages and appear to partially originate from socioeconomic variations in modifiable factors which include lifestyle and inflammation.


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The maternal history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) has been reported more frequently in patients with type 2 DM than paternal history. The aim of the present study was to determine if there was an association between maternal history of DM and the presence of chronic complications or metabolic syndrome (MetS) in patients with type 2 DM. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1455 patients with type 2 DM. All outpatients with type 2 diabetes attending the endocrine clinics who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were included. Familial history of DM was determined with a questionnaire. Diabetic complications were assessed using standard procedures. The definition of MetS used was that of the World Health Organization and the National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III report criteria. Maternal history of DM was present in 469 (32.3%), absent in 713 (49.1%) and unknown in 273 patients (18.7%). Paternal history of DM was positive in 255 (17.6%), negative in 927 (63.8%) and unknown in 235 patients (16.1%). The frequency of microvascular chronic complications in patients with and without a positive maternal history of DM was similar: diabetic nephropathy (51.5 vs 52.5%), diabetic retinopathy (46.0 vs 41.7%), and diabetic sensory neuropathy (31.0 vs 37.1%). The prevalence of macrovascular chronic complications and MetS was also similar. Patients with type 2 DM were more likely to have a maternal than a paternal history of DM, although maternal history of DM was not associated with an increased prevalence of chronic complications or MetS.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its individual components on the renal function of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). A cross-sectional study was performed in 842 type 2 DM patients. A clinical and laboratory evaluation, including estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) calculated by the modification of diet in renal disease formula, was performed. MetS was defined according to National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Mean patient age was 57.9 ± 10.1 years and 313 (37.2%) patients were males. MetS was detected in 662 (78.6%) patients. A progressive reduction in eGFR was observed as the number of individual MetS components increased (one: 98.2 ± 30.8; two: 92.9 ± 28.1; three: 84.0 ± 25.1; four: 83.8 ± 28.5, and five: 79.0 ± 23.0; P < 0.001). MetS increased the risk for low eGFR (<60 mL·min-1·1.73 (m²)-1) 2.82-fold (95%CI = 1.55-5.12, P < 0.001). Hypertension (OR = 2.2, 95%CI = 1.39-3.49, P = 0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (OR = 1.62, 95%CI = 1.19-2.20, P = 0.002) were the individual components with the strongest associations with low eGFR. In conclusion, there is an association between MetS and the reduction of eGFR in patients with type 2 DM, with hypertension and hypertriglyceridemia being the most important contributors in this sample. Interventional studies should be conducted to determine if treatment of MetS can prevent renal failure in type 2 DM patients.


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Diabetes incurs heavy personal and health system costs. Self-management is required if complications are to be avoided. Adolescents face particular challenges as they learn to take responsibility for their diabetes. A systematic review of educational and psychosocial programmes for adolescents with diabetes was undertaken. This aimed to: identify and categorise the types of programmes that have been evaluated; assess the cost-effectiveness of interventions; identify areas where further research is required. Sixty-two papers were identified and Subjected to a narrative review. Generic programmes focus on knowledge/skills, psychosocial issues, and behaviour/self-management. They result in modest improvements across a range of outcomes but improvements are often not sustained, suggesting a need for continuous support, possibly integrated into normal care. In-hospital education at diagnosis confers few advantages over home treatment. The greatest returns may be obtained by targeting poorly controlled individuals. Few studies addressed resourcing issues and robust cost-effectiveness appraisals are required to identify interventions that generate the greatest returns on expenditure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med studien var att belysa vilka faktorer i patientundervisningen som kan påverka resultatet av egenvård för patienter med diabetes typ 2 samt att kartlägga gruppundervisningens betydelse och dess innehåll. Studien baseras på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar daterade från år 1991 och fram till år 2003. Litteraturen har sökts manuellt och via databaserna PubMed, SweMed och Elsevier. Sökorden som använts i olika kombinationer var: education, diabetes type 2, support, obesity, self- management, changes lifestyle, factors affecting, empowerment, diabetes nurse, nurse, individually, group, diabetes typ 2, stöd, sjuksköterska, undervisning och egenvård. Urvalet av de vetenskapliga artiklarna gjordes med tanke på litteraturstudiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet visade att undervisningen bör vara en ständigt pågående process. Kontinuitet, hänsyn, tillgänglighet och stöd av hela diabetesteamet under en längre tid är viktiga faktorer i behandlingen. Andra viktiga faktorer som kan påverka resultatet av egenvård är patientens självkänsla, motivation och upplevd ensamhet. Det är viktigt att undervisarens förhållningssätt varieras och anpassas efter patientens individuella resurser och behov. Undervisningsprogram som innehåller både grupp- och individuell undervisning i kombination med teoretisk- och praktisk undervisning har en positiv betydelse för patientens egenvård. Diskussioner och sociala aktiviteter i grupp, visade sig ha en god inverkan på patientens livsstilsförändringar.


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Distriktssköterskans roll är av stor betydelse vid införandet av ett empowerment baserat förhållningssätt gentemot den äldre individen med diabetes typ 2. Empowerment är ett begrepp som uppkommit i samband den humanistiska människosynen och används i syfte att öka patienternas egenvårdsförmåga och självstyre i skötseln av sin diabetes. Livskvalitén ökar av individens delaktighet och självbestämmande, att själv kunna ansvara för sin sjukdom med stöd av distriktssköterskan. Empowerment baserad utbildning i grupp vid återkommande träffar för att få riklig kunskap om diabetes typ 2, med möjlighet till individuella träffar där individerna skapar sina egna mål är av största vikt för att bedriva egenvård. Lagar och författningar som styr distriktssköterskans arbete genomsyras av humanism. Distriktssköterskan behöver få utbildning i att använda sig av ett empowerment baserat arbetssätt och de behöver arbetsledningens stöd då det krävs ökade resurser vid införandet av ett nytt arbetssätt. Empowerment baserad grupputbildning ger en ökad förbättring av den glykemiska kontrollen för äldre individer. Diabetes typ 2 är en sjukdom som ökar i takt med att befolkningen blir äldre. Studien har genomförts som systematisk litteraturstudie.


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Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att söka evidens för metoder som kan stödja patienter med typ-2 diabetes till livsstilsförändringar. Metod: En litteraturstudie, som innehåller 16 kvantitativa och kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar, som var publicerade mellan 2000-2010. Databasen som användes var Cinahl och sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Sökorden som använts var: diabetes type 2, type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes, patient education, empowerment, health behaviour och self-management. Resultat: I resultaten kom uppsatsförfattarna fram till olika kategorier som visar olika åtgärder till livsstilsförändringar. Studierna baserades på olika åtgärder såsom; datorintervention, utbildningar, telefonsamtal, motiverande samtal, transteoretiska modellen och sjuksköterskespecialister. Empowerment var enligt uppsatsförfattarna det övergripande temat som de flesta studier baserade åtgärderna på.


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Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva vad personer med diabetes anser inverka på deras möjlighet och vilja att följa egenvårdsråd (patientperspektivet) och att beskriva omvård-nad som stöder följsamhet (sjukvårdsperspektivet). Studien har genomförts som en litteratur-studie. Det visade sig att alla krav för att hålla sjukdomen under kontroll innebär livsstilsför-ändringar, som kan vara så utmanande för patienten, att han kanske inte kan eller vill vidta dessa. Bristande kunskap om sjukdomen och om dess egenvårdskrav kan göra honom dåligt emotionellt anpassad till denna, det vill säga han har inte accepterat att han har sjukdomen och han vill inte låta dess egenvårdskrav inkräkta på det sociala livet. Detta ger honom för-sämrade möjligheter att hantera sjukdomen på ett bra sätt. Barriärer av olika slag kan uppstå mellan patient och vårdgivare. Det kan röra sig om en upplevd brist på information och stöd när diabetes diagnosticerats eller en känsla av att vara utsatt för läkarens eller sjuksköterskans stereotypa föreställningar och/eller att bli paternalistiskt behandlad. Till barriärer räknas även klinisk misskötsel, det vill säga att läkare/sjuksköterska inte följer vedertagna riktlinjer för be-handling.Vad som kan inverka positivt på följsamheten är patientens stöd av anhöriga eller andra i det sociala nätverket. Omvårdnad som stöder följsamhet visade sig varapatientundervisning, främst om den inriktades på att öka patientens självständighet genom att låta undervisningen pågå under en längre tid, så att patienten hinner integrera sin nya kunskap med det dagliga livet. Med eller utan patientundervisning tar det tid att bygga upp ett socialt stöd och ett förtroende mellan patient och vårdare.


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Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vilka kunskaper vårdpersonal upplever sig ha om äldre personer med diabetes typ 2. Resultatet av undersökningen ska ligga till grund för utvecklandet av ett instrument för kunskapskontroll inför delegering.Metod: Denna studie genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer.Den kvalitativa intervjumetoden användes för att ta reda på vilka kunskaper om diabetes som vårdpersonal i kommunal vård upplever sig ha. Studien innefattade intervjuer vid tre tillfällen. Sammanlagt deltog 22 personer i intervjuerna.Resultat: Studien visar att vårdpersonalen upplever sin kunskap om diabetes som bristfällig. Detta gäller framför allt symtom, behandling samt vilka åtgärder som ska vidtas vid förändring i hälsotillståndet hos den äldre personen med diabetes typ 2. Den största osäkerheten gäller kunskapen om blodsockervärden, vad som är normalvärde, höga respektive låga värden. De upplever sig också ha dålig kunskap när det gäller individuella målvärden. Detta tyder på att det är svårt för vårdpersonalen att arbeta enligt de nationella riktlinjerna som fokuserar på symtomfrihet och livskvalitet. Studien visar däremot att vårdpersonalen upplever sig ha goda kunskaper när det gäller omvårdnadsåtgärder som leder till ett gott förebyggande arbete, framför allt när det gäller fotkomplikationer. Sammantaget visar studien att vårdpersonalen behöver regelbunden strukturerad undervisning om diabetes för att de ska kunna ge en god och säker omvårdnad.


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Research shows that people with diabetes want their lives to proceed as normally as possible, but some patients experience difficulty in reaching their desired goals with treatment. The learning process is a complex phenomenon interwoven into every facet of life. Patients and healthcare providers often have different perspectives in care which gives different expectations on what the patients need to learn and cope with. The aim of this study, therefore, is to describe the experience of learning to live with diabetes. Interviews were conducted with 12 patients afflicted with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The interviews were then analysed with reference to the reflective lifeworld research approach. The analysis shows that when the afflicted realize that their bodies undergo changes and that blood sugar levels are not always balanced as earlier in life, they can adjust to their new conditions early. The afflicted must take responsibility for balancing their blood sugar levels and incorporating the illness into their lives. Achieving such goals necessitates knowledge. The search for knowledge and sensitivity to changes are constant requirements for people with diabetes. Learning is driven by the tension caused by the need for and dependence on safe blood sugar control, the fear of losing such control, and the fear of future complications. The most important responsibilities for these patients are aspiring to understand their bodies as lived bodies, ensuring safety and security, and acquiring the knowledge essential to making conscious choices.


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Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av patientundervisning till patienter med diabetes samt att identifiera aspekter som kan relateras till ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Metod: Deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes vid datainsamlingen. Vid urvalet användes strategiskt urval. Nio intervjuer utfördes med distriktssköterskor på sex olika vårdcentraler i Mellansverige. Vid analysen användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Distriktssköterskorna önskade mer kunskap om invandrares kost- och motionsvanor. Distriktssköterskorna uttryckte att det var roligt och spännande med patientundervisning och att det var viktigt att de var engagerade. Distriktssköterskorna ville arbeta mer i team och de upplevde att de hade för lite tid avsatt för patientundervisning. De ansåg att de arbetade personcentrerat men det var svårare att arbeta personcentrerat vid gruppundervisning än vid enskild undervisning. Slutsats: Distriktssköterskor bör ha god kunskap om kulturella skillnader hos patienter med diabetes. Distriktssköterskorna upplever brist på tid- och resurser och önskar samarbeta mera i team. Det är viktigt med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt där distriktssköterskorna utgår från den enskilda individen. En distriktssköterska som är engagerad och trivs med sitt arbete kan lättare klara av det ökade trycket och arbetsbelastningen.


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Introdução: a obtenção de um bom controle metabólico é essencial para a prevenção das complicações crônicas do Diabetes Melito (DM). O tratamento é complexo e depende da implementação efetiva das diferentes estratégias terapêuticas disponíveis. Para que isso seja possível, é necessário que o paciente entenda os princípios terapêuticos e consiga executá-los. A precária educação em diabetes é percebida como um dos obstáculos para o alcance das metas terapêuticas. Objetivo: analisar, os fatores associados ao controle metabólico, em pacientes com DM tipo 2 (DM2) não usuários de insulina. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal em pacientes com DM2 não usuários de insulina, selecionados ao acaso entre aqueles que consultavam nos ambulatórios de Medicina Interna, Endocrinologia e Enfermagem do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, laboratorial e responderam um questionário que incluía o tipo de tratamento realizado para DM, outros medicamentos e co-morbidades, pesquisa de complicações em ano prévio e avaliação do conhecimento sobre DM. Os pacientes foram classificados em dois grupos, com bom ou mau controle glicêmico, de acordo com o valor da glico-hemoglobina de 1 ponto % acima do limite superior do método utilizado. As comparações entre variáveis contínuas, com distribuição normal, foram analisadas pelo teste t de Student para amostras não-pareadas e para as variáveis de distribuição assimétrica ou com variância heterogênea o teste U de Mann-Whitney. A comparação entre percentagem foi feita pelo teste de qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher. Foi realizada uma análise logística múltipla para identificar os fatores mais relevantes associados ao controle metabólico (variável dependente). As variáveis independentes com um nível de significância de P < 0,1 na análise bivariada, foram incluídas no modelo. Resultados: foram avaliados 143 pacientes com DM2, idade de 59,3 ± 10,1 anos, duração conhecida do DM 7,5 ± 6,3 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 29,7 ± 5,2 kg/m².Destes, 94 pacientes (65,73%) apresentavam bom controle glicêmico. Os pacientes com mau controle glicêmico usavam mais anti-hiperglicemiantes orais como monoterapia (OR = 9,37; IC = 2,60-33,81; P=0,004) ou associados (OR = 31,08; IC = 7,42-130,15; P < 0,001). Da mesma maneira, não fizeram dieta em dias de festa (OR = 3,29; IC = 1,51-7,16; P = 0,012). A inclusão do conhecimento sobre diabetes não foi diferente entre os pacientes com bom ou mau controle glicêmico (OR = 1,08; IC = 0,97 - 1,21; P = 0,219). A análise multivariada demonstrou que a consulta com a enfermeira educadora (OR = 0,24; IC = 0,108-0,534; P = 0,003), com o endocrinologista (OR = 0,15 ; IC = 0,063-0,373; P = 0,001) e o uso de hipolipemiantes (OR = 0,10; IC = 0,016 - 0,72; P = 0,054) foram associados ao bom controle glicêmico, ajustados para a não realização de dieta em festas, uso de anti-hiperglicemiantes orais e conhecimento sobre diabetes. Conclusão: o controle metabólico em pacientes DM2 é influenciado pelas atividades de educação com enfermeira e endocrinologista. O tratamento do DM2 deve incluir atividades de educação de forma sistemática.


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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and osteoposes are chronic diseases with great socioeconomic consequences, mainly due to the late complications and consequent disabilities. The potential effects of DM on bone metabolism remain a very conroversial issue, and disagreement exists with regard to the clinical implications of diabetic osteopenia and the mechanism of its ocurrence. The issue is further complicated by the contribuicion of the especific factors, such as duration of disease an dthe degree of metabolic control. The objective of this study is to identify the osteopathy in children and adolescents with DM 1 assisted in the hospital of pediatrics, UFRN, through biochemical markers of bone and mineral metabolism and the extent of bone mineral density. The study was composed by 74 diabetics type 1 patients (DM1) of both gender and aged 6 to 20 yars. Normoglicêmic group was composed by 97 healthy subjects of both genders, which showed the same age range of DM1, in addition to same socioeconomic class. These individuals qere students from the networks of public education in the city of Natal-RN, randomly invited to paticipate in our study. Both groups DM1 and NG were divided intofour subgroups, according to the classification of tanner , T1, T2, T3, T4 for achieving a benchmark. Diabetic individuals showed up with a poor glycemic control. the group DN1 T4 showed an incresead value for total protein, albumin, urea and microalbumiuria are predictors of grumelura injury in DM1 patients . The total alkaline phosphatase activitywas kept on high levels for both groups because they are in a stature development age. For osteocalcin there were decreased levels for groups Dm1 T1, T2, and T3 when compared to their NG (s), suggesting that this decrease could be associated with reduction in the number and/or differentiation os osteoblasts thereby contributing to reducing bone formation. There were no changes in the activity of TRAP. The serum concentrations of total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were included within the RV. It was observed that the BMD (Z- SCORE ) has always been within the RV for both groups, despite to DM1 T4. Taking all together, our results support the hypothesis that children and adolescents with type 1 DM present the risk in the long run to suffer a reduction in the bone mass, associated to poor glicemic control and disease duration. It could limit the bone growth and increase the probality of development of osteopenia, as well as other complications surch as retinopathy and renal failure


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Popular Health Education in its emancipatory dimension refers to individuals and groups to exchange knowledge and experiences, allowing them to associate health to the outcomes of their living conditions. Under this view, health workers and health users are subjects of the educative process. Thus, this study aims to identify the key clinical and socio sanitary attributes and promote educational activities with patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in a Family Health Care Unit of the Western Sanitary District, in the city of Natal / RN. It is an action research which uses the references of the Theory of Liberating Education, which is based on a problem-solving pedagogy and that values dialogue in the process of understanding oneself and the world. Thirty-six diabetics, who are residents of the area covered by the health care unit, and thirty health workers participated in the survey. Each group had an average of twelve participants, and the meetings took place at the Unit´s hall, using conversation wheels, group dynamics, life narratives, experiences telling, movie exhibition and discussions, music, knowledge telling, desires, limitations, beliefs and values socially constructed. Data collection took place during the second half of two thousand and thirteen through Free Word Association Technique (FWAT), recordings of conversation wheels, participative observation, group dynamics, testimonies, questionnaires, life narratives and photographs. The empirical material was organized and subjected to three analyzes: thematic content (Bardin), textual statistics analysis by software IRAMUTEQ (Ratinaud), and photographic analysis (Edmund Feldman). The data analyses originated words, expressions, categories, themes and creative situations showing that popular health education is in process of construction, but still very incipient in primary care. The National Policy on Popular Health Education shows us the necessary ways for the transformation of health practices and the build of a more shared and solidary society. The meetings could be place to reverse that normative logic that has been happening over the years in primary care, but that by itself is not enough. It is possible to conclude that the use of active practices, increasing of listening and training on Popular Health Education will enable changes in the scenario where users and health workers deal with diabetes mellitus. Thus we see the popular health education is being timidly incorporated to the educational process of the subjects involved in this study, and far away from the principles of participation, organization of political work, increase opportunities for dialogue, respect, solidarity and tolerance among different actors involved in addressing the health problems that are fundamental to the improvement in building healthy practices of primary care


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Objective: To present the proposal of educational workshops on diabetes and a strategy of evaluation aimed at upgrading the professionals' performance in primary care. Methods: The workshops were implemented using participatory methodology, play techniques, experiences, and group dynamics, involving the participation of 85 health professionals from Units of Primary Care, in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG. The knowledge about the disease and the skills required for self-care were measured by applying specific instruments. The workshops were evaluated based on the instrument: developed for that purpose. Results: There were limitations in the knowledge of professionals about pathophysiology and the disease's complementary tests. The workshops helped to awaken the potential of professionals (reflection, criticism and creativity) necessary to change the educational process. It was considered a pedagogical strategy, easy to understand, interactive and playful. Conclusions: The workshops contributed to the planning of the educational process and the structuring of an evaluation model of practices of health and education promotion in diabetes.