993 resultados para Design structure matrix


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Despite over 30 years of effort, an HIV-1 vaccine that elicits protective antibodies still does not exist. Recent clinical studies have identified that during natural infection about 20% of the population is capable of mounting a potent and protective antibody response. Closer inspection of these individuals reveal that a subset of these antibodies, recently termed potent VRC01-like (PVL), derive exclusively from a single human germline heavy chain gene. Induced clonal expansion of the B cell encoding this gene is the first step through which PVL antibodies may be elicited. Unfortunately, naturally occurring HIV gp120s fail to bind to this germline, and as a result cannot be used as the initial prime for a vaccine regimen. We have determined the crystal structure of an important germline antibody that is a promising target for vaccine design efforts, and have set out to engineer a more likely candidate using computationally-guided rational design.

In addition to prevention efforts on the side of vaccine design, recently characterized broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibodies have excellent potential for use in gene therapy and passive immunotherapy. The separation distance between functional Fabs on an antibody is important due to the sparse distribution of envelop spikes on HIV compared to other viruses. We set out to build and characterize novel antibody architectures by incorporating structured linkers into the hinge region of an anti-HIV antibody b12. The goal was to observe whether these linkers increased the arm-span of the IgG dimer. When incorporated, flexible Gly4Ser repeats did not result in detectable extensions of the IgG antigen binding domains, by contrast to linkers including more rigid domains such as β2-microglobulin, Zn-α2-glycoprotein, and tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs). This study adds an additional set of linkers with varying lengths and rigidities to the available linker repertoire, which may be useful for the modification and construction of antibodies and other fusion proteins.


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Buildings in Port Aransas encounter drastic environmental challenges: the potential catastrophic storm surge and high winds from a hurricane, and daily conditions hostile to buildings, vehicles, and even most vegetation. Its location a few hundred feet from the Gulf of Mexico and near-tropical latitude expose buildings to continuous high humidity, winds laden with scouring sand and corrosive salt, and extremes of temperature and ultraviolet light. Building construction methods are able to address each of these, but doing so in a sustainable way creates significant challenges. The new research building at the Marine Science Institute has been designed and is being constructed to meet the demand for both survivability and sustainability. It is tracking towards formal certification as a LEED Gold structure while being robust and resistant to the harsh coastal environment. The effects of a hurricane are mitigated by elevating buildings and providing a windproof envelope. Ground-level enclosures are designed to be sacrificial and non-structural so they can wash or blow away without imposing damage on the upper portions of the building, and only non-critical functions and equipment will be supported within them. Design features that integrate survivability with sustainability include: orientation of building axis; integral shading from direct summer sunlight; light wells; photovoltaic arrays; collection of rainwater and air conditioning condensate for use in landscape irrigation; reduced impervious cover; xeriscaping and indigenous plants; recycling of waste heat from air conditioning systems; roofing system that reflects light and heat; long life, low maintenance stainless steel, high-tensile vinyl, hard-anodized aluminum and hot-dipped galvanized mountings throughout; chloride-resistant concrete; reduced visual impact; recycling of construction materials.


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The disulfide-bridged hendecapeptide ( CWTKSIPPKPC) loop, derived from an amphibian skin peptide, is found to have strong trypsin inhibitory capability. This loop, called the trypsin inhibitory loop ( TIL), appears to be the smallest serine protease inhib


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The design of wind turbine blades is a true multi-objective engineering task. The aerodynamic effectiveness of the turbine needs to be balanced with the system loads introduced by the rotor. Moreover the problem is not dependent on a single geometric property, but besides other parameters on a combination of aerofoil family and various blade functions. The aim of this paper is therefore to present a tool which can help designers to get a deeper insight into the complexity of the design space and to find a blade design which is likely to have a low cost of energy. For the research we use a Computational Blade Optimisation and Load Deflation Tool (CoBOLDT) to investigate the three extreme point designs obtained from a multi-objective optimisation of turbine thrust, annual energy production as well as mass for a horizontal axis wind turbine blade. The optimisation algorithm utilised is based on Multi-Objective Tabu Search which constitutes the core of CoBOLDT. The methodology is capable to parametrise the spanning aerofoils with two-dimensional Free Form Deformation and blade functions with two tangentially connected cubic splines. After geometry generation we use a panel code to create aerofoil polars and a stationary Blade Element Momentum code to evaluate turbine performance. Finally, the obtained loads are fed into a structural layout module to estimate the mass and stiffness of the current blade by means of a fully stressed design. For the presented test case we chose post optimisation analysis with parallel coordinates to reveal geometrical features of the extreme point designs and to select a compromise design from the Pareto set. The research revealed that a blade with a feasible laminate layout can be obtained, that can increase the energy capture and lower steady state systems loads. The reduced aerofoil camber and an increased L/. D-ratio could be identified as the main drivers. This statement could not be made with other tools of the research community before. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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AlGaN-based resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) p-i-n photodetectors (PDs) for operating at the wavelength of 330 nm were designed and fabricated. A 20.5-pair AlN/Al0.3Ga0.7N distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) was used as the back mirror and a 3-pair AlN/Al0.3Ga0.7N DBR as the front one. In the cavity is a p-GaN/i-GaN/n-Al0.3Ga0.7N structure. The optical absorption of the RCE PD structure is at most 59.8% deduced from reflectance measurement. Selectively enhanced by the cavity effect, a response peak of 0.128 A/W at 330 nm with a half-peak breadth of 5.5 nm was obtained under zero bias. The peak wavelength shifted 15 nm with the incident angle of light increasing from 0 degrees to 60 degrees.


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A folding nonblocking 4 X 4 optical matrix switch in simplified-tree architecture was designed and fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer. To compress chip size, switch elements (SEs) were connected by total internal reflection mirrors instead of conventional S-bends. For obtaining smooth interfaces, potassium hydroxide (KOH) anisotropic chemical etching of silicon was employed. The device has a compact size of 20 X 3.2 mm(2) and a fast response of 8 +/- 1 mu s. Power consumption of 2 x 2 SE and excess loss per mirror were 145 mW and -1.1 dB, respectively. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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p-type doping is a great challenge for the full utilization of ZnO as short-wavelength optoelectronic material. Due to a large electronegative characteristic of oxygen, the ionization energy of acceptors in ZnO is usually too high. By analyzing the defect wave-function character, we propose several approaches to lower the acceptor ionization energy by codoping acceptors with donor or isovalent atoms. Using the first-principles band-structure method, we show that the acceptor transition energies of V-Zn-O-O can be reduced by introducing F-O next to V-Zn to reduce electronic potential, whereas the acceptor transition energy of N-O-nZn(Zn) (n=1-4) can be reduced if we replace Zn by isovalent Mg or Be to reduce the anion and cation kinetic p-d repulsion, as well as the electronic potential.