873 resultados para Desenvolvimento Humano


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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O conjunto de pesquisas envolvidas neste trabalho procurou investigar a escola inclusiva enquanto contexto de desenvolvimento, através de quatro estudos. Esses estudos foram direcionados para discussão dos fatores de risco ou proteção presentes no ambiente escolar inclusivo. O primeiro estudo investigou as interações entre uma aluna com deficiência visual e seus colegas em uma sala de aula inclusiva, com o objetivo de averiguar como se estabelecem as relações de amizade neste contexto de desenvolvimento; o segundo estudo procurou compreender a visão de estudantes com deficiências sobre sua rede de apoio social; o terceiro estudo objetivou analisar a visão de professores e técnicos educacionais sobre a inclusão escolar de estudantes com deficiências em salas de aula comuns; e o quarto estudo realizou uma investigação sobre a concepção de mães de estudantes com deficiências acerca da escola inclusiva com o objetivo de analisar como os fatores de proteção e risco se configuram dentro do contexto escolar inclusivo. O modelo bioecológico do desenvolvimento humano proposto por Bronfenbrenner é apresentado enquanto uma base teórica desta pesquisa que foi efetivada através da observação naturalística e da inserção ecológica da pesquisadora no ambiente da pesquisa. Os resultados das pesquisas revelaram questões importantes e polêmicas sobre o processo de inclusão educacional.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A globalização, posta como mundialização do capital, possui como pressuposto negado o processo civilizatório humano-genérico, que é implícito ao desenvolvimento moderno da forma sócio-histórica do capital. Na perspectiva dialética, um pressuposto negado não perde a sua efetividade ontológica. O processo civilizatório humano-genérico conserva a sua condição de pressuposto sócio-histórico do desenvolvimento orgânico do capital e do capitalismo. Como pressuposto negado aparece, sob a mundialização do capital, como um “ainda-não-ser”, capaz de produzir explicitações espectrais e formas regressivas de desenvolvimento humano- social.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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INTRODUCTION: developmental dyslexia is characterized by impairment in reading and writing of simple words often involving deficits in phonological decoding and spelling. It affects individuals without sensory disabilities, free of significant emotional commitment and adequate educational opportunities. OBJECTIVE: to characterize the performance in activities related to writing observed in children with developmental dyslexia. METHOD: a total of six children (boys and girls) from 3rd to 7th grade from public schools in a city in the state of Sao Paulo, eight to thirteen years of age, participated in this study. Data were collected in CEES - Centro de Estudos de Educação e Saúde of UNESP - in Marília -SP in writing tasks. The results were analyzed descriptively by the score in percentage of correct answers. RESULTS: children with developmental dyslexia presented alterations in relation to the activities: writing of isolated words and writing of dictated words were below expectations for the education level, presenting phonological and orthographic changes. CONCLUSION: it is important that children with school problems make a more specific evaluation concerning these tasks.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Com os avanços alcançados pela economia brasileira, considerada pela ONU uma economia de Desenvolvimento Humano Elevado, e pelos planos econômicos para galgar maiores patamares de desenvolvimento do país, como o PAC e Planos de Metas (para 2012), é necessário investigar se o desenvolvimento está sendo “engolfado” por toda a população - se os Estados e regiões mais atrasado, Norte e Nordeste, nesses primeiros anos do século 21, possuem condições de alcançar os Estados mais desenvolvidos do “Cone Sul”, ou seja, a integração da economia do país


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The dependency of psychoactive substances whether licit or illicit, among adolescents is a topic that has aroused much discussion today. One of the psychoactive substance that has caught the attention of authorities and experts, its potential dependence, increasing the number of addicts and speed with which triggers the human degeneration is the crack (a derivative of cocaine - Erythroxylon coca), used via the smoked administration. Understanding the phenomenon of increasing their use requires an analysis of the concepts of addiction throughout history, current research encompassing scientific findings in epidemiology and statistics involving several types of pharmacological substances, and especially the analysis of data related specifically to crack the focus of our theme. In order to contribute to ongoing discussions and offer possible alternatives for effective intervention, especially in schools, we conducted a survey that sought to find evidence of a possible relationship between crack use and moral reasoning. Since our work specifically theoretical nature, we use to reach our goals, assumptions, two researchers in the concept of human morality: Jean Piaget (1994) and Lawrence Kohlberg (1992) both traveling within the proposed cognitive-evolutionary human development. For an understanding of the proposals of these two researchers, we use research to (Lepre, 2005), as guiding thesis of this work. The results presented indicate that adolescents who use crack are very close to a level of moral reasoning pre-conventional and conventional, although it is important to state that more accurate results require further research on the subject, including those involving field research. Yet we can conclude that prevention must go through a dialogue that privileges the moral education as possible means of effective intervention against the use of crack, allowing the construction of autonomy... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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The paper defends that the historical-cultural psychology needs the mediation of the historical-critical pedagogy in order to contribute to the school educational practice. In this direction, the paper analyses, in the field of the relations between Psychology and Pedagogy, a criteria for the human development characterization. Considering both, psychology and pedagogy, inside the historical process of social class struggle, the paper defends that human beings develop themselves by using the mediations which makes possible the movement from the condition of “being in itself” to the condition of “being for itself”.


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The scarcity of resources which frequently confronts the State, coupled with demands to provide assistance to a needy population, requires that public administrators formulate efficient and effective policies to pursue its goals. It is fundamental that such policies are based on solid information of existing conditions. As such, the availability of reliable and updated socio-economic indicators is an important tool on which to fundament public policies. The present paper aims to present a Municipal Development Index – Municipal Management Development Index (IDGM) – calculated for the city of Itabaiana/SE, and is divided in two sections. The first discusses the concept of economic development and the evolution of measurement frameworks, with emphasis on the IHD and some of its limitations. The second section describes an estimated IDGM for the city of Itabaiana, as well as its methodology, results, and a brief comparative analysis with four municipalities from the state of São Paulo. Itabaiana’s IDGM reached 849 points (the maximum is 1.000), which infers a good developmental condition.