100 resultados para Dens Evaginatus
Aquest quadern ha sorgit amb l'objectiu de facilitar el material didàctic necessari per al seguiment de l'assignatura de Ciències socials i la seua didàctica, ubicada en el segon curs de Magisteri, especialitat Educació Primària. Els alumnes d'aquesta titulació tenen un pla d'estudi molt dens, i una simple observació posa de manifest la falta de temps per atendre la seua formació. Al mateix temps els avanços tant en la didàctica com en les ciències de referència, difosos en revistes especialitzades, llibres de congressos, o temàtics, ens aconsellen realitzar una selecció i presentar una síntesi, que servesca de punt de partida per tot l'alumnat que tinga una mínima inquietud. Per aquesta raó dins dels primers capítols i activitats d'aula es presenten les principals fonts d'informació com bibliografia, hemeroteca o direccions d'Internet. La Universitat d'Alacant, conscient que molts alumnes volen estudiar en valencià, ofereix al professors, a través del Secretariat de Promoció del Valencià, l'oportunitat d'elaborar materials docents en aquesta llengua. Per tant l'objectiu d'aquest quadern també és atendre la demanda social existent i proporcionar el material didàctic bàsic pel seguiment de l'assignatura de Ciències socials i la seua didàctica. Els continguts seleccionats per al quadern estan definits pel descriptor que marca la normativa i els principis de la ciència, que el docent a presentat als seus alumnes i que han sigut avaluats a classe al llarg de cinc cursos.
Microstructural investigations of ocean crust samples provide a complementary approach to both marine surveys and laboratory experiments. The recovery of relatively undeformed diabases from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP)/Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 504B provides a first opportunity to examine a reference section of microstructural features that influence strain localization at depths of 2 km in the ocean crust. Syn- and post-crystallization features in plagioclase and augite crystals have been examined by optical microscopy and secondary and backscattered electron imaging. These features show a strong influence of modal composition and primary textures on early sites of strain localization. Thermal cracking and subsequent alteration intensities and distribution are strongly phase dependent. A consistently higher intragranular fracture density is observed in augite crystals relative to plagioclase. The impact of alteration on the mechanical response of diabases is likely to depend on the primary textural characteristics. Even where extensive augite alteration occurs, the rock remains supported by a framework of weakly altered plagioclase crystals. The Hole 504B diabases from Leg 140 provide a valuable comparison for future studies of more deformed sections likely to be encountered at depth. Advances in constraining the detailed rheology of the ocean crust at spreading centers would benefit from experimental deformation of texturally diverse diabase and gabbro samples.
Mohn, H. Meteorologiske iagttagelser i Norge under solformørkelsen den 9. august 1896. Guldberg, C.M. Molekylets volum. Collett, R. On Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garm., a remarkable shark found in Norway 1896. Wille, N. Beiträge zur physiologischen anatomie der laminariaceen. Hiortdahl, T. Om hydrazinets sulfater og alun samt om dets bestemmelse ved overmangansur kali.
Vol. VIII has title: Supplementum huic novae editioni Theologiae moralis et dogmaticae.
Includes bibliographical references.
There is evidence in the literature for both a congenital and a post-traumatic aetiology for os odontoideum. In no series published to date has CT been used to aid in the diagnosis. This is a prospective study of the history of trauma and presence of diagnostic features on CT of 18 consecutive cases with os odontoideum. Our objective was to derive clinically useful radiological features enabling accurate differentiation between congenital and post-traumatic aetiologies. A mid-sagittal CT reconstruction of the atlanto-dens joint was obtained. Hypertrophy of the anterior arch of the atlas was quantified by measurement of the arch-peg-area ratio. The presence of dysplastic features (a positive jigsaw sign) of the atlanto-axial joint were noted. These included narrowing of the cartilage space and interdigitation of the two joint surfaces. A history of a potential traumatic aetiology was only obtained in one of the 18 (6%) in our series. A significant elevation of the arch-peg ratio was found when comparing this series to 85 controls. And a positive jigsaw sign was observed in 75% of cases. These features were not seen in paediatric cases of atlanto-axial instability, including odontoid non-union. In conclusion, an elevated arch-peg ratio and the presence of a jigsaw sign are sensitive and specific diagnostic criteria for os odontoideum. This series supports a congenital aetiology for this condition.