996 resultados para Demolição – Resíduos sólidos
Nowadays, as well as in the past decades, the dumping of biodegradable organic waste in landfill is common practice in Brazil, as well as in most parts of the world. Nevertheless due to its rapid decomposition and release of odors, this practice hamper’s the operation and implementation of a recycling system. These facts encouraged our research to find an efficient system for the management of organic waste, not only for the use of official workers responsible for managing these wastes, but also for non-governmental institutions. The Recycling for Life Community Association – ACREVI (Associação Comunitária Reciclando para a Vida), together with the municipal authorities of Mossoró-RN, Brazil, have assumed the social role of collecting and recycling solid waste produced by most of the local population. However, it was observed that the organic waste it collected was not receiving any treatment. This present work aims to make compost with mixed waste (green waste and organic household), and then do chemical analysis of the material in view to use the waste as organic fertilizer. The objective being: to share the knowledge acquired by putting it into a very simple language accessible to people with little education. The experiment was conducted at ACREVI, Mossoró (RN), and the compost was obtained following the method "windrow", forming three cells (I, II, III) with conical shape, dimensions of 1.6 meters and 2.0 meters in diameter for cells I and II, and 1.0 meters high and 2.0 meters in diameter for cell III. The process was accompanied by analysis: CHN elemental, a variation of cell temperature, humidity, pH, TKN, bulk density, nutrients and heavy metals. Stabilized organic compounds reached the C/N ratio of 10.4/1 cell I and 10.4/1 in the cell II in the cell, showing how good soil conditions, with potential to improve the physical properties of any soil and pH acid soils, has presented the cell III at the end of the process the C/N 26/1, is a high ratio may be associated with the stack size III, thus changing the optimal conditions for the occurrence of the process. The levels of heavy metals in the analyzed compounds were lower than those established by the SDA normative instruction, Nº 27, of 5 June, 2006. The use of pruning trees and grass are used in small-scale composting, while generating a quality compost in the final process, it also created an important condition for a correct sizing of the composting piles. Under the studied conditions it is not advisable to use cells with a height of 1.00 m in height and 2.00 m in diameter, as these do not prevent the rapid dissipation of heat and thus can not be a good product at the end of composting. The composting process in the shed of the association and the preparation of the primer enabled the development of an alternative technology to generate income for members of ACREVI.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho aborda elementos relativos às dimensões dos valores e da participação política, desenvolvidos por professoras, quando da elaboração de projetos temáticos sobre resíduos sólidos. A análise representa um momento da investigação dos processos de educação continuada de professoras de séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, de São Carlos, SP, ao aprender e ensinar conteúdos relativos à temática ambiental, com foco nos resíduos sólidos. Apontamos na discussão dos dados que as professoras freqüentemente não reconhecem os limites da dimensão dos conhecimentos, o que provavelmente dificulta a percepção das possibilidades de desenvolvimento do trabalho com as dimensões dos valores éticos e da participação política. Analisamos, para estas dimensões, alguns aspectos que se destacaram na pesquisa realizada.
A geofísica é um método eficaz para investigação de áreas impactadas pelos mais diversos tipos de contaminantes, principalmente em locais de disposição de resíduos sólidos domiciliares e também utilizada na caracterização de contrastes de propriedades físicas em presença de substâncias poluentes. Este trabalho utilizou o método de Polarização Induzida numa área de disposição de resíduos sólidos desativada, localizada no município de Caçapava do Sul - RS. O aterro está assentado sobre rochas metamórficas fraturadas, pertencentes ao Complexo Metamórfico Vacacaí (Neoproterozóico). Foram realizadas 8 linhas de caminhamento elétrico, com espaçamento de 5 m entre eletrodos e 10 níveis de investigação, além de 83 medidas de direção e sentido de fraturas. O resultado geofísico permite caracterizar a camada de resíduos por baixos valores de cargabilidade. Anomalias verticais abaixo da camada de resíduos são interpretadas como zonas de fratura com possível acúmulo de chorume, caracterizadas por baixos valores de cargabilidade.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o reaproveitamento de resíduos sólidos na preparação de painéis para uso na arquitetura. Para atingir as metas propostas, painéis foram preparados a partir de resíduos provenientes de embalagens cartonadas e plásticas, utilizando-se como elemento de reforço, resíduos lignocelulósicos (casca de amendoim e de arroz). A concentração e a natureza dos resíduos utilizados como matriz e como carga foram variadas gerando doze condições experimentais diferentes. As propriedades avaliadas dos painéis foram o módulo de ruptura, módulo de elasticidade, tração perpendicular à superfície, inchamento em espessura, absorção de água e densidade. Todos os ensaios foram realizados segundo as normas ASTM D1037 e EN 317, referente à chapa de partículas. Os resultados foram analisados segundo a norma ANSI A208.1 que especifica as propriedades de desempenho requeridas para as chapas de partículas. Os painéis foram classificados como de baixa densidade, podendo ser utilizados como forros, divisórias, revestimento decorativos e demais aplicações que requerem as mesmas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Os painéis a base de embalagem plástica reforçados com casca de arroz apresentaram propriedades superiores do que os demais painéis produzidos. O elemento arquitetônico desenvolvido neste estudo representa um novo mercado potencial, podendo ser empregado no ambiente urbano e rural, atendendo ao conceito de produto ecoeficiente.
Este estudo avalia sistemas de reciclagem e de disposição de resíduos sólidos domésticos que possuem incentivos fiscais definidos pela Lei Estadual nº 13.803/2000 de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por análise de documentação de licenciamento ambiental de aterros sanitários e usinas de reciclagem e compostagem de resíduos financiados pela referida Lei e por visitas às unidades sanitárias, sendo usados os instrumentos metodológicos da agência ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB) que avaliam as condições de instalação e operação desses tipos de empreendimentos. do estudo, constatou-se que o incentivo de Minas Gerais, definido pela Lei do ICMS Ecológico, traz importantes benefícios ambientais aos municípios, embora ainda seja reduzido o número dos contemplados por esse fomento à gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Conclui-se, também, que algumas das unidades estudadas apresentam problemas de natureza ambiental e operacional.
Composting has been a viable and efficient alternative treatment to agroindustrial waste. This experiment was installed with the objective of analyzing the process of composting for slaughterhouse waste. Twelve piles of composting were prepared, using slaughterhouse waste, wheat straw and wood sawdust. The process was evaluated by daily temperature monitoring, observations of the occurrence of undesirable parameters (bad smell and/or ammoniacal smell, grease formation and presence of grubs and flies), as well as the capacity of recycling nutrients. The undesirable parameters were observed, on average, for the first five days after pile building; the temperatures increased, reaching 70 °C; chemical composition of compost showed relevant contents of macro and micronutrients, a high recycling potential. Utilization of impermeable floor and roof are recommended during the composting. The turning frequency used (15 days after pile building followed by turning) was adequate. The best relation of weight was 7.2 kg of waste for each kg of straw and 16.6 kg of waste for each kg of sawdust.
The incentive for consumption and production in large quantity in modern society generates enormous amounts of urban solid residues in the form of municipal solid waste (MSW). With the intention of reducing these residues of the municipal waste tips and to generate energy, briquettes with mixtures of MSW and residues of Eucalyptus grandis were produced. The briquettes were manufactured with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of MSW in the mixture with wood waste and 12% of moisture content. The analyzed parameters used to choose the best treatments were combustion analysis versus ash content, mechanical strength and energy content. The briquettes up to 10% of MSW showed low resistance, and above 15% showed large increase in ash content. Therefore, the treatment that fulfilled the requirements for combustion versus ash content and mechanical resistance was of at least 15% of MSW, since the source of the ash is unidentified. Considering the net energy content, the best treatment was 25% of MSW, with 17,175 kJ kg-1. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised that further studies related to gas emissions are necessary.
Taking into account the current context about environmental concern, the main purposes of this research were to develop and apply indicators in order to evaluate waste residues management in airports. As a result, 17 indicators related to generation, storage, transportation, collection, and solid waste disposal were created. These were applied in Viracopos International Airport, in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. The results obtained in the study had a 2.9 performance, in a scale from one to five, characterized as regular. Posteriorly, the main weaknesses in waste residues management were analyzed in such Airport, as well as good practices and solutions were identifed. The highlighted management strategies suggested were the adjustment of areas for waste storage, recycling, and residues composting.
The disposal of solid waste can create environmental problems, in addition to the potential risk of instability even in planned geotechnical works, such as provisions in stacks or high ends of the landfill, because they represent mere adjustments in civil engineering works. The Leme city, SP, generates about 35 t/day of municipal waste, that are deposited in a landfill located in the Barro Preto neighborhood. This work conducted a geophysical survey, based on geotechnical instability evidence in area, for analysis of the conditioners that cause on the sides leachate resurgence landfill and its relationship to mass movements and ravines installation in cover soil, with consequent waste exposure. The results indicate horizons of low resistivity connected with resurgence points generated by the organic matter decomposition contained in the waste. Such horizons result in leachate concentration in some places, which, in turn, may lead to loss of cohesion of the materials constituting the residues mass. The results are areas with mass flow by rotational movements, which, together with the surface flow of rainwater, evolves into ravines and exposed residues, preferably at the resurgence point. The leachate flow on the surface affects areas beyond the limits at landfill with direct impact on local agriculture and risk to pedestrians using the highway bordered by the landfill beyond the soil and the local aquifer.
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