127 resultados para Degeneracy


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Física - FEG


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The spindle-tuber disease is one of the most prevalent potato diseases occurring in all parts of Nebraska. It has been found in all varieties tested. It does much damage to the potato crop, in that it reduces the yield and injures the market quality of the potatoes. This 1925 publication discusses the spindler-tuber disease also known as "running-out" or degeneracy of seed potatoes; the distribution of the disease; effect upon yield and quality; symptoms of the different potato varieties; transmission of the disease and experiments; rate of increase of the disease; dry land versus irrigation in western Nebraska; straw mulching versus cultivation in eastern Nebraska; planting times; harvesting; and control.


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We derive general rigorous lower bounds for the average ground state energy per site e ((d)) of the quantum and classical Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model in dimensions d=2 and d=3 in the thermodynamic limit. For the classical model they imply that e ((2))a parts per thousand yena'3/2 and e ((3))a parts per thousand yena'2.204a <-.


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The Hubble constant, H-0, sets the scale of the size and age of the Universe and its determination from independent methods is still worthwhile to be investigated. In this article, by using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray surface brightness data from 38 galaxy clusters observed by Bonamente et al. (Astrophys J 647:25, 2006), we obtain a new estimate of H-0 in the context of a flat Lambda CDM model. There is a degeneracy on the mass density parameter (Omega(m)) which is broken by applying a joint analysis involving the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) as given by Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This happens because the BAO signature does not depend on H-0. Our basic finding is that a joint analysis involving these tests yield H-0 = 76.5(-3.33)(+3.35) km/s/mpc and Omega(m) = 0.27(-0.02)(+0.03). Since the hypothesis of spherical geometry assumed by Bonamente et al. is questionable, we have also compared the above results to a recent work where a sample of galaxy clusters described by an elliptical profile was used in analysis.


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The photophysics of the 1-nitronaphthalene molecular system, after the absorption transition to the first singlet excited state, is theoretically studied for investigating the ultrafast multiplicity change to the triplet manifold. The consecutive transient absorption spectra experimentally observed in this molecular system are also studied. To identify the electronic states involved in the nonradiative decay, the minimum energy path of the first singlet excited state is obtained using the complete active space self-consistent field//configurational second-order perturbation approach. A near degeneracy region was found between the first singlet and the second triplet excited states with large spin-orbit coupling between them. The intersystem crossing rate was also evaluated. To support the proposed deactivation model the transient absorption spectra observed in the experiments were also considered. For this, computer simulations using sequential quantum mechanic-molecular mechanic methodology was used to consider the solvent effect in the ground and excited states for proper comparison with the experimental results. The absorption transitions from the second triplet excited state in the relaxed geometry permit to describe the transient absorption band experimentally observed around 200 fs after the absorption transition. This indicates that the T-2 electronic state is populated through the intersystem crossing presented here. The two transient absorption bands experimentally observed between 2 and 45 ps after the absorption transition are described here as the T-1 -> T-3 and T-1 -> T-5 transitions, supporting that the intermediate triplet state (T-2) decays by internal conversion to T-1. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4738757]


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In dieser Arbeit werden vier unterschiedliche, stark korrelierte, fermionische Mehrbandsysteme untersucht. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Mehrstörstellen-Anderson-Modell, zwei Hubbard-Modelle sowie ein Mehrbandsystem, wie es sich aus einer ab initio-Beschreibung für ein korreliertes Halbmetall ergibt.rnrnDie Betrachtung des Mehrstörstellen-Anderson-Modells konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Austauschwechselwirkung und der nicht-lokalen Korrelationen zwischen zwei Störstellen in einem einfach-kubischen Gitter. Das zentrale Resultat ist die Abstandsabhängigkeit der Korrelationen der Störstellenelektronen, welche stark von der Gitterdimension und der relativen Position der Störstellen abhängen. Bemerkenswert ist hier die lange Reichweite der Korrelationen in der Diagonalrichtung des Gitters. Außerdem ergibt sich, dass eine antiferromagnetische Austauschwechselwirkung ein Singulett zwischen den Störstellenelektronen gegenüber den Kondo-Singuletts der einzelnen Störstellen favorisiert und so den Kondo-Effekt der einzelnen Störstellen behindert.rnrnEin Zweiband-Hubbard-Modell, das Jz-Modell, wird im Hinblick auf seine Mott-Phasen in Abhängigkeit von Dotierung und Kristallfeldaufspaltung auf dem Bethe-Gitter untersucht. Die Entartung der Bänder ist durch eine unterschiedliche Bandbreite aufgehoben. Wichtigstes Ergebnis sind die Phasendiagramme in Bezug auf Wechselwirkung, Gesamtfüllung und Kristallfeldparameter. Im Vergleich zu Einbandmodellen kommen im Jz-Modell sogenannte orbital-selektive Mott-Phasen hinzu, die, abhängig von Wechselwirkung, Gesamtfüllung und Kristallfeldparameter, einerseits metallischen und andererseits isolierenden Charakter haben. Ein neuer Aspekt ergibt sich durch den Kristallfeldparameter, der die ionischen Einteilchenniveaus relativ zueinander verschiebt, und für bestimmte Werte eine orbital-selektive Mott-Phase des breiten Bands ermöglicht. Im Vergleich mit analytischen Näherungslösungen und Einbandmodellen lassen sich generische Vielteilchen- und Korrelationseffekte von typischen Mehrband- und Einteilcheneffekten differenzieren.rnrnDas zweite untersuchte Hubbard-Modell beschreibt eine magneto-optische Falle mit einer endlichen Anzahl Gitterplätze, in welcher fermionische Atome platziert sind. Es wird eine z-antiferromagnetische Phase unter Berücksichtigung nicht-lokaler Vielteilchenkorrelationen erhalten, und dabei werden bekannte Ergebnisse einer effektiven Einteilchenbeschreibung verbessert.rnrnDas korrelierte Halbmetall wird im Rahmen einer Mehrbandrechnung im Hinblick auf Korrelationseffekte untersucht. Ausgangspunkt ist eine ab initio-Beschreibung durch die Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT), welche dann durch die Hinzunahme lokaler Korrelationen ergänzt wird. Die Vielteilcheneffekte werden an Hand einer einfachen Wechselwirkungsnäherung verdeutlicht, und für ein Wechselwirkungsmodell in sphärischer Symmetrie präzisiert. Es ergibt sich nur eine schwache Quasiteilchenrenormierung. Besonders für röntgenspektroskopische Experimente wird eine gute Übereinstimmung erzielt.rnrnDie numerischen Ergebnisse für das Jz-Modell basieren auf Quanten-Monte-Carlo-Simulationen im Rahmen der dynamischen Molekularfeldtheorie (DMFT). Für alle anderen Systeme wird ein Mehrband-Algorithmus entwickelt und implementiert, welcher explizit nicht-diagonale Mehrbandprozesse berücksichtigt.rnrn


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Radio relics are diffuse synchrotron sources generally located in the peripheries of galaxy clusters in merging state. According to the current leading scenario, relics trace gigantic cosmological shock waves that cross the intra-cluster medium where particle acceleration occurs. The relic/shock connection is supported by several observational facts, including the spatial coincidence between relics and shocks found in the X-rays. Under the assumptions that particles are accelerated at the shock front and are subsequently deposited and then age downstream of the shock, Markevitch et al. (2005) proposed a method to constrain the magnetic field strength in radio relics. Measuring the thickness of radio relics at different frequencies allows to derive combined constraints on the velocity of the downstream flow and on the magnetic field, which in turns determines particle aging. We elaborate this idea to infer first constraints on magnetic fields in cluster outskirts. We consider three models of particle aging and develop a geometric model to take into account the contribution to the relic transverse size due to the projection of the shock-surface on the plane of the sky. We selected three well studied radio relics in the clusters A 521, CIZA J2242.8+5301 and 1RXS J0603.3+4214. These relics have been chosen primarily because they are almost seen edge-on and because the Mach number of the shock that is associated with these relics is measured by X-ray observations, thus allowing to break the degeneracy between magnetic field and downstream velocity in the method. For the first two clusters, our method is consistent with a pure radiative aging model allowing us to derive constraints on the relics magnetic field strength. In the case of 1RXS J0603.3+4214 we find that particle life-times are consistent with a pure radiative aging model under some conditions, however we also collect evidences for downstream particle re-acceleration in the relic W-region and for a magnetic field decaying downstream in its E-region. Our estimates of the magnetic field strength in the relics in A 521 and CIZA J2242.8+5301 provide unique information on the field properties in cluster outskirts. The constraints derived for these relics, together with the lower limits to the magnetic field that we derived from the lack of inverse Compton X-ray emission from the sources, have been combined with the constraints from Faraday rotation studies of the Coma cluster. Overall results suggest that the spatial profile of the magnetic field energy density is broader than that of the thermal gas, implying that the ε_th /ε_B ratio decreases with cluster radius. Alternatively, radio relics could trace dynamically active regions where the magnetic field strength is biased high with respect to the average value in the cluster volume.


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The N-H center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond is an important intermolecular interaction in many biological systems. We have investigated the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the supersonic-jet cooled complex of pyrrole with benzene and benzene-d(6) (Pyr center dot Bz, Pyr center dot Bz-d(6)). DFT-D density functional, SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2 calculations predict a T-shaped and (almost) C(s) symmetric structure with an N-H center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond to the benzene ring. The pyrrole is tipped by omega(S(0)) = +/- 13 degrees relative to the surface normal of Bz. The N center dot center dot center dot ring distance is 3.13 angstrom. In the S(1) excited state, SCS-CC2 calculations predict an increased tipping angle omega(S(1)) = +/- 21 degrees. The IR depletion spectra support the T-shaped geometry: The NH stretch is redshifted by -59 cm(-1), relative to the "free" NH stretch of pyrrole at 3531 cm(-1), indicating a moderately strong N-H center dot center dot center dot pi interaction. The interaction is weaker than in the (Pyr)(2) dimer, where the NH donor shift is -87 cm(-1) [Dauster et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 2827]. The IR C-H stretch frequencies and intensities of the Bz subunit are very similar to those of the acceptor in the (Bz)(2) dimer, confirming that Bz acts as the acceptor. While the S(1) <- S(0) electronic origin of Bz is forbidden and is not observable in the gas-phase, the UV spectrum of Pyr center dot Bz in the same region exhibits a weak 0(0)(0) band that is red-shifted by 58 cm(-1) relative to that of Bz (38 086 cm(-1)). The origin appears due to symmetry-breaking of the p-electron system of Bz by the asymmetric pyrrole NH center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond. This contrasts with (Bz)(2), which does not exhibit a 0(0)(0) band. The Bz moiety in Pyr center dot Bz exhibits a 6a(0)(1) band at 0(0)(0) + 518 cm(-1) that is about 20x more intense than the origin band. The symmetry breaking by the NH center dot center dot center dot pi hydrogen bond splits the degeneracy of the v(6)(e(2g)) vibration, giving rise to 6a' and 6b' sub-bands that are spaced by similar to 6 cm(-1). Both the 0(0)(0) and 6(0)(1) bands of Pyr center dot Bz carry a progression in the low-frequency (10 cm(-1)) excited-state tipping vibration omega', in agreement with the change of the omega tipping angle predicted by SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2 calculations.


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We present a new approach to the issues of spacetime singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity. This is based on the idea that standard 4-dimensional spacetime is the conformal infinity of an ambient metric for the 5-dimensional Einstein equations with fluid sources. We then find that the existence of spacetime singularities in four dimensions is constrained by asymptotic properties of the ambient 5-metric, while the non-degeneracy of the latter crucially depends on cosmic censorship holding on the boundary.


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The non-relativistic hydrogen atom enjoys an accidental SO(4) symmetry, that enlarges the rotational SO(3) symmetry, by extending the angular momentum algebra with the Runge–Lenz vector. In the relativistic hydrogen atom the accidental symmetry is partially lifted. Due to the Johnson–Lippmann operator, which commutes with the Dirac Hamiltonian, some degeneracy remains. When the non-relativistic hydrogen atom is put in a spherical cavity of radius R with perfectly reflecting Robin boundary conditions, characterized by a self-adjoint extension parameter γ, in general the accidental SO(4) symmetry is lifted. However, for R=(l+1)(l+2)a (where a is the Bohr radius and l is the orbital angular momentum) some degeneracy remains when γ=∞ or γ = 2/R. In the relativistic case, we consider the most general spherically and parity invariant boundary condition, which is characterized by a self-adjoint extension parameter. In this case, the remnant accidental symmetry is always lifted in a finite volume. We also investigate the accidental symmetry in the context of the Pauli equation, which sheds light on the proper non-relativistic treatment including spin. In that case, again some degeneracy remains for specific values of R and γ.


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Aims. We present an inversion method based on Bayesian analysis to constrain the interior structure of terrestrial exoplanets, in the form of chemical composition of the mantle and core size. Specifically, we identify what parts of the interior structure of terrestrial exoplanets can be determined from observations of mass, radius, and stellar elemental abundances. Methods. We perform a full probabilistic inverse analysis to formally account for observational and model uncertainties and obtain confidence regions of interior structure models. This enables us to characterize how model variability depends on data and associated uncertainties. Results. We test our method on terrestrial solar system planets and find that our model predictions are consistent with independent estimates. Furthermore, we apply our method to synthetic exoplanets up to 10 Earth masses and up to 1.7 Earth radii, and to exoplanet Kepler-36b. Importantly, the inversion strategy proposed here provides a framework for understanding the level of precision required to characterize the interior of exoplanets. Conclusions. Our main conclusions are (1) observations of mass and radius are sufficient to constrain core size; (2) stellar elemental abundances (Fe, Si, Mg) are principal constraints to reduce degeneracy in interior structure models and to constrain mantle composition; (3) the inherent degeneracy in determining interior structure from mass and radius observations does not only depend on measurement accuracies, but also on the actual size and density of the exoplanet. We argue that precise observations of stellar elemental abundances are central in order to place constraints on planetary bulk composition and to reduce model degeneracy. We provide a general methodology of analyzing interior structures of exoplanets that may help to understand how interior models are distributed among star systems. The methodology we propose is sufficiently general to allow its future extension to more complex internal structures including hydrogen- and water-rich exoplanets.


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The option value problem with two costs is written as a variational inequality. The advantage of this formulation is that it takes place in a fixed domain. Thus no front tracking is needed for numerical approximation of the free boundary. An iterative algorithm is proposed which can be used to solve the nonlinear system obtained by finite differences or finite elements procedures. Especial care has to be taken in the design of differences finites schemes o finite elements due to the degeneracy of the differential operator. These schemes can be absortion or convection dominated nearly to the axis. This is a preliminary note to the study of this kind of problems.


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Proteolysis of short N alpha-protected peptide substrates bound to polyoxyethylene-polystyrene beads releases selectively free amino sites in the enzyme-accessible "surface" area. The substantial majority of functional sites in the "interior" of the polymeric support are not reached by the enzyme and remain uncleaved (protected). Subsequent synthesis with two classes of orthogonal protecting groups-N alpha-tert-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc) and N alpha-9-fluorenylmethyloxy-carbonyl (Fmoc)-allows generation of two structures on the same bead. The surface structure is available for receptor interactions, whereas the corresponding interior structure is used for coding. Coding structures are usually readily sequenceable peptides. This "shaving" methodology was illustrated by the preparation of a peptide-encoded model peptide combinatorial library containing 1.0 x 10(5) members at approximately 6-fold degeneracy. From this single library, good ligands were selected for three different receptors: anti-beta-endorphin anti-body, streptavidin, and thrombin, and the binding structures were deduced correctly by sequencing the coding peptides present on the same beads.


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Local protein structure prediction efforts have consistently failed to exceed approximately 70% accuracy. We characterize the degeneracy of the mapping from local sequence to local structure responsible for this failure by investigating the extent to which similar sequence segments found in different proteins adopt similar three-dimensional structures. Sequence segments 3-15 residues in length from 154 different protein families are partitioned into neighborhoods containing segments with similar sequences using cluster analysis. The consistency of the sequence-to-structure mapping is assessed by comparing the local structures adopted by sequence segments in the same neighborhood in proteins of known structure. In the 154 families, 45% and 28% of the positions occur in neighborhoods in which one and two local structures predominate, respectively. The sequence patterns that characterize the neighborhoods in the first class probably include virtually all of the short sequence motifs in proteins that consistently occur in a particular local structure. These patterns, many of which occur in transitions between secondary structural elements, are an interesting combination of previously studied and novel motifs. The identification of sequence patterns that consistently occur in one or a small number of local structures in proteins should contribute to the prediction of protein structure from sequence.