910 resultados para Deformations of analytic structures


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The renewed interest in magnetite (Fe3O4) as a major phase in different types of catalysts has led us to study the oxidation–reduction behaviour of its most prominent surfaces. We have employed computer modelling techniques based on the density functional theory to calculate the geometries and surface free energies of a number of surfaces at different compositions, including the stoichiometric plane, and those with a deficiency or excess of oxygen atoms. The most stable surfaces are the (001) and (111), leading to a cubic Fe3O4 crystal morphology with truncated corners under equilibrium conditions. The scanning tunnelling microscopy images of the different terminations of the (001) and (111) stoichiometric surfaces were calculated and compared with previous reports. Under reducing conditions, the creation of oxygen vacancies in the surface leads to the formation of reduced Fe species in the surface in the vicinity of the vacant oxygen. The (001) surface is slightly more prone to reduction than the (111), due to the higher stabilisation upon relaxation of the atoms around the oxygen vacancy, but molecular oxygen adsorbs preferentially at the (111) surface. In both oxidized surfaces, the oxygen atoms are located on bridge positions between two surface iron atoms, from which they attract electron density. The oxidised state is thermodynamically favourable with respect to the stoichiometric surfaces under ambient conditions, although not under the conditions when bulk Fe3O4 is thermodynamically stable with respect to Fe2O3. This finding is important in the interpretation of the catalytic properties of Fe3O4 due to the presence of oxidised species under experimental conditions.


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This study describes a simple technique that improves a recently developed 3D sub-diffraction imaging method based on three-photon absorption of commercially available quantum dots. The method combines imaging of biological samples via tri-exciton generation in quantum dots with deconvolution and spectral multiplexing, resulting in a novel approach for multi-color imaging of even thick biological samples at a 1.4 to 1.9-fold better spatial resolution. This approach is realized on a conventional confocal microscope equipped with standard continuous-wave lasers. We demonstrate the potential of multi-color tri-exciton imaging of quantum dots combined with deconvolution on viral vesicles in lentivirally transduced cells as well as intermediate filaments in three-dimensional clusters of mouse-derived neural stem cells (neurospheres) and dense microtubuli arrays in myotubes formed by stacks of differentiated C2C12 myoblasts.


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New data on floral morphology, development, and vasculature in two Brazilian genera of the monocot family Velloziaceae (Pandanales) are used to explore the homologies of their unusual floral structures, especially the corona of Barbacenia and the corona-like appendages and multiple stamens of some Vellozia species. All Velloziaceae have epigynous flowers. Some species of Vellozia are polyandrous, and stamen number can be variable within species. In Vellozia jolyi, there is a single stamen opposite each sepal and a stamen fascicle (of three secondary stamens) opposite each petal. Each stamen possesses a single vascular bundle, and these are united into a single aggregate bundle in proximal regions of the fascicle. Stamens mature centripetally within each fascicle. The coronal appendages of both genera are closely associated with the stamens, but they share some vasculature with the tepals and develop late in ontogeny. The coronal organs cannot readily be homologized with any of the typical floral organs, but they show partial homology with both tepals and stamens. They are most readily interpreted as a late elaboration of the region between the petals and stamens associated with epigyny and the hypanthium.


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All A-simple corank-1 germs from R(n) to R(n+1), where n not equal 4, have an M-deformation, that is a deformation in which the maximal numbers of isolated stable singular points are simultaneously present in the image.


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We study the properties of the vertex operator for the beta-deformation of the superstring in AdS(5) x S(5) in the pure spinor formalism. We discuss the action of supersymmetry on the infinitesimal beta-deformation, the application of the homological perturbation theory, and the relation between the worldsheet description and the spacetime supergravity description. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate that nanomechanically stamped substrates can be used as templates to pattern and direct the self-assembly of epitaxial quantum structures such as quantum dots. Diamond probe tips are used to indent or stamp the surface of GaAs( 100) to create nanoscale volumes of dislocation-mediated deformation, which alter the growth surface strain. These strained sites act to bias nucleation, hence allowing for selective growth of InAs quantum dots. Patterns of quantum dots are observed to form above the underlying nanostamped template. The strain state of the patterned structures is characterized by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The potential of using nanoprobe tips as a quantum dot nanofabrication technology are discussed.


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Promover a atividade empreendedora é hoje mais do que nunca uma prioridade para as economias em desenvolvimento. Em diferentes partes do mundo, empreendedores têm sido reconhecidos como verdadeiros agentes de transformação, e as novas empresas que eles criam tornam-se condutoras de inovação, que ao final pode ser difundida ao resto da economia. Teorias de economia urbana, que analisam a dinâmica da relação entre aglomeração urbana e atividade econômica, enfatizam a importância da concentração espacial das indústrias num mesmo setor industrial. Entender os incentivos que dão início à atividade empreendedora é algo novo e o foco desses estudos tem sido principalmente em alguns poucos casos de economias industrializadas. Não obstante, o sucesso de um punhado de clusters de alta tecnologia, como o Vale do Silício, por exemplo, na Califórnia, Estados Unidos, não pode ser replicado, e as condições locais devem ser consideradas a fim de entender a surgimento desses ecossistemas. Este estudo pretende investigar os critérios em que os empreendedores fundamentam suas decisões quando selecionam as localizações do seu negócio. Especificamente, a pesquisa explora o recente movimento dos ecossistemas de empreendedores na Cidade do México e em São Paulo, as duas maiores áreas metropolitanas da América Latina, à luz das teorias de economia urbana. A fim de chegar aos resultados, a pesquisa segue o método baseado sobre uma análise comparativa de estudo de casos em dois bairros: Vila Leopoldina em São Paulo e a Colônia Roma Norte na Cidade do México. Os resultados consolidados baseados em entrevistas qualitativas realizadas nos dois bairros revelam que o lugar/sitio urbano, definido em termos de laços locais assim como da atmosfera geral do ambiente, continua sendo importante para os atores apesar das comunicações de alta velocidade que produzem mais interações entre as regiões do mundo. Além disso, a relação entre o empreendedor e o seu entorno é altamente dependente do estágio de desenvolvimento e da natureza da atividade da empresa; redes informais revelam-se essenciais para identificar as oportunidades de negócio antes de serem progressivamente substituídas por relações instituídas com fundos de capital de risco ou incubadoras. Estes dois ecossistemas nascentes geram suas próprias características, o que já pode sugerir suas futuras evoluções.


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Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest for the development of lighter and stronger structures which are able to incorporate actuator and sensor capabilities for collocated control. In the design of actively controlled structures, the determination of the actuator locations and the controller gains, is a very important issue. For that purpose, smart material modelling, modal analysis methods, control and optimization techniques are the most important ingredients to be taken into account. The optimization problem to be solved in this context presents two interdependent aspects. The first one is related to the discrete optimal actuator location selection problem which is solved in this paper using genetic algorithms. The second is represented by a continuous variable optimization problem, through which the control gains are determined using classical techniques. A cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam is used to illustrate the presented methodology.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A deformation parameter of a bihamiltonian structure of hydrodynamic type is shown to parametrize different extensions of the AKNS hierarchy to include negative flows. This construction establishes a purely algebraic link between, on the one hand, two realizations of the first negative flow of the AKNS model and, on the other, two-component generalizations of Camassa-Holmand Dym-type equations. The two-component generalizations of Camassa-Holm- and Dym-type equations can be obtained from the negative-order Hamiltonians constructed from the Lenard relations recursively applied on the Casimir of the first Poisson bracket of hydrodynamic type. The positive-order Hamiltonians, which follow froth the Lenard scheme applied on the Casimir of the second Poisson bracket of hydrodynamic type, are shown to coincide with the Hamiltonians of the AKNS model. The AKNS Hamiltonians give rise to charges conserved with respect to equations of motion of two-component Camassa-Holm- and two-component Dym-type equations.


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Let f:C-n, 0 --> C-p, 0 be a K-finite map germ, and let i = (i(1),..., i(k)) be a Boardman symbol such that Sigma(i) has codimension n in the corresponding jet space J(k)(n, p). When its iterated successors have codimension larger than n, the paper gives a list of situations in which the number of Sigma(i) points that appear in a generic deformation of f can be computed algebraically by means of Jacobian ideals of f. This list can be summarised in the following way: f must have rank n - i(1) and, in addition, in the case p = 6, f must be a singularity of type Sigma(i2.i2).