879 resultados para Defining Entertainment


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Background: Body mass index (BMI) is widely used as a measure of adiposity. However, currently used cut-off values are not sensitive in diagnosing obesity in South Asian populations. Aim: To define BMI and waist circumference (WC), cut-off values representing percentage fat mass (%FM) associated with adverse health outcomes. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 285 5–14 year old Sri Lankan children (56% boys) was carried out. Fat mass (FM) was assessed using the isotope (D2O) dilution technique based on 2C body composition model. BMI and WC cut-off values were defined based on %FM associated with adverse health outcomes. Results: Sri Lankan children had a low fat free mass index (FFMI) and a high fat mass index (FMI). Individuals with the same BMI had %FM distributed over a wide range. Lean body tissue grew very little with advancing age and weight gain was mainly due to increases in body fat. BMI corresponding to 25% in males and 35% in females at 18 years was 19.2 kg/m2 and 19.7 kg/m2, respectively. WC cut-off values for males and females were 68.4 cm and 70.4 cm, respectively. Conclusion: This chart analysis clearly confirms that Sri Lankan children have a high %FM from a young age. With age, more changes occur in FM than in fat free mass (FFM). Although the newly defined BMI and WC cut-off values appear to be quite low, they are comparable to some recent data obtained in similar populations.


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Objective To test the hypothesis that the age at onset of bipolar disorder would identify a developmental subtype of bipolar disorder in adults characterized by increased levels of irritability, chronic course, rapid cycling, and comorbidity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Methods Forty-four adult subjects diagnosed with bipolar disorder were selected from large family studies of youth with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These subjects were stratified by the age at onset in childhood (younger than 13 years; n = 8, 18%), adolescence (13–18 years; n = 12, 27%, or adulthood (older than 19 years; n = 24, 55%). All subjects were administered structure diagnostic interviews and a brief cognitive battery. Results In contrast with adult-onset bipolar disorder, child-onset bipolar disorder was associated with a longer duration of illness, more irritability than euphoria, a mixed presentation, a more chronic or rapid-cycling course, and increased comorbidity with childhood disruptive behavior disorders and anxiety disorders. Conclusion Stratification by age at onset of bipolar disorder identified subgroups of adult subjects with differing clinical correlates. This pattern of correlates is consistent with findings documented in children with pediatric bipolar disorder and supports the hypothesis that child-onset bipolar disorder may represent a developmental subtype of the disorder.


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This thesis is a comparative case study in Japanese video game localization for the video games Sairen, Sairen 2 and Sairen Nyûtoransurêshon, and English-language localized versions of the same games as published in Scandinavia and Australia/New Zealand. All games are developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and published exclusively for Playstation2 and Playstation3 consoles. The fictional world of the Sairen games draws much influence from Japanese history, as well as from popular and contemporary culture, and in doing so caters mainly to a Japanese audience. For localization, i.e. the adaptation of a product to make it accessible to users outside the original market it was intended for in the first place, this is a challenging issue. Video games are media of entertainment, and therefore localization practice must preserve the games’ effects on the players’ emotions. Further, video games are digital products that are comprised of a multitude of distinct elements, some of which are part of the game world, while others regulate the connection between the player as part of the real world and the game as digital medium. As a result, video game localization is also a practice that has to cope with the technical restrictions that are inherent to the medium. The main theory used throughout the thesis is Anthony Pym’s framework for localization studies that considers the user of the localized product as a defining part of the localization process. This concept presupposes that localization is an adaptation that is performed to make a product better suited for use during a specific reception situation. Pym also addresses the factor that certain products may resist distribution into certain reception situations because of their content, and that certain aspects of localization aim to reduce this resistance through significant alterations of the original product. While Pym developed his ideas with mainly regular software in mind, they can also be adapted well to study video games from a localization angle. Since modern video games are highly complex entities that often switch between interactive and non-interactive modes, Pym’s ideas are adapted throughout the thesis to suit the particular elements being studied. Instances analyzed in this thesis include menu screens, video clips, in-game action and websites. The main research questions focus on how the games’ rules influence localization, and how the games’ fictional domain influences localization. Because there are so many peculiarities inherent to the medium of the video game, other theories are introduced as well to complement the research at hand. These include Lawrence Venuti’s discussions of foreiginizing and domesticating translation methods for literary translation, and Jesper Juul’s definition of games. Additionally, knowledge gathered from interviews with video game localization professionals in Japan during September and October 2009 is also utilized for this study. Apart from answering the aforementioned research questions, one of this thesis’ aims is to enrich the still rather small field of game localization studies, and the study of Japanese video games in particular, one of Japan’s most successful cultural exports.


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For pasture growth in the semi-arid tropics of north-east Australia, where up to 80% of annual rainfall occurs between December and March, the timing and distribution of rainfall events is often more important than the total amount. In particular, the timing of the 'green break of the season' (GBOS) at the end of the dry season, when new pasture growth becomes available as forage and a live-weight gain is measured in cattle, affects several important management decisions that prevent overgrazing and pasture degradation. Currently, beef producers in the region use a GBOS rule based on rainfall (e. g. 40mm of rain over three days by 1 December) to define the event and make their management decisions. A survey of 16 beef producers in north-east Queensland shows three quarters of respondents use a rainfall amount that occurs in only half or less than half of all years at their location. In addition, only half the producers expect the GBOS to occur within two weeks of the median date calculated by the CSIRO plant growth days model GRIM. This result suggests that in the producer rules, either the rainfall quantity or the period of time over which the rain is expected, is unrealistic. Despite only 37% of beef producers indicating that they use a southern oscillation index (SOI) forecast in their decisions, cross validated LEPS (linear error in probability space) analyses showed both the average 3 month July-September SOI and the 2 month August-September SOI have significant forecast skill in predicting the probability of both the amount of wet season rainfall and the timing of the GBOS. The communication and implementation of a rigorous and realistic definition of the GBOS, and the likely impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the region are discussed in the context of the sustainable management of northern Australian rangelands.


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Australian native plant foods provide new and exciting eating experiences for consumers and have the potential to re-position ‘Australian cuisine’ as a contemporary food choice for consumers worldwide. The development of a common set of flavour and aroma descriptors and characteristics was identified as a key priority for the Australian native food industry. This research assists in the development and supply of product information to support market access and market growth for this emerging industry. This work was targeted so that a concise, consistent and accurate marketing message of the flavours of these ingredients could be delivered to customers. This report details the results of the development of the first ‘Australian native flavour wheel’ and sensory descriptions for sixteen of the key commercial native food species including fruits, berries, herbs, spices and seeds.


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Using genome-wide data from 253,288 individuals, we identified 697 variants at genome-wide significance that together explained one-fifth of the heritability for adult height. By testing different numbers of variants in independent studies, we show that the most strongly associated approximately 2,000, approximately 3,700 and approximately 9,500 SNPs explained approximately 21%, approximately 24% and approximately 29% of phenotypic variance. Furthermore, all common variants together captured 60% of heritability. The 697 variants clustered in 423 loci were enriched for genes, pathways and tissue types known to be involved in growth and together implicated genes and pathways not highlighted in earlier efforts, such as signaling by fibroblast growth factors, WNT/beta-catenin and chondroitin sulfate-related genes. We identified several genes and pathways not previously connected with human skeletal growth, including mTOR, osteoglycin and binding of hyaluronic acid. Our results indicate a genetic architecture for human height that is characterized by a very large but finite number (thousands) of causal variants.


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This project focussed on the phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) status of northern cropping soils. Stores of P and K have been depleted by crop removal and limited fertiliser application, with depletion most significant in the subsoil. Soil testing strategies are confounded by slowly available mineral reserves with uncertain availability. The utility of new soil tests was assessed to measure these reserves, their availability to plants quantified and a regional sampling strategy undertaken to identify areas of greatest P and K deficit. Fertiliser application strategies for P and K have been tested and the interactions between these and other nutrients have been determined in a large field program.


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This project will define the plant pathogen incursion risk posed by people returning from overseas and interstate travel. This will be achieved through the development of technically sound sample/survey methodologies. The project will initially focus on cereal rusts. An assessment of the current level of human mediated rust entries into Australia will be determined through the sampling of travellers who have been known to have visited grain production regions overseas.


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The first aim of this thesis was to explore the structural characteristics of near-natural forests and to quantify how human utilization has changed them. For this, we examined the stand characteristics in Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst-dominated old-growth stands in northwestern Russia and in old Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L.-dominated stands in three regions from southern Finland to northwestern Russia. In the second study, we also compared stands with different degrees of human impact, from near-natural stands and stands selectively cut in the past to managed stands. Secondly, we used an experimental approach to study the short-term effects of different restorative treatments on forest structure and regeneration in managed Picea abies stands in southern Finland. Restorative treatments consisted of a partial cut combined with three levels of coarse woody debris retention, and a fire/no-fire treatment. In addition, we examined burned and unburned reference stands without cutting treatments. Results from near-natural Picea abies forests emphasize the dynamic character of old-growth forests, the variety of late-successional forest structures, and the fact that extended time periods are needed to attain certain late-successional stages with specific structural and habitat attributes, such as large-diameter deciduous trees and a variety of deadwood. The results from old Pinus sylvestris-dominated forests showed that human impact in the form of forest utilization and fire exclusion has strongly modified and reduced the structural complexity of stands. Consequently, small protected forest fragments in Finland may not serve as valid natural reference areas for forest restoration. However, results from the restoration experiment showed that early-successional natural stand characteristics can be restored to structurally impoverished managed Picea abies stands, despite a significant portion of wood volume being harvested. A variety of restoration methods is needed, due to differences in the condition of the forest when restoration is initiated and the variety of successional stages of forest structures after anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Keywords: dead wood, disturbance dynamic, fire, near-natural stand, rehabilitation, succession


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In a marketplace where millions of dollars are spent on the design of mobile games (m-games), social marketers are now using this technology as a tool for behaviour change. Despite high expenditure by governments and non-profits on social marketing m-games, little is known about their effectiveness in terms of creating value. Value creation has been demonstrated to have an important impact on satisfaction and behaviour. This paper reports the results of a qualitative study involving four focus groups with 23 participants to reveal two categories of experiential value, entertainment and behaviour. Additionally, it was discovered that entertainment could be characterised by amusement and social value dimensions. Whereas, behaviour could be made up of information, simulation and distraction value dimensions. The categories of value, as well as the dimensions of information, simulation and distraction are entirely new to the social marketing literature and thus represents a unique contribution to social marketing.


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D-vitamiini ylläpitää normaalia luun kasvua ja uudistumista koko elämän ajan. Suomessa, kuten monissa muissakin länsimaissa, väestön D-vitamiinitilanne on riittämätön – talvisin osalla jopa puutteellinen. Tässä väitöskirjassa on tutkittu, lisääkö D-vitamiini luumassan kertymistä kasvuiässä, ja ylläpitäkö D-vitamiini luuston tasapainoista aineenvaihduntaa aikuisiällä. Nämä vaikutukset saattavat ehkäisi osteoporoosin kehittymistä eri ikäkausina. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin erisuuruisten D-vitamiinilisäysten vaikutuksia kolmessa eri ikäryhmässä, jotka olivat 11-12 -vuotiaat tytöt (N=228), 21-49 -vuotiaat miehet (N=54) ja 65-85 -vuotiaat naiset (N=52). Tutkittavat satunnaistettiin ryhmiin, jotka nauttivat joko lumevalmistetta tai 5-20 µg D3-vitamiinia vitamiinilisänä. Tutkimukset olivat kaksoissokkoutettuja. Tutkimuksen aikana tutkittavilta otettiin paastoveri- ja virtsanäytteitä. Lisäksi he täyttivät tutkimuslomakkeen taustatietojen kartoittamiseksi sekä frekvenssikyselylomakkeen kalsiumin ja D-vitamiinin saannin selvittämiseksi. Tyttöjen luunmineraalitiheys (BMD) mitattiin DXA–laitteella ja miesten volumetrinen luuntiheys pQCT-menetelmällä. Näytteistä määritettiin mm. seerumin 25-hydroksi-D-vitamiinin (=S-25-OHD), lisäkilpirauhashormonin (=S-PTH) ja luun aineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia. Murrosikäisten tyttöjen poikkileikkaustutkimuksessa S-25-OHD- ja luun muodostusmerkkiaineen pitoisuudet vaihtelivat kuukausien välillä; suurimmat pitoisuudet mitattiin syyskuussa ja pienimmät maaliskuussa, mikä kuvastaa vuodenaikaisvaihtelua. Vastaava vaihtelu havaittiin lannerangan ja reisiluun BMD:ssä. D-vitamiinilisäyksellä oli myönteinen vaikutus tyttöjen luumassan lisääntymiseen. Suurin D-vitamiinilisä (10 µg/vrk) lisäsi luumassaa 17.2% enemmän reisiluussa ja 12.5% enemmän lannerangassa verrattuna lumevalmistetta nauttivien tyttöjen vastaaviin tuloksiin, mutta tulos riippui hoitomyöntyvyydestä. D-vitamiinin vaikutus luustoon välittyi vähentyneen luun hajotuksen kautta. Tutkimustuloksiin perustuen riittävä D-vitamiinin saanti murrosikäisille tytöille on 15 µg/vrk. D-vitamiinilisän vaikutus 65-85 -vuotiaiden naisten S-25-OHD-pitoisuuteen vakioitui kuudessa viikossa annoksen ollessa 5-20 µg/vrk. Näillä D-vitamiiniannoksilla ei saavutettu tavoiteltavaa S-25-OHD-pitoisuutta, joka on 80 nmol/l. Arvioimme, että 60 nmol/l -pitoisuuden, jota esiintyy kesäisin tämän ikäryhmän suomalaisilla, tämän ikäryhmän naiset saavuttaisivat 24 µg:n päivittäisellä D-vitamiinin saannilla. Terveillä miehillä havaittiin vuodenaikaisvaihtelu S-25-OHD- ja S-PTH-pitoisuudessa sekä luun hajotusta kuvaavassa merkkiainepitoisuudessa. Toisaalta vaihtelua ei havaittu radiuksen volumetrisessä luuntiheydessä eikä luun muodostusmerkkiaineen pitoisuudessa. Vuodenaikaisvaihtelu estettiin 17 µg:n päivittäisellä D-vitamiinin saannilla, mutta tämän ei havaittu vaikuttavan radiuksen luuntiheyteen kuusi kuukautta kestävän tutkimuksen aikana. Yhteenvetona todetaan, että D-vitamiinin saanti on edelleenkin riittämätöntä tutkimusten kohderyhmillä. Tämä näkyy S-25-OHD- ja PTH-pitoisuuden sekä luunaineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien merkkiaineiden vuodenaikaisvaihteluna, mikä on haitallista luuston hyvinvoinnille. D-vitamiinin saantia tulisi lisätä, jotta vähintäänkin riittävä D-vitamiinitilanne (S-25-OHD>50 nmol/l) tai mahdollisesti jopa tavoiteltava D-vitaminitilanne (S-25-OHD≥80 nmol/l) saavutettaisiin. Jotta D-vitamiinin saannin lisääminen olisi kaikissa ikäryhmissä mahdollista, on suunniteltava nykyistä enemmän D-vitamiinilla täydennettyjä elintarvikkeita.


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Rapid population growth, changing demographic profiles and increased focus on sustainable urban form has led to significant changes in settlement patterns in Australian cities. Growth management strategies are increasingly employed to help cities manage strain on infrastructure, housing and ecosystems. Urban consolidation is one such strategy and has been adopted by all Australian capital cities. Despite strong governmental support, urban consolidation has triggered much academic debate and has often been accompanied by staunch community opposition and complaints from the development industry about barriers to the provision of higher density housing. Greater understanding of stakeholder representations of higher density housing is important for planning, given the strong policy focus on urban consolidation nationally. This paper contributes to existing urban consolidation literature by empirically demonstrating how urban consolidation is represented in Brisbane’s newspaper media through the use of metaphors. Its conceptual departure point is Social Representations Theory, drawing on the theory’s notion of objectification to illustrate how the media translates the abstract notion of urban consolidation into a tangible and understandable object. The objectification of urban consolidation is identified and discussed relative to four themes: land use conflict; growth; neighbourhood change and apartment living. This paper argues that understanding stakeholder representations is important for planners seeking to promote and negotiate delivery of higher density development. It concludes that stakeholder representations can highlight key areas of contention to be addressed by planners, provide indications on the likelihood of public acceptance of increased housing densities and delineate the boundaries of urban consolidation debates.


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Over hundreds of generations, indigenous groups around the world have passed down their traditional landscape associations, a number of which are intangible and therefore unquantifiable. Yet, these associative relationships with nature have been, and continue to be, pivotal in cultural evolution. Determining the authenticity of intangible landscape associations has caused much controversy, and in recent decades, indigenous groups have begun seeking protection of their places of significance. In response, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee (WHC) developed a criterion that intended to assist in the identification and protection of cultural landscapes. The WHC has therefore become the global authority responsible for determining the authenticity of cultural landscapes, including those with intangible associations rather than material cultural evidence. However, even with the support of the United Nations, UNESCO and the WHC, it is unlikely that every tangible cultural landscape will be sufficiently recognised and protected. Therefore, this research paper explores the effectiveness of current approaches to gauging authenticity in instances where multiple landscapes are valued according to similar characteristics. Further, this work studies the inherent relationship between the indigenous Maori population of the South Island of New Zealand, in particular Kai Tahi peoples, and their significant landscape features, as a means of considering the breadth and depth of historic intangible associations. In light of these findings, this research challenges the appropriateness of the term 'authenticity' when analysing not only the subjective, but more pressingly, the intangible. It therefore questions the role of empirical data in demonstrating authenticity, while recognising that a prolific list of such intangible cultural landscapes has the potential to diminish integrity. This, this paper addresses an urgent need for increased social research in this area, namely in identifying cultural landscape protection methods that empower all local indigenous communities, not just those which are the most critically acclaimed.