975 resultados para Deep crustal structure


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We report on newly discovered mud volcanoes located at about 4500 m water depth 90 km west of the deformation front of the accretionary wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz, and thus outside of their typical geotectonic environment. Seismic data suggest that fluid flow is mediated by a >400-km-long strike-slip fault marking the transcurrent plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia. Geochemical data (Cl, B, Sr, 87Sr/86Sr, Delta18O, DeltaD) reveal that fluids originate in oceanic crust older than 140 Ma. On their rise to the surface, these fluids receive strong geochemical signals from recrystallization of Upper Jurassic carbonates and clay-mineral dehydration in younger terrigeneous units. At present, reports of mud volcanoes in similar deep-sea settings are rare, but given that the large area of transform-type plate boundaries has been barely investigated, such pathways of fluid discharge may provide an important, yet unappreciated link between the deeply buried oceanic crust and the deep ocean.


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In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure. In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure.


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The zinc metallopeptidase neurolysin is shown by x-ray crystallography to have large structural elements erected over the active site region that allow substrate access only through a deep narrow channel. This architecture accounts for specialization of this neuropeptidase to small bioactive peptide substrates without bulky secondary and tertiary structures. In addition, modeling studies indicate that the length of a substrate N-terminal to the site of hydrolysis is restricted to approximately 10 residues by the limited size of the active site cavity. Some structural elements of neurolysin, including a five-stranded β-sheet and the two active site helices, are conserved with other metallopeptidases. The connecting loop regions of these elements, however, are much extended in neurolysin, and they, together with other open coil elements, line the active site cavity. These potentially flexible elements may account for the ability of the enzyme to cleave a variety of sequences.


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Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Associate Professor of Arts and Humanities at Florida International University will speak on the nature of violence in the imagery of World War II propaganda material found at the Wolfsonian FIU Museum Archives. Lecture held on March 20, 2013 at the Green Library, Maidique Campus, Florida International University.


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Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Associate Professor of Arts and Humanities at Florida International University will speak on the nature of violence in the imagery of World War II propaganda material found at the Wolfsonian FIU Museum Archives. Lecture held on March 20, 2013 at the Green Library, Maidique Campus, Florida International University.


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The Borborema Province, located in northeastern Brazil, has a basement of Precambrian age and a tectonic framework structured at the Neoproterozoic (740-560 Ma). After separation between South America and Africa during the Mesozoic, a rift system was formed, giving rise to a number of marginal and inland basins in the Province. After continental breakup, episodes of volcanism and uplift characterized the evolution of the Province. Plateau uplift was initially related to magmatic underplating of mafic material at the base of the crust, perhaps related to the generation of young continental plugs (45-7 Ma) along the Macau-Queimadas Alignment (MQA), due to a small-scale convection at the continental edge. The goal of this study is to investigate the causes of intra-plate uplift and its relationship to MQA volcanism, by using broadband seismology and integrating our results with independent geophysical and geological studies in the Borborema Province. The investigation of the deep structure of the Province with broadband seismic data includes receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion tomography. Both the receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion tomography are methods that use teleseismic events and allow to develop estimates of crustal parameters such as crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio, and S-velocity structure. The seismograms used for the receiver function work were obtained from 52 stations in Northeast Brazil: 16 broadband stations from the RSISNE network (Rede Sismográfica do Nordeste do Brasil), and 21 short-period and 6 broadband stations from the INCT-ET network (Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia – Estudos Tectônicos). These results add signifi- cantly to previous datasets collected at individual stations in the Province, which include station RCBR (GSN - Global Seismic Network), stations CAUB and AGBL (Brazilian Lithosphere Seismic Project IAG/USP), and 6 other broadband stations that were part of the Projeto Milênio - Estudos geofísicos e tectônicos na Província Borborema/CNPq. For the surface-wave vii tomography, seismograms recorde at 22 broadband stations were utilized: 16 broadband stations from the RSISNE network and 6 broadband stations from the Milênio project. The new constraints developed in this work include: (i) estimates of crustal thickness and bulk Vp/Vs ratio for each station using receiver functions; (ii) new measurements of surfassewave group velocity, which were integrated to existing measurementes from a continental-scale tomography for South America, and (iii) S-wave velocity models (1D) at various locations in the Borborema Province, developed through the simultaneous inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion velocities. The results display S-wave velocity structure down to the base of the crust that are consistent with the presence of a 5-7.5 km thick mafic layer. The mafic layer was observed only in the southern portion of the Plateau and absent in its northern portion. Another important observation is that our models divide the plateau into a region of thin crust (northern Plateau) and a region of thick crust (southern Plateau), confirming results from independent refraction surveys and receiver function analyses. Existing models of plateau uplift, nonetheless, cannot explain all the new observations. It is proposed that during the Brazilian orogeny a layer of preexisting mafic material was delaminated, as a whole or in part, from the original Brasiliano crust. Partial delamination would have happened in the southern portion of the plateau, where independent studies found evidence of a more resistant rheology. During Mesozoic rifting, thinning of the crust around the southern Plateau would have formed the marginal basins and the Sertaneja depression, which would have included the northern part of the Plateau. In the Cenozoic, uplift of the northern Plateau would have occurred, resulting in a northern Plateau without mafic material at the base of the crust and a southern Plateau with partially delaminated mafic layer.


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1. On the cruises 3 and 15 of R.V. "Meteor" 6 grab samples, and 6 hauls with the 6 m Agassiztrawl were taken and at 2 stations the deep sea camera was lowered. This material gave quantitative results on the meiofauna and minimum counts of the macrofauna. 2. The nematodes constitute nearly 95% of the meiofauna, the copepoda only 2%. With increasing sediment depth the density of animals decrease gradually. In the uppermost centimeter of sediment 42.6% of the meiofauna are found while only 3.7% live in layer 6-7 cm. Meiofauna weight ranges from 0.6-5.7 mg/25 m**2 surface i.e. 0.24-2.8 g/m**2. 3. Mean numbers of individuals and weights show standard errors of 20-30 %. As an approximate average values for further considerations the weight of the meiofauna in the area was taken as 1 g/m**2 4. Quantitative information on the macrofauna is derived from the trawls and the photographs for the actinia Chitonanthus abyssorum only, which is found in the rate of 1 individual/36-72 m**2, but seems to be less abundant generally. 5. Animal density does not decrease steadily from nearshore to offshore biocoenoses, i.e. generally with increasing depth. The decrease is more pronounced for macro- than for meiofauna. For the deep sea the weight proportion of macrofauna : meiofauna is of the order of 1 : 1. 6. With the assumption, that adaptation of metabolism to deep sea conditions is similar in macro- and meiofauna total metabolism of invertebrates is ascribed to meiofauna to more than 80%. 7. The structure of the biocoenosis of the deep sea floor is characterized by the meiofauna living on and in the sediment and by the dominance of sediment feeders in the macrofauna. 8. Considering the large numbets and high partition rates of bacteria a comparative large part of the metabolism in the deep sea sediment must be ascribed to bacteria. This favours the hypothesis, that with increasing depth and decreasing addition of organic material to the sediment, the importance of meiofauna and microorganisms for total metabolism increases. 9. Considering the different modes of food transport to the deep sea environment, i.e. sinking of dead particles, transport by vertical migration of organisms, aggregation of organic particles, adsorption of dissoloved organic substance to inorganic particles, and heterotrophy, the sediment may be assumed to contain more food for invertebrates than the water above the bottom. 10. Suspensions feeders of macrofauna are fixed to hard substrates in the sediment surface. Some of them are shown to bend themselves down to the bottom in underwater photographs. This suggests the idea that some deep sea suspension feeders partly depend on food from the sediment surface, on which they feed directly.


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Conventional rockmass characterization and analysis methods for geotechnical assessment in mining, civil tunnelling, and other excavations consider only the intact rock properties and the discrete fractures that are present and form blocks within rockmasses. Field logging and classification protocols are based on historically useful but highly simplified design techniques, including direct empirical design and empirical strength assessment for simplified ground reaction and support analysis. As modern underground excavations go deeper and enter into more high stress environments with complex excavation geometries and associated stress paths, healed structures within initially intact rock blocks such as sedimentary nodule boundaries and hydrothermal veins, veinlets and stockwork (termed intrablock structure) are having an increasing influence on rockmass behaviour and should be included in modern geotechnical design. Due to the reliance on geotechnical classification methods which predate computer aided analysis, these complexities are ignored in conventional design. Given the comparatively complex, sophisticated and powerful numerical simulation and analysis techniques now practically available to the geotechnical engineer, this research is driven by the need for enhanced characterization of intrablock structure for application to numerical methods. Intrablock structure governs stress-driven behaviour at depth, gravity driven disintegration for large shallow spans, and controls ultimate fragmentation. This research addresses the characterization of intrablock structure and the understanding of its behaviour at laboratory testing and excavation scales, and presents new methodologies and tools to incorporate intrablock structure into geotechnical design practice. A new field characterization tool, the Composite Geological Strength Index, is used for outcrop or excavation face evaluation and provides direct input to continuum numerical models with implicit rockmass structure. A brittle overbreak estimation tool for complex rockmasses is developed using field observations. New methods to evaluate geometrical and mechanical properties of intrablock structure are developed. Finally, laboratory direct shear testing protocols for interblock structure are critically evaluated and extended to intrablock structure for the purpose of determining input parameters for numerical models with explicit structure.


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In pre-Fitzgerald Queensland, the existence of corruption was widely known but its extent and modes of operation were not fully evident. The Fitzgerald Report identified the need for reform of the structure, procedures and efficiency in public administration in Queensland. What was most striking in the Queensland reform process was that a new model for combatting corruption had been developed. Rather than rely upon a single law and a single institution, existing institutions were strengthened and new institutions were introduced to create a set of mutually supporting and mutually checking institutions, agencies and laws that jointly sought to improve governmental standards and combat corruption. Some of the reforms were either unique to Queensland or very rare. One of the strengths of this approach was that it avoided creating a single over-arching institution to fight corruption. There are many powerful opponents of reform. Influential institutions and individuals resist any interference with their privileges. In order to cause a mass exodus from an entrenched corruption system, a seminal event or defining process is needed to alter expectations and incentives that are sufficient to encourage significant numbers of individuals to desert the corruption system and assist the integrity system in exposing and destroying it. The Fitzgerald Inquiry was such an event. This article also briefly addresses methods for destroying national corruption systems where they emerge and exist.


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In pre-Fitzgerald Queensland, the existence of corruption was widely known but its extent and modes of operation were not fully evident. The Fitzgerald Report identified the need for reform of the structure, procedures and efficiency in public administration in Queensland. What was most striking in the Queensland reform process was that a new model for combating corruption had been developed. Rather than rely upon a single law and a single institution, existing institutions were strengthened and new institutions were instituted to create a set of mutually supporting and mutually checking institutions, agencies and laws that jointly sought to improve governmental standards and combat corruption. Some of the reforms were either unique to Queensland or very rare. One of the strengths of this approach was that it avoided creating a single overarching institution to fight corruption. There are many powerful opponents of reform. Influential institutions and individuals resist any interference with their privileges. In order to cause a mass exodus from an entrenched corruption system, a seminal event or defining process is needed to alter expectations and incentives that are sufficient to encourage significant numbers of individuals to desert the corruption system and assist the integrity system in exposing and destroying it. The Fitzgerald Inquiry was such an event. The article also briefly addresses methods for destroying national corruption system where they emerge and exist.


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The Sudbury Basin is a non-cylindrical fold basin occupying the central portion of the Sudbury Impact Structure. The impact structure lends itself excellently to explore the structural evolution of continental crust containing a circular region of long-term weakness. In a series of scaled analogue experiments various model crustal configurations were shortened horizontally at a constant rate. In mechanically weakened crust, model basins formed that mimic several first-order structural characteristics of the Sudbury Basin: (1) asymmetric, non-cylindrical folding of the Basin, (2) structures indicating concentric shortening around lateral basin termini and (3) the presence of a zone of strain concentration near the hinge zones of model basins. Geometrically and kinematically this zone corresponds to the South Range Shear Zone of the Sudbury Basin. According to our experiments, this shear zone is a direct mechanical consequence of basin formation, rather than the result of thrusting following folding. Overall, the models highlight the structurally anomalous character of the Sudbury Basin within the Paleoproterozoic Eastern Penokean Orogen. In particular, our models suggest that the Basin formed by pure shear thickening of crust, whereas transpressive deformation prevailed elsewhere in the orogen. The model basin is deformed by thickening and non-cylindrical synformal buckling, while conjugate transpressive shear zones propagated away from its lateral tips. This is consistent with pure shear deformation of a weak circular inclusion in a strong matrix. The models suggest that the Sudbury Basin formed as a consequence of long-term weakening of the upper crust by meteorite impact.


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Under seismic loads neither the response of the pile nor the response of ground are independent of each other, contrary what is normally assumed. In seismic design of buildings, dynamic response of a structure is determined by assuming a fixed base on sub-grade and neglecting the physical interaction between foundation and soil profile in which it is embedded. However, the seismic response of pile foundations in vibration sensitive soil profiles is significantly affected by the behaviour of supporting soil. This research uses validated Finite Element techniques to simulate the seismic behaviour of pile foundations embedded in multilayered vibration sensitive soils.