111 resultados para Decidua


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A deeper understanding of past vegetation dynamics is required to better assess future vegetation responses to global warming in the Alps. Lake sediments from Lac de Bretaye, a small subalpine lake in the Northern Swiss Alps (1780 m a.s.l.), were analysed to reconstruct past vegetation dynamics for the entire Holocene, using pollen, macrofossil and charcoal analyses as main proxies. The results show that timberline reached the lake’s catchment area at around 10,300 cal. BP, supporting the hypothesis of a delayed postglacial afforestation in the Northern Alps. At the same time, thermophilous trees such as Ulmus, Tilia and Acer established in the lowlands and expanded to the altitude of the lake, forming distinctive boreo-nemoral forests with Betula, Pinus cembra and Larix decidua. From about 5000 to 3500 cal. BP, thermophilous trees declined because of increasing human land use, mainly driven by the mass expansion of Picea abies and severe anthropogenic fire activity. From the Bronze Age onwards (c. 4200–2800 cal. BP), grazing indicators and high values for charcoal concentration and influx attest an intensifying human impact, fostering the expansion of Alnus viridis and Picea abies. Hence, biodiversity in alpine meadows increased, whereas forest diversity declined, as can be seen in other regional records. We argue that the anticipated climate change and decreasing human impact in the Alps today will not only lead to an upward movement of timberline with consequent loss of area for grasslands, but also to a disruption of Picea abies forests, which may allow the re-expansion of thermophilous tree species.


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We use pollen, stomata and plant-macrofossil records to infer Holocene timberline fluctuations and changes in forest composition at Lac Superieur de Fully (2135 m a.s.l.), a small lake located near the modern regional timberline on a highland plateau in the Central Alps. Our records suggest that during the early Holocene vegetation was rather open on the plateau (eg, heaths of Dryas octopetala, Juniperus nana). The only tree that was able to build major stands was Betula. Other timberline trees (eg, Pinus cembra and Larix) expanded in the catchment of the lake after 8200 cal. BP, when Abies alba expanded at lower elevation. The late appearance of these timberline trees contrasts with previous plant-macrofossil records in the region, which show that the timberline had reached elevations up to at least 2350 m already at 11 000 cal. BP. We suggest that local climatic conditions may have delayed the expansion of closed stands of coniferous trees in the catchment of Lac de Fully until c. 8200 cal. BP, when climate shifted to more humid and less continental conditions. After c. 4600 cal. BP vegetation around the lake primarily responded to human impact, which caused a local lowering of the timberline by at least 150 m.


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Un total de 74 conejas nulíparas de 8 semanas de edad se distribuyeron al azar en dos grupos desde la recría hasta el primer parto. Se alimentaron con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos formulados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: manteca (grupo Control, n=34) y un suplemento a base de aceite de salmón rico en ácidos grasos poliinsatura-dos (AGPI) n-3 (grupo AGPI, n= 34) con un nivel de inclusión del 6% (30 g/kg). Durante la recría recibieron 130 g/día y 10 días antes de la inseminación se alimentaron ad libitum. Las tres primeras semanas de gestación, se restringieron de nuevo y consumieron pienso ad libitum la última semana de la misma. De cada grupo, 5 animales fueron eutanasiados el día 28 de gestación para determinar el desarrollo feto-placentario, y en el resto, la gestación se llevó a término para determinar los parámetros productivos de fertilidad y prolificidad. El consumo de las conejas suplementadas fue menor que el de las controles durante su disposición ad libitum. Aunque no hubo diferencias en el recuento de cuerpos lúteos ni de fetos el día 28 de gestación, el grosor de la placenta fetal (laberinto) y los fetos de las conejas suplementadas fueron significativamen -te mayores a los del grupo control. Hecho que se explicaría por la correlación positiva observada entre ambos parámetros y que no se observó con la parte maternal (decidua) de la placenta. La suplementación del pienso con AGPI n-3 también mejoró el número de nacidos vivos y muertos. En conclusión, la inclusión de AGPI n-3 aunque disminuye el consumo, mejora el desarrollo feto-placentario y los parámetros productivos de las conejas.


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Pollen and macrofossils were analyzed at two sites above today's treeline (or tree limit) in the Swiss Central Alps (Gouillé Loéré, 2503 m a.s.l., and Lengi Egga, 2557 m a.s.l.) to test two contrasting hypotheses about the natural formation of timberline (the upper limit of closed forest) in the Alps. Our results revealed that Pinus cembra--Larix decidua forests near timberline were rather closed between 9000 and 2500 B.C. (9600-4000 14C yr BP), when timberline fluctuations occurred within a belt 100-150 m above today's tree limit. The treeline ecocline above timberline was characterized by the mixed occurrence of tree, shrub, dwarf-shrub, and herbaceous species, but it did not encompass more than 100-150 altitudinal meters. The uppermost limit reached by timberline and treeline during the Holocene was ca. 2420 and 2530 m, respectively, i.e., about 120 to 180 m higher than today. Between 3500 and 2500 B.C. (4700-4000 14C yr BP) timberline progressively sank by about 300 m, while treeline was lowered only ca. 100 m. This change led to an enlargement of the treeline-ecocline belt (by ca. 300 m) after 2500 B.C. (4000 14C yr BP). Above the treeline ecocline, natural meadows dominated by dwarf shrubs (e.g., Salix herbacea) and herbaceous species (e.g., Helianthemum, Taraxacum, Potentialla, Leontodon t., Cerastium alpinum t., Cirsium spinosissimum, Silene exscapa t., and Saxifraga stellaris) have been present since at least 11,000 cal yr ago. In these meadows tree and tall shrub species (>0.5 m) never played a major role. These results support the conventional hypothesis of a narrow ecocline with rather sharp upper timberline and treeline boundaries and imply that today's treeless alpine communities in the Alps are close to a natural stage. Pollen (percentages and influx), stomata, and charcoal data may be useful for determining whether or not a site was treeless. Nevertheless, a reliable and detailed record of past local vegetation near and above timberline is best achieved through the inclusion of macrofossil analysis.


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The capacity of trees to recover from mechanical disturbance is of crucial importance for tree survival but has been primarily investigated in saplings using artificially induced wounds. In this study, mature Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Abies alba Mill. trees growing on alpine slopes that were wounded by naturally occurring rockfall were analyzed to determine their efficiency in overgrowing wounds. In total 43 L. decidua, P. abies and A. alba trees were sampled. First, 106 samples from 27 L. decidua and P. abies trees were analyzed to reconstruct yearly and overall overgrowth rates. Cross sections were taken at the maximum extension of the injury and overgrowth rates were determined on a yearly basis. Results clearly showed that L. decidua overgrew wounds more efficiently than P. abies with an average overgrowth rate of 19° and 11.8° per year, respectively. The higher on the stem the injury was located, the faster the wound was closed. Young and small trees overgrew wounds more efficiently than older or thicker trees. In contrast, no correlation was observed between injury size or increment before/after wounding and wound closure. Second, cross sections from 16 L. decidua, P. abies and A. alba (54 injuries) were used to assess closure rates at different heights around the injury. Overgrowth was generally smallest at the height of the maximum lateral extension of the injury and increased at the upper and lower end of the injury. The efficiency with which L. decidua closes wounds inflicted by rockfall makes this species highly adapted to sites with this type of mechanical disturbance.


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Placental villous development requires the co-ordinated action of angiogenic factors on both endothelial and trophoblast cells. Like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF-C increases vascular permeability, stimulates endothelial cell proliferation and migration. In the present study, we investigated the expression of VEGF-C and its receptors VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 in normal and intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) placenta. Immunolocalisation studies showed that like VEGF and VEGFR-1, VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 co-localised to the syncytiotrophoblast, to cells in the maternal decidua, as well as to the endothelium of the large placental blood vessels. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in placental VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 protein expression in severe IUGR as compared to gestationally-matched third trimester pregnancies. Conditioned medium from VEGF-C producing pancreatic carcinoma (Suit-2) and endometrial epithelial (Hec-1B) cell lines caused an increased association of the phosphorylated extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) in VEGFR-3 immunoprecipitates from spontaneously transformed first trimester trophoblast cells. VEGF121 caused dose-dependant phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 in trophoblast cells as well as stimulating DNA synthesis. In addition, premixing VEGF165 with heparin sulphate proteoglycan potentiated trophoblast proliferation and the association of phospho-ERK with the VEGFR-2 receptor. VEGF165-mediated DNA synthesis was inhibited by anti-VEGFR-2 neutralising antibody. The results demonstrate functional VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 receptors on trophoblast and suggest that the decreased expression of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 may contribute to the abnormal villous development observed in IUGR placenta.