998 resultados para De Garis, Mary Clementina, 1881-1963 - Biography


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Inclui relação de deputados, presidentes de provincias, gabinetes de 1872 a 1881


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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ENGLISH: During 1963, the area of operation of the Japanese long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific further expanded, and total fishing effort increased. Charts are presented showing the distribution of effort and of catch-rates, by species, for major fishing areas; and showing catch-rates by species, by quarters of the year, by areas of one-degree of latitude and longitude. In the newly-exploited region north of 10°N, yellowfin and striped marlin are principal elements of the catch, while in the newly-fished region south of the former fishing areas, south of about 20°S, albacore dominate in the catch. Continued decline in catch rates of bigeye tuna, associated with increased fishing effort, indicates that there has been a real decrease in abundance of this species, and that it may have resulted from effects of the fishery on the stock. Changes in catch rates of yellowfin tuna seem to be associated with effects on the stock by both the long-line fishery and by the near-surface fishery by purse-seiners and bait-boats. Over the short series of years for which data are available, there are no discernible trends in apparent abundance of striped marlin or albacore. Information is presented concerning seasonal and geographical distributions of spawning yellowfin tuna, based on examination of gonads. Analysis of data on size composition of yellowfin tuna for 1958-1964 indicates that the long-line fishery is becoming increasingly dependent on the most recently recruited year class, further confirming the effect of the fishery on the stock. The long-line fishery now takes nearly all of its catch of yellowfin tuna from two year-classes each year, during their third and fourth years of life. SPANISH: Durante 1963 el área de operación de la pesca palangrera japonesa en el Pacífico oriental se extendió más y se incrementó el esfuerzo total de pesca. Se presentan cartas indicando la distribución del esfuerzo y las tasas de captura por especies, para las áreas principales de pesca; y se muestran las tasas de captura por especies y por trimestres del año en áreas de un grado de latitud y longitud. En la región recientemente explotada al norte de los 10°N, los principales elementos de la captura son el atún aleta amarilla y el marlín rayado, mientras aproximadamente al sur de los 20°S en la región recientemente pescada al sur de las primeras áreas de pesca la albacora predomina en la captura. La continua merma en las tasas de captura del patudo en asociación con el incremento en el esfuerzo de pesca, indica que ha habido una real reducción en la abundancia de esta especie y que puede ser el resultado de los efectos de la pesquería sobre el stock. Los cambios en las tasas de captura del atún aleta amarilla parecen estar asociados con los efectos sobre el stock tanto de la pesquería palangrera como de la pesca de superficie por barcos rederos y de carnada. No hay tendencias perceptibles en la abundancia aparente del marlín rayado o la albacora en el corto período de años de los que se disponen datos. Se presenta información referente a la distribución estacional y geográfica del desove del atún aleta amarilla basado en el examen de las gónadas. El análisis de los datos sobre la composición de tallas del atún aleta amarilla correspondiente a 1958-1964 indica que la pesca palangrera depende cada vez más de las clases anuales recientemente reclutadas, confirmando aún más el efecto que tiene la pesquería sobre el stock. La pesquería palangrera coge casi toda su pesca de atún aleta amarilla de dos clases anuales cada año, durante su tercer y cuarto año de vida. (PDF contains 70 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory of Kochi, Japan conducted a long-line fishery exploration and hydrographic survey in the eastern Pacific Ocean aboard the R/V Shoyo Maru during October 1963- March 1964. An invitation to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to participate in the cruise gave its investigators the opportunity to make surface biological observations and to preserve water samples for subsequent analyses of nutrients. The result of this survey is a comprehensive body of physical, chemical and biological data covering a large portion of the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: El Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory de Rochi, Japón, llevó a cabo una exploración pesquera con palangre y un reconocimiento hidrográfico en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a bordo del barco de investigación Shoyo Maru, desde octubre de 1963 hasta marzo de 1964. Una invitación dirigida a la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical para participar en el crucero, confirió a sus investigadores la oportunidad de hacer observaciones biológicas superficiales y conservar muestras de agua para el subsiguiente análisis de los nutrientes. El resultado de este reconocimiento es un conjunto de datos físicos, químicos y biológicos que abarcan una gran parte del sector medio oriental del Océano Pacífico. (PDF contains 153 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Logbook records of tuna vessels fishing in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to prepare charts showing the distribution of yellowfin and skipjack tuna catches by 1-degree area, by quarter of the year, and by gear for the years 1963-1966. Recent changes in the geographical distribution of yellowfin catches are illustrated. The size composition of the U. S. tuna fleet is given, and recent changes are discussed. SPANISH: Los registros de los cuadernos de bitácora de los barcos atuneros que pescan en el Océano Pacifico oriental, se emplearon para preparar los gráficos que indican la distribuci6n de las capturas de atún aleta amarilla y de barrilete por área de 1 grado, por trimestre del ano y por aparejo de pesca para los anos de 1963-1966. Se ilustran los cambios recientes en la distribucion geográfica de las capturas de atún aleta amarilla. Se da la composición de tamaño de la flota atunera de los E. U. y se discuten los cambios recientes. (PDF contains 76 pages.)


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3 cartas (manuscritas) ; entre 220x280mm y 160x220mm. Caja 1 - Carpeta 48


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11 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; entre 215x315mm y 215x157mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 53


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was created by a Convention between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention came into force in 1950. One of the provisions of the Convention was that other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention could adhere if they so desired and if the existing members agreed. Under this arrangement, the Republic of Panama adhered to the COl1vention in 1953. The Republic of Ecuador adhered in 1961. The Senate of the Republic of Mexico approved adherence in 1963; and the Republic of Colombia has indicated her desire to adhere. Full members during 1963 were Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and the United States. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fue creada en virtud de una Convención entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención entró en vigencia en 1950. Una de las estipulaciones de la Convención, permite a los gobiernos de otros países cuyos habitantes participen en las pesquerías a que dicha Convención se refiere, adherirse a ella si así lo desean y si los Gobiernos Miembros están de acuerdo. Acogiéndose a esa estipulación, la República de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953. La República del Ecuador se adhirió en 1961. El Senado de la República de México aprobó la adhesión en 1963; y la República de Colombia ha manifestado su deseo de adherirse. Durante el año de 1963 han sido miembros Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panamá y los Estados Unidos. (PDF contains 89 pages.)


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This brief chapter describes the occurrence Macrocyclops distinctus in the littoral zone of the Rybinsk Reservoir. Sampling was undertaken in summer and autumn 1961. In order to facilitate distinction of M. distinctus and Macrocyclops fuscus the author presents drawings of the whole species and certain characteristic parts of the body, and also gives a description of M. distinctus, comparing it with M. fuscus.


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Planktobenthos was sampled in 1957-58 in the river Amur. A determination of the kind of organisms drifting in the mass of water of the Amur was carried out. Of special interest for the authors was the activity of drifting of benthic larvae.


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The passive spread of a high percentage of freshwater organisms is one of the most important requirements in short-lived and insular communities for species to attai n and survive - and consequently to balance the lack of a topographical continuity of most inland waters. Unfortunately hardly anything is known about the amounts of seed material typical for any lake into which it is carried. The causes of passive dissemination - wind, water and animals as well as man - are confirmed by many examples. It has been assumed now for at least a hundered years that , among animals, birds play a prominent role, although also disappointingly few facts are at hand. The passage and spread through birds' intestines has up to now been supported only by some limited data. This paper reports on experimental research where the eggs of Daphnia magna, Triops cancriformis, Artemia salina, Diaptomus spinosus and Cypris pubera were introduced by means of gelatine capsules into the oesophagus of a drake. The bird's excrements were inspected under a microscope for eggs and resting stages, and these were transferred into corresponding cultures.


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Representatives from the family of Lemnaceae (duckweed) make ideal experimental material for research into a succession of phytophysiological processes with regard to growth rate and vegetative reproduction. They are also easy to maintain in sterile cultures. Lemnaceae belong to the higher flowering plants (flowers are rarely produced), however they are distinguished by a much simplified morphological and anatomical structure. As water plants they possess the advantage, that they can be cultivated in synthetic media under laboratory conditions controlled by the application of both a known light intensity and temperature. This paper describes experimental research of growth of Lemnaceae in different conditions. Some of the variables were mineral media, illumination and aeration.