914 resultados para Data selection


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We propose a general framework for the analysis of animal telemetry data through the use of weighted distributions. It is shown that several interpretations of resource selection functions arise when constructed from the ratio of a use and availability distribution. Through the proposed general framework, several popular resource selection models are shown to be special cases of the general model by making assumptions about animal movement and behavior. The weighted distribution framework is shown to be easily extended to readily account for telemetry data that are highly auto-correlated; as is typical with use of new technology such as global positioning systems animal relocations. An analysis of simulated data using several models constructed within the proposed framework is also presented to illustrate the possible gains from the flexible modeling framework. The proposed model is applied to a brown bear data set from southeast Alaska.


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Abstract Background One goal of gene expression profiling is to identify signature genes that robustly distinguish different types or grades of tumors. Several tumor classifiers based on expression profiling have been proposed using microarray technique. Due to important differences in the probabilistic models of microarray and SAGE technologies, it is important to develop suitable techniques to select specific genes from SAGE measurements. Results A new framework to select specific genes that distinguish different biological states based on the analysis of SAGE data is proposed. The new framework applies the bolstered error for the identification of strong genes that separate the biological states in a feature space defined by the gene expression of a training set. Credibility intervals defined from a probabilistic model of SAGE measurements are used to identify the genes that distinguish the different states with more reliability among all gene groups selected by the strong genes method. A score taking into account the credibility and the bolstered error values in order to rank the groups of considered genes is proposed. Results obtained using SAGE data from gliomas are presented, thus corroborating the introduced methodology. Conclusion The model representing counting data, such as SAGE, provides additional statistical information that allows a more robust analysis. The additional statistical information provided by the probabilistic model is incorporated in the methodology described in the paper. The introduced method is suitable to identify signature genes that lead to a good separation of the biological states using SAGE and may be adapted for other counting methods such as Massive Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) or the recent Sequencing-By-Synthesis (SBS) technique. Some of such genes identified by the proposed method may be useful to generate classifiers.


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High-throughput gene expression technologies such as microarrays have been utilized in a variety of scientific applications. Most of the work has been on assessing univariate associations between gene expression with clinical outcome (variable selection) or on developing classification procedures with gene expression data (supervised learning). We consider a hybrid variable selection/classification approach that is based on linear combinations of the gene expression profiles that maximize an accuracy measure summarized using the receiver operating characteristic curve. Under a specific probability model, this leads to consideration of linear discriminant functions. We incorporate an automated variable selection approach using LASSO. An equivalence between LASSO estimation with support vector machines allows for model fitting using standard software. We apply the proposed method to simulated data as well as data from a recently published prostate cancer study.


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A combinatorial protocol (CP) is introduced here to interface it with the multiple linear regression (MLR) for variable selection. The efficiency of CP-MLR is primarily based on the restriction of entry of correlated variables to the model development stage. It has been used for the analysis of Selwood et al data set [16], and the obtained models are compared with those reported from GFA [8] and MUSEUM [9] approaches. For this data set CP-MLR could identify three highly independent models (27, 28 and 31) with Q2 value in the range of 0.632-0.518. Also, these models are divergent and unique. Even though, the present study does not share any models with GFA [8], and MUSEUM [9] results, there are several descriptors common to all these studies, including the present one. Also a simulation is carried out on the same data set to explain the model formation in CP-MLR. The results demonstrate that the proposed method should be able to offer solutions to data sets with 50 to 60 descriptors in reasonable time frame. By carefully selecting the inter-parameter correlation cutoff values in CP-MLR one can identify divergent models and handle data sets larger than the present one without involving excessive computer time.


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When choosing among models to describe categorical data, the necessity to consider interactions makes selection more difficult. With just four variables, considering all interactions, there are 166 different hierarchical models and many more non-hierarchical models. Two procedures have been developed for categorical data which will produce the "best" subset or subsets of each model size where size refers to the number of effects in the model. Both procedures are patterned after the Leaps and Bounds approach used by Furnival and Wilson for continuous data and do not generally require fitting all models. For hierarchical models, likelihood ratio statistics (G('2)) are computed using iterative proportional fitting and "best" is determined by comparing, among models with the same number of effects, the Pr((chi)(,k)('2) (GREATERTHEQ) G(,ij)('2)) where k is the degrees of freedom for ith model of size j. To fit non-hierarchical as well as hierarchical models, a weighted least squares procedure has been developed.^ The procedures are applied to published occupational data relating to the occurrence of byssinosis. These results are compared to previously published analyses of the same data. Also, the procedures are applied to published data on symptoms in psychiatric patients and again compared to previously published analyses.^ These procedures will make categorical data analysis more accessible to researchers who are not statisticians. The procedures should also encourage more complex exploratory analyses of epidemiologic data and contribute to the development of new hypotheses for study. ^


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Mass spectrometry (MS) data provide a promising strategy for biomarker discovery. For this purpose, the detection of relevant peakbins in MS data is currently under intense research. Data from mass spectrometry are challenging to analyze because of their high dimensionality and the generally low number of samples available. To tackle this problem, the scientific community is becoming increasingly interested in applying feature subset selection techniques based on specialized machine learning algorithms. In this paper, we present a performance comparison of some metaheuristics: best first (BF), genetic algorithm (GA), scatter search (SS) and variable neighborhood search (VNS). Up to now, all the algorithms, except for GA, have been first applied to detect relevant peakbins in MS data. All these metaheuristic searches are embedded in two different filter and wrapper schemes coupled with Naive Bayes and SVM classifiers.


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This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori.


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Complex networks have been extensively used in the last decade to characterize and analyze complex systems, and they have been recently proposed as a novel instrument for the analysis of spectra extracted from biological samples. Yet, the high number of measurements composing spectra, and the consequent high computational cost, make a direct network analysis unfeasible. We here present a comparative analysis of three customary feature selection algorithms, including the binning of spectral data and the use of information theory metrics. Such algorithms are compared by assessing the score obtained in a classification task, where healthy subjects and people suffering from different types of cancers should be discriminated. Results indicate that a feature selection strategy based on Mutual Information outperforms the more classical data binning, while allowing a reduction of the dimensionality of the data set in two orders of magnitude


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In ubiquitous data stream mining applications, different devices often aim to learn concepts that are similar to some extent. In these applications, such as spam filtering or news recommendation, the data stream underlying concept (e.g., interesting mail/news) is likely to change over time. Therefore, the resultant model must be continuously adapted to such changes. This paper presents a novel Collaborative Data Stream Mining (Coll-Stream) approach that explores the similarities in the knowledge available from other devices to improve local classification accuracy. Coll-Stream integrates the community knowledge using an ensemble method where the classifiers are selected and weighted based on their local accuracy for different partitions of the feature space. We evaluate Coll-Stream classification accuracy in situations with concept drift, noise, partition granularity and concept similarity in relation to the local underlying concept. The experimental results show that Coll-Stream resultant model achieves stability and accuracy in a variety of situations using both synthetic and real world datasets.


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Using the Bayesian approach as the model selection criteria, the main purpose in this study is to establish a practical road accident model that can provide a better interpretation and prediction performance. For this purpose we are using a structural explanatory model with autoregressive error term. The model estimation is carried out through Bayesian inference and the best model is selected based on the goodness of fit measures. To cross validate the model estimation further prediction analysis were done. As the road safety measures the number of fatal accidents in Spain, during 2000-2011 were employed. The results of the variable selection process show that the factors explaining fatal road accidents are mainly exposure, economic factors, and surveillance and legislative measures. The model selection shows that the impact of economic factors on fatal accidents during the period under study has been higher compared to surveillance and legislative measures.


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In the current Information Age, data production and processing demands are ever increasing. This has motivated the appearance of large-scale distributed information. This phenomenon also applies to Pattern Recognition so that classic and common algorithms, such as the k-Nearest Neighbour, are unable to be used. To improve the efficiency of this classifier, Prototype Selection (PS) strategies can be used. Nevertheless, current PS algorithms were not designed to deal with distributed data, and their performance is therefore unknown under these conditions. This work is devoted to carrying out an experimental study on a simulated framework in which PS strategies can be compared under classical conditions as well as those expected in distributed scenarios. Our results report a general behaviour that is degraded as conditions approach to more realistic scenarios. However, our experiments also show that some methods are able to achieve a fairly similar performance to that of the non-distributed scenario. Thus, although there is a clear need for developing specific PS methodologies and algorithms for tackling these situations, those that reported a higher robustness against such conditions may be good candidates from which to start.


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"Contributed to the Federal Information Processing Standards Task Group 15 - Computer Systems Security" -t.p.