958 resultados para Data Warehouse


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In the following paper a new class of executive information system is suggested. It is based on a selforganization in management and on a module modeling. The system is multifunctional and multidisciplinary. The structure elements of the system and the common features of the modules are discussed.


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Encyclopaedia slavica sanctorum (eslavsanct.net) is designed as a complex heterogenous multimedia product. It is part of the project Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum: Saints and Holy Places in Bulgaria (in electronic and Guthenberg versions). Until 2013, its web-based platform for online management and presentation of structured digital content has been prepared and numerous materials have been input. The platform is developed using the server technologies PHP, MySQL and HTML, JavaScript, CSS on the client side. The search in the e-ESS can be made by different parameters (12, or combinations of parameters), such as saints’ or feasts’ names, type of sainthood, types of texts dedicated to the saints, dates of saints’ commemorations, and several others. Both guests and registered users can search in the e-ESS but the latter have access to much more information including the publications of original sources. The e-platform allows for making statistics of what have been searched and read. The software used for content and access analysis is BI tool QlikView. As an analysis services provider, it is connected to the e-ESS objects repository and tracking services by a preliminary created data warehouse. The data warehouse is updated automatically, achieving real time analytics solution. The paper discusses some of the statistics results of the use of the e-ESS: the activities of the editors, users, and guests, the types of searches, the most often viewed object, such as the date of January 1 and the article on St. Basil the Great which is one of the richest encyclopaedia articles and includes both matadata and original sources published, both from medieval Slavonic manuscripts and popular culture records.


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Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en stor organisation arbetar med förvaltning av information genom att undersöka dess nuvarande informationsförvaltning, samt undersöka eventuella förslag till framtida informationsförvaltning. Vidare syftar studien också till att undersöka hur en stor organisation kan etablera en tydlig styrning, samverkan, hantering och ansvars- och rollfördelning kring informationsförvaltning. Denna studie är kvalitativ, där datainsamlingen sker genom dokumentstudier och intervjuer. Studien bedrivs med abduktion och är en normativ fallstudie då studiens mål är att ge vägledning och föreslå åtgärder till det fall som uppdragsgivaren har bett mig att studera. Fallet i denna studie är ett typiskt fall, då studiens resultat kan vara i intresse för fler än studiens uppdragsgivare, exempelvis organisationer med liknande informationsmiljö. För att samla teori till studien så har jag genomfört litteraturstudier om ämnen som är relevanta för studiens syfte: Informationsförvaltning, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse och dess arkitektur, samt Business Intelligence Competency Center. Denna studie bidrar med praktiskt kunskapsbidrag, då studien ger svar på praktiska problem. Uppdragsgivaren har haft praktiska problem i och med en icke fungerade informationsförvaltning, och denna studie har bidragit med förslag på framtida informationsförvaltning. Förslaget på framtida informationsförvaltning involverar ett centraliserat Data Warehouse, samt utvecklingen utav en verksamhet som hanterar informationsförvaltning och styrningen kring informationsförvaltningen inom hela organisationen.


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“La Business Intelligence per il monitoraggio delle vendite: il caso Ducati Motor Holding”. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di illustrare cos’è la Business Intelligence e di mostrare i cambiamenti verificatisi in Ducati Motor Holding, in seguito alla sua adozione, in termini di realizzazione di report e dashboard per il monitoraggio delle vendite. L’elaborato inizia con una panoramica generale sulla storia e gli utilizzi della Business Intelligence nella quale vengono toccati i principali fondamenti teorici: Data Warehouse, data mining, analisi what-if, rappresentazione multidimensionale dei dati, costruzione del team di BI eccetera. Si proseguirà mediante un focus sui Big Data convogliando l’attenzione sul loro utilizzo e utilità nel settore dell’automotive (inteso nella sua accezione più generica e cioè non solo come mercato delle auto, ma anche delle moto), portando in questo modo ad un naturale collegamento con la realtà Ducati. Si apre così una breve overview sull’azienda descrivendone la storia, la struttura commerciale attraverso la quale vengono gestite le vendite e la gamma dei prodotti. Dal quarto capitolo si entra nel vivo dell’argomento: la Business Intelligence in Ducati. Si inizia descrivendo le fasi che hanno fino ad ora caratterizzato il progetto di Business Analytics (il cui obiettivo è per l'appunto introdurre la BI i azienda) per poi concentrarsi, a livello prima teorico e poi pratico, sul reporting sales e cioè sulla reportistica basata sul monitoraggio delle vendite.


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El desarrollo de los Sistemas de Información Gerencial basados en tecnologías de Data Warehouse y Herramientas Olap, es relativamente reciente y, por lo tanto, no existe una propuesta metodológica universalmente válida y aceptada como tal, porla comunidad académica. El presente artículo expone una propuesta metodológica para la realización del diseño de una bodega de datos, que utiliza como eje articulador la identificación de las necesidades de información por parte de la gerencia, para el soporte de los procesos de control y de toma de decisiones.El método propuesto está compuesto de ocho pasos agrupados en tres fases. La primera fase comprende la identificación de las necesidades de información gerencial, desde la perspectivadel negocio. La segunda fase comprende todas las actividades relacionadas con la elaboración de un modelo lógico-conceptual de la estructura de la bodega de datos. La tercera fase incluye los pasos para realizar el diseño físico de la estructura de la bodega de datos.


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The process of building Data Warehouses (DW) is well known with well defined stages but at the same time, mostly carried out manually by IT people in conjunction with business people. Web Warehouses (WW) are DW whose data sources are taken from the web. We define a flexible WW, which can be configured accordingly to different domains, through the selection of the web sources and the definition of data processing characteristics. A Business Process Management (BPM) System allows modeling and executing Business Processes (BPs) providing support for the automation of processes. To support the process of building flexible WW we propose a two BPs level: a configuration process to support the selection of web sources and the definition of schemas and mappings, and a feeding process which takes the defined configuration and loads the data into the WW. In this paper we present a proof of concept of both processes, with focus on the configuration process and the defined data.


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Actualmente, o SIS depara-se com problemas relativos à normalização e qualidade de dados, interoperabilidade entre instituições e inexistência de sistemas que suportem e agilizem o processo da decisão estratégica no sector. Numa primeira fase, este trabalho caracteriza e clarifica o papel das diversas instituições que colaboram com o MS, a forma como é gerida a informação e o conhecimento e os pressupostos do PNS enquanto documento agregador de indicadores que permitem avaliar o estado da saúde em Portugal. Com base na caracterização do sector e na importância orientadora do PNS, apresenta-se uma metodologia que organiza e desenvolve um modelo de metadados, baseados nos indicadores para a saúde, presentes no PNS. A sua importância para o sector é evidente uma vez que permite servir de suporte ao futuro desenvolvimento de aplicações estratégicas de apoio à decisão, salvaguardando a implementação e a divulgação do PNS e dos seus indicadores. ABSTRACT; Currently, the SIS comes across with problems related with normalization and quality of data, cooperation between institutions and the inexistence of systems that support and speed the process of strategical decisions in the sector. ln a first phase, this work characterizes and simplifies the role of each institution that collaborates with MS, the form as it is managed the information and the knowledge and the fundamentals of PNS, as a document witch aggregates pointers that allow the evaluation of the state of health in Portugal. On the basis of this characterization and the orienting importance of PNS, this work demonstrates a metadata methodology that organizes and develops a model, based on health pointers, indicated in PNS. Its importance for the sector is evident because it can support future developments of strategical applications, safeguarding the implementation and the analysis of PNS and its pointers.


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El volumen de datos en bibliotecas ha aumentado enormemente en los últimos años, así como también la complejidad de sus fuentes y formatos de información, dificultando su gestión y acceso, especialmente como apoyo en la toma de decisiones. Sabiendo que una buena gestión de bibliotecas involucra la integración de indicadores estratégicos, la implementación de un Data Warehouse (DW), que gestione adecuadamente tal cantidad de información, así como su compleja mezcla de fuentes de datos, se convierte en una alternativa interesante a considerar. El artículo describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema de soporte de decisiones (DSS) basado en técnicas de DW para la biblioteca de la Universidad de Cuenca. Para esto, el estudio utiliza una metodología holística, propuesto por Siguenza-Guzman et al. (2014) para la evaluación integral de bibliotecas. Dicha metodología evalúa la colección y los servicios, incorporando importantes elementos para la gestión de bibliotecas, tales como: el desempeño de los servicios, el control de calidad, el uso de la colección y la interacción con el usuario. A partir de este análisis, se propone una arquitectura de DW que integra, procesa y almacena los datos. Finalmente, estos datos almacenados son analizados y visualizados a través de herramientas de procesamiento analítico en línea (OLAP). Las pruebas iniciales de implementación confirman la viabilidad y eficacia del enfoque propuesto, al integrar con éxito múltiples y heterogéneas fuentes y formatos de datos, facilitando que los directores de bibliotecas generen informes personalizados, e incluso permitiendo madurar los procesos transaccionales que diariamente se llevan a cabo.


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Libraries since their inception 4000 years ago have been in a process of constant change. Although, changes were in slow motion for centuries, in the last decades, academic libraries have been continuously striving to adapt their services to the ever-changing user needs of students and academic staff. In addition, e-content revolution, technological advances, and ever-shrinking budgets have obliged libraries to efficiently allocate their limited resources among collection and services. Unfortunately, this resource allocation is a complex process due to the diversity of data sources and formats required to be analyzed prior to decision-making, as well as the lack of efficient integration methods. The main purpose of this study is to develop an integrated model that supports libraries in making optimal budgeting and resource allocation decisions among their services and collection by means of a holistic analysis. To this end, a combination of several methodologies and structured approaches is conducted. Firstly, a holistic structure and the required toolset to holistically assess academic libraries are proposed to collect and organize the data from an economic point of view. A four-pronged theoretical framework is used in which the library system and collection are analyzed from the perspective of users and internal stakeholders. The first quadrant corresponds to the internal perspective of the library system that is to analyze the library performance, and costs incurred and resources consumed by library services. The second quadrant evaluates the external perspective of the library system; user’s perception about services quality is judged in this quadrant. The third quadrant analyses the external perspective of the library collection that is to evaluate the impact of the current library collection on its users. Eventually, the fourth quadrant evaluates the internal perspective of the library collection; the usage patterns followed to manipulate the library collection are analyzed. With a complete framework for data collection, these data coming from multiple sources and therefore with different formats, need to be integrated and stored in an adequate scheme for decision support. A data warehousing approach is secondly designed and implemented to integrate, process, and store the holistic-based collected data. Ultimately, strategic data stored in the data warehouse are analyzed and implemented for different purposes including the following: 1) Data visualization and reporting is proposed to allow library managers to publish library indicators in a simple and quick manner by using online reporting tools. 2) Sophisticated data analysis is recommended through the use of data mining tools; three data mining techniques are examined in this research study: regression, clustering and classification. These data mining techniques have been applied to the case study in the following manner: predicting the future investment in library development; finding clusters of users that share common interests and similar profiles, but belong to different faculties; and predicting library factors that affect student academic performance by analyzing possible correlations of library usage and academic performance. 3) Input for optimization models, early experiences of developing an optimal resource allocation model to distribute resources among the different processes of a library system are documented in this study. Specifically, the problem of allocating funds for digital collection among divisions of an academic library is addressed. An optimization model for the problem is defined with the objective of maximizing the usage of the digital collection over-all library divisions subject to a single collection budget. By proposing this holistic approach, the research study contributes to knowledge by providing an integrated solution to assist library managers to make economic decisions based on an “as realistic as possible” perspective of the library situation.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Nos dias de hoje o acesso à informação por parte das empresas é vital para o bom desempenho das suas funções. As empresas de telecomunicações não fogem à regra, a sua posição no mercado está dependente das decisões que são tomadas com base na avaliação dessa informação. Para suportar os processos de apoio à decisão é coerente recorrer-se a Data Warehouses que permitem integrar informação de diversas fontes, verificando a sua qualidade, actualização e coerência, organizando-a para um fácil acesso e consulta de vários pontos de vista. Numa empresa de telecomunicações móvel, um Data Mart geográfico baseado na informação de tráfego da companhia que pode identificar as localizações preferenciais dos utilizadores na rede é muito importante porque fornece indicadores muito úteis para o departamento de marketing e negócio da empresa de maneira a que se saiba onde e como actuar para permitir que esta se desenvolva e ganhe vantagem no mercado. ABSTRACT: Today the access to information by enterprises is vital for the company’s performance. Telecommunications companies are no exception. Their position in the market is dependent on the decisions that are taken based on the evaluation of such information. To support the decision making process Data Warehouse is today an extremely useful tool; it integrates information from different sources, checking on its validity, quality and update, coherence, organizing it for an easy access and search from various perspectives. ln a mobile telecommunications company a geographical Data Mart-based traffic information that can identify the preferential locations of users on the network is very important It provides useful indicators to the Department of Marketing and Business there by allowing you to know where and how to act and boosting the development of the company.


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In the supply chain management there are several risk factors that must be mitigated to increase the flow of production and as a possible solution the literature cites the implementation of a warehouse management system, but this subject is few explored. This thesis has as main objective the study of the implementation of a warehouse management system in a company from the automotive sector that produces clutches. As results, are shown data of the characterization of items; as well as data and comparisons between disruptions in production reports due to lack of material before and after the implementation of WMS and is presented the result of a questionnaire applied to the involved on the implementation of the system, the results were associated with the risk factors on the implementation of the system studied on the literature review, and enumeration of the results that are not associated with any factors previously studied. And finally, the study is concluded and are recommended future studies related to the theme


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This paper provides an insight to the development of a process model for the essential expansion of the automatic miniload warehouse. The model is based on the literature research and covers four phases of a warehouse expansion: the preparatory phase, the current state analysis, the design phase and the decision making phase. In addition to the literature research, the presented model is based on a reliable data set and can be applicable with a reasonable effort to ensure the informed decision on the warehouse layout. The model is addressed to users who are usually employees of logistics department, and is oriented on the improvement of the daily business organization combined with the warehouse expansion planning.