984 resultados para DRUG COMBINATION
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of medetomidine, midazolam and ketamine (MMK) in captive gorillas after premedication with oral zuclopenthixol. STUDY DESIGN Case series. ANIMALS Six gorillas, two males and four females, aged 9-52 years and weighing 63-155 kg. METHODS The gorillas were given zuclopenthixol dihydrochloride 0.2 ± 0.05 mg kg(-1) per os twice daily for 3 days for premedication. On the day of anaesthesia the dose of zuclopenthixol was increased to 0.27 mg kg(-1) and given once early in the morning. Anaesthesia was induced with medetomidine 0.04 ± 0.004 mg kg(-1) , midazolam 0.048 ± 0.003 mg kg(-1) and ketamine 4.9 ± 0.4 mg kg(-1) intramuscularly (IM). Upon recumbency, the trachea was intubated and anaesthesia was maintained on 1-2% isoflurane in oxygen. Physiological parameters were monitored every 10 minutes and arterial blood gas analysis was performed once 30-50 minutes after initial darting. At the end of the procedure, 42-115 minutes after initial darting, immobilisation was antagonized with atipamezole 0.21 ± 0.03 mg kg(-1) and sarmazenil 5 ± 0.4 μg kg(-1) IM. RESULTS Recumbency was reached within 10 minutes in five out of six animals. One animal required two additional darts before intubation was feasible. Heart rate ranged from 60 to 85 beats minute(-1) , respiratory rate from 17 to 46 breaths minute(-1) and temperature from 36.9 to 38.3 °C. No spontaneous recoveries were observed and anaesthetic level was stable. Blood gas analyses revealed mild respiratory acidosis, and mean PaO(2) was 24.87 ± 17.16 kPa (187 ± 129 mmHg) with all values being above 13.4 kPa (101 mmHg). Recovery was smooth and gorillas were sitting within 25 minutes. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The drug combination proved to be effective in anaesthetizing captive gorillas of various ages and both sexes, with minimal cardio-respiratory changes.
OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to optimise dexmedetomidine and alfaxalone dosing, for intramuscular administration with butorphanol, to perform minor surgeries in cats. METHODS Initially, cats were assigned to one of five groups, each composed of six animals and receiving, in addition to 0.3 mg/kg butorphanol intramuscularly, one of the following: (A) 0.005 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 2 mg/kg alfaxalone; (B) 0.008 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 1.5 mg/kg alfaxalone; (C) 0.012 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 1 mg/kg alfaxalone; (D) 0.005 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 1 mg/kg alfaxalone; and (E) 0.012 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 2 mg/kg alfaxalone. Thereafter, a modified 'direct search' method, conducted in a stepwise manner, was used to optimise drug dosing. The quality of anaesthesia was evaluated on the basis of composite scores (one for anaesthesia and one for recovery), visual analogue scales and the propofol requirement to suppress spontaneous movements. The medians or means of these variables were used to rank the treatments; 'unsatisfactory' and 'promising' combinations were identified to calculate, through the equation first described by Berenbaum in 1990, new dexmedetomidine and alfaxalone doses to be tested in the next step. At each step, five combinations (one new plus the best previous four) were tested. RESULTS None of the tested combinations resulted in adverse effects. Four steps and 120 animals were necessary to identify the optimal drug combination (0.014 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 2.5 mg/kg alfaxalone and 0.3 mg/kg butorphanol). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The investigated drug mixture, at the doses found with the optimisation method, is suitable for cats undergoing minor clinical procedures.
My dissertation focuses mainly on Bayesian adaptive designs for phase I and phase II clinical trials. It includes three specific topics: (1) proposing a novel two-dimensional dose-finding algorithm for biological agents, (2) developing Bayesian adaptive screening designs to provide more efficient and ethical clinical trials, and (3) incorporating missing late-onset responses to make an early stopping decision. Treating patients with novel biological agents is becoming a leading trend in oncology. Unlike cytotoxic agents, for which toxicity and efficacy monotonically increase with dose, biological agents may exhibit non-monotonic patterns in their dose-response relationships. Using a trial with two biological agents as an example, we propose a phase I/II trial design to identify the biologically optimal dose combination (BODC), which is defined as the dose combination of the two agents with the highest efficacy and tolerable toxicity. A change-point model is used to reflect the fact that the dose-toxicity surface of the combinational agents may plateau at higher dose levels, and a flexible logistic model is proposed to accommodate the possible non-monotonic pattern for the dose-efficacy relationship. During the trial, we continuously update the posterior estimates of toxicity and efficacy and assign patients to the most appropriate dose combination. We propose a novel dose-finding algorithm to encourage sufficient exploration of untried dose combinations in the two-dimensional space. Extensive simulation studies show that the proposed design has desirable operating characteristics in identifying the BODC under various patterns of dose-toxicity and dose-efficacy relationships. Trials of combination therapies for the treatment of cancer are playing an increasingly important role in the battle against this disease. To more efficiently handle the large number of combination therapies that must be tested, we propose a novel Bayesian phase II adaptive screening design to simultaneously select among possible treatment combinations involving multiple agents. Our design is based on formulating the selection procedure as a Bayesian hypothesis testing problem in which the superiority of each treatment combination is equated to a single hypothesis. During the trial conduct, we use the current values of the posterior probabilities of all hypotheses to adaptively allocate patients to treatment combinations. Simulation studies show that the proposed design substantially outperforms the conventional multi-arm balanced factorial trial design. The proposed design yields a significantly higher probability for selecting the best treatment while at the same time allocating substantially more patients to efficacious treatments. The proposed design is most appropriate for the trials combining multiple agents and screening out the efficacious combination to be further investigated. The proposed Bayesian adaptive phase II screening design substantially outperformed the conventional complete factorial design. Our design allocates more patients to better treatments while at the same time providing higher power to identify the best treatment at the end of the trial. Phase II trial studies usually are single-arm trials which are conducted to test the efficacy of experimental agents and decide whether agents are promising to be sent to phase III trials. Interim monitoring is employed to stop the trial early for futility to avoid assigning unacceptable number of patients to inferior treatments. We propose a Bayesian single-arm phase II design with continuous monitoring for estimating the response rate of the experimental drug. To address the issue of late-onset responses, we use a piece-wise exponential model to estimate the hazard function of time to response data and handle the missing responses using the multiple imputation approach. We evaluate the operating characteristics of the proposed method through extensive simulation studies. We show that the proposed method reduces the total length of the trial duration and yields desirable operating characteristics for different physician-specified lower bounds of response rate with different true response rates.
There are two practical challenges in the phase I clinical trial conduct: lack of transparency to physicians, and the late onset toxicity. In my dissertation, Bayesian approaches are used to address these two problems in clinical trial designs. The proposed simple optimal designs cast the dose finding problem as a decision making process for dose escalation and deescalation. The proposed designs minimize the incorrect decision error rate to find the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). For the late onset toxicity problem, a Bayesian adaptive dose-finding design for drug combination is proposed. The dose-toxicity relationship is modeled using the Finney model. The unobserved delayed toxicity outcomes are treated as missing data and Bayesian data augment is employed to handle the resulting missing data. Extensive simulation studies have been conducted to examine the operating characteristics of the proposed designs and demonstrated the designs' good performances in various practical scenarios.^
Background: For most cytotoxic and biologic anti-cancer agents, the response rate of the drug is commonly assumed to be non-decreasing with an increasing dose. However, an increasing dose does not always result in an appreciable increase in the response rate. This may especially be true at high doses for a biologic agent. Therefore, in a phase II trial the investigators may be interested in testing the anti-tumor activity of a drug at more than one (often two) doses, instead of only at the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). This way, when the lower dose appears equally effective, this dose can be recommended for further confirmatory testing in a phase III trial under potential long-term toxicity and cost considerations. A common approach to designing such a phase II trial has been to use an independent (e.g., Simon's two-stage) design at each dose ignoring the prior knowledge about the ordering of the response probabilities at the different doses. However, failure to account for this ordering constraint in estimating the response probabilities may result in an inefficient design. In this dissertation, we developed extensions of Simon's optimal and minimax two-stage designs, including both frequentist and Bayesian methods, for two doses that assume ordered response rates between doses. ^ Methods: Optimal and minimax two-stage designs are proposed for phase II clinical trials in settings where the true response rates at two dose levels are ordered. We borrow strength between doses using isotonic regression and control the joint and/or marginal error probabilities. Bayesian two-stage designs are also proposed under a stochastic ordering constraint. ^ Results: Compared to Simon's designs, when controlling the power and type I error at the same levels, the proposed frequentist and Bayesian designs reduce the maximum and expected sample sizes. Most of the proposed designs also increase the probability of early termination when the true response rates are poor. ^ Conclusion: Proposed frequentist and Bayesian designs are superior to Simon's designs in terms of operating characteristics (expected sample size and probability of early termination, when the response rates are poor) Thus, the proposed designs lead to more cost-efficient and ethical trials, and may consequently improve and expedite the drug discovery process. The proposed designs may be extended to designs of multiple group trials and drug combination trials.^
A major goal of chemotherapy is to selectively kill cancer cells while minimizing toxicity to normal cells. Identifying biological differences between cancer and normal cells is essential in designing new strategies to improve therapeutic selectivity. Superoxide dismutases (SOD) are crucial antioxidant enzymes required for the elimination of superoxide (O2·− ), a free radical produced during normal cellular metabolism. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME), an estradiol derivative, inhibits the function of SOD and selectively kills human leukemia cells without exhibiting significant cytotoxicity in normal lymphocytes. The present work was initiated to examine the biochemical basis for the selective anticancer activity of 2-ME. Investigations using two-parameter flow cytometric analyses and ROS scavengers established that O2·− is a primary and essential mediator of 2-ME-induced apoptosis in cancer cells. In addition, experiments using SOD overexpression vectors and SOD knockout cells found that SOD is a critical target of 2-ME. Importantly, the administration of 2-ME resulted in the selective accumulation of O 2·− and apoptosis in leukemia and ovarian cancer cells. The preferential activity of 2-ME was found to be due to increased intrinsic oxidative stress in these cancer cells versus their normal counterparts. This intrinsic oxidative stress was associated with the upregulation of the antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase as a mechanism to cope with the increase in ROS. Furthermore, oxygen consumption experiments revealed that normal lymphocytes decrease their respiration rate in response to 2-ME-induced oxidative stress, while human leukemia cells seem to lack this regulatory mechanism. This leads to an uncontrolled production of O2·−, severe accumulation of ROS, and ultimately ROS-mediated apoptosis in leukemia cells treated with 2-ME. The biochemical differences between cancer and normal cells identified here provide a basis for the development of drug combination strategies using 2-ME with other ROS-generating agents to enhance anticancer activity. The effectiveness of such a combination strategy in killing cancer cells was demonstrated by the use of 2-ME with agents/modalities such as ionizing radiation and doxorubicin. Collectively, the data presented here strongly suggests that 2-ME may have important clinical implications for the selective killing of cancer cells. ^
Immobilization and anaesthesia of adult male southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) is potentially risky for animals and scientists. A tiletamine/zolazepam injection is considered the most appropriate drug combination for field application in this species. Since appropriate dosages are difficult to assess due to uncertainties in weight estimation, we used photogrammetry-derived weight estimates to ensure precise post hoc calculations of dosages. We report on 15 intramuscular tiletamine/zolazepam immobilizations of post-moult males of the upper weight class at King George Island/Isla 25 de Mayo, in April 2010. Initial injections were made using blowpipe syringes. Mean tiletamine/zolazepam combined dosages of 0.71 mg/kg (SD ± 0.16) ranged between 0.46 and 1.01 mg/kg. In four cases, ketamine was added in dosages between 0.96 and 2.61 mg/kg. Mean induction period was 23 min (± 15), and the mean duration of the procedures from first injection to release of the animals required 96 min (± 51). Four seals exhibited periods of apnoea, and one case of an extended, repetitive, and potentially critical apnoea (> 25 and 8 min) required intervention in order to successfully re-initiate spontaneous respiration. All procedures resulted in proper immobilizations allowing for the deployment of the satellite tags on the seals' heads. The fact that even substantial deviations between the initial weight estimates and the photogrammetry-derived weight estimates had no apparent effect on the course of the immobilization underlines the drugs' wide safety margin in this species.
The development of resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine by Plasmodium parasites is a major problem for the effective treatment of malaria, especially P. falciparum malaria. Although the molecular basis for parasite resistance is known, the factors promoting the development and transmission of these resistant parasites are less clear. This paper reports the results of a quantitative comparison of factors previously hypothesized as important for the development of drug resistance, drug dosage, time of treatment, and drug elimination half-life, with an in-host dynamics model of P. falciparum malaria in a malaria-naive host. The results indicate that the development of drug resistance can be categorized into three stages. The first is the selection of existing parasites with genetic mutations in the dihydrofolate reductase or dihydropteroate synthetase gene. This selection is driven by the long half-life of the sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combination. The second stage involves the selection of parasites with allelic types of higher resistance within the host during an infection. The timing of treatment relative to initiation of a specific anti-P. falciparum EMP1 immune response is an important factor during this stage, as is the treatment dosage. During the third stage, clinical treatment failure becomes prevalent as the parasites develop sufficient resistance mutations to survive therapeutic doses of the drug combination. Therefore, the model output reaffirms the importance of correct treatment of confirmed malaria cases in slowing the development of parasite resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine.
BACKGROUND: To explore the activity of dasatinib alone and in combination with gemcitabine and docetaxel in uterine leiomyosarcoma (uLMS) cell lines, and determine if dasatinib inhibits the SRC pathway. METHODS: SK-UT-1 and SK-UT-1B uLMS cells were treated with gemcitabine, docetaxel and dasatinib individually and in combination. SRC and paxcillin protein expression were determined pre- and post-dasatinib treatment using Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) multi-array immunogenicity assay. Dose-response curves were constructed and the coefficient of drug interaction (CDI) and combination index (CI) for drug interaction calculated. RESULTS: Activated phosphorylated levels of SRC and paxillin were decreased after treatment with dasatinib in both cell lines (p < 0.001). The addition of a minimally active concentration of dasatinib (IC25) decreased the IC50 of each cytotoxic agent by 2-4 fold. The combination of gemcitabine-docetaxel yielded a synergistic effect in SK-UT-1 (CI = 0.59) and an antagonistic effect in SK-UT-1B (CI = 1.36). Dasatinib combined with gemcitabine or docetaxel revealed a synergistic anti-tumor effect (CDI < 1) in both cell lines. The triple drug combination and sequencing revealed conflicting results with a synergistic effect in SK-UT-1B and antagonistic in SK-UT-1. CONCLUSION: Dasatinib inhibits the SRC pathway and yields a synergistic effect with the two-drug combination with either gemcitabine or docetaxel. The value of adding dasatinib to gemcitabine and docetaxel in a triple drug combination is uncertain, but may be beneficial in select uLMS cell lines. Based on our pre-clinical data and known activity of gemcitabine and docetaxel, further evaluation of dasatinib in combination with these agents for the treatment of uLMS is warranted.
Neuroinflammatory pathways are main culprits of neurodegenerative diseases' onset and progression, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). On this basis, several anti-inflammatory drugs were repurposed in clinical trials. However, they have failed, probably because neuroinflammation is a complex network, still not fully understood. From these evidences, this thesis focused on the design and synthesis of new chemical entities as potential neuroinflammatory drugs or chemical probes. Projects 1 and 2 aimed to multi-target-directed ligand (MTDL) development to target neuroinflammation in AD. Polypharmacology by MTDLs is considered one of the most promising strategies to face the multifactorial nature of neurodegenerative diseases. Particularly, Project 1 took inspiration from a cromolyn-ibuprofen drug combination polypharmacological approach, which was recently investigated in AD clinical trials. Based on that, two cromolyn-(S)-ibuprofen codrug series were designed and synthesized. Parent drugs were combined via linking or fusing strategies in 1:2 or 1:1 ratio, by means of hydrolyzable bonds. Project 2 started from a still ongoing AD clinical trial on investigational drug neflamapimod. It is a selective inhibitor of p38α-MAPK, a kinase strictly involved in neuroinflammatory pathways. On the other side, rasagiline, an anti-Parkinson drug, was also repurposed as AD treatment. Indeed, rasagiline’s propargylamine fragment demonstrated to be responsible not only for the MAO-B selective inhibition, but also for the neuroprotective activity. Thus, to synergistically combine these two effects into single-molecules, a small set of neflamapimod-rasagiline hybrids was developed. In the end BMX, a poorly investigated kinase, which seems to be involved in pro-inflammatory mediator production, was explored for the development of new chemical probes. High-quality chemical probes are a powerful tool in target validation and starting points for the development of new drug candidates. Thus, Project 3 focused on the design and synthesis of two series of optimized BMX covalent inhibitors as selective chemical probes.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of combination of antidepressants with other drugs and risk of drug interactions in the setting public hospital units in Brazil. METHODS: Prescriptions of all patients admitted to a public hospital from November 1996 to February 1997 were surveyed from the hospital's data processing center in São Paulo, Brazil. A manual search of case notes of all patients admitted to the psychiatric unit from January 1993 to December 1995 and all patients registered in the affective disorders outpatient clinic in December 1996 was carried out. Patients taking any antidepressant were identified and concomitant use of drugs was checked. By means of a software program (Micromedex®) drug interactions were identified. RESULTS: Out of 6,844 patients admitted to the hospital, 63 (0.9%) used antidepressants and 16 (25.3%) were at risk of drug interaction. Out of 311 patients in the psychiatric unit, 63 (20.2%) used antidepressants and 13 of them (20.6%) were at risk. Out of 87 patients in the affective disorders outpatient clinic, 43 (49.4%) took antidepressants and 7 (16.2%) were at risk. In general, the use of antidepressants was recorded in 169 patients and 36 (21.3%) were at risk of drug interactions. Twenty different forms of combinations at risk of drug interactions were identified: four were classified as mild, 15 moderate and one severe interaction. CONCLUSION: In the hospital general units the number of drug interactions per patient was higher than in the psychiatric unit; and prescription for depression was lower than expected.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate prevalence of transmitted drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus (TDR) and factors associated with TDR and to compare virological and CD4 count response to combination antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: In this study, 525 mostly chronically infected EuroSIDA patients were included who had genotypic resistance tests performed on plasma samples collected while antiretroviral therapy naive. TDR was defined as at least one resistance mutation from a list proposed for genotypic TDR surveillance. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze factors associated with detection of TDR, with virological (viral load<500 copies/mL) and CD4 count response (>or=50% increase) to combination antiretroviral therapy at months 6-12. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of TDR was 11.4%, which was stable over 1996-2004. There were no significant differences in virological suppression (those resistant to at least one drug prescribed versus susceptible), adjusted odds ratio: 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.27 to 1.71; P=0.408) or CD4 count response, adjusted odds ratio: 1.65 (95% confidence interval: 0.73 to 3.73; P=0.231). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of TDR in antiretroviral-naive patients was found to be in line with other European studies. No significant differences were found in virological and CD4 count response after initiation of first-line combination antiretroviral therapy between resistant and susceptible patients, possibly due to the small number of patients with resistance and consequently low power.
Carbon isotope ratio (CIR) analysis has been routinely and successfully applied to doping control analysis for many years to uncover the misuse of endogenous steroids such as testosterone. Over the years, several challenges and limitations of this approach became apparent, e.g., the influence of inadequate chromatographic separation on CIR values or the emergence of steroid preparations comprising identical CIRs as endogenous steroids. While the latter has been addressed recently by the implementation of hydrogen isotope ratios (HIR), an improved sample preparation for CIR avoiding co-eluting compounds is presented herein together with newly established reference values of those endogenous steroids being relevant for doping controls. From the fraction of glucuronidated steroids 5β-pregnane-3α,20α-diol, 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol, 3α-Hydroxy-5β-androstane-11,17-dione, 3α-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one (ANDRO), 3α-hydroxy-5β-androstan-17-one (ETIO), 3β-hydroxy-androst-5-en-17-one (DHEA), 5α- and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol (5aDIOL and 5bDIOL), 17β-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one and 17α-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one were included. In addition, sulfate conjugates of ANDRO, ETIO, DHEA, 3β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one plus 17α- and androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol were considered and analyzed after acidic solvolysis. The results obtained for the reference population encompassing n = 67 males and females confirmed earlier findings regarding factors influencing endogenous CIR. Variations in sample preparation influenced CIR measurements especially for 5aDIOL and 5bDIOL, the most valuable steroidal analytes for the detection of testosterone misuse. Earlier investigations on the HIR of the same reference population enabled the evaluation of combined measurements of CIR and HIR and its usefulness regarding both steroid metabolism studies and doping control analysis. The combination of both stable isotopes would allow for lower reference limits providing the same statistical power and certainty to distinguish between the endo- or exogenous origin of a urinary steroid.
Animal studies and premarketing clinical trials have revealed hepatotoxicity of statins, primarily minor elevations in serum alanine aminotransferase levels. The combined chronic use of medicines and eventual ethanol abuse are common and may present a synergistic action regarding liver injury. Our objective was to study the effect of the chronic use of atorvastatin associated with acute ethanol administration on the liver in a rat model. One group of rats was treated daily for 5 days a week for 2 months with 0.8 mg/kg atorvastatin by gavage. At the end of the treatment the livers were perfused with 72 mM ethanol for 60 min. Control groups (at least 4 animals in each group) consisted of a group of 2-month-old male Wistar EPM-1 rats exposed to 10% ethanol (v/v) ad libitum replacing water for 2 months, followed by perfusion of the liver with 61 nM atorvastatin for 60 min, and a group of animals without chronic ethanol treatment whose livers were perfused with atorvastatin and/or ethanol. The combination of atorvastatin with ethanol did not increase the release of injury marker enzymes (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic dehydrogenase) from the liver and no change in liver function markers (bromosulfophthalein clearance, and oxygen consumption) was observed. Our results suggest that the combination of atorvastatin with ethanol is not more hepatotoxic than the separate use of each substance.