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Calcium is a second messenger, which can trigger the modification of synaptic efficacy. We investigated the question of whether a differential rise in postsynaptic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) alone is sufficient to account for the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of EPSPs in the basal dendrites of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons of the somatosensory cortex. Volume-averaged [Ca2+]i transients were measured in spines of the basal dendritic arbor for spike-timing-dependent plasticity induction protocols. The rise in [Ca2+]i was uncorrelated to the direction of the change in synaptic efficacy, because several pairing protocols evoked similar spine [Ca2+]i transients but resulted in either LTP or LTD. The sequence dependence of near-coincident presynaptic and postsynaptic activity on the direction of changes in synaptic strength suggested that LTP and LTD were induced by two processes, which were controlled separately by postsynaptic [Ca2+]i levels. Activation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels before metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) resulted in the phospholipase C-dependent (PLC-dependent) synthesis of endocannabinoids, which acted as a retrograde messenger to induce LTD. LTP required a large [Ca2+]i transient evoked by NMDA receptor activation. Blocking mGluRs abolished the induction of LTD and uncovered the Ca2+-dependent induction of LTP. We conclude that the volume-averaged peak elevation of [Ca2+]i in spines of layer 2/3 pyramids determines the magnitude of long-term changes in synaptic efficacy. The direction of the change is controlled, however, via a mGluR-coupled signaling cascade. mGluRs act in conjunction with PLC as sequence-sensitive coincidence detectors when postsynaptic precede presynaptic action potentials to induce LTD. Thus presumably two different Ca2+ sensors in spines control the induction of spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity.


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Potassium is a major plant nutrient which has to be accumulated in great quantity by roots and distributed throughout the plant and within plant cells. Membrane transport of potassium can be mediated by potassium channels and secondary potassium transporters. Plant potassium transporters are present in three families of membrane proteins: the K(+) uptake permeases (KT/HAK/KUP), the K(+) transporter (Trk/HKT) family and the cation proton antiporters (CPA). This review will discuss the contribution of members of each family to potassium acquisition, redistribution and homeostasis.


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The most important early pathomechanism in traumatic brain injury (TBI) is alteration of the resting membrane potential. This may be mediated via voltage, or agonist-dependent ion channels (e.g. glutamate-dependent channels). This may result in a consequent increase in metabolism with increased oxygen consumption, in order to try to restore ionic balance via the ATP-dependent pumps. We hypothesize that glutamate is an important agonist in this process and may induce an increase in lactate, potassium and brain tissue CO2, and hence a decrease in brain pH. Further we propose that an increase in lactate is thus not an indicator of anaerobic metabolic conditions as has been thought for many years. We therefore analyzed a total of 85 patients with TBI, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) < 8 using microdialysis, brain tissue oxygen, CO2 and pH monitoring. Cerebral blood flow studies (CBF) were performed to test the relationship between regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and the metabolic determinants. Glutamate was significantly correlated with lactate (p < 0.0001), potassium (p < 0.0001), brain tissue pH (p = 0.0005), and brain tissue CO2 (p = 0.006). rCBF was inversely correlated with glutamate, lactate and potassium. 44% of high lactate values were observed in brain with tissue oxygen values, above the threshold level for cell damage. These results support the hypothesis of a glutamate driven increase in metabolism, with secondary traumatic depolarization and possibly hyperglycolysis. Further, we demonstrate evidence for lactate production in aerobic conditions in humans after TBI. Finally, when reduced regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) is observed, high dialysate glutamate, lactate and potassium values are usually seen, suggesting ischemia worsens these TBI-induced changes.


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Distinct potassium, anion, and calcium channels in the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane of plant cells have been identified and characterized by patch clamping. Primarily owing to advances in Arabidopsis genetics and genomics, and yeast functional complementation, many of the corresponding genes have been identified. Recent advances in our understanding of ion channel genes that mediate signal transduction and ion transport are discussed here. Some plant ion channels, for example, ALMT and SLAC anion channel subunits, are unique. The majority of plant ion channel families exhibit homology to animal genes; such families include both hyperpolarization- and depolarization-activated Shaker-type potassium channels, CLC chloride transporters/channels, cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, and ionotropic glutamate receptor homologs. These plant ion channels offer unique opportunities to analyze the structural mechanisms and functions of ion channels. Here we review gene families of selected plant ion channel classes and discuss unique structure-function aspects and their physiological roles in plant cell signaling and transport.


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Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) serve a wide range of physiological functions and their activity is modulated by different neurotransmitter systems. GABAergic inhibition of VDCCs in neurons has an important impact in controlling transmitter release, neuronal plasticity, gene expression and neuronal excitability. We investigated the molecular signalling mechanisms by which GABAB receptors inhibit calcium-mediated electrogenesis (Ca2+ spikes) in the distal apical dendrite of cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Ca2+ spikes are the basis of coincidence detection and signal amplification of distal tuft synaptic inputs characteristic for the computational function of cortical pyramidal neurons. By combining dendritic whole-cell recordings with two-photon fluorescence Ca2+ imaging we found that all subtypes of VDCCs were present in the Ca2+ spike initiation zone, but that they contribute differently to the initiation and sustaining of dendritic Ca2+ spikes. Particularly, Cav1 VDCCs are the most abundant VDCC present in this dendritic compartment and they generated the sustained plateau potential characteristic for the Ca2+ spike. Activation of GABAB receptors specifically inhibited Cav1 channels. This inhibition of L-type Ca2+ currents was transiently relieved by strong depolarization but did not depend on protein kinase activity. Therefore, our findings suggest a novel membrane-delimited interaction of the Gi/o-βγ-subunit with Cav1 channels identifying this mechanism as the general pathway of GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of VDCCs. Furthermore, the characterization of the contribution of the different VDCCs to the generation of the Ca2+ spike provides new insights into the molecular mechanism of dendritic computation.


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Availability of voltage-gated calcium channels (Cav) at the plasma membrane is paramount to maintaining the calcium homeostasis of the cell. It is proposed that the ubiquitylation/de-ubiquitylation balance regulates the density of ion channels at the cell surface. Voltage-gated calcium channels Cav1.2 have been found to be ubiquitylated under basal conditions both in vitro and in vivo. In a previous study, we have shown that Cav1.2 channels are ubiquitylated by neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally downregulated 4 (Nedd4-1) ubiquitin ligases, but the identity of the counterpart de-ubiquitylating enzyme remained to be elucidated. Regarding sodium and potassium channels, it has been reported that the action of the related isoform Nedd4-2 is counteracted by the ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 2-45. In this study, we show that USP 2-45 also de-ubiquitylates Cav channels. We co-expressed USPs and Cav1.2 channels together with the accessory subunits β2 and α2δ-1, in tsA-201 and HEK-293 mammalian cell lines. Using whole-cell current recordings and surface biotinylation assays, we show that USP2-45 specifically decreases both the amplitude of Cav currents and the amount of Cav1.2 subunits inserted at the plasma membrane. Importantly, co-expression of the α2δ-1 accessory subunit is necessary to support the effect of USP2-45. We further show that USP2-45 promotes the de-ubiquitylation of both Cav1.2 and α2δ-1 subunits. Remarkably, α2δ-1, but not Cav1.2 nor β2, co-precipitated with USP2-45. These results suggest that USP2-45 binding to α2δ-1 promotes the de-ubiquitylation of both Cav1.2 and α2δ-1 subunits, in order to regulate the expression of Cav1.2 channels at the plasma membrane.


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Discovery of novel drug targets may lead to improved treatment of trypanosomiasis. We characterize here 2 gene products of Trypanosoma brucei that are essential for the growth of bloodstream form (BSF) parasites, as shown by RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated down-regulation of the individual mRNAs. The primary sequences of the 2 proteins--protein encoded by gene Tb927.1.4450 (TbK1) and protein encoded by gene Tb927.9.4820 (TbK2)--indicate that both belong to the family of putative, Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels. The proteins were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and their functions investigated by use of electrophysiological techniques. Only combined expression of TbK1 and TbK2 results in the formation of sizeable currents, indicating that these proteins probably assemble into a heteromeric ion channel. The current mediated by this channel shows little time and voltage dependence and displays a permeability ratio of K(+)/Na(+) of >20. The known potassium channel blocker barium inhibits this channel with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 98 ± 15 μM. The membrane potential of trypanosomes was measured with a fluorescent dye. Individual RNAi-mediated down-regulation of TbK1 or TbK2 eliminates a potassium conductance in the plasma membrane of BSF. Thus, this heteromeric potassium channel is involved in the modulation of the plasma membrane potential and represents a novel drug target in T. brucei.


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Voltage-dependent and calcium-sensitive K+ (MaxiK) channels are key regulators of neuronal excitability, secretion, and vascular tone because of their ability to sense transmembrane voltage and intracellular Ca2+. In most tissues, their stimulation results in a noninactivating hyperpolarizing K+ current that reduces excitability. In addition to noninactivating MaxiK currents, an inactivating MaxiK channel phenotype is found in cells like chromaffin cells and hippocampal neurons. The molecular determinants underlying inactivating MaxiK channels remain unknown. Herein, we report a transmembrane β subunit (β2) that yields inactivating MaxiK currents on coexpression with the pore-forming α subunit of MaxiK channels. Intracellular application of trypsin as well as deletion of 19 N-terminal amino acids of the β2 subunit abolished inactivation of the α subunit. Conversely, fusion of these N-terminal amino acids to the noninactivating smooth muscle β1 subunit leads to an inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels. Furthermore, addition of a synthetic N-terminal peptide of the β2 subunit causes inactivation of the MaxiK channel α subunit by occluding its K+-conducting pore resembling the inactivation caused by the “ball” peptide in voltage-dependent K+ channels. Thus, the inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels in native tissues can result from the association with different β subunits.


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Oxidation of amino acid residues in proteins can be caused by a variety of oxidizing agents normally produced by cells. The oxidation of methionine in proteins to methionine sulfoxide is implicated in aging as well as in pathological conditions, and it is a reversible reaction mediated by a ubiquitous enzyme, peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase. The reversibility of methionine oxidation suggests that it could act as a cellular regulatory mechanism although no such in vivo activity has been demonstrated. We show here that oxidation of a methionine residue in a voltage-dependent potassium channel modulates its inactivation. When this methionine residue is oxidized to methionine sulfoxide, the inactivation is disrupted, and it is reversed by coexpression with peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase. The results suggest that oxidation and reduction of methionine could play a dynamic role in the cellular signal transduction process in a variety of systems.


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An intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, hIK1, was cloned from human pancreas. The predicted amino acid sequence is related to, but distinct from, the small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel subfamily, which is ≈50% conserved. hIK1 mRNA was detected in peripheral tissues but not in brain. Expression of hIK1 in Xenopus oocytes gave rise to inwardly rectifying potassium currents, which were activated by submicromolar concentrations of intracellular calcium (K0.5 = 0.3 μM). Although the K0.5 for calcium was similar to that of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, the slope factor derived from the Hill equation was significantly reduced (1.7 vs. 3.5). Single-channel current amplitudes reflected the macroscopic inward rectification and revealed a conductance level of 39 pS in the inward direction. hIK1 currents were reversibly blocked by charybdotoxin (Ki = 2.5 nM) and clotrimazole (Ki = 24.8 nM) but were minimally affected by apamin (100 nM), iberiotoxin (50 nM), or ketoconazole (10 μM). These biophysical and pharmacological properties are consistent with native intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels, including the erythrocyte Gardos channel.


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Long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal slice preparation has been proposed as an in vitro model for long-term memory. However, correlation of LTP with memory in living animals has been difficult to demonstrate. Furthermore, in the last few years evidence has accumulated that dissociate the two. Because potassium channels might determine the weight of synapses in networks, we studied the role of Kv1.4, a presynaptic A-type voltage-dependent K+ channel, in both memory and LTP. Reverse transcription–PCR and Western blot analysis with specific antibodies showed that antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide to Kv1.4 microinjected intraventricularly into rat brains obstructed hippocampal Kv1.4 mRNA, “knocking down” the protein in the hippocampus. This antisense knockdown had no effect on rat spatial maze learning, memory, or exploratory behavior, but eliminated both early- and late-phase LTP and reduced paired-pulse facilitation (a presynaptic effect) in CA1 pyramidal neurons without affecting dentate gyrus LTP. This presynaptic Kv1.4 knockdown together with previous postsynaptic Kv1.1 knockdown demonstrates that CA1 LTP is neither necessary nor sufficient for rat spatial memory.


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The pore-forming α subunit of large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-sensitive K (MaxiK) channels is regulated by a β subunit that has two membrane-spanning regions separated by an extracellular loop. To investigate the structural determinants in the pore-forming α subunit necessary for β-subunit modulation, we made chimeric constructs between a human MaxiK channel and the Drosophila homologue, which we show is insensitive to β-subunit modulation, and analyzed the topology of the α subunit. A comparison of multiple sequence alignments with hydrophobicity plots revealed that MaxiK channel α subunits have a unique hydrophobic segment (S0) at the N terminus. This segment is in addition to the six putative transmembrane segments (S1–S6) usually found in voltage-dependent ion channels. The transmembrane nature of this unique S0 region was demonstrated by in vitro translation experiments. Moreover, normal functional expression of signal sequence fusions and in vitro N-linked glycosylation experiments indicate that S0 leads to an exoplasmic N terminus. Therefore, we propose a new model where MaxiK channels have a seventh transmembrane segment at the N terminus (S0). Chimeric exchange of 41 N-terminal amino acids, including S0, from the human MaxiK channel to the Drosophila homologue transfers β-subunit regulation to the otherwise unresponsive Drosophila channel. Both the unique S0 region and the exoplasmic N terminus are necessary for this gain of function.


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N-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs), predominantly localized in the nervous system, have been considered to play an essential role in a variety of neuronal functions, including neurotransmitter release at sympathetic nerve terminals. As a direct approach to elucidating the physiological significance of N-type VDCCs, we have generated mice genetically deficient in the α1B subunit (Cav 2.2). The α1B-deficient null mice, surprisingly, have a normal life span and are free from apparent behavioral defects. A complete and selective elimination of N-type currents, sensitive to ω-conotoxin GVIA, was observed without significant changes in the activity of other VDCC types in neuronal preparations of mutant mice. The baroreflex response, mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, was markedly reduced after bilateral carotid occlusion. In isolated left atria prepared from N-type-deficient mice, the positive inotropic responses to electrical sympathetic neuronal stimulation were dramatically decreased compared with those of normal mice. In contrast, parasympathetic nervous activity in the mutant mice was nearly identical to that of wild-type mice. Interestingly, the mutant mice showed sustained elevation of heart rate and blood pressure. These results provide direct evidence that N-type VDCCs are indispensable for the function of the sympathetic nervous system in circulatory regulation and indicate that N-type VDCC-deficient mice will be a useful model for studying disorders attributable to sympathetic nerve dysfunction.


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Activation of distinct classes of potassium channels can dramatically affect the frequency and the pattern of neuronal firing. In a subpopulation of vagal afferent neurons (nodose ganglion neurons), the pattern of impulse activity is effectively modulated by a Ca2+-dependent K+ current. This current produces a post-spike hyperpolarization (AHPslow) that plays a critical role in the regulation of membrane excitability and is responsible for spike-frequency accommodation in these neurons. Inhibition of the AHPslow by a number of endogenous autacoids (e.g., histamine, serotonin, prostanoids, and bradykinin) results in an increase in the firing frequency of vagal afferent neurons from <0.1 to >10 Hz. After a single action potential, the AHPslow in nodose neurons displays a slow rise time to peak (0.3–0.5 s) and a long duration (3–15 s). The slow kinetics of the AHPslow are due, in part, to Ca2+ discharge from an intracellular Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) pool. Action potential-evoked Ca2+ influx via either L or N type Ca2+ channels triggers CICR. Surprisingly, although L type channels generate 60% of action potential-induced CICR, only Ca2+ influx through N type Ca2+ channels can trigger the CICR-dependent AHPslow. These observations suggest that a close physical proximity exists between endoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptors and plasma membrane N type Ca2+ channels and AHPslow potassium channels. Such an anatomical relation might be particularly beneficial for modulation of spike-frequency adaptation in vagal afferent neurons.


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cAMP-dependent chloride channels in heart contribute to autonomic regulation of action potential duration and membrane potential and have been inferred to be due to cardiac expression of the epithelial cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel. In this report, a cDNA from rabbit ventricle was isolated and sequenced, which encodes an exon 5 splice variant (exon 5-) of CFTR, with >90% identity to human CFTR cDNA present in epithelial cells. Expression of this cDNA in Xenopus oocytes gave rise to robust cAMP-activated chloride currents that were absent in control water-injected oocytes. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides directed against CFTR significantly reduced the density of cAMP-dependent chloride currents in acutely cultured myocytes, thereby establishing a direct functional link between cardiac expression of CFTR protein and an endogenous chloride channel in native cardiac myocytes.