961 resultados para DC-AC power convertors


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fontes renováveis de energia baseadas na geração fotovoltaica (GFV) são alternativas energéticas promissoras para a complementação da geração elétrica convencional e centralizada, como usinas térmicas a diesel que suprem potência para redes elétricas isoladas em cidades e localidades remotas na Amazônia. A alocação e o dimensionamento de geradores para aplicação como geração distribuída (GD) é um problema desafiador, com implicações técnicas e econômicas, relacionadas ao planejamento, projeto e operação da rede e, particularmente, a GFV em função das condições ambientais, principalmente radiação solar e temperatura ambiente. Esta tese apresenta uma metodologia analítica para alocar e dimensionar a potência ativa de unidades de geração fotovoltaica, composta pelo gerador FV integrado ao inversor CC/CA (GDFV) para integração, de forma concentrada ou dispersa em redes isoladas de média tensão, e contempla o atendimento de múltiplos objetivos, melhoria do perfil de tensão da rede, redução das perdas ativas e redução da participação da geração a diesel, proporcionando redução no consumo de óleo diesel e, consequentemente, redução da poluição ambiental. A solução global do método proposto constitui um compromisso em relação a esses objetivos, apresentando ponderações diferenciadas para os mesmos, de acordo com prioridades estabelecidas no planejamento do sistema elétrico sob estudo. Para validação da metodologia proposta, foram modeladas e simuladas as redes de 33 e 69 barras do IEEE e um sistema elétrico isolado, cuja usina térmica a diesel supre alimentação para a cidade de Aveiro-PA, Região Amazônica, obtendo-se como resultados dessas simulações melhoria significativa no perfil de tensão, redução nas perdas ativas e na potência de geração a diesel, de acordo com indicadores técnicos que permitem a avaliação quantitativa da integração da GDFV na rede elétrica.


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Energy efficiency is an increasingly important issue due to the current scenario where increasing demand is growing faster than the energy supplied. It is important, therefore, analyze and minimize electrical system losses. This study conducts a comparison of a system formed by a photovoltaic generator feeding an LED lamp directly without steps DC-AC -DC conversion, and a system using these conversion steps for the same lamp power. Losses in conversion steps are quantified and the degradation of power quality occurred due to conversion is evaluated


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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This paper presents the development and the main results for an interleaved boost rectifier operating as a special input power stage for a trolleybus type vehicle, allowing its feeding by alternate current (AC) or direct current (DC) distribution power systems. When feeding with two wires (single phase) alternate current distribution system, the converter accomplish active power factor correction, providing a relatively sinusoidal current with low total harmonic distortion (THD) and fully complying with IEC 61000-3-4 standards. In addition, a management control system promotes the required automatic operation changes for the proposed rectifier when the vehicle is changing from the DC distribution power system to the AC distribution power system and vice-versa, keeping its original electrical DC system characteristics for the adjustable speed driver sub-system. The main experimental results for a prototype rated at 150kW are presented, considering its application for a trolleybus with DC adjustable speed driver, demonstrating the proposed converter benefits and the possibility of AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Research work carried out in focusing a novel multiphase-multilevel ac motor drive system much suitable for low-voltage high-current power applications. In specific, six-phase asymmetrical induction motor with open-end stator winding configuration, fed from four standard two-level three-phase voltage source inverters (VSIs). Proposed synchronous reference frame control algorithm shares the total dc source power among the 4 VSIs in each switching cycle with three degree of freedom. Precisely, first degree of freedom concerns with the current sharing between two three-phase stator windings. Based on modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulation shares the voltage between each single VSIs of two three-phase stator windings with second and third degree of freedom, having proper multilevel output waveforms. Complete model of whole ac motor drive based on three-phase space vector decomposition approach was developed in PLECS - numerical simulation software working in MATLAB environment. Proposed synchronous reference control algorithm was framed in MATLAB with modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulator. The effectiveness of the entire ac motor drives system was tested. Simulation results are given in detail to show symmetrical and asymmetrical, power sharing conditions. Furthermore, the three degree of freedom are exploited to investigate fault tolerant capabilities in post-fault conditions. Complete set of simulation results are provided when one, two and three VSIs are faulty. Hardware prototype model of quad-inverter was implemented with two passive three-phase open-winding loads using two TMS320F2812 DSP controllers. Developed McBSP (multi-channel buffered serial port) communication algorithm able to control the four VSIs for PWM communication and synchronization. Open-loop control scheme based on inverse three-phase decomposition approach was developed to control entire quad-inverter configuration and tested with balanced and unbalanced operating conditions with simplified PWM techniques. Both simulation and experimental results are always in good agreement with theoretical developments.


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After the development of power electronics converters, the number of transformers subjected to non-sinusoidal stresses (including DC) has increased in applications such as HVDC links and traction (electric train power cars). The effects of non-sinusoidal voltages on transformer insulation have been investigated by many researchers, but still now, there are some issues that must be understood. Some of those issues are tackled in this Thesis, studying PD phenomena behavior in Kraft paper, pressboard and mineral oil at different voltage conditions like AC, DC, AC+DC, notched AC and square waveforms. From the point of view of converter transformers, it was found that the combined effect of AC and DC voltages produces higher stresses in the pressboard that those that are present under pure DC voltages. The electrical conductivity of the dielectric systems in DC and AC+DC conditions has demonstrated to be a critical parameter, so, its measurement and analysis was also taken into account during all the experiments. Regarding notched voltages, the RMS reduction caused by notches (depending on firing and overlap angles) seems to increase the PDIV. However, the experimental results show that once PD activity has incepted, the notches increase PD repetition rate and magnitude, producing a higher degradation rate of paper. On the other hand, the reduction of mineral oil stocks, their relatively low flash point as well as environmental issues, are factors that are pushing towards the use of esters as transformer insulating fluids. This PhD Thesis also covers the study of two different esters with the scope to validate their use in traction transformers. Mineral oil was used as benchmark. The complete set of dielectric tests performed in the three fluids, show that esters behave better than mineral oil in practically all the investigated conditions, so, their application in traction transformers is possible and encouraged.


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El origen del proyecto se encuentra en la mejora de un inversor trifásico sinusoidal comercial sobre la base del estudio de las técnicas de excitación óptimas para los IGBTs que lo componen en su etapa de potencia. En las primeras fases de planteamiento del proyecto se propone una idea mucho más ambiciosa, la realización de un nuevo convertidor de emergencia, destinado al sector ferroviario, para dar servicio de climatización. Este convertidor está formado por la asociación en cascada de un bloque DC/DC elevador y un bloque inversor DC/AC trifásico controlado mediante PWM con modulación sinusoidal. Se pretendía así dar solución a las siguientes problemáticas detectadas en los convertidores comercializados hasta el momento: un bloque elevador excesivamente sobredimensionado, subsistemas de control independientes para los dos bloques que configuran el convertidor, adicionalmente, la tarjeta driver se rediseña con cada cambio de especificaciones por parte de un nuevo cliente y finalmente, las comunicaciones tanto de diagnosis como de mantenimiento necesitaban una importante actualización. Inicialmente, se ha realizado un estudio teórico de los bloques elevador e inversor para poder realizar el diseño y dimensionamiento de sus componentes tanto semiconductores como electromagnéticos. Una vez completada la parte de potencia, se estudia el control que se realiza mediante medidas directas y simulación tanto de la estrategia de control del elevador como del inversor. Así se obtiene una información completa de la funcionalidad de las tarjetas existentes. Se desea realizar el diseño de una única tarjeta controladora y una única tarjeta de drivers para ambos bloques. Por problemas ajenos, en el transcurso de este proyecto se cancela su realización comercial, con lo que se decide al menos crear la placa de control y poder gobernar un convertidor ya existente, sustituyendo la tarjeta de control del bloque elevador. Para poder fabricar la placa de control se divide en dos tarjetas que irán conectadas en modo sándwich. En una tarjeta está el microcontrolador y en otra está todo el interface necesario para operar con el sistema: entradas y salidas digitales, entradas y salidas analógicas, comunicación CAN, y un pequeño DC/DC comercial que proporciona alimentación al prototipo. Se realiza un pequeño programa funcional para poder manejar el convertidor, el cual con una tensión de 110V DC, proporciona a la salida una tensión de 380V AC. Como ya se ha expuesto, debido a la cancelación del proyecto industrial no se profundiza más en su mejora y se decide proponerlo para su evaluación en su fase actual. ABSTRACT. The beginning of the project is found in the improvement of a commercial sine wave three phase inverter which is based in a study about optimal excitation techniques to IGBTs which compose in the power stage. In the early phases of project it is proposed a much more ambitious idea, the fact of a new emergency converter, proposed for the rail sector to work in an air condition unit. This converter is formed by an association of a block cascaded DC/DC booster and a block DC/AC inverter three-phase controlled by a sine wave modulation PWM. The purposed was to give a solution to following problems detected in commercial converters nowadays: an excessively oversized block boost, independent control subsystems for two blocks that configure the converter. In addition, driver board is redesigned with each specifications change demand it a new customer, and finally, the communications, diagnostic and maintenance that needed a important upgrade. Initially, it has been performed a theoretical study of boost and the inverter blocks to be able to perform the component’s design and the size (semiconductor and electromagnetic fields). Once finished power study, it is analysed the control performed using direct measures and simulation of boost control strategy and inverter. With this it is obtained complete information about existing cards functionality. The project is looking for the design of just one controller card and one drivers´ card for both blocks. By unrelated problems, during the course of this project a commercial realization. So at least its decided to create control board to be able to existing converter, replacing boost block’s control board. To be able to manufacture control board it is divided in two cards connected in sandwiching mode. In a card is microcontroller and in another is all needed interface to operate with the system: digital inputs and outputs, analogical inputs and outputs, CAN communication, and a small DC / DC business that provide power supply to the prototype. It is performed a small functional program to handle the converter, which with an input voltage 110V DC provides an output voltage 380V AC. As already has been exposed, due to industrial project cancellation it is decided no to continue with all improvements and directly to evaluate it in the current phase.


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Los sistemas de telealimentación han tomado gran importancia en diferentes campos, incluido el de las telecomunicaciones, algunos ejemplos pueden ser: En la red conmutada telefónica junto con la señal de información y llamada existe una alimentación de 48v que se transmite a través de toda la línea de transmisión hasta los terminales. En algunos ferrocarriles eléctricos, se aprovecha la producción de energía eléctrica cuando un tren baja una cuesta y el motor funciona como generador, devolviendo la energía excedente a la propia catenaria por medio de superposición, y siendo esta recuperada en otro lugar y aprovechada por ejemplo por otro tren que requiere energía. Otro uso en ferrocarriles de la telealimentación es la llamada "tecnología del transpondedor magnético", en la que el tren transmite a las balizas una señal en 27MHz además de otras de información propias, que se convierte en energía útil para estas balizas. En este proyecto pretendemos implementar un pequeño ejemplo de sistema de telealimentación trabajando en 5 MHz (RF). Este sistema transforma una señal de CC en una señal de potencia de CA que podría ser, por ejemplo, transmitida a lo largo de una línea de transmisión o radiada por medio de una antena. Después, en el extremo receptor, esta señal RF se transforma finalmente en DC. El objetivo es lograr el mejor rendimiento de conversión de energía, DC a AC y AC a DC. El sistema se divide en dos partes: El inversor, que es la cadena de conversión DC-AC y el rectificador, que es la cadena de conversión AC-DC. Cada parte va a ser calculada, simulada, implementada físicamente y medida aparte. Finalmente el sistema de telealimentación completo se va a medir mediante la interconexión de cada parte por medio de un adaptador o una línea de transmisión. Por último, se mostrarán los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT. Remote powering systems have become very important in different fields, including telecommunications, some examples include: In the switched telephone network with the information signal and call there is a 48v supply that is transmitted across the transmission line to the terminals. In some electric railways, the production of electrical energy is used when a train is coming down a hill and the motor acts as a generator, returning the surplus energy to the catenary itself by overlapping, and this being recovered elsewhere and used by other train. Home TV amplifiers that are located in places (storage, remote locations ..) where there is no outlet, remote power allows to carry information and power signal by the same physical medium, for instance a coax. The AC power signal is transformed into DC at the end to feed the amplifier. In medicine, photovoltaic converters and fiber optics can be used as means for feeding devices implanted in patients. Another use of the remote powering systems on railways is the "magnetic transponder technology", in which the station transmits a beacon signal at 27MHz own as well as other information, which is converted into useful energy to these beacons. In this Project we are pretending to implement a little example of remote powering system working in 5 MHz (RF). This system transform DC into an AC-RF power signal which could be, for instance, transmitted throughout a transmission line or radiated by means of an aerial. At the receiving end, this RF signal is then transformed to DC. The objective is to achieve the best power conversion performance, DC to AC and AC to DC. The system is divided in two parts: The inverter, that is the DC-AC conversion chain and the rectifier that is the AC-DC conversion chain. Each part is going to be calculated, simulated, implemented physically and measured apart. Then the complete remote-powering system is to be measured by interconnecting each part by means of a interconnector or a transmission line. Finally, obtained results will be shown.


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Forecasting the AC power output of a PV plant accurately is important both for plant owners and electric system operators. Two main categories of PV modeling are available: the parametric and the nonparametric. In this paper, a methodology using a nonparametric PV model is proposed, using as inputs several forecasts of meteorological variables from a Numerical Weather Forecast model, and actual AC power measurements of PV plants. The methodology was built upon the R environment and uses Quantile Regression Forests as machine learning tool to forecast AC power with a confidence interval. Real data from five PV plants was used to validate the methodology, and results show that daily production is predicted with an absolute cvMBE lower than 1.3%.