824 resultados para DANIO-RERIO RESPONDS
Many animal species make use of ultraviolet (UV) light in a number of behaviors, such as feeding and mating. The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is among those with a UV photoreceptor and pronounced UV sensitivity. Little is known, however, about the retinal processing of this input. We addressed this issue by recording intracellularly from second-order neurons in the adult goldfish retina. In order to test whether cone-driven horizontal cells (HCs) receive UV cone inputs, we performed chromatic adaptation experiments with mono- and biphasic HCs. We found no functional evidence of a projection from the UV-sensitive cones to these neurons in adult animals. This suggests that goldfish UV receptors may contact preferentially triphasic HCs, which is at odds with the hypothesis that all cones contact all cone-driven HC types. However, we did find evidence of direct M-cone input to monophasic HCs, favoring the idea that cone-HC contacts are more promiscuous than originally proposed. Together, our results suggest that either UV cones have a more restricted set of post-synaptic partners than the other three cone types, or that the UV input to mono- and biphasic HCs is not very pronounced in adult animals.
Zebrafish are currently used at various stages of the drug discovery process and can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models. Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in physiology of zebrafish. The availability of appropriate analytical techniques to quantify the NO is crucial for studying its role in physiological and pathological conditions. This work aimed at establishing a high-performance liquid chromatography method for determination of NO levels in zebrafish larvae. Attempts were also made to assess the normal levels of NO at the first days postfertilization and the possible changes under pathological conditions. The method validation was quantitatively evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, and recovery. NO levels from zebrafish larvae at the first days postfertilization and larvae challenged to N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, sodium nitroprusside, Escherichia coil lipopolysaccharide, and copper sulfate were analyzed. The samples were derivatized with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene, and fluorescence detection was used for the indirect determination of NO. The method showed a good performance for all validation parameters evaluated and was efficient to monitor changes in NO concentration under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. This method might represent a powerful tool to be applied in NO studies with zebrafish larvae. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Explosives industries are a source of toxic discharge. The aim of this study was to compare organisms sensitivity (Daphnia similis, Danio rerio, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida) in detecting acute toxicity in wastewater from two explosives, 2,4,6-TNT (TNT) and nitrocellulose. The samples were collected from an explosives company in the Paraiba Valley, So Paulo, Brazil. The effluents from TNT and nitrocellulose production were very toxic for tested organisms. Statistical tests indicated that D. similis and D. rerio were the most sensitive organisms for toxicity detection in effluents from 2,4,6-TNT and nitrocellulose production. The P. putida bacteria was the organism considered the least sensitive in indicating toxicity in effluents from nitrocellulose.
During the manufacture of explosives, large amounts of water are used to remove unwanted by-products generated. This water in turn, ends up in wastewater treatment plants or water bodies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic potential of effluent generated by 2.4.6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) production, yellow water, red water and mixture of yellow and red water, produced from a plant located in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paolo state, Brazil. Daphnia similis, Danio rerio, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudokircheneriella subcaptata were used as test organisms. Physicochemical parameters such as color, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) were evaluated. Effluent from 2.4.6-TNT production was extremely toxic to all test organisms. The physicochemical parameters evaluated showed high levels of conductivity (from 41.533 to 42.344 mu S /cm) and chemical oxygen demand (COD of 8471 to 27.364 mg/L) for the effluents analyzed.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die molekulare Evolution von Globinen in Amphibien und Teleostiern untersucht und Analysen zur Genexpression ausgewählter Globine durchgeführt. Die bisher besonders für die neueren Mitglieder der Superfamilie der Globine – Neuroglobin und Cytoglobin – schwerpunktmäßig in Mammaliern erbrachten Daten sollten durch die Analyse in Amphibien und Teleostiern auf ihre generelle Gültigkeit für Vertebraten überprüft werden. Die Analysen zur Genexpression wurden sowohl in silico, basierend auf genomischen wie EST-Daten, als auch experimentell durch qualitative und quantitative RT-PCR-Nachweise durchgeführt. Die mRNA-Lokalisation wurde durch in situ-Hybridisierungen an Gewebeschnitten beziehungsweise durch Whole mount in situ-Hybridisierung an ganzen Embryonen detektiert. In einem ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Globin-Repertoire von Xenopus tropicalis umfassend analysiert. Die Expressionsanalyse der gefundenen Globine umfasste nicht nur adulte Tiere, sonder erstmals auch detailliert die Entwicklungsstadien eines Vertebraten. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass die vorwiegend neuronale Expression des streng konservierten Neuroglobins ein generelles Charakteristikum aller Tetrapoden ist und bereits in der frühembryonalen Entwicklung auftritt. Auch für das als Einzelkopie im Amphibiengenom vertretene Cytoglobin konnte eine strenge Sequenzkonservierung gezeigt werden. Das Expressionsmuster des Amphibien-Cytoglobins stimmte mit dem aus Mammaliern bekannten überein und zeigte konservierte Charakteristika dieses Globins bei Tetrapoden auf. Die Analyse des Xenopus-Genoms ergab zudem, dass Krallenfrösche nicht über Myoglobin verfügen. Genomische Vergleiche syntäner Genregionen ließen auf Rearrangements in diesem Genombereich im Verlauf der Evolution schließen, in deren Folge das Myoglobingen in den Krallenfröschen deletiert wurde. Die Hämoglobine wurden in Xenopus tropicalis erstmals in einem Amphibium umfassend analysiert. Die Gene zeigten demnach eine geclusterte Anordnung: der tropische Krallenfrosch verfügte über je ein funktionelles α- bzw. β-adultes und sieben bzw. vier α- bzw. β-larvale Hämoglobine, die während der Entwicklung bzw. in adulten Tieren charakteristisch exprimiert wurden. Die Analyse der Hämoglobine hinsichtlich ihrer Lage in einem Cluster, ihrer phylogenetischen Relation zueinander und nicht zuletzt ihres Expressionsmusters ließen Rückschlüsse auf ihre Evolution zu. Zusätzlich zu diesen bereits bekannten Globinen konnte im Rahmen dieser Dissertation das Globingen-Repertoirs von Xenopus um zwei weitere, bisher unbekannte Globine erweitert werden. Diese wurden entsprechend ihrer bisher unbekannten Funktion als GlobinX und GlobinY bezeichnet. Während GlobinY bisher ausschließlich in Amphibien nachgewiesen werden konnte, wurde GlobinX zudem in Teleostiern detektiert und repräsentiert damit ein auf Anamnia beschränktes Globin. Die rekombinante Proteinexpression von Neuroglobin, Cytoglobin, GlobinX und GlobinY des tropischen Krallenfrosches zeigte ein hexakoordiniertes Bindungsschema dieser Globine in ihrem Deoxy-Zustand. In einem zweiten Teil dieser Dissertation wurden Neuroglobin und Cytoglobin in Teleostiern untersucht und die Analyse für diese zwei Gene somit über die Tetrapoden hinaus auf den gesamten Stammbaum der Vertebraten ausgedehnt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass die vorwiegend neuronale Expression des seit 420 Millionen Jahren streng konservierten Neuroglobins ein generelles Merkmal dieses Globins in allen Vertebraten ist. Der in Amphibien und Teleostiern erbrachte und mit Ergebnissen in Mammaliern übereinstimmende Nachweis von Neuroglobin in neuronalen Geweben mit einem hohen Stoffwechsel lässt derzeit eine Funktion dieses Globins im Sauerstoffmetabolimus als wahrscheinlich erscheinen. Ob Neuroglobin dabei als kurzzeitiger Sauerstoffspeicher, O2-Transoprter oder aber in der Detoxifikation reaktiver Sauerstoff- bzw. Stickstoffspezies agiert, bleibt zu untersuchen. Für Cytoglobin konnte eine offenbar alle Teleostier betreffende Genduplikation nachgewiesen werden. Phylogenetische Analysen zeigen die Monophylie der Vertebraten-Cytoglobine. Der Vergleich der paralogen Cytoglobine der Teleostier mit dem syntänen Genombereich des humanen Cytoglobins zeigte die wahrscheinliche Entstehung der Fisch-Cytoglobine durch eine Genomduplikation in einem Vorfahren aller Teleostier vor etwa 300-450 Millionen Jahren. Die paralogen Cytoglobine zeigten in Danio rerio und Tetraodon nigroviridis differierende, charakteristische Expressionsmuster, die mit der Theorie der Subfunktionalisierung von Genen in Folge eines Duplikationsereignisses kompatibel sind. Die Analyse zeigte, dass Cygb-1 prädominant in Gehirn und Herz exprimiert wurde, Cygb-2 hingegen bevorzugt in Gehirn und Auge. Dies bestätigte indirekt die Hypothese, nach der das Cytoglobin der Mammalier zwei unterschiedliche Funktionen in differenten Geweben wahrnimmt. Die rekombinante Expression von Cygb-1 des Zebrabärblings zeigte zudem, das auch dieses Globin in seiner Deoxy-Form über ein hexakoordiniertes Bindungsschema verfügt.
Die Metalloproteasen Meprin α und Meprin β sind an essentiellen (patho)physiologischen Prozessen beteiligt. Um die Funktion dieser Proteasen zu verstehen, ist es von Bedeutung, sie nicht isoliert, sondern im gesamten proteolytischen Netzwerk zu betrachten.rnDie Meprine werden in einer Vielzahl von Geweben, in Leukozyten, aber auch in Krebszellen exprimiert. In der Haut konnten die beiden Enzyme in unterschiedlichen dermalen Schichten detektiert werden, wo sie u.a. an der Kollagenassemblierung durch Abspaltung der Propeptide beteiligt sind. rnIm Zuge von Proteomics Analysen konnten mehr als 3000 proteolytische Schnittstellen von fünf Astacin-Metalloproteasen (Meprin α, Meprin β, Astacin, LAST und LAST_MAM) in Peptiden und nativen Substraten identifiziert werden und somit eine Aussage über die Spaltspezifität getroffen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten diese Spaltspezifitäten mit Hilfe von fluorogenen Substraten in vitro verifiziert werden. Bemerkenswert hierbei ist die starke Präferenz der beiden Meprine und LAST_MAM für die Aminosäuren Aspartat und Glutamat in der P1‘ Position. rnMeprine werden als Zymogene exprimiert und müssen durch proteolytische Prozessierung einer tryptischen Protease aktiviert werden. Ein Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit waren Aktivitätsbestimmungen beider Meprine unter Berücksichtigung potentieller Aktivatoren und Substrate. Es konnten die kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) 4, 5 und 8 als spezifische Aktivatoren identifiziert werden, wobei nur KLK5 beide Proteasen aktiviert. Sowohl KLK4 als auch KLK8 sind lediglich in der Lage, das Propeptid von Meprin β abzuspalten. Außerdem konnte biochemisch und mittels Proteomics gezeigt werden, dass proKLK7 von Meprin β prozessiert wird. Durch N-terminale Sequenzierung wurde eine Schnittstelle zwei Aminosäuren N-terminal der eigentlichen Aktivierungsstelle identifiziert. Dieser Schritt beschleunigt die Aktivierung von KLK7, wenn durch Trypsin noch das verbliebene Dipeptid abgespalten wird. rnDa einige Vertreter der humanen kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) als Meprin-Aktivatoren identifiziert werden konnten, sollten diese im Zuge dieser Arbeit im Modellorganismus Danio rerio untersucht werden. Durch in silico und RT-PCR Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass keine funktionellen KLK-Homologe im Zebrafisch codiert sind. Da somit andere tryptische Proteasen an der Aktivierung der Meprine beteiligt sein müssen, wurde die Transmembran-Serinprotease TMPRSS4 analysiert. In der Tat zeigte die Reduktion des Expressionslevels von TMPRSS4 durch Morpholino-Injektion drastische Störungen in der embryonalen Entwicklung von Zebrabärblingen. Mittels Licht- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie ließ sich eine Fehlbildung der epidermalen Haut bis zu einem Ablösen der Keratinozyten von dem darunter liegenden Gewebe feststellen. rn
Funduscopy is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools in the ophthalmic practice, allowing for a ready assessment of pathological changes in the retinal vasculature and the outer retina. This non-invasive technique has so far been rarely used in animal model for ophthalmic diseases, albeit its potential as a screening assay in genetic screens. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is well suited for such genetic screens for ocular alterations. Therefore we developed funduscopy in adult zebrafish and employed it as a screening tool to find alterations in the anterior segment and the fundus of the eye of genetically modified adult animals.A stereomicroscope with coaxial reflected light illumination was used to obtain fundus color images of the zebrafish. In order to find lens and retinal alterations, a pilot screen of 299 families of the F3 generation of ENU-treated adult zebrafish was carried out.Images of the fundus of the eye and the anterior segment can be rapidly obtained and be used to identify alterations in genetically modified animals. A number of putative mutants with cataracts, defects in the cornea, eye pigmentation, ocular vessels and retina were identified. This easily implemented method can also be used to obtain fundus images from rodent retinas.In summary, we present funduscopy as a valuable tool to analyse ocular abnormalities in adult zebrafish and other small animal models. A proof of principle screen identified a number of putative mutants, making funduscopy based screens in zebrafish feasible.
Primary loss of photoreceptors caused by diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa is one of the main causes of blindness worldwide. To study such diseases, rodent models of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced retinal degeneration are widely used. As zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a popular model system for visual research that offers persistent retinal neurogenesis throughout the lifetime and retinal regeneration after severe damage, we have established a novel MNU-induced model in this species. Histology with staining for apoptosis (TUNEL), proliferation (PCNA), activated Müller glial cells (GFAP), rods (rhodopsin) and cones (zpr-1) were performed. A characteristic sequence of retinal changes was found. First, apoptosis of rod photoreceptors occurred 3 days after MNU treatment and resulted in a loss of rod cells. Consequently, proliferation started in the inner nuclear layer (INL) with a maximum at day 8, whereas in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) a maximum was observed at day 15. The proliferation in the ONL persisted to the end of the follow-up (3 months), interestingly, without ongoing rod cell death. We demonstrate that rod degeneration is a sufficient trigger for the induction of Müller glial cell activation, even if only a minimal number of rod cells undergo cell death. In conclusion, the use of MNU is a simple and feasible model for rod photoreceptor degeneration in the zebrafish that offers new insights into rod regeneration.
The molecular mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) are not fully understood. To gain more insights into the function of specific genes in these complex processes, the expression of multiple candidates needs to be assessed, preferably on the protein level. Here, we developed a targeted proteomics method based on selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to study the candidate sex-related proteins in zebrafish which were selected based on a global proteomics analysis of adult gonads and representational difference analysis of male and female DNA, as well as on published information on zebrafish and other vertebrates. We employed the developed SRM protocols to acquire time-resolved protein expression profiles during the gonad differentiation period in vas::EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Evidence on protein expression was obtained for the first time for several candidate genes previously studied only on the mRNA level or suggested by bioinformatic predictions. Tuba1b (tubulin alpha 1b), initially included in the study as one of the potential housekeeping proteins, was found to be preferentially expressed in the adult testis with nearly absent expression in the ovary. The revealed changes in protein expression patterns associated with gonad differentiation suggest that several of the examined proteins, especially Ilf2 and Ilf3 (interleukin enhancer-binding factors 2 and 3), Raldh3 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3), Zgc:195027 (low density lipoprotein-related receptor protein 3) and Sept5a (septin 5a), may play a specific role in the sexual differentiation in zebrafish.
The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), created in consequence of the Yangtze River's impoundment by the Three Gorges Dam, faces numerous anthropogenic impacts that challenge its unique ecosystem. Organic pollutants, particularly aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists, have been widely detected in the Yangtze River, but only little research was yet done on AhR-mediated activities. Hence, in order to assess effects of organic pollution, with particular focus on AhR-mediated activities, several sites in the TGR area were examined applying the "triad approach". It combines chemical analysis, in vitro, in vivo and in situ investigations to a holistic assessment. Sediments and the benthic fish species Pelteobagrus vachellii were sampled in 2011/2012, respectively, to identify relevant endpoints. Sediment was tested in vitro with the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction assay, and in vivo with the Fish Embryo Toxicity Test and Sediment Contact Assay with Danio rerio. Activities of phase I (EROD) and phase II (glutathione-S-transferase) biotransformation enzymes, pollutant metabolites and histopathological alterations were studied in situ in P. vachellii. EROD induction was tested in vitro and in situ to evaluate possible relationships. Two sites, near Chongqing and Kaixian city, were identified as regional hot-spots and further investigated in 2013. The sediments induced in the in vitro/in vivo bioassays AhR-mediated activities and embryotoxic/teratogenic effects - particularly on the cardiovascular system. These endpoints could be significantly correlated to each other and respective chemical data. However, particle-bound pollutants showed only low bioavailability. The in situ investigations suggested a rather poor condition of P. vachellii, with histopathological alterations in liver and excretory kidney. Fish from Chongqing city exhibited significant hepatic EROD induction and obvious parasitic infestations. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene was detected in bile of fish from all sites. All endpoints in combination with the chemical data suggest a pivotal role of PAHs in the observed ecotoxicological impacts.
We have examined the behavior of demembranated sperm heads when injected into the germinal vesicle (GV) of amphibian oocytes. Xenopus sperm heads injected into Xenopus GVs swelled immediately and within hours began to stain with an antibody against RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Over time each sperm head became a loose mass of chromosome-like threads, which by 24–48 h resolved into individually recognizable lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs). Although LBCs derived from sperm are unreplicated single chromatids, their morphology and immunofluorescent staining properties were strikingly similar to those of the endogenous lampbrush bivalents. They displayed typical transcriptionally active loops extending from an axis of condensed chromomeres, as well as locus-specific “landmarks.” Experiments with [3H]GTP and actinomycin D demonstrated that transcription was not necessary for the initial swelling of the sperm heads and acquisition of Pol II but was required for maintenance of the lampbrush loops. Splicing was not required at any stage during formation of sperm LBCs. When Xenopus sperm heads were injected into GVs of the newt Notophthalmus, the resulting sperm LBCs displayed very long loops with pronounced Pol II axes, like those of the endogenous newt LBCs; as expected, they stained with antibodies against newt-specific proteins. Other heterologous injections, including sperm heads of the frog Rana pipiens and the zebrafish Danio rerio in Xenopus GVs, confirm that LBCs can be derived from taxonomically distant organisms. The GV system should help identify both cis- and trans-acting factors needed to convert condensed chromatin into transcriptionally active LBCs. It may also be useful in producing cytologically analyzable chromosomes from organisms whose oocytes do not go through a typical lampbrush phase or cannot be manipulated by current techniques.
An extensive, highly diversified multigene family of novel immune-type receptor (nitr) genes has been defined in Danio rerio (zebrafish). The genes are predicted to encode type I transmembrane glycoproteins consisting of extracellular variable (V) and V-like C2 (V/C2) domains, a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic tail. All of the genes examined encode immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in the cytoplasmic tail. Radiation hybrid panel mapping and analysis of a deletion mutant line (b240) indicate that a minimum of ≈40 nitr genes are contiguous in the genome and span ≈0.6 Mb near the top of zebrafish linkage group 7. One flanking region of the nitr gene complex shares conserved synteny with a region of mouse chromosome 7, which shares conserved synteny with human 19q13.3-q13.4 that encodes the leukocyte receptor cluster. Antibody-induced crosslinking of Nitrs that have been introduced into a human natural killer cell line inhibits the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase that is triggered by natural killer-sensitive tumor target cells. Nitrs likely represent intermediates in the evolution of the leukocyte receptor cluster.
Continuous exposure to oxygen is essential for nearly all vertebrates. We found that embryos of the zebrafish Danio rerio can survive for 24 h in the absence of oxygen (anoxia, 0% O2). In anoxia, zebrafish entered a state of suspended animation where all microscopically observable movement ceased, including cell division, developmental progression, and motility. Animals that had developed a heartbeat before anoxic exposure showed no evidence of a heartbeat until return to terrestrial atmosphere (normoxia, 20.8% O2). In analyzing cell-cycle changes of rapidly dividing blastomeres exposed to anoxia, we found that no cells arrested in mitosis. This is in sharp contrast to similarly staged normoxic embryos that consistently contain more than 15% of cells in mitosis. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that blastomeres arrested during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. This work indicates that survival of oxygen deprivation in vertebrates involves the reduction of diverse processes, such as cardiac function and cell-cycle progression, thus allowing energy supply to be matched by energy demands.
We have identified a new family of Tc1-like transposons in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The sequence of a candidate active transposon, deduced from sample Tzf elements, shows limited resemblance to the previously described Tdr1 elements of zebrafish. Both the Tzf and the Tdr elements are extremely abundant in zebrafish. We describe here a general strategy for detecting transposition events in a complex genome and demonstrate its utility by selectively monitoring hundreds of potentially active Tzf copies in the zebrafish genome against a background of other related elements. We have followed members of a zebrafish pedigree, using this two-dimensional transposon display strategy, to identify the first examples of active transposition of such elements in vertebrates.
The C32 isogenic homozygous diploid (IHD) strain of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) was found to be polyallelic at a malate dehydrogenase locus (sMdh-A). A variant allele is thought to have arisen via mutation within the past 10 bisexual generations that have maintained the strain since its last gynogenetic cloning event; this unique allele now predominates at the sMdh-A locus. The estimated mutation rate in this species is sufficiently high that long-term genetic homogeneity of its IHD clones cannot be assumed. Researchers using such bisexually maintained clones should be aware that they are not necessarily using genetically uniform subjects. Genetic uniformity of cloned IHD zebrafish will be maximized if experimental subjects are obtained soon after a cloning event.