959 resultados para D-glucose


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose: To estimate the metabolic activity of rectal cancers at 6 and 12 weeks after completion of chemoradiation therapy (CRT) by 2-[fluorine-18] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-labeled positron emission tomography/computed tomography ([18 FDG] PET/CT) imaging and correlate with response to CRT. Methods and Materials: Patients with cT2-4N0-2M0 distal rectal adenocarcinoma treated with long-course neoadjuvant CRT (54 Gy, 5-fluouracil-based) were prospectively studied (ClinicalTrials. org identifier NCT00254683). All patients underwent 3 PET/CT studies (at baseline and 6 and 12 weeks fromCRT completion). Clinical assessment was at 12 weeks. Maximal standard uptakevalue (SUVmax) of the primary tumor wasmeasured and recorded at eachPET/CTstudy after 1 h (early) and3 h (late) from 18 FDGinjection. Patientswith an increase in early SUVmax between 6 and 12 weeks were considered " bad" responders and the others as "good" responders. Results: Ninety-one patients were included; 46 patients (51%) were "bad" responders, whereas 45 (49%) patients were " good" responders. " Bad" responders were less likely to develop complete clinical response (6.5% vs. 37.8%, respectively; PZ. 001), less likely to develop significant histological tumor regression (complete or near-complete pathological response; 16% vs. 45%, respectively; PZ. 008) and exhibited greater final tumor dimension (4.3cmvs. 3.3cm; PZ. 03). Decrease between early (1 h) and late (3 h) SUVmax at 6-week PET/CTwas a significant predictor of " good" response (accuracy of 67%). Conclusions: Patients who developed an increase in SUVmax after 6 weeks were less likely to develop significant tumor downstaging. Early-late SUVmax variation at 6-week PET/CT may help identify these patients and allow tailored selection of CRT-surgery intervals for individual patients. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans has been used as a fungal model system to study the regulation of xylanase production. These genes are activated at transcriptional level by the master regulator the transcriptional factor XInR and repressed by carbon catabolite repression (CCR) mediated by the wide-domain repressor CreA. Here, we screened a collection of 42 A. nidulans F-box deletion mutants grown either in xylose or xylan as the single carbon source in the presence of the glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose, aiming to identify mutants that have deregulated xylanase induction. We were able to recognize a null mutant in a gene (fbxA) that has decreased xylanase activity and reduced xInA and xInD mRNA accumulation. The Delta fbxA mutant interacts genetically with creAd-30, creB15, and creC27 mutants. FbxA is a novel protein containing a functional F-box domain that binds to Skp1 from the SCF-type ligase. Blastp analysis suggested that FbxA is a protein exclusive from fungi, without any apparent homologs in higher eukaryotes. Our work emphasizes the importance of the ubiquitination in the A. nidulans xylanase induction and CCR. The identification of FbxA provides another layer of complexity to xylanase induction and CCR phenomena in filamentous fungi. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The diastereoselective arylation of sugar-derived aldehydes is described. The arylating reagents are generated in situ by a boron-to-zinc exchange reaction of arylboronic acids with Et2Zn to generate arylethylzinc reagents. The exquisite reactivity of the arylzinc reagents allowed for an efficient and mild arylation, delivering the corresponding products in diastereolsomeric ratios of up to >20:1. The utility of the methodology is highlighted with an efficient formal synthesis of (+)-7-epl-goniofufurone, a member of the styryllactone family of natural products.


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Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Erforschung ursächlicher Unterschiede im Energiestoffwechsel von hoch- und niedrig-glykolytischen Tumorzelllinien. Darüber hinaus wurde die Hypothese überprüft, wonach eine hohe glykolytische Aktivität in Tumorzellen zu einer Anreicherung von antioxidativen Metaboliten führt und infolgedessen eine Therapieresistenz gegen Gammabestrahlung hervorruft. Abschließend sollte durch biochemische und gentechnische Manipulationen des Energie- bzw. Glukosestoffwechsels die Strahlenresistenz von Tumorzellen verändert und somit neue therapeutische Interventionen eröffnet werden.rnDie zur Klärung dieser Fragestellung erforderlichen molekularbiologischen Experimente erfolgten an jeweils zwei Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien (OC316 und IGROV-1) und zwei Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien der Kopf- und Halsregion (SAS und FaDu) sowie den entsprechenden Experimentaltumoren.rnUnabhängig von der Tumorentität und dem Tumormodell konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine erhöhte Expression Stoffwechsel-assoziierter Proteine mit einem gesteigerten Energiestoffwechsel einhergeht. Der Transfer der Ovarial- und Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien in das Mausmodell führte zu keiner grundsätzlichen Änderung des Tumormikromilieus. So wies die hoch-metabolische Linie OC316 in vitro und in vivo eine stark erhöhte MCT-4 Expression auf, deren gentechnische Inhibition jedoch zu keiner Reduktion der Glykolyserate führte.rnDie Hypothese, dass die Laktatproduktion als prädiktiver Marker für die Strahlenresistenz einer Tumorzelllinie fungiert, konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Jedoch führte die Manipulation der intrazellulären Laktatbildung und des Energiestoffwechsels mit nicht zelltoxischen Konzentrationen von 2-Deoxy-D-glukose (2DG) und Rotenon (ROT) bei den Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien zu einer Erhöhung der intrazellulären O2--Anionen, einer Zunahme der Strahlenempfindlichkeit sowie zur Steigerung der initialen und residualen DNA-Doppelstrangbrüche nach Gammabestrahlung.rnHierbei wirken 2DG und ROT synergistisch durch die Inhibierung antioxidativer Systeme sowie durch die Erhöhung des zellulären Radikal-Status. Die Anwendung von Stoffwechselmanipulatoren zur Optimierung und Unterstützung vorhandener Radikal-erzeugender Therapieformen wird aktuell in klinischen Studien überprüft. Translational könnte die durch 2DG und ROT beschriebene Erhöhung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit bei Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien z. B. in Kombination mit intensitätsmodulierten Strahlentherapien neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen, was in weiterführenden in vivo Studien zu überprüfen ist.rn


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Der Suche nach neuen Wirkstoffen für den chemischen Pflanzenschutz kommt insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden Weltbevölkerung und weniger zur Verfügung stehenden kulturfähigen Ackerflächen eine stetig wachsende Bedeutung zu. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Synthese von cyclischen Peptiden und Depsipeptiden, die aufgrund ihrer biologischen Aktivität als potentielle Insektizide für den chemischen Pflanzenschutz in Frage kommen. Darüber hinaus sollten von Kohlenhydraten abgeleitete Katalysatoren zur enantioselektiven Cyanhydrinsynthese entwickelt werden, um einen leichten Zugang zu den Bausteinen der Depsipeptide zu ermöglichen. Als vielversprechender Naturstoff mit insektiziden Eigenschaften gilt das cyclische Pentapeptid Cycloaspeptid E, dessen Totalsynthese in 10 Stufen mit einer Gesamtausbeute von 25% erreicht wurde, sodass die Verbindung für biologische Tests bereitgestellt werden konnte. Zusätzlich gelang die Kristallisation der Verbindung, was eine Röntgenstrukturanalyse ermöglichte. Ein Derivat von Cycloaspeptid E sollte 2-Aminonicotinsäure anstelle von Anthranilsäure enthalten. Die Synthese dieser Verbindung wurde auf drei Wegen versucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass es bei einer zur Totalsynthese des Naturstoffs analogen Strategie zur quantitativen Bildung eines Diketopiperazins kommt. Auf den anderen Routen ließ sich entweder ein Kupplungsschritt nicht realisieren, oder die Verbindung erwies sich unter den gewählten Bedingungen als instabil. Die Darstellung eines 2-Aminonicotinsäure-Derivats von Cycloaspeptid E bleibt daher weiterhin ein ungelöstes Problem, das weiterer Forschung bedarf. Verticilid A1 ist ein cyclisches Depsipeptid, das aufgrund seiner Bindungsfähigkeit an den Ryanodinrezeptor von Insekten, als Leitstruktur für die Suche nach neuen Insektiziden von Interesse ist. Um zu untersuchen, wie wichtig die Esterbindungen im Molekül für die biologische Aktivität sind, sollte das entsprechende Amid-Derivat und das Cyclodepsipeptid mit nur zwei statt vier Esterbindungen hergestellt werden. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass eine zur Darstellung von Verticilid A1 analoge Syntheseroute zu einer ausgeprägten Epimerisierung führt. Eine lineare Synthese der Derivate endet in der Bildung des Diketopiperazins. Weiterhin wurden zwei neue, zueinander pseudoenantiomere Vanadium(IV)-Katalysatoren auf Basis von D-Glucose einerseits und L-Xylose andererseits dargestellt. Diese lassen sich in fünf bzw. 14 Stufen synthetisieren und liefern in der enantioselektiven Katalyse von Mandelsäurenitril Enantiomerenüberschüsse von 89% bzw. 91% bei hohen Ausbeuten. Zusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Totalsynthese von Cycloaspeptid E erfolgreich durchgeführt wurde, und die Syntheseversuche von weiteren cyclischen Peptiden wichtige Erkenntnisse für weitere Synthesen lieferten. Mit den beiden hergestellten Vanadium(IV)-Komplexen wurden zwei potente, auf Kohlenhydraten basierende Katalysatoren für die enantioselektive Synthese von Cyanhydrinen entwickelt.


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Many children with sarcomas undergo whole body 2-deoxy-2-((18)F)fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ((18)F-FDG PET/CT) and technetium methylene diphosphonate ((99)Tc-MDP) studies. It is unknown whether the combination of both tests results in more accurate detection of bone lesions than (18)F-FDG- PET/CT alone.


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This study develops an automated analysis tool by combining total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), an evanescent wave microscopic imaging technique to capture time-sequential images and the corresponding image processing Matlab code to identify movements of single individual particles. The developed code will enable us to examine two dimensional hindered tangential Brownian motion of nanoparticles with a sub-pixel resolution (nanoscale). The measured mean square displacements of nanoparticles are compared with theoretical predictions to estimate particle diameters and fluid viscosity using a nonlinear regression technique. These estimated values will be confirmed by the diameters and viscosities given by manufacturers to validate this analysis tool. Nano-particles used in these experiments are yellow-green polystyrene fluorescent nanospheres (200 nm, 500 nm and 1000 nm in diameter (nominal); 505 nm excitation and 515 nm emission wavelengths). Solutions used in this experiment are de-ionized (DI) water, 10% d-glucose and 10% glycerol. Mean square displacements obtained near the surface shows significant deviation from theoretical predictions which are attributed to DLVO forces in the region but it conforms to theoretical predictions after ~125 nm onwards. The proposed automation analysis tool will be powerfully employed in the bio-application fields needed for examination of single protein (DNA and/or vesicle) tracking, drug delivery, and cyto-toxicity unlike the traditional measurement techniques that require fixing the cells. Furthermore, this tool can be also usefully applied for the microfluidic areas of non-invasive thermometry, particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), and non-invasive viscometry.


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BACKGROUND: Only responding patients benefit from preoperative therapy for locally advanced esophageal carcinoma. Early detection of non-responders may avoid futile treatment and delayed surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a multi-center phase ll trial, patients with resectable, locally advanced esophageal carcinoma were treated with 2 cycles of induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and surgery. Positron emission tomography with 2[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG-PET) was performed at baseline and after induction chemotherapy. The metabolic response was correlated with tumor regression grade (TRG). A decrease in FDG tumor uptake of less than 40% was prospectively hypothesized as a predictor for histopathological non-response (TRG > 2) after CRT. RESULTS: 45 patients were included. The median decrease in FDG tumor uptake after chemotherapy correlated well with TRG after completion of CRT (p = 0.021). For an individual patient, less than 40% decrease in FDG tumor uptake after induction chemotherapy predicted histopathological non-response after completion of CRT, with a sensitivity of 68% and a specificity of 52% (positive predictive value 58%, negative predictive value 63%). CONCLUSIONS: Metabolic response correlated with histopathology after preoperative therapy. However, FDG-PET did not predict non-response after induction chemotherapy with sufficient clinical accuracy to justify withdrawal of subsequent CRT and selection of patients to proceed directly to surgery.


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BACKGROUND Detecting prostate cancer before spreading or predicting a favorable therapy are challenging issues for impacting patient's survival. Presently, 2-[(18) F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ((18) F-FDG) and/or (18) F-fluorocholine ((18) F-FCH) are the generally used PET-tracers in oncology yet do not emphasize the T877A androgen receptor (AR) mutation being exclusively present in cancerous tissue and escaping androgen deprivation treatment. METHODS We designed and synthesized fluorinated 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivatives to target T877A-AR. We performed binding assays to select suitable candidates using COS-7 cells transfected with wild-type or T877A AR (WT-AR, T877A-AR) expressing plasmids and investigated cellular uptake of candidate (18) F-RB390. Stability, biodistribution analyses and PET-Imaging were assessed by injecting (18) F-RB390 (10MBq), with and without co-injection of an excess of unlabeled DHT in C4-2 and PC-3 tumor bearing male SCID mice (n = 12). RESULTS RB390 presented a higher relative binding affinity (RBA) (28.1%, IC50  = 32 nM) for T877A-AR than for WT-AR (1.7%, IC50  = 357 nM) related to DHT (RBA = 100%). A small fraction of (18) F-RB390 was metabolized when incubated with murine liver homogenate or human blood for 3 hr. The metabolite of RB390, 3-hydroxysteroid RB448, presented similar binding characteristics as RB390. (18) F-RB390 but not (18) F-FDG or (18) F-FCH accumulated 2.5× more in COS-7 cells transfected with pSG5AR-T877A than with control plasmid. Accumulation was reduced with an excess of DHT. PET/CT imaging and biodistribution studies revealed a significantly higher uptake of (18) F-RB390 in T877A mutation positive xenografts compared to PC-3 control tumors. This effect was blunted with DHT. CONCLUSION Given the differential binding capacity and the favorable radioactivity pattern, (18) F-RB390 represents the portrayal of the first imaging ligand with predictive potential for mutant T877A-AR in prostate cancer for guiding therapy. Prostate 75:348-359, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The role of the salicylic acid (SA) glycosides SA 2-O-β-D-glucose (SAG), SA glucose ester (SGE) and the glycosyl transferases UGT74F1 and UGT74F2 in the establishment of basal resistance of Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 (Pst) was investigated. Both mutants altered in the corresponding glycosyl transferases (ugt74f1 and ugt74f2) were affected in their basal resistance against Pst. The mutant ugt74f1 showed enhanced susceptibility, while ugt74f2 showed enhanced resistance against the same pathogen. Both mutants have to some extent, altered levels of SAG and SGE compared to wild type plants, however, in response to the infection, ugt74f2 accumulated higher levels of free SA until 24 hpi compared to wild type plants while ugt74f1 accumulated lower SA levels. These SA levels correlated well with reduced expression in PR1 and EDS1 in ugt74f1. In contrast, ugt74f2 has enhanced expression of Enhanced Disease Susceptibility 1 (EDS1) but a strong reduction in the expression of several jasmonate (JA)-dependent genes. Bacterial infection interfered with the expression of Fatty Acid Desaturase (FAD), Lipoxygenase2 (LOX2), carboxyl methyltransferase1 (BSMT1) and 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED3) genes in ugt74f1, thus promoting an antagonistic effect with SA-signalling and leading to enhanced bacterial growth. UGT74F2 might be a target for bacterial effectors since bacterial mutants affected in effector synthesis were impaired in inducing UGT74F2 expression. These results suggest that UGT74F2 negatively influences the accumulation of free SA, hence leading to an increased susceptibility due to reduced SA levels and increased expression of the JA and ABA markers LOX-2, FAD and NCED-3.