96 resultados para Cybele (Goddess)


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As análises desta tese, baseadas numa hermenêutica feminista libertadora, têm como centro a figura de Inana, a deusa mais importante e mais popular da Suméria, que predominou, sob o nome de I tar, também nos panteões mesopotâmicos posteriores. O Capítulo 1 oferece uma reconstrução da vida na Suméria, desde os tempos neolíticos até os inícios do Período Babilônico Antigo (aproximadamente de 5000 a 2000 aEC), com especial atenção para dados sobre mulheres e para aspectos de gênero. O Capítulo 2 apresenta documentos pré-sargônicos, iconográficos e filológicos, relacionados com a figura e o culto de Inana, oferecendo as primeiras reflexões sobre aspectos particulares e conflitos que mostram sua posição especial na religião na Suméria e na sua crescente patriarcalização. No Capítulo 3, esses aspectos e conflitos são discutidos enfocando tradições de Inana como Senhora da Eana, dos Me e de Kur, com especial atenção para os mitos Inana e a Eana , Inana e os Me e Inana e o Inframundo (ETCSL 1.3.5; 1.3.1; 1.4.1). É mostrado que o mito Inana e a Eana é o resultado de manipulações para legitimar o culto de An nesse templo de Inana, que Inana e os Me reflete atitudes de resistência contra tentativas de seu desapoderamento, e que Inana e o Inframundo é composto de mitos diferentes que evidenciam vários conflitos relacionados com funções e poderes de Inana. Desse modo mostra-se que os conflitos em torno de Inana refletem repressões e resistências humanas no âmbito de uma sociedade quiriarcal e da crescente patriarcalização de sua religião. Embora a atuação política e religiosa de mulheres em sociedades de hoje não necessite de legitimações a partir de exemplos provenientes de religiões antigas, a reconstrução e memória feministas de tais exemplos podem servir de estímulo para tal atuação quando busca construir uma outra imagem do divino e quando luta por um mundo de igualdade em direitos e dignidade para todas as pessoas.(AU)


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This research is based on the premises that teams can be designed to optimize its performance, and appropriate team coordination is a significant factor to team outcome performance. Contingency theory argues that the effectiveness of a team depends on the right fit of the team design factors to the particular job at hand. Therefore, organizations need computational tools capable of predict the performance of different configurations of teams. This research created an agent-based model of teams called the Team Coordination Model (TCM). The TCM estimates the coordination load and performance of a team, based on its composition, coordination mechanisms, and job’s structural characteristics. The TCM can be used to determine the team’s design characteristics that most likely lead the team to achieve optimal performance. The TCM is implemented as an agent-based discrete-event simulation application built using JAVA and Cybele Pro agent architecture. The model implements the effect of individual team design factors on team processes, but the resulting performance emerges from the behavior of the agents. These team member agents use decision making, and explicit and implicit mechanisms to coordinate the job. The model validation included the comparison of the TCM’s results with statistics from a real team and with the results predicted by the team performance literature. An illustrative 26-1 fractional factorial experimental design demonstrates the application of the simulation model to the design of a team. The results from the ANOVA analysis have been used to recommend the combination of levels of the experimental factors that optimize the completion time for a team that runs sailboats races. This research main contribution to the team modeling literature is a model capable of simulating teams working on complex job environments. The TCM implements a stochastic job structure model capable of capturing some of the complexity not capture by current models. In a stochastic job structure, the tasks required to complete the job change during the team execution of the job. This research proposed three new types of dependencies between tasks required to model a job as a stochastic structure. These dependencies are conditional sequential, single-conditional sequential, and the merge dependencies.


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Goddesses in African religions are spirits that affect humans and demand reverence from them. They are also embodiments of ideas that African people have about women, their powers and their roles in society. This study focused on Mame Wata, a goddess in Half Assini, an Nzema-speaking coastal community in western Ghana. It sought to resolve a paradox, that is, the fact that, the goddess is at the center of a Pentecostalist tradition even though traditional Pentecostalism in Ghana views her as an agent of the devil. The study involved fieldwork in this community of the goddess's female worshippers led by Agyimah, a charismatic man, and an agent of the goddess. The study interpreted the goddess as a post-colonial invented symbol personifying both pre-colonial and emerging ideas about female power. Findings from the study also show that through Mame Wata the followers celebrate the spirituality of the female.


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Excavations carried out in the Cova dels Jurats between 2010 and 2012 served to establish that, unlike the rest of the caves Calescoves, this one functioned as a sanctuary, with two different phases. The first one corresponds to the Final Talayotic Period, as the first cave shrine documented in the Talayotic culture. In Roman times, the place was still used as a sanctuary, but with a totally different ritual, linked to the inscriptions discovered at the entrance of the cave.


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El culto a la diosa Isis, de origen egipcio aunque helenizado a partir del dominio macedónico, se expande por el mundo grecorromano hasta abarcar un espacio geográfico muy amplio, como nunca antes había conocido. Los testimonios literarios que se refieren a él en época altoimperial son abundantes y de distinta naturaleza, desde descripciones precisas de elementos clave hasta escritos hostiles por parte de autores cristianos con una intencionalidad muy clara. El análisis pormenorizado de estos textos se antoja necesario si se quiere llegar a conocer el estado en el que se encuentra el culto isíaco en un período como el Alto Imperio.


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This thesis deals with the origins of the architectural forms as expressed in the Homeric Mycenaean citadel. The Genesis of the Mycenaean Citadel is a philosophical quest which reveals the poetic dimension of the Mycenaean architecture. The Introduction deals with general theories on the subject of space, which converge into one, forming the spinal idea of the thesis. The ‘process of individuation’, the process by which a person becomes ‘in-dividual’ that is a separate, indivisible unity or ‘whole’, is a process of transformation and renewal which at collective level takes place within the citadel. This is built on the archetype which expresses both the nature of the soul as a microcosm and of the divinely ordered Cosmos. The confrontation of the rational ‘ego’ with the unconscious is the process which brings us to the ‘self’, that organising center of the human psyche which is symbolised through the centre of the citadel. . Chapter I refers to ‘the Archetype of the Mycenaean citadel’. The Mycenaean citadel, which is built on a certain pattern of placement and orientation in relation to landscape formations, reproduces images which belong to the category of the ‘archetypal mother’. On the other hand, its adjustment to a central point with ‘high’ significance, recalls the archetypal image of Shiva-Shakti. The citadel realises the concept of a Kantian ‘One-all embracing space’; it is a cosmogonic symbol but also a philosophical one. Chapter II examines the column in its dual meaning, which is expressed in one structure; column and capital unite within their symbolism the conscious and unconscious contents of the human psyche and express the archetype of wholeness and goal of the individuation process. 33 Chapter III is a philosophical research into the ‘symbolism of the triangle’, the sacred Pythagorean symbol which expresses certain cosmological beliefs about the relation between human nature and the divinely ordered Cosmos. The triangular slab over the Lion Gate is a representation of the Dionysiac ‘palingenesia’, that is the continuity of One life, which was central to the Mycenaean religion. Chapter IV deals with the tripartite ‘megaron’. The circular hearth within the four-columned hall expresses the ‘quaternity of the One’, one of the oldest religious symbols of humanity. Zeus is revealed in the ‘fiery monadic unit-cubit’ as an all-embracing god next to goddess Hestia, symbolised by the circular hearth. The ‘megaron’ expresses the alchemical quaternity and the triad but also the psychological stages of development in the process towards wholeness. In the Conclusions it is emphasised that the Mycenaean citadel was created as if in a repetition of a cosmogony. It is a ‘mandala’, the universal image which is identified with God-image in man. Moreover it is built in order to be experienced by its citizen in the process of his psychological transformation towards the ‘self’, the divine element within the psyche which unites with the divinely ordered Cosmos