211 resultados para Cvs


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Unpredictable flooding is a major constraint to rice production. It can occur at any growth stage. The effect of simulated flooding post-anthesis on yield and subsequent seed quality of pot-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants was investigated in glasshouses and controlled-environment growth cabinets. Submergence post-anthesis (9-40 DAA) for 3 or 5 days reduced seed weight of japonica rice cv. Gleva, with considerable pre-harvest sprouting (up to 53%). The latter was greater the later in seed development and maturation that flooding occurred. Sprouted seed had poor ability to survive desiccation or germinate normally upon rehydration, whereas the effects of flooding on the subsequent air-dry seed storage longevity (p50) of the non-sprouted seed fraction was negligible. The indica rice cvs IR64 and IR64Sub1 (introgression of submergence tolerance gene Submergence1A-1) were both far more tolerant to flooding post-anthesis than cv. Gleva: four days’ submergence of these two near-isogenic cultivars at 10-40 DAA resulted less than 1% sprouted seeds. The presence of the Sub1A-1 allele in cv. IR64Sub1 was verified by gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing. It had no harmful effect on loss in seed viability during storage compared with IR64 in both control and flooded environments. Moreover, the germinability and changes in dormancy during seed development and maturation were very similar to IR64. The efficiency of using chemical spray to increase seed dormancy was investigated in the pre-harvest sprouting susceptible rice cv. Gleva. Foliar application of molybdenum at 100 mg L-1 reduced sprouted seeds by 15-21% following 4 days’ submergence at 20-30 DAA. Analyses confirmed that the treatment did result in molybdenum uptake by the plants, and also tended to increase seed abscisic acid concentration. The latter was reduced by submergence and declined exponentially during grain ripening. The selection of submergence-tolerant varieties was more successful than application of molybdenum in reducing pre-harvest sprouting.


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We have developed a spectrum synthesis method for modeling the ultraviolet (UV) emission from the accretion disk from cataclysmic variables (CVs). The disk is separated into concentric rings, with an internal structure from the Wade & Hubeny disk-atmosphere models. For each ring, a wind atmosphere is calculated in the comoving frame with a vertical velocity structure obtained from a solution of the Euler equation. Using simple assumptions, regarding rotation and the wind streamlines, these one-dimensional models are combined into a single 2.5-dimensional model for which we compute synthetic spectra. We find that the resulting line and continuum behavior as a function of the orbital inclination is consistent with the observations, and verify that the accretion rate affects the wind temperature, leading to corresponding trends in the intensity of UV lines. In general, we also find that the primary mass has a strong effect on the P Cygni absorption profiles, the synthetic emission line profiles are strongly sensitive to the wind temperature structure, and an increase in the mass-loss rate enhances the resonance line intensities. Synthetic spectra were compared with UV data for two high orbital inclination nova-like CVs-RW Tri and V347 Pup. We needed to include disk regions with arbitrary enhanced mass loss to reproduce reasonably well widths and line profiles. This fact and a lack of flux in some high ionization lines may be the signature of the presence of density-enhanced regions in the wind, or alternatively, may result from inadequacies in some of our simplifying assumptions.


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Both continuum and emission line flickering are phenomena directly associated with the mass-accretion process. In this work we simulated accretion-disk Doppler maps, including the effects of winds and flickering flares. Synthetic flickering Doppler maps were calculated and the effect of the flickering parameters on the maps was explored. Jets and winds occur in many astrophysical objects where accretion disks are present. Jets are generally absent among the cataclysmic variables (CVs), but there is evidence of mass loss by wind in many objects. CVs are ideal objects to study accretion disks, and consequently to study the wind associated with these disks. We also present simulations of accretion disks, including the presence of a wind with orbital phase resolution. Synthetic Ha line profiles in the optical region were obtained and their corresponding Doppler maps were calculated. The effect of the wind simulation parameters on the wind line profiles was also explored. From this study we verified that optically thick lines and/or emission by diffuse material into the primary Roche lobe are necessary to generate single peaked line profiles, often seen in CVs. The future accounting of these effects is suggested for interpreting Doppler tomography reconstructions.


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To make oneself employable – instrumental identity positions and gendered marketability. The article takes up the question of the negotiation of expert discourses in career advice and constructing the self in the practice of CV writing. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews with 19 students (11 women and 8 men) the stories about job search are analyzed. The concept of discursive positioning is used in order to analyze how the students position themselves in relation to career advice and position the self in CV writing. The results show that the female students had difficulties embodying the position as a marketing self as they described it as conflicting with feelings of ‘who they were’. ‘Being you’ in CVs and job interviews is, further, an ideal that is negotiated in relation to what to display as a job-seeking subject. CV writing involves a process of identifying suitable characteristics in an instrumental manner, but it is also combined with an introspective reasoning and identification to find ‘authentic’ strengths and characteristics in ‘who you are’.


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Although it is important for prospective studies, the reliability of quantitative measures of cervical muscle size on magnetic resonance imaging is not well established. The aim of the current work was to assess the long-term reliability of measurements of cervical muscle size. In addition, we examined the utility of selecting specific sub-regions of muscles at each vertebral level, averaging between sides of the body, and pooling muscles into larger groups. Axial scans from the base of skull to the third thoracic vertebra were performed in 20 healthy male subjects at baseline and 1.5 years later. We evaluated the semi-spinalis capitis, splenius capitis, spinalis cervicis, longus capitis, longus colli, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalenes and middle with posterior scalenes. Bland-Altman analysis showed all measurements to be repeatable between testing-days. Reliability was typically best when entire muscle volume was measured (co-efficients of variation (CVs): 3.3-8.1% depending on muscle). However, when the size of the muscle was assessed at specific vertebral levels, similar measurement precision was achieved (CVs: 2.7-7.6%). A median of 4-6 images were measured at the specific vertebral levels versus 18-37 images for entire muscle volume. This would represent considerable time saving. Based on the findings we also recommend measuring both sides of the body and calculating an average value. Pooling specific muscles into the deep neck flexors (CV: 3.5%) and neck extensors (CV: 2.7%) can serve to reduce variability further. The results of the current study help to establish outcome measures for interventional studies and for sample size estimation.


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Establishing the long-term repeatability of quantitative measures of lumbar intervertebral disc and spinal morphology is important for planning interventional studies. We aimed to examine this issue and to determine to what extent a smaller number of measurements per disc or vertebral level could be used to save operator time without compromising measurement precision. Twenty-one healthy male subjects were scanned at baseline and 1.5 years later. On sagittal MR-scans intervertebral disc cross-sectional area, anterior disc height, posterior disc height, intervertebral angle and intervertebral length were measured. The repeatability of the average value from all sagittal images or from 1, 3, 5 or 7 images centred at the spinous process was evaluated. Bland-Altman analysis showed all measurements to be repeatable between testing days. Intervertebral length was the most precise measurement (coefficients of variation [CVs] between 1.2% and 1.5%), followed by disc cross-sectional area (CVs between 2.9% and 3.6%). Variance component analysis showed that using 7 images, but not 1, 3 or 5 images, resulted in a similar level of measurement error as when measurements from all images were included.


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In this work we examine the reliability and validity (in comparison to magnetic resonance imaging; MRI) of real-time ultrasound measures of lumbar erector spinae thickness. We also consider the between-day reliability of the lumbar multifidus muscle area as measured via ultrasound. 23 male subjects aged 21-45 years were measured three times over the course of nine days by one operator. The first (L1) through to the fifth (L5) lumbar vertebral levels were measured on the left and right sides. MRI was performed on the same day as first ultrasound scanning. For between-day intra-rater reliability, intra-class correlation co-efficients (ICCs), standard error of the measurement, minimal detectable difference and co-efficients of variation (CVs) were calculated along with their 95% confidence intervals and Bland-Altman analysis was performed. On Bland-Altman analysis, erector spinae thickness and multifidus area ultrasound measures 'agreed' with equivalent MR measures, though the correlation between MR and ultrasound measures was typically poor to moderate. For both ultrasound measures, the ICCs ranged from 'moderate' to 'excellent' at individual vertebral levels, although multifidus area (CV ranged from 8 to 15%) was less reliable than erector spinae thickness (CV ranged from 6 to 10%). 'Agreement' on Bland-Altmann analysis was present between days for all ultrasound measures. Averaging between sides and between vertebral levels improved reliability. Average erector spinae thickness showed a CV of 5.5% (ICC 0.77) and average multifidus area 6.2% (ICC 0.80).


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Monitoring the abundances of prey is important for informing the management of threatened and endangered predators. We evaluated the usefulness of faecal counts and distance sampling for monitoring the abundances of rusa deer Rusa timorensis, feral pig Sus scrofa and water buffalo Bubalus bubalis, the three key prey of the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis, at 11 sites on five islands in and around Komodo National Park, eastern Indonesia. We used species-specific global detection functions and cluster sizes (i.e. multiple covariates distance sampling) to estimate densities of rusa deer and feral pig, but there were too few observations to estimate densities of water buffalo. Rusa deer densities varied from from 2.5 to 165.5 deer/km2 with coefficients of variation (CVs) of 15-105%. Feral pig densities varied from 0.0 to 25.2 pigs/km 2 with CVs of 25-106%. There was a positive relationship between estimated faecal densities and estimated population densities for both rusa deer and feral pig: the form of the relationship was non-linear for rusa deer, but there was similar support for linear and non-linear relationships for feral pig. We found that faecal counts were more useful when ungulate densities were too low to estimate densities with distance sampling. Faecal count methods were also easier for field staff to conduct than distance sampling. Because spatial and temporal variation in ungulate density is likely to influence the population dynamics of the Komodo dragon, we recommend that annual monitoring of ungulates in and around Komodo National Park be undertaken using distance sampling and faecal counts. The relationships reported here will also be useful for managers establishing monitoring programmes for feral pig, rusa deer and water buffalo elsewhere in their native and exotic ranges.


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Multicore processors are widely used in today's computer systems. Multicore virtualization technology provides an elastic solution to more efficiently utilize the multicore system. However, the Lock Holder Preemption (LHP) problem in the virtualized multicore systems causes significant CPU cycles wastes, which hurt virtual machine (VM) performance and reduces response latency. The system consolidates more VMs, the LHP problem becomes worse. In this paper, we propose an efficient consolidation-aware vCPU (CVS) scheduling scheme on multicore virtualization platform. Based on vCPU over-commitment rate, the CVS scheduling scheme adaptively selects one algorithm among three vCPU scheduling algorithms: co-scheduling, yield-to-head, and yield-to-tail based on the vCPU over-commitment rate because the actions of vCPU scheduling are split into many single steps such as scheduling vCPUs simultaneously or inserting one vCPU into the run-queue from the head or tail. The CVS scheme can effectively improve VM performance in the low, middle, and high VM consolidation scenarios. Using real-life parallel benchmarks, our experimental results show that the proposed CVS scheme improves the overall system performance while the optimization overhead remains low.


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A presente Tese de Doutorado objetivou: (1) definir um método eficiente de transformação genética, por bombardeamento de partículas, para a obtenção de plantas transgênicas de cultivares brasileiras de cevada e (2) identificar gene(s) codificante(s) de quitinase(s) potencialmente capaz(es) de conferir resistência ao fungo patogênico de cevada Bipolaris sorokiniana. Culturas de calos obtidos a partir de escutelos imaturos das cultivares Brasileiras de cevada MN-599 e MN-698 (Cia. de Bebidas das Américas, AMBEV) foram bombardeadas com partículas de tungstênio e avaliadas quanto à expressão do gene repórter gusA através de ensaios histoquímicos de GUS e quanto ao efeito dos bombardeamentos na indução estruturas embriogênicas e regeneração de plantas. As condições de biobalística analisadas incluíram a região promotora regulando a expressão de gusA, tipo e pressão de gás hélio de dois aparelhos de bombardeamento, distância de migração das partículas, número de tiros e a realização de pré e pós-tratamento osmótico dos tecidos-alvo. No presente trabalho foram obtidos um número bastante alto de pontos azuis por calo, a indução de calos embriogênicos e embriões somáticos em uma freqüência de até 58,3% e a regeneração de 60 plantas, sendo 43 de calos bombardeados. As melhores condições observadas foram o promotor e primeiro íntron do gene Adh de milho (plasmídeo pNGI), o aparelho de bombardeamento “ Particle Inflow Gun” (PIG) utilizando-se a distância de migração de partículas de 14,8 cm, dois tiros disparados por placa e a realização de tratamento osmótico dos explantes com 0,2 M de manitol e 0,2 M de sorbitol 4-5 horas antes e 17-19 horas depois dos bombardeamentos. Das 43 plantas obtidas de calos bombardeadas, 3 apresentaram atividade de GUS na base das suas folhas. A utilização de primers sintéticos definidos a partir de genes de quitinases descritos na literatura em PCRs resultou na amplificação de dois fragmentos de aproximadamente 700 e 500 pb a partir de DNA total das cvs. MN-599 e MN-698 de cevada e um fragmento, com aproximadamente 500 pb, a partir do DNA total do isolado A4c de Trichoderma sp. Estes fragmentos foram purificados dos géis de agarose e diretamente seqüenciados de forma manual e automática. Os fragmentos de 700 e 500 pb amplificados do genoma da cultivar MN-599 foram identificados como genes de quitinases de cevada e o fragmento de 500 pb do isolado A4c de Trichoderma sp. não apresentou homologia com seqüências conhecidas de quitinases depositadas no EMBL/GenBank. A utilização de novos pares de primers, representando seqüências conservadas de quitinases do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae, resultou na amplificação de 3 fragmentos a partir do DNA total do isolado A4b de Trichoderma sp., que estão sendo purificados para realização de seqüenciamento.


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Esse estudo foi compreendido por dois experimentos de campo, no período de outubro/2003 a abril/2004, na Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária (FEPAGRO), localizado em Tupanciretã, no Planalto Médio, região ecoclimática do RS. O principal objetivo do primeiro experimento foi avaliar o desempenho de novilhas de corte e a dinâmica de três pastos constituídos por Panicum maximum cvs. Gatton e Aruana e por Digitaria diversinervis em um sistema silvipastoril (SSP), associadas com acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) sob duas densidades arbóreas (833 e 500 árvores/ha). Os resultados mostraram que não houve efeito da densidade arbórea com relação à dinâmica dos pastos e no desempenho animal. As cvs. de P. maximum apresentaram maiores resultados de massa de forragem residual do que a D. diversinervis. A taxa de acúmulo diário de MS, forragem total, oferta de forragem real e relação folha/colmo não diferiram entre as espécies. A cv. Gatton obteve maior resultado de forragem disponível quando comparado com a D. diversinervis. O ganho médio diário, ganho por área, animais.dia/ha, lotação animal e carga animal média também não diferiram com relação as forrageiras. O objetivo do segundo experimento foi avaliar o rendimento de matéria seca total de cinco cultivares de Panicum maximum, crescendo dentro e fora de um bosque de Eucalyptus sp. de 17 anos de idade, estabelecido na densidade de 1111 árvores/ha. A produção media de MS e a taxa de crescimento diário foram significativamente menores (P≤0.05) na condição de sombra (5.529 kg/ha) do que em pleno sol (22.346 kg/ha). Na condição de sombra, os resultados das cvs. não diferiram, enquanto que os resultados em pleno sol apresentaram diferenças significativas (P≤0,01), onde a cv. Tanzânia apresentou menores resultados no rendimento de matéria seca e taxa de crescimento e a cv. Mombaça os maiores resultados Pode-se concluir que as cvs. Mombaça, Tobiatã, Gatton e Vencedor são boas promissoras para o uso em SSP. Esse estudo indicou claramente altos níveis de desempenho animal sob pastejo em SSP com algumas cvs. de P. maximum selecionadas ou D. diversinervis usando Acacia-Negra no Sul do Brasil.


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NEste estudo, foi analisda a evolução das praticas de proteção à saúde no Estado de São Paulo, bem como estudada a evolução desses serviços, denominados Vigilancia Sanitária.Esse estudo envolv3e desde a criação do Serviço Sanitário do Estado em 189, passando pela criação do Centro de Vigilancia Sanitária -CVS em 1986 até a promulgaççao do Código Sanitario Estadula de 1998.


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As empresas que optam pela inovação como estratégia de crescimento desenvolvem projetos para a exploração de oportunidades em novos produtos, serviços e mercados. Tais projetos lidam com situações de alta assimetria de informação e, consequentemente, riscos de conflitos de interesses entre agente e principal. Para viabilizar a alocação de recursos em tal situação, a gestão de projetos dentro das organizações busca minimizar os custos de agência atuando diretamente na causa raiz. Ao financiar o empreendedorismo, o venture capital (VC) e sua versão corporativa, o corporate venturing (CV), lida com a assimetria de informação de uma forma diferente. Ao invés de diminuí-la diretamente, os VCs e os CVs implementam mecanismos que os permitem explorar situações de alta assimetria de informação, e ao mesmo tempo, controlar os custos de agência decorrentes desta. Quando comparado às práticas de gestão de projetos nas organizações, as práticas de seleção, financiamento, contratos, organização e incentivos empregadas na gestão de projetos de VCs e CVs constituem um desenho de mecanismo mais eficiente para o desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo. Ainda que cada um desses cinco componentes do mecanismo empregado pelos VCs e CVs possa ser identificado na gestão de projetos corporativos, nas organizações pesquisadas, não foi possível identificar a integração desses componentes promovendo um mecanismo coeso. A prática de financiamento de projetos é a que apresentou a maior diferença. O entendimento de como as práticas de gestão de projetos podem ser configuradas num desenho de mecanismo que viabiliza o trato da assimetria de informação, ao mesmo tempo em que minimiza seus efeitos indesejáveis em termos de custos de agência, oferece às organizações uma forma gerenciável de promover um ambiente corporativo onde o empreendedorismo possa florescer. Condição necessária para inovações de maior impacto.


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Este trabalho permite oferecer uma contribuição para a caracterização geológica-geotécnica dos três complexos vulcânicos da ilha da Madeira, através de sete amostras de material geológico, pertencentes a quatro das sete unidades vulcano-estratigráficas presentes na ilha. São estudados materiais da Unidade do Porto da Cruz (CVI 1), da Unidade da Encumeada (CVM 1), da Unidade dos Lombos (CVS 1) e da Unidade do Funchal (CVS 2), correspondendo a rochas vulcânicas muito alteradas, solos sedimentares, tufos, basaltos e mugearitos, respectivamente. No âmbito da caracterização geológica, é efectuada uma classificação litológica do material amostrado. Também é realizado um estudo das descontinuidades dos maciços onde se efectuaram as amostragens, em função dos parâmetros atitude, espaçamento, abertura, rugosidade, preenchimento, extensão e n.º de famílias de descontinuidades. No âmbito da caracterização geotécnica, é realizada uma campanha de ensaios laboratoriais aos materiais rochosos e terrosos, de forma a determinar uma série de parâmetros geotécnicos. Os ensaios realizados para as amostras de solo são: análise granulométrica; determinação do teor em água; determinação do teor em cinzas e matéria orgânica; determinação da densidade das partículas; determinação do equivalente de areia; e determinação dos limites de consistência (limites de Atterberg). Para as amostras de rochas, são efectuados ensaios para a determinação dos seguintes parâmetros: absorção de água à pressão atmosférica; massa volúmica aparente seca; resistência à compressão uniaxial; módulo de deformabilidade; e resistência à compressão deduzida através da dureza de ressalto de Schmidt. Após a caracterização geológica-geotécnica dos materiais amostrados, é efectuada uma análise de resultados, bem como uma comparação com resultados de outras referências bibliográficas. Este trabalho é um contributo para um banco de dados geológicos e geotécnicos sobre os complexos vulcânicos da ilha da Madeira, deixando em aberto a continuidade de estudos nesta temática.


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There are strong interests in the evaluation of the biological effects of natural and synthetic products. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) are used in nuclear medicine. The aim of this work was to study the effects of Clove (Caryophyllus aromaticas L.) and OZE (preparation used in the Health Sciences) on the labeling blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphologic red blood cells (RBC) and the action of an extract of tomato (TO) on the labeling of blood constituents Blood samples were incubated with clove or OZE or TO, stannous chloride and 99mTc. Plasma (P), blood cells (BC), insoluble fractions (IF) of plasma and blood cells were separated. The radioactivity was counted and percentage of radioactivity (%ATI) to each blood fraction was calculated. The shape and morphometric parameter (perimeter/area ratio) were evaluated in the studies with clove and OZE. Clove extract and OZE altered significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI of blood constituents and the shape of red blood cells. However, clove extract not altered the red blood cells perimeter/area ratio. The tomato extract used at the highest concentrations reduced significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI in IF-P, although this extract did not modify the radiolabeling on BC, neither the radioactivity fixation on IFBC. The results indicate that these chemical compounds would have oxidative/chelating actions