109 resultados para Cupressaceae
La Turbera de Padul, en la Provincia de Granada, ofrece unas posibilidades de estudio muy atractivas desde el punto de vista de la reconstrucción paleoambiental. Se trata de una fosa tectónica subsidente de naturaleza detrítica, a cuyo techo aparecen alternantes niveles de turba. El sondeo, de 107 metros, se realizó en un punto donde los estratos de turba aparecen a mayor profundidad, lo que permite obtener un registro geoquímico orgánico con mucho detalle con una antigüedad de hasta 1Ma. Se tomaron muestras cada 20 cm para el análisis de biomarcadores. Estos biomarcadores se obtuvieron mediante extracción Soxhlet, posterior separación de fracciones de diferente polaridad mediante Cromatografía en Columna, con Gel de Sílice y Alúmina, y posteriormente el análisis e identificación por Cromatografía de Gases - Espectrometría de masas, con confirmación de los compuestos químicos identificados por comparación con Bibliotecas de Espectros de Masas. La datación del sondeo se realizó utilizando distintos métodos como datación por 14C, U/Th, y datación por racemización de aminoácidos. Los resultados dataron el muro del sondeo con una antigüedad de 1 millón de años. El estudio de los biomarcadores ha permitido identificar episodios con distintas características en un escenario complejo, como es la Turbera de Padul, donde el aporte de agua por fusión nival complica la interpretación paleoambiental, y es la responsable de la existencia de la lámina de agua en la turbera en periodos secos con temperaturas elevadas. Se han identificado series de n-alcanos, de n-metilcetonas y series de nalcanoles, que han permitido identificar la aportación de materia orgánica de distintas fuentes al sedimento y por tanto la interpretación paleoambiental. La identificación de diterpenoides fenólicos (cis-Totatol, trans-Totarol y Ferruginol) han permitido identificar episodios de clima templado y húmedo con proliferación de cupresáceas, y precipitaciones abundantes. Por otro lado, se han identificado triterpenoides como el Friedelan-3-ona (Friedelin) y el A-norfriedel-8en-10-ona, cuya relación como precursor (Friedelin) y producto (A-norfriedel-8en-10-ona) ha permitido identificar episodios con fluctuaciones del espesor de la lámina de agua y aporte de material vegetal. ABSTRACT The Bog of Padul, in the province of Granada, offers very attractive possibilities for the study of paleoenvironmental reconstruction. It is a subsiding graben of detrital nature, whose upper part appear alternating peat levels. The core of 107 meters, obtained from a borehole drilled in a place where the layers of peat appear deeper, allowing to obtain organic geochemist information along the last 1 million years. Every 20 cm samples for biomarkers analysis were taken. These biomarkers were obtained by Soxhlet extraction, subsequent separation of fractions of different polarity by column chromatography with silica gel and alumina, and then analyzed and identified by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, with confirmation of the chemicals identified by comparison to mass spectral libraries. The dating of the core was conducted using different methods such as 14C dating, U/Th, and amino acid racemization dating. The results dated the base of the core to be 1 million years old. The study has identified biomarkers episodes with different characteristics in a complex scenario, such as the Bog of Padul, where the contribution of snowmelt water complicates the paleoenvironmental interpretation, and is responsible for the existence of a sheet of water in dry periods with high temperatures. There have been identified series of n-alkanes, n-methyl ketones and series of n-alkanols that have shown the contribution of different organic matter sources to the sediment and therefore allowed to paleo interpretation. The identification of phenolic diterpenoids (cis-Totatol, trans-Totarol and Ferruginol) have identified episodes of mild and humid climate with proliferation of Cupressaceae, and abundant rainfall. In addition, triterpenoids have been identified, as the friedelan-3-one (friedelin) and the A-norfriedel-8en-10-one, whose relationship as precursor (friedelin) and product (A-norfriedel-8en-10-one) has identified episodes with fluctuations on the thickness of the sheet of water and supply of plant material debris.
The pollen record of three marine late Quaternary cores off Senegal shows a juxtaposition of Mediterranean, Northern Saharan, Central Saharan elements, which are considered transported by the trade winds from a winter-rainfall area, and Sahelian, Soudanese, Soudano-Guinean elements, considered transported both by winds and mostly by the Senegal River, and coming from the monsoonal, summer tropical rainfall area of southern West Africa. Littoral vegetation is either the edaphically dry and saline Chenopodiaceae from sebkhas at the time of the main regression, or the warm tropical humid mangrove with Rhizophora during the humid optimum period. Four stratigraphic zones reflect, from basis to top: Zone 4. A semi-arid period with a balanced pollen input. Zone 3. A very arid period with the disappearance of monsoonal pollen, probably from the disappearance of the Senegal River, a very saline littoral plain with Chenopodiaceae, a larger input of northern Saharan pollen from intensified trade winds. Zone 2. A quite humid period, much more so than today, very suddenly established, with a northward extension of the monsoonal areas, a rich littoral mangrove, and weakening of the trade winds. Zone l. A slow and steady evolution toward the present semi-humid conditions with regression of the mangrove, and of the monsoonal areas toward the south. Tentative datations and correlations with the Tchad area suggested: zone 4: 22,500 to 19,000 years BP; zone 3: 19,000 to 12,500 years BP; zone 2: 12,500 to 5,500 years BP; zone 1: 5,500 years BP to top of core. Dinoflagellate cysts display a tropical assemblage with mostly estuarine neritic elements and also a weak oceanic component, mostly in the lower slope core 47. Cosmopolitan taxa dominate the assemblage and only a few species point to more specialized environments. Quantitative variations of the assemblage are the basis of stratigraphy which is not similar to the pollen stratigraphy, and an inshore-outshore gradient has to be taken into account to correlate the three cores.
Pollen floras were obtained from Miocene sediments recovered at four sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 127. The local pollen floras of each site were correlated to the standard pollen zones of northeast Japan by using the concept of the essential members for each pollen zone. At Site 797, the complete floral range was obtained for recognition of the NP2 zone and the pollen components of the NP1 zone were also clarified continuously. The ages of the boundaries between pollen zones NP4/NP3, NP3/NP2, and NP2/NP1 are estimated to be about 7 Ma, 13 Ma, and 17-18.5 Ma, respectively. Even in the same pollen zone, the ratios of major pollen taxa vary with the location. This variation is expressed on maps representing two different times during the Miocene.
Paleoclimate reconstruction from Miocene macroflora in Kazakhstan compiled from various publications
25 datasets (13 fossil leaf and pollen assemblages, 12 quantitative palaeoclimatic datasets) are provided in order to analyse Early Miocene palaeoclimate in Kazakhstan. The rich fossil record in Kazakhstan documents that during the Oligocene and Early Miocene this area in Central Eurasia was densely forested with warm-temperate deciduous trees and shrubs of the so-called "Turgayan flora". 29 fossil floras from 13 localities have been selected for a quantitative analysis of the Aquitanian (early Early Miocene) climate situation in Kazakhstan. The assessed mean annual temperatures generally place around 15 °C, while values of mean annual precipitation are of about 1000 mm. In combination with several other climate parameters estimated (temperatures of warmest and coldest months, precipitation rates of wettest, driest and warmest months), these data reflect uniform climatic conditions over several thousands of square kilometres. Data of temperature parameters show slight spatial differentiations, with generally cooler mean annual temperatures and higher seasonality (i.e. warmer summers and colder winters) in the north-eastern part of the study area compared with the south-western area around Lake Aral. As compared with palaeoclimate estimates for the European and East Asian Aquitanian, the central part of the Eurasian continent reveals evident signals of higher seasonality and slightly increased continentality.
The influence of meteorological parameters on airborne pollen of Australian native arboreal species was investigated in the sub-tropical city of Brisbane, Australia over the five-year period, June 1994–May 1999. Australian native arboreal pollen (ANAP), shed by taxa belonging to the families Cupressaceae, Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae accounts for 18.4% of the total annual pollen count and is distributed in the atmosphere during the entire year with maximum loads restricted to the months May through November. Daily counts within the range 11–100 grains m–3 occurred over short intervals each year and were recorded on 100 days during the five-year sampling period. Total seasonal ANAP concentrations varied each year, with highest annual values measured for the family Cupressaceae, for which greater seasonal frequencies were shown to be related to pre-seasonal precipitation (r 2 = 0.76, p = 0.05). Seasonal start dates were near consistent for the Cupressaceae and Casuarinaceae. Myrtaceae start dates were variable and established to be directly related to lower average pre-seasonal maximum temperature (r 2 = 0.78, p = 0.04). Associations between daily ANAP loads and weather parameters showed that densities of airborne Cupressaceae and Casuarinaceae pollen were negatively correlated with maximum temperature (p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001) and precipitation (p < 0.05), whereas associations with daily Myrtaceae pollen counts were not statistically significant. This is the first study to be conducted in Australia that has assessed the relationships between weather parameters and the airborne distribution of pollen emitted by Australian native arboreal species. Pollen shed by Australian native Cupressaceae, Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae species are considered to be important aeroallergens overseas, however their significance as a sensitising source in Australia remains unclear and requires further investigation.