986 resultados para Cumulative Trauma Disorder
Thoracic injuries in general are of great importance due to their high incidence and high mortality. Thoracic impalement injuries are rare but severe due to the combination of cause, effect and result. This study's primary objective is to report the case of a young man who was impaled by a two-wheeled horse carriage shaft while crashing his motorcycle in a rural zone. An EMT-B ferry was called at the crash scene and a conscious patient was found, sustaining a severe impalement injury to the left hemithorax, suspended over the floor by the axial skeleton with the carriage shaft coming across his left chest. As a secondary objective, a literature review of thoracic impalement injuries is performed. Cases of thoracic impalement injury require unique and individualized care based on injury severity and affected organs. Reported protocols for managing impalement injuries are entirely anecdotal, with no uniformity on impaled patient's approach and management. In penetrating trauma, it is essential not to remove the impaled object, so that possible vascular lesions remain buffered by the object, avoiding major bleeding and exsanguination haemorrhage. Severed impaled thoracic patients should be transferred to a specialist centre for trauma care, as these lesions typically require complex multidisciplinary treatment. High-energy thoracic impalement injuries are rare and hold a high mortality rate, due to the complexity of trauma and associated injuries such as thoracic wall and lung lesions. Modern medicine still seems limited in cases of such seriousness, not always with satisfactory results.
The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the peculiarities of maxillofacial injuries caused by interpersonal violence with other etiologic factors. Medical records of 3,724 patients with maxillofacial injuries in São Paulo state (Brazil) were retrospectively analyzed. The data were submitted to statistical analysis (simple descriptive statistics and Chi-squared test) using SPSS 18.0 software. Data of 612 patients with facial injuries caused by violence were analyzed. The majority of the patients were male (81%; n = 496), with a mean age of 31.28 years (standard deviation of 13.33 years). These patients were more affected by mandibular and nose fractures, when compared with all other patients (P < 0.01), although fewer injuries were recorded in other body parts (χ(2) = 17.54; P < 0.01); Victims of interpersonal violence exhibited more injuries when the neurocranium was analyzed in isolation (χ(2) = 6.85; P < 0.01). Facial trauma due to interpersonal violence seem to be related to a higher rate of facial fractures and lacerations when compared to all patients with facial injuries. Prominent areas of the face and neurocranium were more affected by injuries.
Maxillofacial trauma resulting from falls in elderly patients is a major social and health care concern. Most of these traumatic events involve mandibular fractures. The aim of this study was to analyze stress distributions from traumatic loads applied on the symphyseal, parasymphyseal, and mandibular body regions in the elderly edentulous mandible using finite-element analysis (FEA). Computerized tomographic analysis of an edentulous macerated human mandible of a patient approximately 65 years old was performed. The bone structure was converted into a 3-dimensional stereolithographic model, which was used to construct the computer-aided design (CAD) geometry for FEA. The mechanical properties of cortical and cancellous bone were characterized as isotropic and elastic structures, respectively, in the CAD model. The condyles were constrained to prevent free movement in the x-, y-, and z-axes during simulation. This enabled the simulation to include the presence of masticatory muscles during trauma. Three different simulations were performed. Loads of 700 N were applied perpendicular to the surface of the cortical bone in the symphyseal, parasymphyseal, and mandibular body regions. The simulation results were evaluated according to equivalent von Mises stress distributions. Traumatic load at the symphyseal region generated low stress levels in the mental region and high stress levels in the mandibular neck. Traumatic load at the parasymphyseal region concentrated the resulting stress close to the mental foramen. Traumatic load in the mandibular body generated extensive stress in the mandibular body, angle, and ramus. FEA enabled precise mapping of the stress distribution in a human elderly edentulous mandible (neck and mandibular angle) in response to 3 different traumatic load conditions. This knowledge can help guide emergency responders as they evaluate patients after a traumatic event.
To characterize cumulative joint damage (CJD) patterns in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and determine their associations with demographic/clinical features and HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphism. Hand and foot radiographs were obtained from 404 patients with RA. CJD patterns were determined by 3 derivations from Sharp/van der Heijde scores, obtained by the mathematical division of scores for hands/feet (Sharp-h/f score), fingers/wrists (Sharp-f/w score), and erosion/space narrowing (Sharp-e/sn score), respectively. DNA and serum were obtained for determination of HLA-DRB1 polymorphism, rheumatoid factor (RF), and anticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA). Patients with wrist-dominant CJD pattern were more likely to have severe RA than those with finger-dominant pattern (68.4% vs 46.0%; p = 0.036) as were those with foot-dominant vs hand-dominant CJD pattern (76.5% vs 56.4%; p = 0.044). HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE) alleles were associated with erosion-dominant CJD pattern (p = 0.021). Patients with erosion-dominant CJD pattern had higher levels of RF and ACPA than those with space-narrowing-dominant CJD pattern (median RF 71.35 U/ml vs 22.05 U/ml, respectively; p = 0.003; median ACPA 187.9 U/ml vs 143.2 U/ml, respectively; p < 0.001). The majority of triple-positive patients (SE+, RF+, ACPA+) had erosion-dominant CJD pattern (62.3%) while the majority of triple-negative patients (SE-, FR-, ACPA-) had space narrowing-dominant CJD pattern (75%; p = 0.017). ACPA was associated with HLA-DRB1 SE alleles (p < 0.05). Patients with foot-dominant CJD pattern were taller than those with hand-dominant CJD pattern (p = 0.002); those with erosion-dominant CJD pattern had higher weight and body mass index than those with space narrowing-dominant CJD pattern (p = 0.014, p = 0.001). CJD patterns were associated with disease severity, HLA-DRB1 SE status, presence and titer of ACPA and RF, and morphometric features.
In this manuscript we briefly describe bipolar disorder (a depressive and manic mental disease), its classification, its effects on the patient, which sometimes include suicidal tendencies, and the drugs used for treatment. We also address the status quo with regard to diagnosis of bipolar disorder and recent advances in bioanalytical approaches for biomarker discovery. These approaches focus on blood samples (serum and plasma) and proteins as the main biomarker targets, and use various strategies for protein depletion. Strategies include use of commercially available kits or other homemade strategies and use of classical proteomics methods for protein identification based on bottom-up or top-down approaches, which used SELDI, ESI, or MALDI as sources for mass spectrometry, and up-to-date mass analyzers, for example Orbitrap. We also discuss some future objectives for treatment of this disorder and possible directions for the correct diagnosis of this still-unclear mental illness.
The XX male syndrome - Testicular Disorder of Sexual Differentiation (DSD) is a rare condition characterized by a spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from ambiguous to normal male genitalia. We report hormonal, molecular and cytogenetic evaluations of a boy presenting with this syndrome. Examination of the genitalia at age of 16 months, showed: penis of 3.5 cm, proximal hypospadia and scrotal testes. Pelvic ultrasound did not demonstrate Mullerian duct structures. Karyotype was 46,XX. Gonadotrophin stimulation test yielded insufficient testosterone production. Gonadal biopsy showed seminiferous tubules without evidence of Leydig cells. Molecular studies revealed that SRY and TSPY genes and also DYZ3 sequences were absent. In addition, the lack of deletions or duplications of SOX9, NR5A1, WNT4 and NROB1 regions was verified. The infant was heterozygous for all microsatellites at the 9p region, including DMRT1 gene, investigated. Only 10% of the patients are SRY-negative and usually they have ambiguous genitalia, as the aforementioned patient. The incomplete masculinization suggests gain of function mutation in one or more genes downstream to SRY gene.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the efficacy of cumulative doses (CDs) of 131I-iodide therapy (RIT) in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The probability of progressive disease according to CDs was evaluated in patients < 45 years old and > 45 years old and correlated to tumor-node-metastasis (TNM), thyroglobulin values, histological types and variants, age, and zduration of the disease. RESULTS: At the end of a follow-up period of 69 ± 56 months, 85 out of 150 DTC patients submitted to fixed doses RIT had no evidence of disease, 47 had stable disease and 18 had progressive disease. Higher CDs were used in the more aggressive variants (p < 0.0001), higher TNM stages (p < 0.0001), and follicular carcinomas (p = 0.0034). Probability of disease progression was higher with CDs > 600 mCi in patients > 45 years old and with CDs > 800 mCi in patients < 45 years. CONCLUSION: Although some patients may still respond to high CDs, the impact of further RIT should be carefully evaluated and other treatment strategies may be warranted.
This article reports the case of a 19-year-old young man with Class III malocclusion and posterior crossbite with concerns about temporomandibular disorder (TMD), esthetics and functional problems. Surgical-orthodontic treatment was carried out by decompensation of the mandibular incisors and segmentation of the maxilla in 4 pieces, which allowed expansion and advancement. Remission of the signs and symptoms occurred after surgical-orthodontic intervention. The maxillary dental arch presented normal transverse dimension. Satisfactory static and functional occlusion and esthetic results were achieved and remained stable. Three years after the surgical-orthodontic treatment, no TMD sign or symptom was observed and the occlusal results had not changed. When vertical or horizontal movements of the maxilla in the presence of moderate maxillary constriction are necessary, segmental LeFort I osteotomy can be an important part of treatment planning.
This paper reports a rare case of acute severe orbital abscess manifested 2 days after a facial trauma without bone fracture in a 20-year-old Afro-American female. The symptoms worsened within the 24 h prior to hospital admission resulting in visual disturbances such as diplopia and photophobia. The clinical findings at the first consultation included fever, periorbital swelling and redness, ptosis, proptosis and limitation of ocular movements upwards, downwards, to the right and to the left. Computed tomography scan showed proptosis with considerable soft tissue swelling on the left side and no fracture was evidenced in the facial skeleton, including the zygomatic-orbital complex. After hospital admission and antibiotic therapy intravenously the patient was conducted to the operation room and submitted to incision and drainage under general anesthesia. The orbit was approached thorough both eyelids and the maxillary sinus was reached only through the Caldwell-Luc approach. The postoperative period was uneventful and the rapid improvement of symptoms was remarkable. Visual acuity and ocular motility returned to the normal ranges within 2 days after the surgical intervention. After 12 postoperative days, the patient presented with significative improvement in the ptosis and proptosis, and acceptable scars.
This paper describes the case of a 12-year-old male patient who presented a severe lateral luxation of the maxillary central incisors due to a bicycle fall. Treatment involved suture of the soft tissues lacerations, and repositioning and splinting of the injured teeth, followed by endodontic treatment and periodontal surgery. After a 2-year follow-up, clinical and radiographic evaluation revealed that the incisors presented satisfactory esthetic and functional demands.
TEMA: a avaliação da eficiência mastigatória pela análise colorimétrica com beads, pode ser um método promissor, mas não há relatos sobre a sua confiabilidade. OBJETIVO: investigar a confiabiabilidade das beads para teste de eficiência mastigatória e a correlação com a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal anterior. MÉTODO: participaram dezenove sujeitos adultos jovens, nove do gênero masculino e dez do feminino com idades entre dezoito e vinte-oito anos, com dentição completa, sem histórico de desordem temporomandibular, trauma, cirurgia na região de cabeça e pescoço, tratamento ortodôntico ou fonoaudiológico. O teste de eficiência mastigatória foi realizado com beads nas condições: mastigação habitual, mastigação unilateral direita e esquerda, com duração de 20 segundos. Simultaneamente, foi realizada a eletromiografia. A atividade em máxima intercuspidação habitual dos dentes também foi registrada. A quantidade de fucsina liberada após a mastigação foi medida usando o espectrofotômetro Beckman DU-7 UV-Visible (Beckman Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). RESULTADOS: houve alta confiabilidade do teste de eficiência mastigatória (r = 0,86, p < 0,01) e correlação significante com a atividade eletromiográfica (r = 0,76, p < 0,01). Também houve correlações positivas quando as provas foram analisadas separadamente. CONCLUSÃO: o teste de eficiência mastigatória realizado com beads mostrou-se um método confiável e correlacionado positivamente à atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos temporal anterior e músculos masseter.
A medula espinhal dos mamíferos adultos não permite a regeneração de axônios. Por razões ainda desconhecidas, as fibras neurais falham em cruzar o sítio da lesão, como se não houvesse crescimento, desde a primeira tentativa. Quais mecanismos poderiam explicar a perda da capacidade de regeneração? As cicatrizes formadas pelas células da glia seriam uma consequência da falha na regeneração ou a causa? Diversas linhas de evidência sugerem que a regeneração da medula espinhal seria impedida no sistema nervoso central pela ação de fatores locais no sítio da lesão, e que o sistema nervoso central não-lesado é um meio permissivo para o crescimento axonal, na direção de alvos específicos. Uma vez que os axônios são induzidos adequadamente a cruzar a lesão com o auxílio de implantes, fármacos ou células indiferenciadas, as fibras em regeneração podem encontrar a via específica e estabelecer conexões corretas. O que ainda não se sabe é que combinação de moléculas induz/inibe o potencial de regeneração do tecido e que mecanismos permitem aos neurônios formarem conexões específicas com os alvos com os quais são programados a fazer.
Background: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a chronic, recurrent and highly prevalent illness. Despite the need for correct diagnosis to allow proper treatment, studies have shown that reaching a diagnosis can take up to ten years due to the lack of recognition of the broader presentations of BD. Frequent comorbidities with other psychiatric disorders are a major cause of misdiagnosis and warrant thorough evaluation. Methods/Design: ESPECTRA (Occurrence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Eating Disorder Patients) is a single-site cross-sectional study involving a comparison group, designed to evaluate the prevalence of bipolar spectrum in an eating disorder sample. Women aged 18-45 years will be evaluated using the SCID-P and Zurich criteria for diagnosis and the HAM-D, YOUNG, SCI-MOODS, HCL-32, BIS-11, BSQ, WHOQoL and EAS instruments for rating symptoms and measuring clinical correlates. Discussion: The classificatory systems in psychiatry are based on categorical models that have been criticized for simplifying the diagnosis and leading to an increase in comorbidities. Some dimensional approaches have been proposed aimed at improving the validity and reliability of psychiatric disorder assessments, especially in conditions with high rates of comorbidity such as BD and Eating Disorder (ED). The Bipolar Spectrum (BS) remains under-recognized in clinical practice and its definition is not well established in current diagnostic guidelines. Broader evaluation of psychiatric disorders combining categorical and dimensional views could contribute to a more realistic understanding of comorbidities and help toward establishing a prognosis.
Objective: We compared temperament and character traits in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder (BP) and healthy control (HC) subjects. Method: Sixty nine subjects (38 BP and 31 HC), 8-17 years old, were assessed with the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime. Temperament and character traits were measured with parent and child versions of the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory. Results: BP subjects scored higher on novelty seeking, harm avoidance, and fantasy subscales, and lower on reward dependence, persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness compared to HC(all p < 0.007), by child and parent reports. These findings were consistent in both children and adolescents. Higher parent-rated novelty seeking, lower self-directedness, and lower cooperativeness were associated with co-morbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lower parent-rated reward dependence was associated with co-morbid conduct disorder, and higher child-rated persistence was associated with co-morbid anxiety. Conclusions: These findings support previous reports of differences in temperament in BP children and adolescents and may assist in a greater understating of BP children and adolescents beyond mood symptomatology.