916 resultados para Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naud.


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This investigation was conducted at UNESP, Jaboticabal campus, São Paulo, Brazil, from March 8 to June 21, 1999, to evaluate net melon yield and fruit quality, using soilless culture. 'Bônus 2' and 'Mission' cultivars were grown in a substrate of ground quartz or thick sand, in a randomized block experimental design. Leaf and stem dry matter production, leaf size and soluble solids content of the fruit, of 'Bônus 2' were superior to 'Mission'. There was a significant interaction for the evaluated characteristics of fruit dry mass production and yield. The largest accumulation of fruit dry mass and yield of the 'Bônus 2' cultivar (61,325 kg/ha) was observed when a substrate of ground quartz was used, while the yield for the 'Mission' cultivar was higher in a substrate of thick sand (42,125 kg/ha).


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Looking for the sustainability of a small farming enterprise, the present study focused the benefit of the biodigestor effluent resulting from the anaerobic fermentation of the bovine manure in a soilless melon plant experiment. The research was conducted in Jaboticabal, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, at latitude of 21° 15' 22'' S and a longitude of 48° 18' 58'' W. The melon plant (Cucumis melo L. cv Bonus n° 2) was grown with substrate, seedling obtained in 10/2003. An experimental design was adapted in a randomized block with 16 treatments and 5 replications in a factorial 4 x 4 (4 substrates and 4 nutrient solutions). The 4 substrates were made up of different proportions in volume of the blend composition taking into consideration both the solid part of the biodigestor effluent and the washed raw sand. The 4 nutrient solutions were made up of the liquid part of the biodigestor effluent (biofertilizer) in substitution to the mineral water soluble fertilizers. The addition of the effluent in the sand led to a more rapid vegetative growth, a more precoceous crop with heavier fruits and a much better yield of melon crop. The mineral water soluble fertilizers used in the cultivation of plants in substrates can be partially replaced by the biofertilizer studied.


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Twelve rootstocks were evaluated: 1) pumpkin 'Big Power' (Cucurbita ntoschata); 2) pumpkin 'Seca' (Cucurbita moschata); 3) bottle gourd 'Longa' (Lagenaria siceraria); 4) 'Cachi' (Lagenaria siceraria); 5) bottle gourd 'Marimba' (Lagenaria siceraria); 6) 'Mogango' (Cucurbita maxima); 7) pumpkin 'Kirameki' (Cucurbita moschata); 8) pumpkin 'Caravela' (Cucurbita moschata); 9) pumpkin 'Shelper' (Cucurbita moschata); 10) 'Gherkin' (Cucumis anguria); 11) 'Loofah' (Luffa cylindrica); and 12) pumpkin 'Goianinha' (Cucurbita moschata) with respect to compatibility with melon yield, and the production and quality of fruits from cv. Bônus No. 2, non-grafted and grafted with 9 of these rootstocks (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11). The bottle gourd 'Marimba' provided the highest percentage of grafting success between the vine and rootstock. The rootstocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 did not differ from bottle gourd 'Marimba', therefore also indicating good compatibility with the melon cv. Bônus No. 2. For height of the plants, it was shown in the first evaluation that rootstock 5 produced a greater height of the plant, differing only from rootstocks 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and non-grafted cv. Bônus No. 2. In the second evaluation, 'Big Power' showed the greatest value for height of the plant, differing only from combinations with 'Cachi', 'Mogango', 'Shelper' and 'Loofah'. With regard to number of leaves, in the first evaluation rootstocks 3, 4 and 6 had the greatest number of leaves, but in the second 4, 9 and 11 had the greatest. For dry weight of the stem, the greatest value was obtained with 'Mogango' in the first evaluation and with 'Big Power' in the second. For leaf area of the plants, a difference was found among the treatments only in the first evaluation, where the combination with bottle gourd 'Longa' showed a greater leaf area, but did not differ from the combinations with rootstocks 1, 4, 5 and 6. Differences were demonstrated among the treatments only for the transverse diameter of the fruit, where the combination with rootstock bottle gourd 'Marimba' showed the greatest value, differing only from the combination with 'Gherkin'. There were no significant differences for the mean longitudinal diameter, pulp thickness and total soluble solids among the treatments studied.


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With the objective of evaluating the effects of N and K concentrations for melon plants, an experiment was carried out from July 1, 2011 to January 3, 2012 in Muzambinho city, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The Bonus no. 2 was cultivated at the spacing of 1.1 × 0.4. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications in a 4 × 4 factorial scheme with four N concentrations (8, 12, 16, and 20 mmol L-1) and four K concentrations (4, 6, 8, and 10 mmol L-1). The experimental plot constituted of eight plants. It was observed that the leaf levels of N and K, of N-NO3 and of K, and the electrical conductivity (CE) of the substrate increased with the increment of N and K in the nutrients' solution. Substratum pH, in general, was reduced with increments in N concentration and increased with increasing K concentrations in the nutrients' solution. Leaf area increased with increments in N concentration in the nutrients solution. Fertigation with solutions stronger in N (20 mmol L-1) and K (10 mmol L-1) resulted in higher masses for the first (968 g) and the second (951 g) fruits and crop yield (4,425 gm-2). © 2013 Luiz Augusto Gratieri et al.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits (BFB), caused by the seed borne Gramnegative bacterium Acidovorax citrulli is a serious threat to cucurbit industry worldwide. Since late 1980`s after devastating outbreaks in watermelon fields in southern United States, BFB has spread worldwide and has been reported in other cucurbit crops such as melon, pumpkin, cucumber and squash. To date, there is evidence for the existence of at least two genetically and pathogenically distinct populations of A. citrulli. In Brazil, the first report of BFB was in 1991, in a watermelon field in São Paulo. Although widespread in the country, BFB has been a major problem to melon production. More precisely, BFB has caused significant yield losses to melon production in northeastern Brazil, which concentrates > 90% of the country`s melon production. Despite the management efforts and the recent advances in A. citrulli research, BFB is still a continuous threat to the cucurbit industry, including seed producers, growers and transplant nurseries. To better understand the population structure of A. citrulli strains in Brazil, and to provide a basis for the integrated management of BFB, we used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of housekeeping and virulence-associated genes and pathogenicity tests on different cucurbit seedlings to characterize a Brazilian population of A. citrulli strains from different hosts and regions. Additionally, we conducted for the first time a comparative analysis of the A. citrulli group I and II population at genomic level and showed that these two groups differ on their genome sizes due to the presence of eight DNA segments, which are present in group II and absent in group I genomes. We also provide the first evidence to suggest that temperature might be a driver in the ecological adaptation of A. citrulli populations under nutrient-rich or -depleted conditions. Finally, in order to improve the routine detection of A. citrulli on melon seedlots, we designed a new primer set that is able to detect the different Brazilian haplotypes, thus minimizing the risk of false-negatives on PCR-based seed health testing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fueron conducidos dos experimentos individuales en el municipio de Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Se empleó dos cultivares de melón, ‘Olimpic express’ (del tipo Cantaloupo) e ‘Iracema’ (del tipo Amarillo), para evaluar el crecimiento y la acumulación de macronutrientes, bajo el diseño de bloques al azar con siete tratamientos (épocas de muestreo) y tres repeticiones. Los muestreos de plantas fueron realizados a los 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 y 56 días después del trasplante (DDT). El crecimiento fue lento hasta 28 DDT en ambos cultivares evaluados, intensificándose en el periodo siguiente, alcanzando a los 56 DDT, 246.4g planta-1 , en ‘Olimpic express’,y 266.9 g planta-1, en ‘Iracema’, siendo la materia seca (MS) de los frutos correspondientes a 60% y 64% de la MS total, respectivamente. Mayores acumulaciones de N, P y K fueron obtenidos en los frutos, mientras de Ca, Mg y S en las hojas. Al final del ciclo, en ‘Olimpic express’, cuya productividad fue de 32 t ha-1, fueron acumulados 173.4, 110.1, 101.1, 26.9, 15.6 y 13.5 kg ha-1 de K, Ca, N, Mg, S y P, respectivamente, y en ‘Iracema’, cuya productividad fue de 38 t ha-1, fueron acumulados 136.0, 93.9, 84.1, 22.6, 15.4 y 9.5 kg ha-1 de K, N, Ca, Mg, S y P, respectivamente. En relación al total acumulado, las exportaciones de N, P, K, Ca, Mg y S en los frutos fueron de 61, 73, 66, 9, 35 y 39% (‘Olimpic express’)y 58, 70, 55, 6, 33 y 41% (‘Iracema’). Con una menor producción de frutos y una mayor acumulación de nutrientes, ‘Olimpic express’ ha demostrado ser menos eficiente en el uso de nutrientes que ‘Iracema’.


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Rot caused by Fusarium pallidoroseum has had a severely negative impact on the export of melons from Brazil. Uncertainty regarding the health of the fruit due to the quiescent infection of the pathogen has led producers to use fungicides in the postharvest treatment of the fruit, thereby causing contamination and risking the health of consumers. Consequently, there is a demand for clean and safe natural technologies for the postharvest treatment of melons, including biological control. The present study aimed at evaluating bioagents for use in controlling Fusarium rot in 'Galia'melon. The following bioagents were evaluated: two isolates of Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis and a mixture of B. subtilis and B. licheniformis, as well as the yeasts Sporidiobolus pararoseus, Pichia spp., Pichia membranifaciens, P. guilliermondii, Sporobolomyces roseus, Debaryomyces hansenii and Rhodotorula mucilagenosa. Treatment with imazalil and water were used as controls. Two experiments were conducted in a completely randomised design with 10 replicates per treatment with four fruit per replicate; the disease incidence was evaluated in the first experiment, and the disease severity was evaluated in the second. Similarity analysis of the temporal evolution profiles of rot incidence caused by F. pallidoroseum allowed the evaluated treatments to be clustered into four groups. In the first experiment, the yeasts P. membranifaciens and D. hansenii produced results similar to that of the fungicide imazalil. The second experiment highlighted the yeasts P. guilliermondii and R. mucilaginosa. Electron microscopy studies confirmed that once applied to the fruit, the yeasts colonised the skin and damaged the pathogen mycelium; the action of the yeasts affected the mycelium of F. pallidoroseum, which had infected wounds on the fruit's surface. Bacillus spp. did not provide good disease control. These results demonstrated that yeasts have the potential to control postharvest rot caused by F. pallidoroseum in 'Galia'melon.


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A crescente conscientização da água como bem de alto valor econômico, social, cultural e ecológico exige cada vez mais o uso racional desse recurso baseados em parâmetros técnicos que levem a um aumento da eficiência do manejo de irrigação. Utilizou-se o programa STELLA 10.0.3 para simular o balanço hídrico de um solo cultivado com meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.) no município de Iguatu/Ceará. Os parâmetros meteorológicos corresponderam aos valores diários de temperatura máxima, temperatura mínima, temperatura média e radiação solar no topo da atmosfera. Utilizou-se o método de Hargreaves-Samani para determinar a Evapotranspiração de Referência. A capacidade de campo, ponto de murcha permanente, densidade aparente, profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular e o déficit hídrico tolerável foram os parâmetros físicos do solo para determinar sua capacidade de água disponível e o nível mínimo de água disponível. As irrigações são realizadas sempre que o nível de umidade do solo fica muito próximo ou abaixo do nível mínimo de água disponível. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo desenvolvido utilizando dinâmica de sistemas, analisa todos os parâmetros envolvidos de forma sistêmica e dinâmica fornecendo como resultado valores de lâminas de irrigação a serem aplicadas e os momentos em que sua aplicação é necessária.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of different concentrations of ascorbic acid on Orange Flesh melon. Whole Melons were sanifi ed with 500 mg L-1 of sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and the cuts into cubes with 100 mg L-1 for 1 minute before being tested under different concentrations of ascorbic acid (0, 1, 2 and 3%) in immersion at room temperature for 10 minutes. After drainage, the cuts were packed in PET packages lined with polyethylene fi lm of 18 µm and stored at 5 ± 1°C and 85 ± 5% of RH for 8 days, being evaluated every 2 days. Physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial analyses were performed. The experimental design utilized for the experiment was the completely randomized in factorial scheme. Ten replicates were used for non-destructive analyses and 3 replicates were used for destructive ones. The application of ascorbic acid reduced the loss of mass; the fruits presented a low population of psychrotrophic bacterias, fi lamentous, fungi and yeasts, reduction of soluble solids, pH and fi rmness and, consequently, extended postharvest life of the fruits by 2 days. The appearance, fl avor and taste were also affected. The application of 1% of ascorbic acid was the best treatment for the fresh cuts “Orange Flesh” melons.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effects of silicon (Si) supplied in the form of potassium silicate (PS) were evaluated on epidemic components of powdery mildew of melon under greenhouse conditions. The PS was applied to the roots or to leaves. In the first experiment, epidemic components were evaluated after inoculation with Podosphaera xanthii. In the second experiment, the disease progress rate was evaluated on plants subjected to natural infection. The area under the disease progress curve was reduced by 65% and 73% in the foliar and root treatments, respectively, compared to control plants, as a consequence of reductions in infection efficiency, colony expansion rate, colony area, conidial production and disease progress rate. However, root application of PS was more effective than foliar application in reducing most of the epidemic components, except for infection efficiency. This can be explained by the high Si concentration in leaf tissues with root application, in contrast to the foliar treatment where Si was only deposited on the external leaf surfaces. The effects of PS reported in this study demonstrated that powdery mildew of melon can be controlled, and that the best results can be achieved when PS is supplied to the roots.