825 resultados para Crushing machinery -- Design and construction
L’objecte del present projecte es el de realitzar el disseny per a la construcció d’unamàquina per fer el tall de castanyes. Aquesta maquina inclourà la estructura, tolva d’alimentació, mecanisme de tall i sistema de seguretat. Un cop realitzat el tall a la castanya, aquesta serà evacuada per gravetat. L’alimentació dins la tolva i l’extracció del producte tallat es realitzarà manualment
Disseny dels equips de refrigeració i tractament d’aire deles cambres frigorífiques i les sales de treball d’una indústria de restauració dedicada a laproducció d’aliments a fi que les prestacions siguin segures, controlables, amb la màximaeficiència energètica i el mínim impacte ambiental.El projecte es centra en els càlculs de càrregues tèrmiques necessàries, el dimensionament dela instal∙lació, la selecció dels equips frigorífics i les seguretats més adients i finalment l’estudid’alternatives i la justificació del consum energètic
ITENE és un institut tecnològic de recerca situat a Paterna (València). Té una plantapilot especialitzada en logística on les empreses que ho vulguin (mitjançant convenis,en règim de lloguer, etc.), poden utilitzar les instal•lacions (magatzem intel•ligent,aplicacions RFID, etc.), per provar els seus productes i simular processos de logística itraçabilitat.En aquesta planta s'ha detectat la necessitat de poder provar nous productes cometiquetes, detectors i processadors equipats amb tecnologia RFID (Identificació perRadiofreqüència). Aquesta tecnologia consisteix en passar informació que conté unaetiqueta “intel•ligent” cap a un terminal (PC) mitjançant uns detectors que, perproximitat, poden llegir la informació. Per exemple, quan un camió ple de mercaderiesprèviament etiquetades, passa per un pòrtic amb detectors RFID, es genera unainformació que passa directament a un terminal. Al moment es pot saber què porta elcamió, quantitat, color, mides, etc. Si això es combina amb un ERP, es pot descomptarde l'estoc en temps real. De fet s'utilitza per moltes aplicacions logística, control deprocessos de fabricació, traçabilitat de productes, etc.Per aquest motiu, ITENE, mitjançant el contacte de AIFOS SOLUTIONS S.L (empresaespecialitzada en RFID) ha encarregat un sistema de transportadors de banda per provarnoves solucions.L'objecte del present projecte consisteix en el disseny i automatització d'un sistema de 4cintes transportadores 2 elevadors per tal de fer un circuit tancat per moure caixes en un“bucle” de forma automàtica. L'objectiu és “llençar” caixes plenes de productes (etiquetats amb RFID) mitjançant untransportador equipat amb un pòrtic que té instal•lats diversos detectors de radiofreqüència,i poder-ne provar la correcta detecció a diferents velocitats. Un “buffer” s'encarrega desubministrar les caixes d'una en una que, un cop acabat el circuit, tornen al lloc d'on hansortit. Per donar un producte per bo, es realitzen tests de diverses hores i se n'obté unaestadística de lectures bones/dolentes. Si la ràtio és la desitjada es dóna per bo elproducte.Per aconseguir un disseny correcte s'ha utilitzat diferents eines CAD per dimensionar elsistema de transportadors i els seus elements. Tota l'aplicació està realitzada en 3Dmitjançant el software AutoCAD 3D. L'abast d'aquest projecte inclourà la solució mecànica i pneumàtica del sistema, aixícom el seu muntatge i tot el referent a les normes de seguretat per tal que el sistemacompleixi la normativa referida a la seguretat de màquines
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és redissenyar la plataforma de la màquina elevadora DamconCMBB per tal que, el mateix operari pugui anivellar-la en funció del desnivell del terreny. Almateix temps i a conseqüència d’això, es busca que l’usuari millori en comoditat i enidoneïtat de l’entorn de treball. És a dir que, el fet de poder anivellar la plataforma puguievitar treballar en posicions forçades i prevenir d’aquesta manera riscos innecessaris ipossibles lesions dels operaris.En primer lloc, es vol conservar tota l’estructura que sigui possible i fabricar una novaplataforma que es pugui anivellar en sentit longitudinal i transversal.En segon lloc, l’acció d’anivellació l’haurà de practicar manualment l’operari a través d’undistribuïdor hidràulic. En tercer lloc, l’alçada que assolirà la plataforma de la màquina autoportant i autopropulsada serà de 2 metres respecte el terra. Per acabar, l’anivellació només la podrà efectuar l’operari tot utilitzant un comandamentmanual. Així és que, la modificació a practicar a la màquina no inclou un sistemad’autoanivellació, així com, també queda obert l’apartat de disseny industrial, ja que tampocés una de les prioritats d’aquest projecte
L’objecte del present projecte es el de realitzar el disseny per a la construcció d’una màquina per fer el tall de castanyes. Aquesta maquina inclourà la estructura, tolva d’alimentació, mecanisme de tall i sistema de seguretat. Un cop realitzat el tall a la castanya, aquesta serà evacuada per gravetat. L’alimentació dins la tolva i l’extracció del producte tallat es realitzarà manualment
L’objectiu d’ aquest treball consisteix en projectar i dissenyar una màquina amb capacitat per realitzar el tall lateral a les castanyes a gran producció. Ideada per complir la norma USFDA, integra una sèrie d' elements que permeten carregar els fruits de manera manual amb facilitat, un sistema de dosificat sobre una cinta de transport i una descàrrega d'aquests fruits sobre un sistema de rails que orienten i pre-carreguen un sistema de talladors de doble acció que s' encarrega de fer el tall i retirar el fruit
A l'empresa PRAESENTIS S.L. se li proposà la construcció d'una draga per utilitzar-la en el mostreig de sòls marins en expedicions científiques a mar obert. Segons les especificacions del projecte, la draga resultant haurà de ser capaç de recollir mostres d'una capacitat d'entre 60 i 80 l. amb una profunditat de cavat de fins a 20 cm., i haurà de poder assolir profunditats de treball de fins a 500 m. per sota el nivell del mar. El tipus de sòl en el qual es treballarà és de tipus arenós. La draga projectada és un mecanisme basat en una pala bivalva activada per un cilindre hidràulic que utilitza com a bancada una estructura que a l'hora fa la funció de xassís
Bridge approach settlement and the formation of the bump is a common problem in Iowa that draws upon considerable resources for maintenance and creates a negative perception in the minds of transportation users. This research study was undertaken to investigate bridge approach problems and develop new concepts for design, construction, and maintenance that will reduce this costly problem. As a result of the research described in this report, the following changes are suggested for implementation on a pilot test basis: • Use porous backfill behind the abutment and/or geocomposite drainage systems to improve drainage capacity and reduce erosion around the abutment. • On a pilot basis, connect the approach slab to the bridge abutment. Change the expansion joint at the bridge to a construction joint of 2 inch. Use a more effective joint sealing system at the CF joint. Change the abutment wall rebar from #5 to #7 for non-integral abutments. • For bridges with soft foundation or embankment soils, implement practices of better compaction, preloading, ground improvement, soil removal and replacement, or soil reinforcement that reduce time-dependent post construction settlements.
According to the 1972 Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a set of regulations for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The purpose of these regulations is to reduce pollution of the nation’s waterways. In addition to other pollutants, the NPDES regulates stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities, municipal storm sewer systems, and construction sites. Phase II of the NPDES stormwater regulations, which went into effect in Iowa in 2003, applies to construction activities that disturb more than one acre of ground. The regulations also require certain communities with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) to perform education, inspection, and regulation activities to reduce stormwater pollution within their communities. Iowa does not currently have a resource to provide guidance on the stormwater regulations to contractors, designers, engineers, and municipal staff. The Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) manuals are widely accepted as the statewide standard for public improvements. The SUDAS Design manual currently contains a brief chapter (Chapter 7) on erosion and sediment control; however, it is outdated, and Phase II of the NPDES stormwater regulations is not discussed. In response to the need for guidance, this chapter was completely rewritten. It now escribes the need for erosion and sediment control and explains the NPDES stormwater regulations. It provides information for the development and completion of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) that comply with the stormwater regulations, as well as the proper design and implementation of 28 different erosion and sediment control practices. In addition to the design chapter, this project also updated a section in the SUDAS Specifications manual (Section 9040), which describes the proper materials and methods of construction for the erosion and sediment control practices.
Trenchless technologies are methods used for the construction and rehabilitation of underground utility pipes. These methods are growing increasingly popular due to their versatility and their potential to lower project costs. However, the use of trenchless technologies in Iowa and their effects on surrounding soil and nearby structures has not been adequately documented. Surveys of and interviews with professionals working in trenchless-related industries in Iowa were conducted, and the results were analyzed and compared to survey results from the United States as a whole. The surveys focused on method familiarity, pavement distress observed, reliability of trenchless methods, and future improvements. Results indicate that the frequency of pavement distress or other trenchless-related issues are an ongoing problem in the industry. Inadequate soil information and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) are partially to blame. Fieldwork involving the observation of trenchless construction projects was undertaken with the purpose of documenting current practices and applications of trenchless technology in the United States and Iowa. Field tests were performed in which push-in pressure cells were used to measure the soil stresses induced by trenchless construction methods. A program of laboratory soil testing was carried out in conjunction with the field testing. Soil testing showed that the installations were made in sandy clay or well-graded sand with silt and gravel. Pipes were installed primarily using horizontal directional drilling with pipe diameters from 3 to 12 inches. Pressure cell monitoring was conducted during the following construction phases: pilot bore, pre-reaming, and combined pipe pulling and reaming. The greatest increase in lateral earth pressure was 5.6 psi and was detected 2.1 feet from the centerline of the bore during a pilot hole operation in sandy lean clay. Measurements from 1.0 to 2.5 psi were common. Comparisons were made between field measurements and analytical and finite element calculation methods.
Among the variety of road users and vehicle types that travel on U.S. public roadways, slow moving vehicles (SMVs) present unique safety and operations issues. SMVs include vehicles that do not maintain a constant speed of 25 mph, such as large farm equipment, construction vehicles, or horse-drawn buggies. Though the number of crashes involving SMVs is relatively small, SMV crashes tend to be severe. Additionally, SMVs can be encountered regularly on non-Interstate/non-expressway public roadways, but motorists may not be accustomed to these vehicles. This project was designed to improve transportation safety for SMVs on Iowa’s public roadway system. This report includes a literature review that shows various SMV statistics and laws across the United States, a crash study based on three years of Iowa SMV crash data, and recommendations from the SMV community.
Global energy consumption has been increasing yearly and a big portion of it is used in rotating electrical machineries. It is clear that in these machines energy should be used efficiently. In this dissertation the aim is to improve the design process of high-speed electrical machines especially from the mechanical engineering perspective in order to achieve more reliable and efficient machines. The design process of high-speed machines is challenging due to high demands and several interactions between different engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical and energy engineering. A multidisciplinary design flow chart for a specific type of high-speed machine in which computer simulation is utilized is proposed. In addition to utilizing simulation parallel with the design process, two simulation studies are presented. The first is used to find the limits of two ball bearing models. The second is used to study the improvement of machine load capacity in a compressor application to exceed the limits of current machinery. The proposed flow chart and simulation studies show clearly that improvements in the high-speed machinery design process can be achieved. Engineers designing in high-speed machines can utilize the flow chart and simulation results as a guideline during the design phase to achieve more reliable and efficient machines that use energy efficiently in required different operation conditions.
New construction algorithms for radial basis function (RBF) network modelling are introduced based on the A-optimality and D-optimality experimental design criteria respectively. We utilize new cost functions, based on experimental design criteria, for model selection that simultaneously optimizes model approximation, parameter variance (A-optimality) or model robustness (D-optimality). The proposed approaches are based on the forward orthogonal least-squares (OLS) algorithm, such that the new A-optimality- and D-optimality-based cost functions are constructed on the basis of an orthogonalization process that gains computational advantages and hence maintains the inherent computational efficiency associated with the conventional forward OLS approach. The proposed approach enhances the very popular forward OLS-algorithm-based RBF model construction method since the resultant RBF models are constructed in a manner that the system dynamics approximation capability, model adequacy and robustness are optimized simultaneously. The numerical examples provided show significant improvement based on the D-optimality design criterion, demonstrating that there is significant room for improvement in modelling via the popular RBF neural network.