979 resultados para Crowd density estimation


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Previous studies have provided mixed evidence with regards to associations between food store access and dietary outcomes. This study examines the most commonly applied measures of locational access to assess whether associations between supermarket access and fruit and vegetable consumption are affected by the choice of access measure and scale.

Supermarket location data from Glasgow, UK (n = 119), and fruit and vegetable intake data from the 'Health and Well-Being' Survey (n = 1041) were used to compare various measures of locational access. These exposure variables included proximity estimates (with different points-of-origin used to vary levels of aggregation) and density measures using three approaches (Euclidean and road network buffers and Kernel density estimation) at distances ranging from 0.4 km to 5 km. Further analysis was conducted to assess the impact of using smaller buffer sizes for individuals who did not own a car. Associations between these multiple access measures and fruit and vegetable consumption were estimated using linear regression models.

Levels of spatial aggregation did not impact on the proximity estimates. Counts of supermarkets within Euclidean buffers were associated with fruit and vegetable consumption at 1 km, 2 km and 3 km, and for our road network buffers at 2 km, 3 km, and 4 km. Kernel density estimates provided the strongest associations and were significant at a distance of 2 km, 3 km, 4 km and 5 km. Presence of a supermarket within 0.4 km of road network distance from where people lived was positively associated with fruit consumption amongst those without a car (coef. 0.657; s.e. 0.247; p0.008).

The associations between locational access to supermarkets and individual-level dietary behaviour are sensitive to the method by which the food environment variable is captured. Care needs to be taken to ensure robust and conceptually appropriate measures of access are used and these should be grounded in a clear a priori reasoning.


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In this paper we address the problem of learning Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) incrementally. Unlike previous approaches which universally assume that new data comes in blocks representable by GMMs which are then merged with the current model estimate, our method works for the case when novel data points arrive one- by-one, while requiring little additional memory. We keep only two GMMs in the memory and no historical data. The current fit is updated with the assumption that the number of components is fixed which is increased (or reduced) when enough evidence for a new component is seen. This is deducedfrom the change from the oldest fit of the same complexity, termed the Historical GMM, the concept of which is central to our method. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated qualitatively and quantitatively on several synthetic data sets and video sequences of faces acquired in realistic imaging conditions.


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Asymmetric kernels are quite useful for the estimation of density functions with bounded support. Gamma kernels are designed to handle density functions whose supports are bounded from one end only, whereas beta kernels are particularly convenient for the estimation of density functions with compact support. These asymmetric kernels are nonnegative and free of boundary bias. Moreover, their shape varies according to the location of the data point, thus also changing the amount of smoothing. This paper applies the central limit theorem for degenerate U-statistics to compute the limiting distribution of a class of asymmetric kernel functionals.


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The bubble crab Dotilla fenestrata forms very dense populations on the sand flats of the eastern coast of Inhaca Island, Mozambique, making it an interesting biological model to examine spatial distribution patterns and test the relative efficiency of common sampling methods. Due to its apparent ecological importance within the sandy intertidal community, understanding the factors ruling the dynamics of Dotilla populations is also a key issue. In this study, different techniques of estimating crab density are described, and the trends of spatial distribution of the different population categories are shown. The studied populations are arranged in discrete patches located at the well-drained crests of nearly parallel mega sand ripples. For a given sample size, there was an obvious gain in precision by using a stratified random sampling technique, considering discrete patches as strata, compared to the simple random design. Density average and variance differed considerably among patches since juveniles and ovigerous females were found clumped, with higher densities at the lower and upper shore levels, respectively. Burrow counting was found to be an adequate method for large-scale sampling, although consistently underestimating actual crab density by nearly half. Regression analyses suggested that crabs smaller than 2.9 mm carapace width tend to be undetected in visual burrow counts. A visual survey of sampling plots over several patches of a large Dotilla population showed that crab density varied in an interesting oscillating pattern, apparently following the topography of the sand flat. Patches extending to the lower shore contained higher densities than those mostly covering the higher shore. Within-patch density variability also pointed to the same trend, but the density increment towards the lowest shore level varied greatly among the patches compared.


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O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar pela primeira vez alguns aspectos da reprodução do caranguejo-uçá em manguezais da Baía da Babitonga (Santa Catarina). Além disso, a densidade e o tamanho do estoque deste recurso pesqueiro foram também estimados. Os exemplares foram coletados mensalmente, de maio de 2002 a abril de 2003, em duas áreas distintas: Iperoba e Palmital; um total de 2265 espécimes (1623 machos e 642 fêmeas) foi analisado. Os machos com gônadas maturas foram registrados durante todo o ano, enquanto as fêmeas com gônadas maturas ocorreram em apenas cinco meses. As fêmeas ovígeras foram registradas apenas em dezembro e janeiro. O etograma do fenômeno de migração reprodutiva (andada) esteve em concordância com a maior atividade de caranguejos associada às luas cheias e novas, com maior intensidade em dezembro e janeiro, relacionados ao verão austral. A densidade total no Manguezal de Iperoba foi de 2,05 ± 0,97 ind./m², não diferindo significativamente daquela registrada para o Manguezal do Palmital (2,06 ± 1,08 ind./m²) (p < 0,05). A média global para a estimativa de densidade na Baia da Babitonga foi de 2,05 ± 1,00 ind./m², correspondendo a 1,42 ± 0,89 ind./m² com base nas galerias abertas e 0,64 ± 0,63 ind./m² para as galerias fechadas.


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In this work, we propose a two-stage algorithm for real-time fault detection and identification of industrial plants. Our proposal is based on the analysis of selected features using recursive density estimation and a new evolving classifier algorithm. More specifically, the proposed approach for the detection stage is based on the concept of density in the data space, which is not the same as probability density function, but is a very useful measure for abnormality/outliers detection. This density can be expressed by a Cauchy function and can be calculated recursively, which makes it memory and computational power efficient and, therefore, suitable for on-line applications. The identification/diagnosis stage is based on a self-developing (evolving) fuzzy rule-based classifier system proposed in this work, called AutoClass. An important property of AutoClass is that it can start learning from scratch". Not only do the fuzzy rules not need to be prespecified, but neither do the number of classes for AutoClass (the number may grow, with new class labels being added by the on-line learning process), in a fully unsupervised manner. In the event that an initial rule base exists, AutoClass can evolve/develop it further based on the newly arrived faulty state data. In order to validate our proposal, we present experimental results from a level control didactic process, where control and error signals are used as features for the fault detection and identification systems, but the approach is generic and the number of features can be significant due to the computationally lean methodology, since covariance or more complex calculations, as well as storage of old data, are not required. The obtained results are significantly better than the traditional approaches used for comparison


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In the work reported here we present theoretical and numerical results about a Risk Model with Interest Rate and Proportional Reinsurance based on the article Inequalities for the ruin probability in a controlled discrete-time risk process by Ros ario Romera and Maikol Diasparra (see [5]). Recursive and integral equations as well as upper bounds for the Ruin Probability are given considering three di erent approaches, namely, classical Lundberg inequality, Inductive approach and Martingale approach. Density estimation techniques (non-parametrics) are used to derive upper bounds for the Ruin Probability and the algorithms used in the simulation are presented


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The study aimed to assess the moisture and density of the soil, the amount of water stored in the profile, and the average soil's porosity with Eucalyptus grandis reforestation, compared to bare soil. The study areas are located in the Paulista region, in São Paulo, Brazil. The samples were collected in layers of 0, 20, 40, 60, 100 and 300 cm, in the months of April, June, August and October 2008. The results show that the density is lower and the porosity is higher in Eucalyptus forest soil compared to bare soil, due to the higher content of organic matter in forest leaf litter. Furthermore, the forest soil has a lower amount of water stored in profile than the bare soil without vegetation.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The aim of this work is to study some of the density estimation tec- niques and to apply to the segmentation of medical images. Medical images are used to help the diagnostic of tumor diseases as well as to plan and deliver treatment. A computer image is an array of values representing colors in some scale. The smallest element of the image to which it is possible to assign a value is called pixel. Segmen- tation is the process of dividing the image in portions through the classi¯cation of each pixel. The simplest way of classi¯cation is by thresholding, given the number of portions and the threshold values. Another method is constructing a histogram of the pixel values and assign a portion to each pike. The threshold is the mean between two pikes. As the histogram does not form a smooth curve it is di±cult to discern between true pikes and random variation. Density estimation methods allow the estimation of a smooth curve. Image data can be considered as mixture of different densities. In this project parametric and nonparametric methods for density estimation will be addressed and some of them are applied to CT image data


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We report a morphology-based approach for the automatic identification of outlier neurons, as well as its application to the NeuroMorpho.org database, with more than 5,000 neurons. Each neuron in a given analysis is represented by a feature vector composed of 20 measurements, which are then projected into a two-dimensional space by applying principal component analysis. Bivariate kernel density estimation is then used to obtain the probability distribution for the group of cells, so that the cells with highest probabilities are understood as archetypes while those with the smallest probabilities are classified as outliers. The potential of the methodology is illustrated in several cases involving uniform cell types as well as cell types for specific animal species. The results provide insights regarding the distribution of cells, yielding single and multi-variate clusters, and they suggest that outlier cells tend to be more planar and tortuous. The proposed methodology can be used in several situations involving one or more categories of cells, as well as for detection of new categories and possible artifacts.


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Es soll eine Dichtefunktion geschätzt werden unter der Modellannahme, dass diese in einer geeigneten Besovklasse liegt und kompakten Träger hat. Hierzu wird ein Waveletschätzer TW näher untersucht, der Thresholding-Methoden verwendet. Es wird die asymptotische Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit von TW für eine große Zahl von Beobachtungen angegeben und bewiesen. Schließlich werden in einem Überblick weitere Waveletschätzer diskutiert und mit TW verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass TW in vielen Modellannahmen die optimale Konvergenzrate erreicht.


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Mit der Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die detailierten Analyse von Migrationsdynamiken epithelilaler Monolayer anhand zweier neuartiger in vitro Biosensoren verfolgt, der elektrischen Zell-Substrat Impedanz Spektroskopie (electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing, ECIS) sowie der Quarz Kristall Mikrowaage (quartz crystal microbalance, QCM). Beide Methoden erwiesen sich als sensitiv gegenüber der Zellmotilität und der Nanozytotoxizität.rnInnerhalb des ersten Projektes wurde ein Fingerprinting von Krebszellen anhand ihrer Motilitätsdynamiken und der daraus generierten elektrischen oder akkustischen Fluktuationen auf ECIS oder QCM Basis vorgenommen; diese Echtzeitsensoren wurdene mit Hilfe klassicher in vitro Boyden-Kammer Migrations- und Invasions-assays validiert. Fluktuationssignaturen, also Langzeitkorrelationen oder fraktale Selbstähnlichkeit aufgrund der kollektiven Zellbewegung, wurden über Varianz-, Fourier- sowie trendbereinigende Fluktuationsanalyse quantifiziert. Stochastische Langzeitgedächtnisphänomene erwiesen sich als maßgebliche Beiträge zur Antwort adhärenter Zellen auf den QCM und ECIS-Sensoren. Des weiteren wurde der Einfluss niedermolekularer Toxine auf die Zytoslelettdynamiken verfolgt: die Auswirkungen von Cytochalasin D, Phalloidin und Blebbistatin sowie Taxol, Nocodazol und Colchicin wurden dabei über die QCM und ECIS Fluktuationsanalyse erfasst.rnIn einem zweiten Projektschwerpunkt wurden Adhäsionsprozesse sowie Zell-Zell und Zell-Substrat Degradationsprozesse bei Nanopartikelgabe charackterisiert, um ein Maß für Nanozytotoxizität in Abhangigkeit der Form, Funktionalisierung Stabilität oder Ladung der Partikel zu erhalten.rnAls Schlussfolgerung ist zu nennen, dass die neuartigen Echtzeit-Biosensoren QCM und ECIS eine hohe Zellspezifität besitzen, auf Zytoskelettdynamiken reagieren sowie als sensitive Detektoren für die Zellvitalität fungieren können.


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China is a large country characterized by remarkable growth and distinct regional diversity. Spatial disparity has always been a hot issue since China has been struggling to follow a balanced growth path but still confronting with unprecedented pressures and challenges. To better understand the inequality level benchmarking spatial distributions of Chinese provinces and municipalities and estimate dynamic trajectory of sustainable development in China, I constructed the Composite Index of Regional Development (CIRD) with five sub pillars/dimensions involving Macroeconomic Index (MEI), Science and Innovation Index (SCI), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Human Capital Index (HCI) and Public Facilities Index (PFI), endeavoring to cover various fields of regional socioeconomic development. Ranking reports on the five sub dimensions and aggregated CIRD were provided in order to better measure the developmental degrees of 31 or 30 Chinese provinces and municipalities over 13 years from 1998 to 2010 as the time interval of three “Five-year Plans”. Further empirical applications of this CIRD focused on clustering and convergence estimation, attempting to fill up the gap in quantifying the developmental levels of regional comprehensive socioeconomics and estimating the dynamic convergence trajectory of regional sustainable development in a long run. Four clusters were benchmarked geographically-oriented in the map on the basis of cluster analysis, and club-convergence was observed in the Chinese provinces and municipalities based on stochastic kernel density estimation.


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An optimal multiple testing procedure is identified for linear hypotheses under the general linear model, maximizing the expected number of false null hypotheses rejected at any significance level. The optimal procedure depends on the unknown data-generating distribution, but can be consistently estimated. Drawing information together across many hypotheses, the estimated optimal procedure provides an empirical alternative hypothesis by adapting to underlying patterns of departure from the null. Proposed multiple testing procedures based on the empirical alternative are evaluated through simulations and an application to gene expression microarray data. Compared to a standard multiple testing procedure, it is not unusual for use of an empirical alternative hypothesis to increase by 50% or more the number of true positives identified at a given significance level.