282 resultados para Crocus sativus
THE unusual amino acid beta-N-oxalyl-L-alpha, beta-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), isolated from the seeds of Lathyrus sativus is a potent neurotoxin1−3. It produces biochemical changes in the brain typical of an excitant amino acid and is implicated in the aetiology of human neurolathyrism caused by eating the seeds of L. sativus 4−6. It may act as a glutamate antagonist: ODAP inhibits glutamate oxidation7 possibly by inhibiting glutamate uptake in bovine brain mitochondria; it also acts as a competitive inhibitor of glutamate uptake in certain strains of yeast8, and a similar process might occur at the synaptic level. Any effect of ODAP on glutamate uptake at synapses is significant in view of the neurotransmitter function of glutamate, which seems to be neuroexcitory as well as neurotoxic9−12. But Balcar and Johnston13 have shown with rat brain slices that ODAP does not inhibit the glutamate uptake by the high affinity system.
The cytokinins (benzyladenine or benzyladenosine) decreased spermidine and spermine contents despite increasing putrescine content, when administered to isolated cotyledons of Cucumis sativus L. var. Guntur in organ culture. KCl decreased putrescine contents, although marginally increasing polyamine contents. The cytokinins and/or KCl augmented nucleic acid biosynthesis and accumulation, resulting in enhanced growth and differentiation of the isolated cotyledons. These observations show that polyamine accumulation and growth are not always coupled.
A simple and rapid affinity chromatographic method for the isolation of aspartate transcarbamylase from germinated seedlings of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) was developed. A partially purified preparation of the enzyme was chromatographed on an affinity column containing aspartate linked to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. Aspartate transcarbamylase was specifically eluted from the column with 10 mImage aspartate or 0.5 Image KCl. The enzyme migrated as a single sharp band during disc electrophoresis at pH 8.6 on polyacrylamide gels. Electrophoresis of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated enzyme showed two distinct protein bands, suggesting that the mung bean aspartate transcarbamylase was made up of nonidentical subunits. Like the enzyme purified by conventional procedures, this enzyme preparation also exhibited positive homotropic interactions with carbamyl phosphate and negative heterotropic interactions with UMP. This method was extended to the purification of aspartate transcarbamylase from Lathyrus sativus, Eleucine coracona, and Trigonella foenum graecum.
Con el objetivo de estudiar el ciclo de vida de la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) en siete especies de plantas se realizó el presente estudio a nivel de invernadero en la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en el km 12 ½ carretera norte. Se utilizaron adultos de la mosca blanca los cuales fueron criados en plantas de frijol rojo variedad INTA Masatepe. El experimento se realizó en el período comprendido entre los meses de Marzo-Mayo 2009 a una temperatura y humedad relativa diurna promedio 28.83 °C y 53.81%, respectivamente. De cada planta en estudio se seleccionó una hoja, se le puso una jaula de hoja (tipo leaf cage) y se introdujeron 20 moscas blancas con la relación 1:1, las que se dejaron 24 horas para oviposición, pasado este tiempo se retiraron las moscas y se procedió al conteo de huevos, una vez contados los huevos se realizaron conteos periódicos del número de ninfas y finalmente del número de adultos que emergieron de cada hoja inoculada. El análisis de los datos reflejó que no existió diferencia significativa en el número de huevos depositados en los distintos hospederos, tampoco existió diferencia significativa entre el número de huevos eclosionados, existió diferencia significativa en la variable ninfas que alcanzaron en estadio ninfal 4, con el mayor número de ninfas para el caso de la planta hospedera calabacín (C. moschata), también existió diferencia significativa para la variable emergencia de adultos siendo las plantas de melón (C. melo), pipian ( C. argyrosperma), calabacín (C. moschata), y pepino (C. sativus), son los tratamientos en los cuales existe mayor emergencia de adultos; en la variable duración de ciclo biológico los tratamientos presentaron diferencias significativas con gradiente de tiempo comprendido entre los 17 días para Calabacín y 25 días de duración en Paste, indicando que Calabacín ( C. moschata), es el hospedero que más favorece el tiempo del ciclo de vida y el paste es el hospedero que limita la duración de la mosca.
Seeds of 14 plant species extracted from food products proposed for field trips in Galapagos were tested for viability. Strawberry Fragaria ananasa and Blackberry Rubus glaucus jams (Snob and Gustadina brands) contained no viable seeds. Schullo brand granola contained inviable Sesame Sesamum indicum seed, but Sesame in granolas prepared in Galapagos was viable. Sesame seed in bread was viable but Flax Linum usitatissimum seed in bread was not. Brown Rice Oryza sativa and Sunflower seeds Helianthus annuus were both viable. Fresh Apple Malus domestica, Naranjilla Solanum quitoense, Cucumber Cucumis sativus, Pineapple Ananas comosus, Pear Pyrus communis, Bell Pepper Capsicum annuum, Tomato Solanum lycopersicum, Grape Vinis vinifera all contained viable seeds. We recommend prohibiting any product with viable seeds from field trips to uninhabited areas. CDF Contribution Number 1009.
As inundações são fenômenos naturais que ocorrem devido às chuvas de grande magnitude, agravadas nas áreas urbanas pela impermeabilização do solo e ineficiência dos sistemas de drenagem. Os telhados verdes surgem como uma medida compensatória estrutural que pode reter parte da água precipitada, adiando o pico de escoamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de desenvolver uma combinação de solo e condicionadores para telhado verde, promovam um aumento relevante na capacidade de retenção hídrica e um maior adiamento do pico de escoamento das águas pluviais. Este estudo foi dividido em duas etapas. Na Etapa 1, foram analisadas, em colunas de percolação, três condicionadores nas seguintes concentrações: Gel retentor Stockosorb (2; 4; 6 g/dm3), Fertilizante de liberação lenta Osmocote (4,7; 7,1; 9,0 g/dm3) e Zeólita (30; 50; 70 g/dm3), em três eventos (regas) consecutivos de chuva simulada na intensidade de 57 mm/h. A avaliação das concentrações mais adequadas dentre as testadas para cada condicionante foi baseada nas análises referentes à retenção hídrica (altura do meio após a rega; tempo de adiamento do escoamento; mm retidos; intensidade da água percolada em mm/min) e à qualidade da água percolada (pH, oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez e sólidos). Na Etapa 2, foi avaliada, em vasos, a influência da presença de três espécies de plantas (Arachis pintoi; Raphanus sativus; Lavandula angustifolia) em dois tipos de meio: solo sem condicionadores; solo com condicionadores nas melhores concentrações indicadas na Etapa 1, sendo simulada apenas um evento de chuva de 57 mm/h. Foram analisados parâmetros biológicos (germinação; plantas sobreviventes; comprimento do caule e da raiz; pesos da biomassa do caule e da raiz); retenção hídrica (altura do meio após a rega; tempo de adiamento do escoamento; mm retidos; intensidade da água percolada em mm/min); qualidade da água percolada (pH; oxigênio dissolvido; turbidez; sólidos; nitrato; amônia; fósforo total). Os resultados da Etapa 1 indicaram que o gel promoveu de forma significativa um aumento na retenção hídrica, e adiou o início da percolação de água, além de promover ligeira elevação do pH na água percolada. A adição de zeólita resultou em um aumento significativo da retenção hídrica, porém tal aumento não é vantajoso visto que este representa um custo adicional que poderia ser reduzido com o aumento da proporção do gel na coluna. A adição de fertilizantes não promoveu mudanças na qualidade da água percolada. Na Etapa 2, somente o efeito da presença de A. pintoi (maior produção de biomassa de raiz e caule) e R. sativus foram avaliadas. A presença dos condicionantes no solo proporcionou um desempenho significativamente superior em relação a retenção hídrica (altura do substrato e adiamento do pico de chuva) e qualidade da água percolada (pH e turbidez) quando comparados aos testes realizados na presença somente de solo. O fertilizante influenciou nas altas concentrações dos nutrientes (nitrogênio e fósforo) na água percolado nos resultados. A presença do gel no substrato, resultou numa capacidade superior de retenção de hídrica, e consequentemente no adiamento do pico de intensidade de chuva. Sendo assim, recomenda-se a aplicação do gel em telhados verdes para futuros estudos em ambientes externos.
第一部分:青蒿开花与青蒿素生物合成相关性的研究 青蒿素是从中药青蒿中分离出的倍半萜内酯化合物,目前是世界上唯一有效的治疗脑型疟疾和抗氯喹恶性疟疾的药物。青蒿植株中青蒿素含量在开花期最高,但是目前尚不清楚开花与青蒿素生物合成的关系。为此,我们用光周期(短日照)诱导青蒿提前开花,不仅同时获得了开花与不开花的青蒿植株,而且还成功地在同一植株上诱导部分分枝开花,另一部分分枝保持营养生长状态。这一实验体系为研究青蒿开花与青蒿素生物合成的相关性奠定了基础。实验结果表明,开花与不开花青蒿植株青蒿素含量有明显差异。开花植株的青蒿素含量在前2周内逐渐提高,第三周(开花期)达到最高,并保持一周左右,在随后的2周内下降。青蒿植株开花后,叶片便开始老化变黄,逐渐死亡。未开花青蒿植株的青蒿素含量动态在前三周内与开花植株类似,但是这种高青蒿素含量状态能保持较长时间,至少在随后的2周内没有下降。未开花植株的叶片依然保持绿色。这一结果表明,开花不是导致青蒿素含量提高的直接原因。 扫描电镜观察结果表明,幼嫩叶片上的毛状腺体( trichrome)结构是完整的,而在老化的叶片上,则观察到了相当比例(40-50%)破损的腺体。这可能是导致青蒿素含量下降的直接原因。 不同生态型青蒿对光周期的反应是不同的。在北京地区,本地青蒿在8月初便开始开花,而来自四川武陵的青蒿则要到9月份才能开花。根据这一特性,采用“南蒿北栽”的方法,能够使青蒿保持较长时间的营养生长状态,延长适于采收的时间。 第二部分:金丝桃和百金花二苯甲酮合酶基因的克隆,异源表达及功能分析 植物次生代谢物山屯酮( Xanthones)仅存在于龙胆科和藤黄科植物中。它们具有抑制单胺氧化酶,细胞毒素及抗肿瘤活性。 含有1 3个碳原子的二苯甲酮是山屯酮生物合成的中间产物,是由二苯甲酮合酶催化合成的,这一反应是山屯酮生物合成的关键步骤。二苯甲酮合酶已经在金丝桃和百金花细胞悬浮培养系统中检测到,并进行了细致的生化水平上的研究。本研究是在上述研究的基础上,进一步克隆该酶的基因,并进行异源表达及功能分析工作,以便更好地了解和调控山屯酮的生物合成。 用PCR和RT-PCR技术,从金丝桃cDNA文库和逆转录产物中分别克隆到一个基因HBPS1和HBPS2,从百金花cDNA文库中克隆到一个基因CBPS1。HBPS1含有1402个碱基,其开放阅读框架编码390个氨基酸,分子量为42.7 kDa,等电点为6.55。HBPS2含有1398个碱基,其开放阅读框架编码395个氨基酸,分子量为42.8 kDa,等电点为5.78。CBPS1含有1383个碱基,其开放阅读框架编码389个氨基酸,分子量为42.7 kDa,等电点为7.88。与GenBank中序列同源性比较结果表明:在氨基酸水平上,HBPS1与茶(Camellia sinensis)查尔酮合酶的同源性高达92%,HBPS2与萝卜(Raphanus sativus)查尔酮合酶的同源性为64%,CBPS1与茶(Camellia sinensis)查尔酮合酶的同源性为71%。HBPS1与HBPS2的同源性仅为62%。 将三个新克隆的基因的ORF整合到载体pGEX-G上的谷胱甘肽还原酶S基因下游,构建成转化质粒,并在大肠杆菌中诱导表达。结果表明,这三个基因的ORF片段均能被表达成约68 kDa的产物,这与期望的结果一致。 活性检测结果表明,HBPS1是查尔酮合成酶,其底物为香豆酰辅酶A和丙二酸单酰辅酶A,对这两种底物的亲和性KM分别为:香豆酰辅酶A 2.8μM,丙二酸单酰辅酶A,11.2μM。最适反应条件是350C,pH7.0,DTT浓度10 μM。 HBPS2是二苯甲酮合酶,其底物是苯甲丙氨酰辅酶A,和丙二酸单酰辅酶A,对这两种底物的亲和性KM分别为:苯甲丙氨酰辅酶A 2.4 μM,丙二酸单酰辅酶A 9.6μM。最适反应条件是350C,pH 6.5,DTT浓度50 μM。而CBPS1则没有检测到任何活性。从同一种植物中同时获得了查尔酮合酶和二苯甲酮合酶,对研究这两种十分相近的酶的差异表达,酶促反应机制等问题将非常有利。
为了阐明蕨类植物铁芒萁(Dicranopteris dichotoma Bernh.)体内稀土元素的分布及其光合特性,采用电感耦合等离子质谱分析了中国江西省龙南县轻、重稀土矿区和非矿区铁芒萁植物体内的稀土元素含量,并采用透射电子显微镜对其叶片细胞内的稀土元素进行精确定位。还比较系统的研究了自然条件下的铁芒萁与高浓度稀土元素处理条件下的非稀土元素富集植物黄瓜(Cucumis sativus Linn)的光合特性。结果表明: 1、0.5 mmol•L-1 LaCl3处理黄瓜后,可以诱导激发能向PS II分配。1和2 mmol•L-1 LaCl3处理黄瓜后,对黄瓜幼苗抑制作用表现在对其生长率,光合放氧活性和叶绿体完整率的抑制。这是由于LaCl3对黄瓜细胞结构和叶绿体膜结构的破坏所致。其表现为对类囊体膜结构的破坏,而导致PS II光合活性下降,并最终抑制黄瓜生长。 2、铁芒萁可以富集稀土元素,轻、重稀土矿区铁芒萁植物稀土元素的分布规律为叶片>根>土壤>茎>叶柄,非矿区铁芒萁植物稀土元素的分布规律为叶片>根>茎>叶柄。稀土元素在铁芒萁体内的运输和迁移过程中,发生了明显的分异作用,茎、叶柄、叶片中的重稀土相对贫乏,叶片中可以富集高浓度的轻稀土元素。 3、稀土元素可以进入完整的铁芒萁表皮细胞和叶肉细胞中,但多以沉淀的形式聚集在一起。非矿区铁芒萁叶绿体中的稀土元素含量约占其叶片中含量的5%。轻稀土矿区铁芒萁叶绿体中的稀土元素含量约占其叶片中含量的10%。部分稀土元素定位于富含PS II的基粒片层上。 4、铁芒萁富集稀土元素受环境和遗传特性的双重影响,但主要由其自身的生理、生化特性决定。其富集稀土元素的机制是隔离稀土元素在细胞壁、液泡中和分泌结合物质使稀土元素成为沉淀沉积下来,从而避免对光合活性的破坏。 5、与非矿区铁芒萁相比,轻稀土矿区植物叶绿体膜的全链电子传递速率增加了34.9%,PS II的电子传递活性增高了252.9%,PS I的电子传递活性增加了16.8%。轻稀土矿区铁芒萁全链电子传递活性的增加主要来自PS II电子传递活性的大幅提高,这可能与其调节激发能更多向PS II分配,提高PS II反应中心色素蛋白复合体(67.0%)和捕光色素蛋白复合体的含量相关。 6、与非矿区铁芒萁相比,重稀土矿区植物叶绿体膜的全链电子传递速率增加了46.3%,PS II的电子传递活性增高了23.8%,PS I的电子传递活性增加了60.4%。重稀土矿区铁芒萁电子传递活性的提高主要来自PS I电子传递活性的大量增加,这可能与其PS I反应中心蛋白复合体含量的提高(60.0%)有关。 铁芒萁富集并吸收稀土元素主要是由自身的理化特性决定的。它能够将稀土元素以沉淀的形式固定在细胞内部,并通过改变生理代谢来避免高浓度稀土元素对其光合作用的影响。可以在治理稀土元素污染的环保工程中用作植物修复材料。
近二十多年来,基于对臭氧层衰减、紫外线B(UV-B)增强的担心,研究者希望了解到紫外线辐射对不同作物的影响情况,增强UV-B辐射条件下是否对作物的生长发育、产量质量构成威胁。在本试验中,我们首先探讨了双子叶作物黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)和大豆(Glycine max)对不同紫外波段的生物效应[分别为B-UVA(315-400 nm),N-UVA(315-340 nm),B-UVB(275-400 nm)和N-UVB(290-340 nm),UV-(>400nm)作对照]。我们观察到所有的UV波段处理都使黄瓜和大豆的生长受到抑制,并且细胞受到不同程度的氧化伤害;UV波段处理的作用效果与不同波段的紫外有效生物辐射剂量有关。处理差异在UV-B波段内部和UV-A波段内部同样存在。植物生长UV辐射公式(BSWF)能很好的预测本试验UV-B波段内的平均植物效应,但不能预测UV-A波段的植物效应。短波UV-A的生物作用强于长波UV-A。光合色素的变化与UV波谱差异和种间差异有关。在高的紫外/可见光背景下,UV-A处理同UV-B同样导致光合色素的降低,但黄瓜类胡萝卜素/叶绿素比例升高。与其他研究者的试验结果比较后,我们认为紫外线B辐射的生物效应一致性很高,但紫外线A波段的生物学效应存在较大争议。因此我们在本试验的基础上仅进行荞麦[苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)和甜荞(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.)]对紫外线B波段的响应研究。 我们对苦荞品种-圆籽荞进行了连续两个生长季节的大田半控制试验以观察UV-B辐射对苦荞生长、发育、产量及叶片色素的影响;试验小区进行降低UV-B、近充足UV-B和增强UV-B辐射处理。我们的试验表明在不同强度UV-B辐射下苦荞的生长、地上部生物量积累及最终产量都有所下降,但苦荞的发育加快;当前条件下的日光紫外线B辐射对植物生长和产量也造成负面影响。植物光合色素被日光及增强UV-B辐射降低;UV化合物及卢丁含量在中低剂量的UV-B辐射强度下显著升高,但在高剂量的增强UV-B辐射下短期升高后迅速下降。我们的试验表明苦荞是一个对UV-B高度敏感的作物。苦荞对UV-B的敏感性与UV-B剂量、外界环境因素及生长季节有关。 单个苦荞品种的试验结果使我们认识到外界UV-B辐射已经对苦荞生长发育构成逆境条件,未来全球气候变化条件下增强紫外线B辐射可能使其处于更不利的生长环境中。因此我们有进行了多个种群进行UV-B响应观察并筛选耐性种群。我们对15个苦荞种群进行增强UV-B辐射处理(6.30 kJ m2 UV-BBE,模拟当地25%的臭氧衰减),我们观察苦荞UV-B辐射效应存在显著的种内差异,UV-B辐射对多数种群具有抑制作用,但对一些种群还有刺激作用。我们采用主成分分析方法与作物UV-B响应指数(RI)来评价苦荞作物UV-B辐射耐性。我们发现作物的UV-B耐性不仅与其原产地背景UV-B强度有关,而且与作物相对生长效率、次生代谢产物含量(如卢丁)及其他因素有关。我们观察到苦荞伸展叶总叶绿素变化与UV-B耐性成正相关;室内苦荞幼苗的UV-B辐射致死试验表明:苦荞种群死亡率与其UV-B耐性成负相关。 此外,我们对甜荞的UV-B辐射响应也进行了初步研究。选取美姑甜荞、巧家甜荞和云龙甜荞进行5个梯度的增强UV-B辐射室外模拟试验。我们观察到UV-B辐射显著降低了甜荞的生长、生物量及产量;并严重影响了甜荞的生殖生长,降低了花序数、种子数和结实率;并且UV-B辐射对甜荞的抑制作用存在显著的剂量效应。三种甜荞品种存在显著的种内差异,其中美姑品种UV-B耐性最强,且膜脂受UV-B辐射氧化伤害最小,这与该品种UV-B辐射下较高的GR酶活性、APX酶活性和PPO酶活性、以及含量更高的抗坏血酸有关。甜荞的次生代谢也受到增强UV-B辐射的影响,其香豆酰类化合物在UV-B辐射下升高显著,而槲皮素含量也在高剂量UV-B辐射下有所增加;卢丁含量依赖UV-B辐射剂量而变化,中低剂量UV-B辐射下其卢丁含量逐渐升高,但在高剂量辐射下逐渐下降。 通过对生长在高海拔地区的荞麦作物(苦荞和甜荞)进行的室外研究,我们认识到作物不同品种存在很大的耐性差异,这就为UV-B耐性育种创造了有利条件。进一步加大荞麦种质资源筛选力度并深入认识荞麦抗性机理,在此基础上通过杂交或其他基因融合手段培育抗性品种,对高剂量UV-B辐射地区的荞麦产量的提高将起到重要推动作用,并使荞麦生产能有效应对未来全球气候变化条件下UV-B辐射可能升高的威胁。 During last few decades, due to concern of ozone layer depletion and enhancement of ultraviolet B radiation(UV-B, 280-315 nm), the agronomist want to know the responses of different crop species to UV-B. In the first experiment of our study, the effect of different UV band [B-UVA(315-400 nm), N-UVA(315-340 nm), B-UVB(275-400 nm), N-UVB(290-340 nm)and UV-(>400nm, as control)] on the cucumber(Cucumis sativus)and soybean(Glycine max)were investigated in growth room. Spectra-dependent differences in growth and oxidation indices existed within UV-A bands as well as UV-B bands. The general biological effects of different band were UV- < B-UVA< N-UVA<N-UVB<B-UVB. The plant growth biologically spectra weighting function(BSWF)matched well with average plant response in UV-B region, but not in UV-A region. Shorter UV-A wavelength imposed more negative impact than longer UV-A wavelength did in both species. The effect on photosynthetic pigment was related to different UV bands and different species. The photosynthetic pigment content was decreased by UV-A spectra as well as UV-B spectra. In comparison with the results of previous studies, we found that the wavelength-dependent biological effect of ultraviolet B radiation has high consistency, but the biological effect of ultraviolet-A radiation was inconsistent. We narrow our following study on the effect of ultraviolet B radiation on the buckwheat(tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat). The tartary buckwheat(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)cultivars Yuanziqiao was grown in the sheltered field plots for two consecutive seasons under reduced, near-ambient and two supplemental levels of UV-B radiation. The crop growth, photosynthetic pigments, total biomass, final seed yield and thousand-grain weight were decreased by near-ambient and enhanced UV-B radiation, while crop development was promoted by enhanced UV-B radiation. Leaf rutin concentration and UV-B absorbing compound was generally increased by UV-B with the exception of 8.50 kJ m-2 day-1 supplemental levels. Our results showed that tartary buckwheat is a potentially UV-B sensitive species. Study on one cultivars showed that ambient solar radiation had present a stress to tartary buckwheat. This makes it necessary to observe the UV-B response of many cultivars and screen tolerant cultivars. Fifteen populations of tartary buckwheat were experienced enhanced UV-B radiation simulating 25% depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer in Kunming region, and plant responses in growth, morphology and productivity were observed. Principal components analysis(PCA)was used to evaluate overall sensitivity of plant response to UV-B as well as response index. The different populations exhibited significant differences in responses to UV-B. The photosynthetic pigments of young seedlings were also affected significantly under field condition. On the other hand, the healthy seedlings of different populations were exposed to the high level of UV-B radiation in growth chambers to determine the plant lethality rate. The plant tolerance evaluated by multivariate analysis was positively related to total plant chlorophyll change, but negatively related to lethality rate. In other hand, the UV-B responses of the other important cultivated buckwheat species, common buckwheat(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.), were also studied preliminarily. Three widespread cultivated variety(Meigu, Qiaojia and Yunlong cultivars)were provided with five level of enhanced UV-B radiation outdoors. We observed that the crop growth, development and production were significantly decreased, and reproductive production, like anthotaxy number, seed number and seed setting ratio, was also decreased. Dose-dependent inhibition effect caused by enhanced UV-B radiation also existed in common buckwheat. Significant intraspecific difference existed in those three cultivars. The Meigu cultivars with dwarfed growth and lower production have highest UV-B tolerance as well as lowest damage in cell membrane, this could be associated with profound enhancements of glutathione reductase(GR)activity, ascorbate peroxidase activity and polyphenol oxidase activity as well as higher ascorbic acid concentration. The secondary metabolism was also affected by UV-B radiation, with profound elevation of coumarin compound and moderate increase of quercetin concentration. Rutin concentration was peaked in 5kJ m-2 UV-B. The contrasting effect of UV-B radiation on different populations indicated that there existed abundant genetic resources for selecting tolerant populations of common and tartary buckwheat. Much effort needed be pose on screening of buckwheat germplasm and clarification of mechanism of buckwheat tolerance to UV-B. On this base the tolerant cultivars could be bred by hybridization and other gene transfusion method, this would help increase buckwheat yield in high ambient UV-B region and counteract the effect of possible enhanced UV-B radiation in future.
The effects of La3+ on the antioxidant enzyme activities and the relative indices of cellular damage in cucumber seedling leaves were studied. When cucumber seedlings were treated with low concentrations of LaCl3 (0.002 and 0.02 mM), peroxidase (PO) activity increased, and catalase (CAT) activity was similar to that of control leaves at 0.002 mM La3+ and increased at 0.02 mM La3+, whereas superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity did not change significantly. The increase in the contents of chlorophyll (including chlorophylls a and b), carotenoids in parallel with the decrease in the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) suggested that low concentration of La3+ promoted plant growth. However, except the increase in SOD activity at 2 mM La3+, CAT and PO activities and the contents of pigments decreased at high concentrations of La3+ (0.2 and 2 mM), leading to the increase of MDA content and the inhibition of plant growth. It is suggested that lanthanum ion is involved in the regulation of active oxygen-scavenging enzyme activities during plant growth.
Multitracer technique was used to study the uptake and distribution of some relatively long half-life radionuclides Be, Na, Mn, Co, Sc to growing cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) with two different treatments. In Hoagland solution, only Mn-54 and Co-60 accumulated in the every part of plants. Mn-54, Co-60 and other radionuclides were absorbed in distilled water. The results indicate that there were major differences in the accumulation of trace elements between the two different treatments.
O objetivo desta Circular Técnica é descrever as principais viroses que afetam espécies de cucrbitáceas no Brasil, quanto aos sintomas, etiologia, epidemiologia e medidas de controle.