898 resultados para Critical Care Medicine


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Illicit drug use in Australia has been increasing and studies indicate that illicit drug users have a higher risk of accidents which may result in the user needing critical care. However, there is a significant gap in the literature specifically pertaining to the implications of drug use in critical care.

The primary objective was to examine the literature for the physiological effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), cocaine and amphetamines in critically ill patients.

A comprehensive literature review was undertaken and a body systems framework was used to categorise the effects of these illicit drugs.

The illicit substances addressed have potentially fatal and long-term side effects. For those users involved in accidents or trauma requiring intensive or critical care nursing, the mortality and co-morbidity risks are increased significantly. It is, therefore, important that nurses are able to recognise the specific physiological effects and possible complications that can occur with the use of each illicit drug.

Both nursing and medical staff need to have a thorough understanding of how illicit substances work and how they can affect the critical care patient and the care they are given.


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Aim. This paper is a report of a study to identify predictors of critical care admission in emergency department patients triaged as low to moderate urgency that may be apparent early in the emergency department episode of care.

Background. Observations of clinical practice show that a number of emergency department patients triaged as low to moderate urgency require critical care admission, raising questions about the relationship between illness severity and physiological status early in the emergency department episode of care.

Methods. A retrospective case control design was used. All participants were aged over 18 years, triaged to Australasian Triage Scale categories 3, 4 or 5, and attended emergency department between 1 July 2004 and 30 June 2005. Cases were admitted to intensive care unit or coronary care unit and controls were admitted to general medical or surgical units. Cases (n = 193) and controls (n = 193) were matched by age, gender, emergency department discharge diagnosis and triage category.

Results. Critical care admission associated with: (i) a presenting complaint of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (OR = 3·40, 95%CI:1·22–9·47, P = 0·019), (ii) heart rate abnormalities at triage (OR = 2·10, 95%CI:1·19–3·71, P = 0·011), (iii) temperature abnormalities at triage (OR = 2·87 95%CI:1·05–7·89, P = 0·041), (iv) respiratory rate at first nursing assessment (OR = 1·66, 95%CI:1·05–2·06, P = 0·31) or (v) heart rate abnormalities at first nursing assessment (OR = 1·57, 95%CI = 1·04−2·39, P = 0·033).

Conclusion. Derangements in temperature, respiratory rate and heart appear to increase risk of critical care admission. Further work using a prospective approach is needed to establish which physiological parameters have the highest predictive validity, the level(s) of physiological abnormality with highest clinical utility, and the optimal timing for collection of physiological data.


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• This article reports on observation of 18 nurses in urban and rural based critical care settings.

• The purpose of the study was to observe and describe the decision-making activities of critical care nurses within natural clinical settings.

• During the 2-hour observation, the researcher dictated a detailed commentary on to audio-tape of each nurse's actions. Tapes were transcribed and subjected to content analysis.

• Findings indicated three main categories of decisions. Decision frequencies were linked to nurses' critical care experience, appointment level, and location, as well as nursing shifts.

• The findings are discussed in relation to previous empirical evidence and the implications for practice.

• The author concludes that future research should be directed towards measuring the contextual influences on nurses' decision-making on the outcome of patient care.


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Objective: This study was designed to prioritise educational outcomes for three levels of postgraduate speciality critical care nursing programmes.

Background: Postgraduate speciality education has proliferated within Australia over the past 20 years. However, there is little agreement regarding the expected characteristics, or relevant priorities, of these characteristics of graduates successfully completing these programmes of study.

: This study used a mixed-method approach comprising two phases. Initially a survey was mailed to volunteers between March and June 2005 to obtain priorities in educational outcomes for graduates of critical care programmes. This was followed by a stakeholder focus group in May 2006 to refine expected outcomes.

: Survey respondents rated educational outcomes that described professional and legal aspects of practice to ensure safe patient care as highest priority for programme graduates. Although most educational outcome statements were considered important for graduates from all levels of courses, increasing levels of practice was described for increasingly higher levels of programmes from Graduate Certificate to Masters Degree.

: This study provides an emerging description of the priorities of critical care nursing programmes, with priority given to professional and legal aspects of practice. Further delineation of priorities is necessary to inform ongoing educational development.


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Learning Objective 1: compare protocol-directed sedation management with traditional non-protocol-directed practice in mechanically ventilated patients in an Australian critical care.

Learning Objective 2: explain the contrasting international research findings on sedation protocol implementation.
Minimization of sedation in critical care patients has recently received widespread support. Professional organizations internationally have published sedation management guidelines for critically ill patients to improve the use of research in practice, decrease practice variability and shorten mechanical ventilation duration. Innovations in practice have included the introduction of decision making protocols, daily sedation interruptions and new drugs and monitoring technologies. The aim of this study was to compare protocol-directed sedation management with traditional non-protocol-directed practice in mechanically ventilated patients in an Australian critical care setting.

A randomized, controlled trial design was used to study 312 mechanically ventilated adult patients in a general critical care unit at an Australian metropolitan teaching hospital. Patients were randomly assigned to receive protocol directed sedation management developed from evidence based guidelines (n=153) or usual clinical practice (n=159).

The median (95% CI) duration of ventilation was 58 hrs (44–78 hrs) for patients in the non-protocol group and 79 hrs (56–93) for those patients in the protocol group (p=0.20). Results were not significant for length of stay in critical care or hospital, the frequency of tracheostomies, and unplanned extubations. A Cox proportional hazards model estimated that protocol directed sedation management was associated with a 22% decrease (95% CI: 40% decrease to 2% increase, p=0.07) in the occurrence of successful weaning from mechanical ventilation.

Few randomized controlled trials have evaluated the effectiveness of protocol-directed sedation outside of North America. This study highlights the lack of transferability between different settings and different models of care. Qualified, high intensity nursing in the Australian critical care setting facilitates rapid, responsive decisions for sedation management and an increased success rate for weaning from mechanical ventilation.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite government encouragement for patients to make advance plans for medical treatment, and the increasing numbers of patients who have done this, there is little research that examines how doctors regard these plans.
We surveyed Australian intensive care doctors, using a hypothetical clinical scenario, to evaluate how potential end-of-life treatment decisions might be influenced by advance planning - the appointment of a medical enduring power of attorney (MEPA) or an advance care plan (ACP). Using open-ended questions we sought to explore the reasoning behind the doctors' decisions.
275 surveys were returned (18.3% response rate). We found that opinions expressed by an MEPA and ACP have some influence on treatment decisions, but that intensive care doctors had major reservations. Most did not follow the request for palliation made by the MEPA in the hypothetical scenario.
CONCLUSIONS: Many intensive care doctors believe end-of-life decisions remain medical decisions, and MEPAs and ACPs need only be respected when they accord with the doctor's treatment decision. This study suggests a need for further education of doctors, particularly those working in intensive care, who are responsible for initiating and maintaining life support treatment.


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BACKGROUND: Predicting future demand for intensive care is vital to planning the allocation of resources.

METHOD: Mathematical modelling using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) was applied to intensive care data from the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Core Database and population projections from the Australian Bureau of Statistics to forecast future demand in Australian intensive care.

RESULTS: The model forecasts an increase in ICU demand of over 50% by 2020, with current total ICU bed-days (in 2007) of 471 358, predicted to increase to 643 160 by 2020. An increased rate of ICU use by patients older than 80 years was also noted, with the average bed-days per 10 000 population for this group increasing from 396 in 2006 to 741 in 2007.

CONCLUSION: An increase in demand of the forecast magnitude could not be accommodated within current ICU capacity. Significant action will be required.


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For cardiac surgical patients, the immediate 2-hour recovery period is distinguished by potentially life-threatening haemodynamic instability. To ensure optimum patient outcomes, nurses of varying levels of experience must make rapid and accurate decisions in response to episodes of haemodynamic instability. Decision complexity, nurses’ characteristics, and environmental characteristics, have each been found to influence nurses' decision making in some form. However, the effect of the interplay between these influences on decision outcomes has not been investigated. The aim of the research reported in this thesis was to explore variability in critical care nurses' haemodynamic decision making as a function of interplay between haemodynamic decision complexity, nurses' experience, and specific environmental characteristics by applying a naturalistic decision making design. Thirty-eight nurses were observed recovering patients in the immediate 2-hour period after cardiac surgery. A follow-up semi-structured interview was conducted. A naturalistic decision making approach was used. An organising framework for the goals of therapy related to maintaining haemodynamic stability after cardiac surgery was developed to assist the observation and analysis of practice. The three goals of therapy were the optimisation of cardiovascular performance, the promotion of haemostasia, and the reestablishment of normothermia. The research was conducted in two phases. Phase One explored issues related to observation as method, and identified emergent themes. Phase Two incorporated findings of Phase 1, investigating the variability in nurses' haemodynamic decision making in relation to the three goals of therapy. The findings showed that patients had a high acuity after cardiac surgery and suffered numerous episodes of haemodynamic instability during the immediate 2-hour recovery period. The quality of nurses' decision making in relation to the three goals of therapy was influenced by the experience of the nurse and social interactions with colleagues. Experienced nurses demonstrated decision making that reflected the ability to recognise subtle changes in haemodynamic cues, integrate complex combinations of cues, and respond rapidly to instability. The quality of inexperienced nurses' decision making varied according to the level and form of decision support as well as the complexity of the task. When assistance was provided by nursing colleagues during the reception and recovery of patients, the characteristics of team decision making were observed. Team decision making in this context was categorised as either integrated or non integrated. Team decision making influenced nurses' emotions and actions and decision making practices. Findings revealed nurses' experience affected interactions with other team members and their perceptions of assuming responsibility for complex patients. Interplay between decision complexity, nurses' experience, and the environment in which decisions were made influenced the quality of nurses' decision making and created an environment of team decision making, which, in turn, influenced nurses' emotional responses and practice outcomes. The observed variability in haemodynamic decision making has implications for nurse education, nursing practice, and system processes regarding patient allocation and clinical supervision.


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Objective: To investigate the role of medical emergency teams in end-of-life care planning.

Design: One month prospective audit of medical emergency team calls.

Setting: Seven university-affiliated hospitals in Australia, Canada, and Sweden.

Patients: Five hundred eighteen patients who received a medical emergency team call over 1 month.

Interventions: None.

Measurements and Main Results: There were 652 medical emergency team calls in 518 patients, with multiple calls in 99 (19.1%) patients. There were 161 (31.1%) patients with limitations of medical therapy during the study period. The limitation of medical therapy was instituted in 105 (20.3%) and 56 (10.8%) patients before and after the medical emergency team call, respectively. In 78 patients who died with a limitation of medical therapy in place, the last medical emergency team review was on the day of death in 29.5% of patients, and within 2 days in another 28.2%. Compared with patients who did not have a limitation of medical therapy, those with a limitation of medical therapy were older (80 vs. 66 yrs; p < .001), less likely to be male (44.1% vs. 55.7%; p .014), more likely to be medical admissions (70.8% vs. 51.3%; p < .001), and less likely to be admitted from home (74.5% vs. 92.2%, p < .001). In addition, those with a limitation of medical therapy were less likely to be discharged home (22.4% vs. 63.6%; p < .001) and more likely to die in hospital (48.4% vs. 12.3%; p < .001). There was a trend for increased likelihood of calls associated with limitations of medical therapy to occur out of hours (51.0% vs. 43.8%, p .089).

Conclusions: Issues around end-of-life care and limitations of medical therapy arose in approximately one-third of calls, suggesting a mismatch between patient needs for end-of-life care and resources at participating hospitals. These calls frequently occur in elderly medical patients and out of hours. Many such patients do not return home, and half die in hospital. There is a need for improved advanced care planning in our hospitals, and to confirm our findings in other organizations.


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Objectives: To describe the incident fracture rate in survivors of critical illness and to compare fracture risk with populationmatched control subjects.

Design: Retrospective longitudinal case– cohort study.

Setting: A tertiary adult intensive care unit in Australia. Patients: All patients ventilated admitted to intensive care and requiring mechanical ventilation for >48 hrs between January 1998 and December 2005.

Interventions: None.

Measurements and Main Results: New fractures were identified in the study population for the postintensive care unit period (intensive care unit discharge to January 2008). The incident fracture rate and age-adjusted fracture risk of the female intensive care unit population were compared with the general population adult females derived from the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Over the 8-yr period, a total of 739 patients (258 women, 481 men) were identified. After a median follow-up of 3.7 yrs (interquartile range, 2.0–5.9 yrs) for women and 4.0 yrs (interquartile range, 2.1–6.1 yrs) for men, incident fracture rates (95% confidence interval) per 100 patient years were 3.84 (2.58 –5.09) for females 2.41 (1.73–3.09) for males. Compared with an age-matched random population-based sample of women, elderly women were at increased risk for sustaining an osteoporosisrelated fracture after critical illness (hazard ratio, 1.65; 95% confidence interval, 1.08 –2.52; p .02).

Conclusions: The increase in fracture risk observed in postintensive care unit older females suggests an association between critical illness and subsequent skeletal morbidity. The explanation for this association is not explored in this study and includes the effects of pre-existing patient factors and/or direct effects of critical illness. Prospective research evaluating risk factors, the relationship between critical illness and bone turnover, the extent and duration of bone loss, and the associated morbidity in this population is warranted.