987 resultados para Critias, ca. 460-ca. 403 B.C.
B&C tiene como idea de negocio representar a músicos emergentes ofreciendo un servicio de asesoría y acompañamiento integral para la construcción de un producto musical altamente competitivo en el mercado global.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Proporciona todo el material necesario para la consolidación y la síntesis de la ciencia en la etapa clave tres (Key Stage 3). Cada concepto se presenta en un formato fácil de leer, diseñado para ayudar a los alumnos a comprender los temas , realizar actividades de revisión y preparar las pruebas nacionales. Sus contenidos tratan de:vida; cuerpo humano; cosas de la vida y el medio ambiente; partículas; reacciones químicas; rocas y el medio ambiente, energía y electricidad; espacio, fuerza y movimiento; luz y sonido. Al final de la publicación hay un glosario.
Archaeological research has addressed imperial frontiers for more than a century. Romanists, in particular, have engaged in exploring frontiers from economic, militaristic, political, and (more recently) social vantages. This article suggests that we also consider the dialogue between space and social perception to understand imperial borderland developments. In addition to formulating new theoretical approaches to frontiers, this contribution represents the first comprehensive overview of both the documentary sources and the archaeological material found in Egypt's Great Oasis during the Roman period (ca. 30 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.). A holistic analysis of these sources reveals that Egypt's Great Oasis, which consisted of two separate but linked oases, served as a conceptual, physical, and human buffer zone for the Roman empire. This buffer zone protected the "ordered" Nile Valley inhabitants from the "chaotic" desert nomads, who lived just beyond the oases. This conclusion suggests that nomads required specific imperial frontier policies and that these policies may have been ideological as well as economic and militaristic.
We construct the finite temperature field theory of the two-dimensional ghost-antighost system within the framework of thermo field theory. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We use the QCD sum rules to study possible B-c-like molecular states. We consider isoscalar J(P) = 0(+) and J(P) = 1(+) D(*) B(*) molecular currents. We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension eight and we work at leading order in alpha(s). We obtain for these states masses around 7 GeV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Archibald Duff
hrsg. ... von der Zionistischen Vereinigung für Deutschland
by Adolph Büchler