998 resultados para Crise ambiental urbana


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Meio ambiente e Ética são temas recorrentes nas pautas de discussões sobre os desafios da educação brasileira. O mundo está imerso em uma crise ambiental e ética que nos convida ao movimento dialético da ação-reflexão-ação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as concepções e as relações entre os Temas Transversais Meio Ambiente e Ética dos professores de Ciências, técnicos educacionais e alunos de 5ª a 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola da rede particular de Belém. O estudo apoiou-se em Sauvé, Reigota, Sánchez Vásquez, Leff, Grün, Valls, Bardin, Zabala, Freire, Lüdke, André, entre outros. O caminho metodológico foi o da abordagem qualitativa. Para mergulhar nos diálogos intersubjetivos, que são as práticas pedagógicas, foram utilizadas as técnicas de pesquisa de campo e pesquisa documental. A primeira consistiu na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 16 estudantes, 3 professores e 2 técnicos da Escola - “Alfa”; a segunda envolveu os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, os livros didáticos de Ciências e os documentos entregues aos alunos e professores, em 2008, na Escola. A interpretação dos dados se baseou na análise de conteúdo, em sua modalidade temática. Foram trabalhados dois temas: Concepções de Meio Ambiente e Concepções de Ética. A unidade de contexto, o ―pano de fundo‖ do estudo, foi uma escola da rede particular de ensino, dotada de boa infraestrutura, cuja clientela é formada, em sua maioria, por alunos da classe média alta. Para definição das categorias, foi preparado um caderno com as entrevistas, o que facilitou o agrupamento, a classificação e a análise interpretativa dos dados. Isso resultou na síntese em sete categorias de análise: Concepção de Meio Ambiente como natureza; Concepção de Meio Ambiente como o local onde se vive; Concepção de Meio Ambiente como relação dos seres entre si e deles com o ambiente; Concepção de Meio Ambiente como sustentabilidade; Concepção de Ética como respeito; Concepção associada a princípios e valores e Concepção relacionada ao meio ambiente e ao respeito às pessoas. Os resultados revelam, contraditoriamente, a prevalência da lógica disciplinar nos PCN e na Escola ―Alfa‖; os livros adotados pela Escola não se limitam aos conteúdos factuais e conceituais; em relação às concepções de Meio Ambiente e Ética, os entendimentos do que vem a ser ambiente e ética são reducionistas. Os sujeitos, de uma maneira geral, não estabelecem conexão necessária entre Ambiente e Ética. Nas turmas de 5ª a 8ª série, a Escola não trabalha os Temas de forma efetiva. As reflexões finais pontificam um convite à Escola para refletir e buscar alternativas que revertam o quadro de suas ações educacionais relativas ao Meio Ambiente e à Ética. As escolas precisam se sentir desafiadas a inserir a Educação Ambiental em seu cotidiano, com o fito de colaborar na construção de uma educação cidadã.


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Esse trabalho vai à escuta de artistas e agentes culturais para analisar suas ações e as demandas delas correspondentes com o propósito de compreender quais as escolhas de Ananindeua para a cultura, sem perder de vista que a cidade é livre para privilegiar ou não a cultura, orientado em permanência pela convicção de que a dimensão cultural privilegia um desenvolvimento adaptado ao contexto do território e cultura locais ao permitir às comunidades protagonismo nesse processo da forma como elas o entendem e absorvem. Significa (re)pensar o território a partir das perspectivas que esse território se dá para o futuro no que diz respeito ao seu ordenamento e ao seu desenvolvimento, segundo a compreensão de que a cultura como modo de expressão das diferenças, ao mesmo tempo que o meio privilegiado de ultrapassá-las (TEISSERENC, 1997) é um recurso para desenvolver a cidade. Nessa via, o desafio de buscar um modelo segundo a lógica do desenvolvimento socioespacial pressupõe privilegiar o lugar da cultura ao propor um desenvolvimento autrement – um outro desenvolvimento – a partir do que as pessoas – aqui artistas e agentes culturais — desse território querem/entendem. O presente trabalho, portanto, compreende ser a cultura a via capaz de proporcionar um novo projeto do território elaborado por quem vive ali. Afinal, o desenvolvimento é para quem? Que grupo tem o direito de definir, em lugar dos outros, aquilo que deve ser significativo para eles? Através das experiências, seja teórica seja empírica, vivenciadas no âmbito desse trabalho, ouso afirmar que sem coesão social não há cultura, não há ocupação dos espaços públicos, não há como criar condições da diversidade seja cultural seja dos lugares nem tampouco como aproveitar a enorme capacidade de criação de uma cidade imersa na injustiça ambiental urbana. Nessa lógica, a cultura, ao dar voz aos sujeitos desse lugar, é o recurso orientador para um novo projeto do território e, assim, para saúde, educação, meio ambiente, segurança pública, economia, saneamento/infraestrutura, mobilidade urbana, qualidade de vida, etc. Significa a cultura deixar de ser a finalidade do desenvolvimento para tornar-se o princípio mesmo dos mecanismos que geram novas formas de desenvolvimento econômico e social (TEISSERENC, 1997).


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The current problematic of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste faced for the Brazilian cities, is one of the main degradation factors of the environment, over all about the promise of the urban ambient quality. This scenery must mainly to the unsustainable management adopted by the great majority of the Brazilian cities. Therefore, this work aims at to offer subsidies for medium cities, having as study object the city of Rio Claro-SP, (Brazil), in the elaboration of plans and integrated programs of sustainable management of the construction and demolition waste, in accordance with CONAMA Resolution nº 307/2002, that’s set up a sustainable management system of C&D waste. In this direction, the diagnosis of the management was elaborated for the city of Rio Claro, (generation, collects, transport and disposal) and the public administration of the construction and demolition waste, as well as of the study of the related aspects with C&D waste recycling plant. Later, was suggested a plan of improvements for the public manager of C&D waste: areas of temporary disposal to facility the appropriating destination, appropriated areas of final disposal, incentives to the recycling of C&D waste, new legislations, education and orientation programs and adequacy the agents of C&D waste management (generating, transporting, addressee and public manager), directing for an environmental, economic and social sustainability.


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At the beginning of the 21st century, several crises are intertwined and the environmental crisis is the most global of them all. For a complex and global crisis, which has implications of a social, economic, technological nature, etc., solutions will probably not come from a single source, but rather the sum of efforts of society as a whole (including all its instances, government, business, population, etc.). The objective of this review was to discuss the need to produce “environmental” professionals who, through their activities, are in some way involved with the quality of the environment. We believe that, ultimately, it is the quality of the environment that will ensure the quality of life in a fairer society. Thinking about the training of teachers, as environmental educators in undergraduate (bachelor) universities, means having as a reference the idea of wholeness (environmental, political, educational, social, scientific, etc.) in the diversity that these areas possess. Even though there are many difficulties involved in getting this topic included in the university structure, based on a complex approach, we believe this is one of the best paths toward environmental training.


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The perception of modern society regarding the nature and indigenous peoples came to be shaped in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with two major events, the invasion of Europeans in America and the scientific revolution. These events symbolize the cultural overlap and European thinking about the rest of the world. The current scenario is industrialism, consumism and cultural standardization driven by Cartesian thought. This work demonstrates, through literature research and data analysis, that this dominant model has caused the crisis of modernity, focusing especially on the environmental crisis that threatens human life. The solutions are present in the modern society the knowledge of indigenous peoples that is inherently ecological and sustainable by tradition. From the union of diverse cultures and knowledge dialog you can find solutions for today's problems and provide a renewal of relationships between modern society, indigenous peoples and nature. The World Conscious Pact presents this proposal which can be increased through public relations strategies in order to reconnect the man-nature bond, generating critical behavior with respect to the current dominant system and motivate society to adopt truly ecological postures. For this it is necessary to rescue the Earth image as a mother


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Os empreendimentos hidrelétricos são alternativas favoráveis economicamente em função do grande potencial hidrelétrico disponível no território brasileiro. Apesar de serem notórias em causar significativa degradação ambiental, conformam historicamente uma importante controvérsia do setor energético brasileiro. Orientado por esta problemática, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o histórico e as tendências do planejamento espacial de usinas hidrelétricas no Brasil, interpretando-os a partir da relação entre o potencial hidrelétrico disponível no espaço e o grau de disciplinamento do uso e ocupação do espaço no tempo. Até a década de 1970, a implantação de hidrelétricas ocorreu, relativamente, à luz de menor grau de disciplinamento de uso e ocupação do espaço, como foi o caso das hidrelétricas de Balbina e Tucuruí, as quais também induziram a primeira grande crise ambiental do setor e favoreceram a criação dos instrumentos de política ambiental, em 1981. As décadas de 1980 e 1990 são caracterizadas por um vazio de planejamento de hidrelétricas, o que é retomado a partir de 2000 em função de um ambiente econômico internacional favorável aos investimentos em infraestrutura, resultando no aumento da exploração do potencial hidrelétrico orientada especialmente para a região Amazônica. Porém, esta reorientação depara-se com um maior grau de disciplinamento do uso do espaço que acaba vinculando novas dimensões para o planejamento espacial de hidrelétricas, especialmente em regiões com alta sensibilidade socioambiental, como é o caso da Amazônica. Ainda assim, esta região é aquela que ainda detêm o maior potencial hidrelétrico a ser explorado, o que faz dela a escolhida como a fronteira hidrelétrica da década de 2010.


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The problem of solid waste that involves the management, the management and the allocation of these is an issue that permeates all spheres of society, which denotes environmental implications that contribute to the discussion of the environmental crisis in progress. From this perspective, this study aims to investigate and understand the role that consortia, especially the Regional Public Waste Consortium Solid Seridó/RN have waste management, in order to observe their strengths and weaknesses in order to conclude whether they are an appropriate solution to the problem of solid waste. In studying a region that is undergoing a process of institutional organization guided in the solid waste, the focus turned into an interesting academic research point. Since this is a qualitative research, readings were taken of relevant authors to the object and the following legal frameworks, namely: the National Basic Sanitation Policy (Law nº 11.445/2007), the National Policy on Solid Waste (Law nº 12.305/2010 ) and the Law on Public Consortia (Law nº 11.107/2005). The consortium region has about 290.000 inhabitants, generated 40.000 tons of waste a year. As for the final disposal of waste, all municipalities in the region deposit their waste in the open, or in garbage dumps. In the analysis of the Consortium Seridó, a list of issues that are hindering their implementation has been identified. The demands come mainly from the political sphere, but also financial, technical and logistical. It is expected that with the realization of the Consortium by building its supporting structures (overfill Station and Landfill), a new model of solid waste management is implemented.


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rates in the Brazilian cities, which time there is an inexistent theoretical reflection about public policy statement adding the way of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and tailing integrated management plans in the majorly Brazilian cities. The unappropriated solid waste disposal and final pollution result in a strong socioenvironmental problems and material extravagancies that should be used to recycling and reusing waste material, besides bringing immense challenges for the thematic Strategy Urban and Environmental Management it considers the Sustainable City Model. Moreover, this labor projects a discussion about USW problematic through legally and environmentally point of view, including the public environmental policy and the social technologies as resolution tactics. At that time, it reports rights, scientific articles, documents and Environmental Law Doctrine on findings thematic studies, also the propose displays an interdisciplinary research methodology which combines bibliographic method - focusing theory aspects of the legally environmentally guiding principle, public policy and social technologies. Those are theorist features very important to create a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS) - modus operandi of the Federal Law n. 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS). That policy is interesting to receive financial resources from federal government (Cities Ministry; idem, Federal Decree n. 7.404/2010 and Federal Law n. 10.257/2001) helping the preservation of the environment, regional development, generation of jobs and income (art. 6º), in addition broadening spreading’s private companies dedicated to waste management. Consequently, the PNRS contains a set of guidelines and general procedures; it should be an operation of this legal policy contextualized by Social Technologies theory (TS) into social issues, legal, economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, this research notes the possibility of public policy statement implementation over and done with the PNRS by the terms of development and sustainability in the urban space.


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The necessity of the insertion of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte in the world-wide commercial scene and its claim as the seat of political power, in ends of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century, determined the direction of urban interventions undertaken by government to restructure the city. In that matter, there were several actions of improvements and embellishment in Natal, which had, as a starting point, the adequacy works of the port, located in the Ribeira quarter, with the aim of ending the physical isolation that reinforced its economic stagnation. Besides the problems faced in the opening bar of the Potengi River, and would complement the required improvements, other barriers demonstrate the tension established between the physic-geographic field and the man: the flooded and slope which connected Cidade Alta and Ribeira the first two quarters of the city.The execution of these works demanded knowledge whose domain and application it was for engineering. But, how the actions done for the engineers, in sense to transform natural areas into constructed spaces made possible the intentional conformation of the quarter of the Ribeira in a commercial and politician-administrative center, in the middle of the XIX century and beginning of the XX? Understand, therefore, the employment effects of technology on the physical-geographical Ribeira, is the objective of this work that uses theoretical and methodological procedures of Urban Environmental History, by analyzing the relationship between the environment and the man, mediated by knowledge and use of technologies. The documental research was used, as primary sources, the Messages of the Provincial Assembly Government that later became the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Norte reports and articles on specialized publications, in addition to local newspapers. The work is structured in five chapters. First, some comments about Urban Environmental History (Chapter 1) supplemented with analysis of the conceptual construction of nature in the Contemporary Era and its application in the city (chapter 02), the following chapters (03 and 04) deal with the rise of engineers as a active group in the Brazilian government frameworks and their vision about the nature inside the urban environment and it is studied how the professional technicians dealt with the improvement work of the harbor and in the shock with the natural forces. Other works that would complement this "project" of modernization and had had natural obstacles to be removed the Ribeira flood and slope constitute the subject of the fifth chapter. Finally, some final considerations retake the initial discussions aiming an association between the technique and the nature as junction elements inside the process of constitution of a Modern Natal


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hídricos, 2015.


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Diante da atual crise ambiental e econômica enfrentada pela agricultura moderna, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos analisar a produtividade, os aspectos econômicos e ambientais de um sistema agroflorestal conduzido em Machado, sul de Minas Gerais há onze anos, tendo como principais produtos o café (Coffea arabica) orgânico certificado pela BCS, que é exportado para outros países, a banana e o eucalipto, que também possuem certificação orgânica e são vendidos no comércio local. A metodologia da pesquisa foi baseada no DRP (Diagnóstico Rural Participativo). Ao contrário dos sistemas convencionais de produção, o sistema agroflorestal estudado evidenciou a viabilidade do modelo de produção nas dimensões produtiva, ecológica e econômica. A baixa produtividade do café no sistema agroflorestal é compensada pela venda do café no mercado internacional, pela produção e comercialização da banana, do eucalipto e obtenção de uma diversidade de alimentos saudáveis para a subsistência das famílias.


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The necessity of the insertion of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte in the world-wide commercial scene and its claim as the seat of political power, in ends of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century, determined the direction of urban interventions undertaken by government to restructure the city. In that matter, there were several actions of improvements and embellishment in Natal, which had, as a starting point, the adequacy works of the port, located in the Ribeira quarter, with the aim of ending the physical isolation that reinforced its economic stagnation. Besides the problems faced in the opening bar of the Potengi River, and would complement the required improvements, other barriers demonstrate the tension established between the physic-geographic field and the man: the flooded and slope which connected Cidade Alta and Ribeira the first two quarters of the city.The execution of these works demanded knowledge whose domain and application it was for engineering. But, how the actions done for the engineers, in sense to transform natural areas into constructed spaces made possible the intentional conformation of the quarter of the Ribeira in a commercial and politician-administrative center, in the middle of the XIX century and beginning of the XX? Understand, therefore, the employment effects of technology on the physical-geographical Ribeira, is the objective of this work that uses theoretical and methodological procedures of Urban Environmental History, by analyzing the relationship between the environment and the man, mediated by knowledge and use of technologies. The documental research was used, as primary sources, the Messages of the Provincial Assembly Government that later became the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Norte reports and articles on specialized publications, in addition to local newspapers. The work is structured in five chapters. First, some comments about Urban Environmental History (Chapter 1) supplemented with analysis of the conceptual construction of nature in the Contemporary Era and its application in the city (chapter 02), the following chapters (03 and 04) deal with the rise of engineers as a active group in the Brazilian government frameworks and their vision about the nature inside the urban environment and it is studied how the professional technicians dealt with the improvement work of the harbor and in the shock with the natural forces. Other works that would complement this "project" of modernization and had had natural obstacles to be removed the Ribeira flood and slope constitute the subject of the fifth chapter. Finally, some final considerations retake the initial discussions aiming an association between the technique and the nature as junction elements inside the process of constitution of a Modern Natal