920 resultados para Crianças doentes - Psicologia


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A epilepsia cursa com diversas comorbidades e, entre elas, estão as alterações de linguagem, que levam a criança a problemas educacionais e sociais desfavoráveis. A etiologia das alterações de linguagem envolve aspectos orgânicos, cognitivos e sociais, ocorrendo, na maioria das vezes, uma interrelação entre todos esses fatores. A idade da primeira crise epiléptica, o tipo de epilepsia, o uso de drogas antiepilépticas e a intervenção medicamentosa em politerapia podem implicar na ocorrência dessas alterações em crianças. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar a ocorrência de alterações de linguagem em crianças pré-escolares e escolares com diagnóstico de epilepsia atendidas no setor de Neurologia Infantil do Hospital de Pediatria Professor Heriberto Ferreira Bezerra. Caracterizou-se como um estudo prospectivo e transversal realizado com 90 crianças com epilepsia, submetidas à avaliação fonoaudiológica de linguagem oral e de leitura e escrita e como pesquisa interdisciplinar uma vez que envolveu áreas como a Fonoaudiologia, a Neurologia e a Psicologia. Os critérios de inclusão foram: 1) diagnóstico inequívoco de epilepsia, segundo a definição da ILAE (2005), 2) idade de 3 aos 12 anos, 3) padrão neurológico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor normais; os de exclusão: 1) diagnóstico de epilepsia duvidoso, 2) padrão neurológico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor alterados, 3) crianças com patologias pediátricas associadas. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade da primeira crise epiléptica, tipo de crise epiléptica, regime de tratamento, presença de crise epiléptica, frequência à escola, tipo de escola e repetência. A análise estatística centrou-se na análise descritiva; determinou-se a razão de chances (odds ratio), adotando-se um intervalo de confiança de 95%; e na aplicação do teste exato de Fisher, levando-se em consideração p<0,05. Portanto, no que se refere à presença de alterações de linguagem oral, pôdese observar que o início das crises epilépticas durante o período de aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem oral bem como o tratamento medicamentoso neste período podem interferir no desenvolvimento da linguagem devido à imaturidade do sistema nervoso central além dos aspectos socioambientais, uma vez que o estigma e as crenças errôneas interferem negativamente no processo interacional tão importante para a aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem, o que também repercute nas habilidades de leitura e escrita. Dessa forma percebe-se a importância da atuação de uma equipe interdisciplinar (Fonoaudiologia, Psicologia e Neurologia Infantil) no processo avaliativo e no acompanhamento dos pacientes com epilepsia, o que trará benefícios psicosocioafetivos no que se refere à reorganização da sua qualidade de vida e, consequentemente, de seus familiares.


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A hemiparesia consiste no déficit da força muscular, com consequente debilidade na mão e no pé, afetando um dos lados do corpo. A literatura mostra poucos estudos enfocando detalhadamente as funções cognitivas e emocionais de crianças afetadas por essa condição neurológica. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar avaliação neuropsicológica de 23 crianças e adolescentes, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 5 anos e 4 meses e 16 anos e 6 meses, com hemiparesia congênita e adquirida. Aplicou-se uma bateria de testes específica para avaliação de funções cognitivas superiores incluindo processos intelectuais, atenção, função perceptiva, função motora, praxias, gnosias, linguagem, memória e função visuomotora. Em relação aos aspectos emocionais, foi usado o teste do desenho da figura humana, visando-se a avaliação da percepção da imagem corporal dos pacientes. Os resultados mostraram que a hemiparesia da criança conduz a déficits em funções neuropsicológicas importantes, além de déficit motor e alterações na esfera emocional, mais precisamente aquelas relacionadas com a representação da imagem corporal. A abrangência multidisciplinar, envolvendo a neurologia pediátrica e a psicologia, engrandeceu o trabalho, referendando os resultados obtidos em todos os seus aspectos


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This research is responsible for the investigation and problematization of the violence production process in children and teenagers through deviant behaviour, especially the drug s use and traffic, given that the deviant behaviour named juvenile criminality is something built and that can t be disassociated from the social and institutional relations that are ideological and violent, as well as the construction of, social and individual, positive identities can become important instruments for the process of democratization and the effective juvenile citizenship. In relation to the teorical referential, the work was developed from readings beyond the social science camp, without getting far from it, searching for support in other scientific camps and making your bases on Manuel Castells formulations about the power of the identity, and on Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth in relation to the recognition struggle. In the empiric field, the discourses and graphic representations from twenty four children and teenagers that attend a social project were privileged, and compared to those shown at the documentary and the book Falcão Meninos do Tráfico produced by MV Bill, in relation to the social profile and life trajectory. From the study subjects' perspective, the data suggest that the children and the teenagers conceive violence as a natural thing, either as victims or persecutors. However, the research shows that, despite the subjects of the two studied groups reveled in your discourses the influence of the violent relations in their daily lives, the subjects got recognition during the process of identity construction by the groups with which they maintained the sense of belonging, either it being the family, the community or the school, they were positively influenced and established a positive representation of themselves and didn t show any deviant and violent tendency or behaviour. Therefore, we demonstrate the role of the school for an education for peace, as well as the participation of the family, the community and the stimulation of the juvenile protagonism as transforming practices, capable of awaking the citizenship and avoiding the construction of people that reproduce deviant and violent behaviour


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O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade tem sido evocado como justificativa corrente para o fracasso escolar de um número expressivo de crianças, atribuindo-se a elas a responsabilidade por não aprender e isentando de análise a escola e a sociedade nas quais estão inseridas. A situação se torna mais alarmante uma vez que a literatura a respeito aponta dificuldades no diagnóstico e na intervenção sobre esse tipo de transtorno, devidas à falta de clareza sobre o que é esse quadro clínico e em razão da não existência de estudos consistentes acerca das consequências futuras do uso de estimulantes nas crianças. Para discutir essas questões, a primeira parte do artigo apresenta a concepção hegemônica desse tipo de transtorno e sua compreensão do psiquismo infantil. A segunda parte aborda a maneira como a psicologia histórico-cultural analisa o desenvolvimento da atenção e o controle voluntário do comportamento humano, redimensionando a compreensão sobre o transtorno. Finalmente, são feitas algumas reflexões acerca do processo ensino-aprendizagem em crianças com desenvolvimento parcial das funções psicológicas superiores e do papel da psicologia e da pedagogia na compreensão do fenômeno para que sirvam de subsídio a medidas práticas em relação ao problema.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo investigar a forma como as primeiras informações relativas à psicanálise de crianças foram introduzidas no Brasil, bem como delinear como estas idéias foram apropriadas pelos teóricos nacionais e incorporadas nas práticas de assistência à criança desenvolvidas no País nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Para isto foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa histórica de natureza qualitativa, mediante a realização de um levantamento bibliográfico que buscou identificar a produção de autores nacionais sobre psicanálise de crianças entre as décadas de 1920 a 1950. Os resultados indicam que a inserção da psicanálise de crianças no país ocorreu por duas vias: primeiramente através da educação, mediante a utilização deste referencial teórico com o intuito de melhor gerir a educação das crianças e solucionar seus problemas escolares; e, posteriormente, por intermédio da medicina, mediante o desenvolvimento de uma prática psicoterápica destinada ao tratamento de crianças com transtornos emocionais.


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O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de crianças indicadas por suas professoras na Educação Infantil (EI) como apresentando problemas de comportamento (Grupo IPC) ou comportamentos socialmente habilidosos (Grupo ICSH), em dois momentos: quando tinham cinco anos e quando tinham 10 anos. Participaram 48 professoras de 62 crianças de ambos os sexos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Questionário de Respostas Socialmente Habilidosas para Professores e Escala Comportamental Infantil B. Os resultados indicaram diminuição dos problemas de comportamento e aumento dos comportamentos socialmente adequados no grupo IPC; os grupos eram bastante diferentes na primeira avaliação, quando na EI, mas as mudanças se atenuaram no ensino fundamental. em ambas as avaliações, as crianças do Grupo ICSH foram avaliadas como mais habilidosas.


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Famílias que estimulam comportamentos socialmente habilidosos parecem favorecer o desenvolvimento social de seus filhos. Assim, intervir no relacionamento dos pais parece ser uma saída para minimizar indicativos de problemas de comportamento. Para uma efetiva intervenção é recomendado especificar as demandas das pessoas que procuram por atendimento, seja através da caracterização do repertório de pais e cuidadores, seja da caracterização das dificuldades e/ou habilidades das crianças e/ou adolescentes. O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de caracterizar, através de uma Entrevista Clínica Semiestruturada, queixas e dificuldades de 59 pais/cuidadores que buscaram atendimento psicológico em um Centro de Psicologia Aplicada. Os resultados principais são: a) queixas de problemas externalizantes, tais como agressividade, desobediência e birras; b) dificuldades dos pais/cuidadores quanto às habilidades envolvidas no estabelecer limites (bater e não ter consistência) e na comunicação. Discute-se a interdependência entre os comportamentos dos adultos e crianças/adolescentes e repercussões para futuras intervenções.


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Cooperation is a well known behavior and influenced by all cultures. Probably selective pressures brought advantages to individuals that cooperate, and then this behavior is current in human societies. Most of it is studied about cooperation and natural selection was understood by the game theory, a mathematical approach that helps to understand the conflict and cooperation. We believe that natural selection and game theory could facilitate understanding these behaviors and two theoretical articles were written regarding this view. It was also found that most of data about cooperation was obtained in (with) adults. Since game theory is effective to understand this phenomenon, and to be used and understood, two games were used with five and eleven year old children: the common pool and public goods games. The results are presented in four empirical articles. We found that children respond to social dilemmas of game theory like the adults do. They adjust their rounds regarding the feedback obtained of their partness; in the beginning they cooperate and reduce the degree of cooperation along (throughout) the following session; in the absence of punition the level of opportunism increased, mainly in larger groups; boys and girls behave differently when donate. This research suggest that cooperation has an evolutionary basis in human and it is since earlier in the behavioral pattern shown by adults.


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Alimentation is essential in life. Concerning omnivores, characterized by the necessity of a varied diet to satisfy their metabolic needs, it is extremely advantageous the assumption of new foods. However, the assumption of new unknown foods is, potentially dangerous, because of possible intoxications. In this sense, one of the most important behaviors related to reducing risks is the so called food neophobia, characterized by the rejection of new foods and/or an ingestion of very little amounts. The aim of the present study was to investigate if age, sex and socio-economical status were able to influence food neophobia. The neophobia has been described in a range of 3-6 years old children taken both from public and private schools within the city of Natal-RN. Four different type of ice-creams, each one characterized by a different flavor, have been utilized. Two flavors were known to the young and the remaining two flavor were new. We didn't find significant differences between the investigated variables. However, the exploitation of data from the survey conducted showed that the ease or not to accept new foods obtained, was correlated with the variables under the same guidelines observed in literature. Aspects related to the stimulus used probably eased the neophobic answer. Then, it is suggested that the food neophobia can be influenced by sex, age and socioeconomic factors of individuaIs. Neophobia tends to be more common in girls, with ages between three to four years old and with a low leveI socioeconomic. In this sense, given the importance of kid neophobic reaction to the development of dietary patterns of other life's stages, it is necessary to make further studies to better explain this phenomenon. Given the pivotal role of food neophobia to the development of alimentary habits within all ages of life, other studies will be necessary for a better comprehension of such phenomena. Key-words: food neophobia; Evolutionary Psychology;children food intake; diet restriction; children's diet development


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Human cooperation is a hallmark of this species due to its wide extension to genetically unrelated individuals and complex division of labor. It is considered an evolutionary puzzle, because the theory of evolution by natural selection predicts that self-interested individuals tend to be selected. Different theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of cooperation, which the most important are kin selection and reciprocal altruism. Considering the evolutionary continuity between species, humans and other primates have several common traits that help to promote cooperation between individuals of these species. Two features, however, seem to be particularly humans: inequality aversion and preferences in relation to others. Although human cooperation is not necessarily related to morality, cooperative traits are the basis for moral tendencies. The development of human morality is a combination of early prosocial tendencies, cooperative skills displayed at different ages, social learning and cultural transmission of norms. The social stimulus seems to be particularly important in promoting cooperative behavior in children and adults. In order to study the influence of social stimuli, as verbal feedback, on children cooperation, a study was conducted with children in a public goods game. 407 children from public schools in Natal / RN, divided into 21 groups, between six and nine years, participated in eight rounds of this game. After each round, seven groups received praise for larger donations, seven groups have been criticized by smaller donations, and the other seven received no comment. Children cooperated more when criticized, without significant differences between sexes, although young children have cooperated more negative than older children. The results are likely related to the anticipation and avoidance of punishment associated with the feedback (although this did not occur), and greater sensitivity to the authority in younger children. Nevertheless, the cooperation decreased in all groups until the last day of play. The results suggest an early sensitivity to moral punishment, whose role in the maintenance of social relations must have been important in the evolution of cooperation in humans


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Child facial cues evoke attention, parental care behaviors and modulate for infant- caretaker interactions. Lorenz described the baby schema ( Kindchenschema ) as a set of infantile physical features such as the large head, round face, high and protruding forehead, big eyes, chubby cheeks, small nose and mouth. Previous work on this fundamental concept was restricted to positive perception to infant face, and did not show consistent results about the development individuals perceptions, regarding the physical attributes that worked as markers of cuteness. Here, we experimentally tested the effects of baby schema on the perception of cuteness of infant faces by children and adults. We used 60 none graphically manipulated photos of different stimulus children faces from 4 to 9 years old. In the first task for the adults experimental subjects, ten stimulus photos were shown, whereas for children experimental subjects, four stimulus photos were shown at a time, with a total of six rounds. The second task involved only adults, who indicated the motivation of affective behaviors and care directed to children through a Likert scale. Our results suggest that both participants judged similarly the cuteness of children's faces, and the physical features markers of this perception were observed only for younger stimulus children. Adults have attributed more motivations of positive behaviors to cuter stimulus children. The recognition of the baby schema by individuals of different ages and genders confers the universality and power of children's physical attributes. From the evolutionary perspective the responsiveness to baby schema is significant to ensure aloparental and parental investment, and the consequent children survival


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Parental investment increases the offspring s survival, though it decreases the opportunities for the parents to invest in a future progeny. In a broad sense, this investment is directed to one s own descendant, but in some cases, such as in adoption, resources are directed to non-relatives even in the absence of fitness benefits. Once there are many factors involved in adoption, this study investigated adopters candidates, aiming to analyze aspects considered by them for adopting, based on the Evolutionary Psychology s perspective. We analyzed the judicial proceedings´ files people who had been inlisted for adoption at the 2ª Childhood and Adolescence Law Court, Natal-RN. The adopter s motivations were classified into biological or social reasons. A relationship between adopters´ age and kind of motivation was found: requirements of young people were related to biological reasons while requirements of the old ones were related to social reasons. Fertility, mainly female requirer´s fertility, underlie this relationship, considering that women fertility is strongly influenced by age. The reasons to adopt were also related to the age of the desired child, once that people who wanted children older than 25 months alleged social reasons while those that wanted younger babies alleged biological reasons. There are lots of motives to adopt a child, but the phenomenon of adoption is broadly acknowledged by society as an act of love and the adoptive parents are often regarded as kind and generous people. It was observed, instead, that the reasons to adopt comes from the adopters themselves, related to the fulfillment of personal needs, such as increasing the family, carrying out mother/father role or having a company or someone to care form them in elderly age


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This study aimed at exploring and describing children s perceptions in threatened natural settings, specifically, the Rain Forest in Brazil. Several studies point to the significance of perceptions for people s pro-environmental attitudes and actions. We try to understand the person-environment interaction from an ecological perspective, and we present theoretical references for the understanding of how crucial nature is for psychological development and well-being. The children s drawings, individual interviews, discussion groups, photographies and informal and indirect sources, as teachers, brought material for the analysis. Participated in our study, carried on through a multi-method strategy, 209 children from six to eleven years old, living in the neighborhood of the Biological Reserve of Una, State of Bahia, created to protect Rain Forest fragments. The Rain Forest landscape is well portrayed in children s drawings, the vegetal elements prevailing over artificial and human elements. The figured plants and trees, however, are pointed with no precision as to their species. Most of the defined species are eatable. The children seem to be aware of the environment degradation, and of the importance of its conservation, but they describe episodes of hunting and feeding wild threatened animals. Our results indicate a utilitarian trend in the perception of living beings, in terms of their immediate usefulness for people. The multimethod approach seems to be appropriate to the complexity of the theme; the methodological strategies were well accepted by the children, offering them opportunities to express themselves. We observed how children, in different life phases, organize natural elements and processes in their drawings, and how these images relate to the local landscape. We discuss the results in the light of theoretical references of personenvironment studies and from previous investigations about children s perceptions of natural environment