995 resultados para Credit events correlation


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The presence of abundant age-diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 913B (Leg 151), Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 338 (Leg 38) and ODP Hole 643A (Leg 104) has enabled the development of a new biostratigraphy for the Eocene-Oligocene interval in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. This development is important because the calcareous microfossils usually used for biostratigraphy in this age interval are generally absent in high latitude sediments as a result of dissolution. In parallel with this biostratigraphic analysis, we developed a magnetic reversal stratigraphy for these Norwegian-Greenland Sea sequences. This has allowed independent age determination and has enabled the dinocyst biostratigraphy to be firmly tied into the global geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS). The relatively high resolution of this study has enabled identification of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages that have affinities with those from the North Sea and the North Atlantic, which allows regional correlation. Correlation of each site with the GPTS has also allowed comparison of the stratigraphic record preserved in each drill-hole. Hole 913B is the most complete and is the best-preserved record of the Eocene and Oligocene in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes, and can serve as a reference section for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of this age interval.


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New age models for twelve Deep Sea Drilling Project sites in the North Pacific have been produced, based on (in order of importance in our dataset) a recompilation of previously published diatom, calcareous nannofossil and foraminifer first and last occurrences, and magnetostratigraphy. The projected ages of radiolarian first and last occurrences derived from the line of correlation of the age/depth plots have been computed from these sites, and 28 radiolarian events have thereby been newly cross calibrated to North Pacific diatom and other stratigraphy. Several of the North Pacific radiolarian events are older than in previously published equatorial Pacific calibrations, and some may be diachronous within the North Pacific. These patterns may be due to complex latitudinal patterns of clinal variation in morphotypes within lineages, or to migration events from the North Pacific towards the Equator.


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Correlations of biostratigraphic datums to the geomagnetic reversal time scale (GRTS) at Leg 107 sites provide a means of correlating these datums to sections outside the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, poor recovery and core deformation due to rotary drilling at Sites 651, 652, and 654 severely hampered efforts to acquire detailed magnetostratigraphies and biostratigraphies. However, many biostratigraphic markers could be correlated to the GRTS, including those close to the Miocene/Pliocene and Tortonian/Messinian boundaries. These boundaries are interpreted to occur in Chrons 3r and 3B, respectively (chron nomenclature after Cox, 1982). Comparison of the correlation of Plio-Pleistocene calcareous plankton biostratigraphic events to the GRTS in the Mediterranean and in the open oceans indicates that many events are broadly synchronous between the two environments. The outstanding exception is the first occurrence of Globorotalia margaritae which is delayed in the Mediterranean by about 1 m.y.


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There is much uncertainty surrounding the mechanisms that forced the abrupt climate fluctuations found in many palaeoclimate records during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)-3. One of the processes thought to be involved in these events is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), which exhibited large changes in its dominant mode throughout the last glacial period. Giant piston core MD95-2006 from the northeast Atlantic Ocean records a suite of palaeoceanographic proxies related to the activity of both surface and deep water masses through a period of MIS-3 when abrupt climate fluctuations were extremely pronounced. A two-stage progression of surface water warming during interstadial warm events is proposed, with initial warming related to the northward advection of a thin warm surface layer within the North Atlantic Current, which only extended into deeper surface layers as the interstadial progressed. Benthic foraminifera isotope data also show millennial-scale oscillations but of a different structure to the abrupt surface water changes. These changes are argued to partly be related to the influence of low-salinity deepwater brines. The influence of deepwater brines over the site of MD95-2006 reached a maximum at times of rapid warming of surface waters. This observation supports the suggestion that brine formation may have helped to destabilize the accumulation of warm, saline surface waters at low latitudes, helping to force the MOC into a warm mode of operation. The contribution of deepwater brines relative to other mechanisms proposed to alter the state of the MOC needs to be examined further in future studies.


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Mudrocks and carbonates of the Isa superbasin in the Lawn Hill platform in northern Australia host major base metal sulfide mineralization, including the giant strata-bound Century Zn-Pb deposit. Mineral paragenesis, stable isotope, and K-Ar dating studies demonstrate that long-lived structures such as the Termite Range fault acted as hot fluid conduits several times during the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic in response to major tectonic events. Illite and chlorite crystallinity studies suggest the southern part of the platform has experienced higher temperatures (up to 300 degrees C) than similar stratigraphic horizons in the north. The irregular downhole variation of illite crystallinity values provides further information oil the thermal regime in the basin and shows that clay formation was controlled not only by temperature increase with depth but also by high water/rock ratios along relatively permeable zones. K-Ar dating of illite, in combination with other data, may indicate three major thermal events in the central and northern Lawn Hill platform Lit 1500, 1440 to 1400, and 1250 to 1150 Ma. This study did not detect the earlier Century base metal mineralizing event at 1575 Ma. 1500 Ma ages are recorded only in the south and correspond to the age of the Late Isan orogeny and deposition of the Lower Roper superbasin. They may reflect exhumation of a provenance region. The 1440 to 1300 Ma ages are related to fault reactivation and a thermal pulse at similar to 1440 to 1400 Ma possibly accompanied by fluid flow, with subsequent enhanced cooling possibly due to thermal relaxation or further crustal exhumation. The youngest thermal and/or fluid-flow event at 1250 to 1150 Ma is recorded mainly to the cast of the Tern-lite Range fault and may be related to the assembly of the Rodinian supercontinent. Fluids in equilibrium with illite that formed over a range of temperatures, at different times in different parts of the platform. have relatively uniform oxygen isotope compositions and more variable hydrogen isotope compositions (delta O-18 = 3.5-9.7 parts per thousand V-SMOW; delta D = -94 to -36 parts per thousand V-SMOW). The extent of the 180 enrichment and the variably depleted hydrogen isotope compositions suggest the illite interacted with deep-basin hypersaline brines that were composed of evaporated seawater and/or highly evolved meteoric water. Siderite is the most abundant iron-rich gangue phase in the Century Zn-Pb deposit, which is surrounded by all extensive ferroan carbonate alteration halo. Modeling suggests that the ore siderite formed at temperatures of 120 degrees to 150 degrees C, whereas siderite and ankerite in the alteration halo formed at temperatures of 150 degrees to 180 degrees C. The calculated isotopic compositions of the fluids are consistent with O-18-rich basinal brines and mixed inorganic and organic carbon Sources (6180 = 3-10 parts per thousand V-SMOW, delta C-13 = -7 to -3 parts per thousand V-PDB). in the northeast Lawn Hill platform carbonate-rich rocks preserve marine to early diagenetic carbon and oxygen isotope compositions, whereas ferroan carbonate cements in siltstones and shales in the Desert Creek borehole are O-18 and C-13 depleted relative to the sedimentary carbonates. The good agreement between temperature estimates from illite crystallinity and organic reflectance (160 degrees-270 degrees C) and inverse correlation with carbonate delta O-18 values indicates that organic maturation and carbonate precipitation in the northeast Lawn Hill platform resulted from interaction with the 1250 to 1150 Ma fluids. The calculated isotopic compositions of the fluid are consistent with evolved basinal brine (delta O-18 = 5.1-9.4 parts per thousand V-SMOW; delta C-13 = -13.2 to -3.7 parts per thousand V-PDB) that contained a variable organic carbon component from the oxidation and/or hydrolysis of organic matter in the host sequence. The occurrence of extensive O-18- and C-13-depleted ankerite and siderite alteration in Desert Creek is related to the high temperature of the 1250 to 1150 Ma fluid-flow event in the northeast Lawn Hill platform, in contrast to the lower temperature fluids associated with the earlier Century Zn-Pb deposit in the central Lawn Hill platform.


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A commonly held view is that creation of excessive domestic credit may lead to inflation problems, however, many economists uphold the possibility that, generous domestic credit under appropriate conditions will result in increases of output. This hypothesis is examined for Japan and Colombia for the period 1950-1993.^ Domestic credit theories are reviewed since the times of Thornton and Smith, until the recent times of Lewis, McKinnon, Stiglitz and of Japanese economists like K. Emi, Tachi R. and others. It is found that in Japan of the Post-War period, efficient financial markets and the decisive role of the government in orienting investment decisions seem to have influenced positively the effectiveness of domestic credit as an output-stimulating variable. On the contrary, in Colombia the absence of the above features seems to explain why domestic credit is not very effective as an output-stimulating variable.^ Multiple regression analyses show that domestic credit is a strong explanatory variable for output increases in Japan and a weak one for Colombia's case in the studied period. For Japan the correlation depicts a positive relationship between the two variables with a decreasing rate very similar to a typical production function. Moreover, the positive decreasing rate is confirmed if net domestic credit is used in the correlations. For Colombia a positive relationship is also found when accumulated domestic credit is used, but, if net domestic credit is the source of correlations, the positive decreasing rate is not obtained.^ Granger causality tests determined causality from domestic credit to output for Japan and no-causality for Colombia at the 1% significance level; the differences are explained by: (1) The low development level of the financial system in Colombia. (2) The nonexistence of consistent domestic credit policy to foster economic development. (3) The lack of an authoritative orientation in the allocation of financial resources and the nonexistence of long range industrialization programs in Colombia that could channel productively credit resources. For the system of equations relating domestic credit and exports, the Granger causality tests determined no-causality between domestic credit and exports for both Japan and Colombia also at the 1% significance level. ^


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Computer networks produce tremendous amounts of event-based data that can be collected and managed to support an increasing number of new classes of pervasive applications. Examples of such applications are network monitoring and crisis management. Although the problem of distributed event-based management has been addressed in the non-pervasive settings such as the Internet, the domain of pervasive networks has its own characteristics that make these results non-applicable. Many of these applications are based on time-series data that possess the form of time-ordered series of events. Such applications also embody the need to handle large volumes of unexpected events, often modified on-the-fly, containing conflicting information, and dealing with rapidly changing contexts while producing results with low-latency. Correlating events across contextual dimensions holds the key to expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of these applications. This dissertation addresses this critical challenge. It establishes an effective scheme for complex-event semantic correlation. The scheme examines epistemic uncertainty in computer networks by fusing event synchronization concepts with belief theory. Because of the distributed nature of the event detection, time-delays are considered. Events are no longer instantaneous, but duration is associated with them. Existing algorithms for synchronizing time are split into two classes, one of which is asserted to provide a faster means for converging time and hence better suited for pervasive network management. Besides the temporal dimension, the scheme considers imprecision and uncertainty when an event is detected. A belief value is therefore associated with the semantics and the detection of composite events. This belief value is generated by a consensus among participating entities in a computer network. The scheme taps into in-network processing capabilities of pervasive computer networks and can withstand missing or conflicting information gathered from multiple participating entities. Thus, this dissertation advances knowledge in the field of network management by facilitating the full utilization of characteristics offered by pervasive, distributed and wireless technologies in contemporary and future computer networks.


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Computer networks produce tremendous amounts of event-based data that can be collected and managed to support an increasing number of new classes of pervasive applications. Examples of such applications are network monitoring and crisis management. Although the problem of distributed event-based management has been addressed in the non-pervasive settings such as the Internet, the domain of pervasive networks has its own characteristics that make these results non-applicable. Many of these applications are based on time-series data that possess the form of time-ordered series of events. Such applications also embody the need to handle large volumes of unexpected events, often modified on-the-fly, containing conflicting information, and dealing with rapidly changing contexts while producing results with low-latency. Correlating events across contextual dimensions holds the key to expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of these applications. This dissertation addresses this critical challenge. It establishes an effective scheme for complex-event semantic correlation. The scheme examines epistemic uncertainty in computer networks by fusing event synchronization concepts with belief theory. Because of the distributed nature of the event detection, time-delays are considered. Events are no longer instantaneous, but duration is associated with them. Existing algorithms for synchronizing time are split into two classes, one of which is asserted to provide a faster means for converging time and hence better suited for pervasive network management. Besides the temporal dimension, the scheme considers imprecision and uncertainty when an event is detected. A belief value is therefore associated with the semantics and the detection of composite events. This belief value is generated by a consensus among participating entities in a computer network. The scheme taps into in-network processing capabilities of pervasive computer networks and can withstand missing or conflicting information gathered from multiple participating entities. Thus, this dissertation advances knowledge in the field of network management by facilitating the full utilization of characteristics offered by pervasive, distributed and wireless technologies in contemporary and future computer networks.


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A succession of 23 sub-millimetre to maximum 12-mm-thick, mostly flood-triggered detrital layers, deposited between 1976 and 2005, was analysed in 12 varved surface sediment cores from meso-scale peri-alpine Lake Mondsee applying microfacies and high-resolution micro X-ray fluorescence analyses. Detailed intrabasin comparison of these layers enabled identification of (i) different source areas of detrital sediments, (ii) flood-triggered sediment flux and local erosion events, and (iii) seasonal differences of suspended flood sediment distribution within the lake basin. Additional calibration of the detrital layer record with river discharge and precipitation data reveals different empirical thresholds for flood layer deposition for different parts of the basin. At proximal locations detrital layer deposition requires floods exceeding a daily discharge of 40 m**3/s, whereas at a location 2 km more distal an hourly discharge of 80 m**3/s and at least 2 days of discharge above 40 m**3/s are necessary. Furthermore, we observe a better correlation between layer thickness and flood amplitude in the depocentre than in distal and proximal areas of the basin. Although our results are partly site-specific, the applied dual calibration approach is suitable to precisely decipher flood layer formation processes and, thereby, improve the interpretation of long flood time series from lake sediments.


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Doutoramento em Gestão


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Objective: To investigate the association between the four traditional coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors (hypertension, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes) and outcomes of first ACS. Methods: Data were drawn from the ISACS Archives. The study participants consisted of 70953 patients with first ACS, but without prior CHD. Primary outcomes were patient’ age at hospital presentation and 30-day all-cause mortality. The risk ratios for mortality among subgroups were calculated using a balancing strategy by inverse probability weighting. Trends were evaluated by Pearson's correlation coefficient (r). Results: For fatal ACS (n=6097), exposure to at least one traditional CHD-risk factor ranged from 77.6% in women to 74.5% in men. The presence of all four CHD-risk factors significantly decreased the age at time of ACS event and death by nearly half a decade compared with the absence of any traditional risk factors in both women (from 67.1±12.0 to 61.9±10.3 years; r=-0.089, P<0.001) and men (from 62.8±12.2 to 58.9±9.9 years; r=-0.096, P<0.001). By contrast, there was an inverse association between the number of traditional CHD-risk factors and 30-day mortality. The mortality rates in women ranged from 7.7% with four traditional CHD-risk factors to 16.3% with no traditional risk factors (r=0.073, P<0.001). The corresponding rates in men were 4.8% and 11.5% (r=0.078, P<0.001), respectively. The risk ratios among individuals with at least one CHD-risk factors vs. those with no traditional risk factors were 0.72 (95%CI:0.65-0.79) in women and 0.64 (95%CI:0.59-0.70) in men. This association was consistent among patient subgroups managed with guideline-recommended therapeutic options. Conclusions: The vast majority of patients who die for ACS have traditional CHD-risk factor exposure. Patients with CHD-risk factors die much earlier in life, but they have a lower relative risk of 30-day mortality than those with no traditional CHD-risk factors, even in the context of equitable evidence‐based treatments after hospital admission.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and reproducibility of the cytologic diagnosis of salivary gland tumors (SGTs) using fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The study aimed to determine diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity and to evaluate the extent of interobserver agreement. We retrospectively evaluated SGTs from the files of the Division of Pathology at the Clinics Hospital of São Paulo and Piracicaba Dental School between 2000 and 2006. We performed cytohistologic correlation in 182 SGTs. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy were 94%, 100%, 100%, 100%, and 99%, respectively. The interobserver cytologic reproducibility showed significant statistical concordance (P < .0001). FNAC is an effective tool for performing a reliable preoperative diagnosis in SGTs and shows high diagnostic accuracy and consistent interobserver reproducibility. Further FNAC studies analyzing large samples of malignant SGTs and reactive salivary lesions are needed to confirm their accuracy.


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The first theoretical results of core-valence correlation effects are presented for the infrared wavenumbers and intensities of the BF3 and BCl3 molecules, using (double- and triple-zeta) Dunning core-valence basis sets at the CCSD(T) level. The results are compared with those calculated in the frozen core approximation with standard Dunning basis sets at the same correlation level and with the experimental values. The general conclusion is that the effect of core-valence correlation is, for infrared wavenumbers and intensities, smaller than the effect of adding augmented diffuse functions to the basis set, e.g., cc-pVTZ to aug-cc-pVTZ. Moreover, the trends observed in the data are mainly related to the augmented functions rather than the core-valence functions added to the basis set. The results obtained here confirm previous studies pointing out the large descrepancy between the theoretical and experimental intensities of the stretching mode for BCl3.