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What is it that gives celebrities the voice and authority to do and say the things they do in the realm of development politics? Asked another way, how is celebrity practised and, simultaneously, how does this praxis make celebrity, personas, politics and, indeed, celebrities themselves? In this article, we explore this ‘celebrity praxis’ through the lens of the creation of the contemporary ‘development celebrity’ in those stars working for development writ large in the so-called Third World. Drawing on work in science studies, material cultures and the growing geo-socio-anthropologies of things, the key to understanding the material practices embedded in and creating development celebrity networks is the multiple and complex circulations of the everyday and bespectacled artefacts of celebrity. Conceptualised as the ‘celebrity–consumption–compassion complex’, the performances of development celebrities are as much about everyday events, materials, technologies, emotions and consumer acts as they are about the mediated and liquidised constructions of the stars who now ‘market’ development.Moreover, this complex is constructed by and constructs what we are calling ‘star/poverty space’ that works to facilitate the ‘expertise’ and ‘authenticity’ and, thus, elevated voice and authority, of development celebrities through poverty tours, photoshoots, textual and visual diaries, websites and tweets. In short, the creation of star/poverty space is performed through a kind of ‘materiality of authenticity’ that is at the centre of the networks of development celebrity. The article concludes with several brief observations about the politics, possibilities and problematics of development celebrities and the star/poverty spaces that they create.
The persuasive design of e-commerce websites has been shown to support people with online purchases. Therefore, it is important to understand how persuasive applications are used and assimilated into e-commerce website designs. This paper demonstrates how the PSD model’s persuasive features could be used to build a bridge supporting the extraction and evaluation of persuasive features in such e-commerce websites; thus practically explaining how feature implementation can enhance website persuasiveness. To support a deeper understanding of persuasive e-commerce website design, this research, using the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model, identifies the distinct persuasive features currently assimilated in ten successful e-commerce websites. The results revealed extensive use of persuasive features; particularly features related to dialogue support, credibility support, and primary task support; thus highlighting weaknesses in the implementation of social support features. In conclusion we suggest possible ways for enhancing persuasive feature implementation via appropriate contextual examples and explanation.
Hundreds of tropical plant species house ant colonies in specialized chambers called domatia. When, in 1873, Richard Spruce likened plant-ants to fleas and asserted that domatia are ant-created galls, he incited a debate that lasted almost a century. Although we now know that domatia are not galls and that most ant-plant interactions are mutualisms and not parasitisms, we revisit Spruce`s suggestion that ants can gall in light of our observations of the plant-ant Myrmelachista schumanni, which creates clearings in the Amazonian rain forest called ""supay-chakras,"" or ""devil`s gardens."" We observed swollen scars on the trunks of nonmyrmecophytic canopy trees surrounding supay-chakras, and within these swellings, we found networks of cavities inhabited by M. schumanni. Here, we summarize the evidence supporting the hypothesis that M. schumanni ants make these galls, and we hypothesize that the adaptive benefit of galling is to increase the amount of nesting space available to M. schumanni colonies.
This research paper has been prepared by Bachelor students from Dalarna University in Borlänge. The project is centered on a case study of ICA – Kvantum and its brand awareness among customers. The purpose of this study is to find out that which measures can help ICA-Kvantum to create brand awareness among its current and potential customers by looking in to the importance of information of its offerings and use of effective communication tools to convey this information. Further, to recommend them what they need to do, to increase brand awareness among their customers with the help of managerial implications. The research question was formulated as what actions could be seen effective for ICA-Kvantum to maintain or improve brand awareness among its current and potential customers.The project was created with the help of theoretical concepts of brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, consumer decision model, integrated marketing communication approach and strategic planning process. These theories were applied in this thesis in order to find out the most effective communication measures to maintain or improve brand awareness among current and potential customers of ICA-Kvantum.The primary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was gathered through the survey among ICA-Kvantum customers in the front of the store in Borlänge. The personal interview with manager was conducted in the office of ICA-Kvantum store located in Borlänge. Secondary data was gathered from textbooks, academic journals, theses and websites.The empirical findings have been presented in detail and then analyzed with the help of theoretical concepts. The analysis and further results from survey and interview focused on importance of information, marketing communication tools, brand awareness and loyalty, perceived quality and implementation of strategic planning process. Moreover, the main weaknesses and strengths of ICA-Kvantun have been evaluated. The conclusion including short summary of analysis and its results have been provided at the end. Each weakness of issues related to brand awareness i.e. importance of information, effectiveness of marketing communication tools and strengths and weaknesses of ICA-Kvantum discussed in the paper, has been pointed out along with solutions and managerial implications.
Bakgrund: Internet används globalt inom många områden och aktuell forskning visar att gravida kvinnor använder Internet till att söka information om graviditet och förlossning. En graviditet innebär många frågor hos kvinnan och kvinnor söker efter information för att få en trygghet och försäkran om att allt är normalt med deras hälsa och barnet i magen. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka gravida kvinnors informationssökning via Internet avseende graviditet och förlossning. Metod: Beskrivande tvärsnittstudie. Datainsamling skedde via en enkätundersökning och data analyserades med deskriptiv och jämförande ansats. Resultat: Nästan alla kvinnor i undersökningen använde Internet för att söka information om graviditet och förlossning. Kvinnorna söker information om barnets utveckling, kost/näring och graviditetslängd i hög utsträckning. Högutbildade kvinnor har andra kriterier för trovärdighet på hemsidor än kvinnor med lägre utbildning. Slutsats: Barnmorskor bör vara medvetna om gravida kvinnors användning av Internet samt själva skapa sig en uppfattning om informationen som de gravida kvinnorna läser på Internet. Vår studie visar att barnmorskors rekommendation av hemsidor på Internet har stor betydelse för gravida kvinnor.
Government websites offer great benefits to citizens and governments. Such benefits, however,cannot be realized if websites are unusable. This study investigates usability of government websites in Uganda.Using the feature investigation method, the study evaluated four Ugandan government websites according tothree perspectives. Results show that websites are partially usable in the design layout and navigationperspectives but are rather weak in stating legal policies. Evaluation results provide the Ugandan governmentwith a clear picture of what needs to be improved according to international website design standards. Moreover,the parsimonious evaluation framework proposed in the research is useful for any country that wants to do aquick and easy evaluation of their government websites.
As instituições de ensino estão em busca de conhecimentos sobre suas necessidades e oportunidades para a aprendizagem à distância, visto que a comunicação e as relações de ensino e de aprendizagem no futuro se darão em sua maioria à distância. Para tanto, se verifica a necessidade de cuidados relativos à qualidade das interações neste âmbito disponibilizadas na web. Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação de uma metodologia de avaliação qualitativa para medir a usabilidade de websites de Educação à Distância (EaD) na tecnologia de Web Based Training (WBT). A técnica pode ser dividida em duas etapas principais: a Co- Descrição e a Inspeção Avaliativa. Na primeira fase são utilizados instrumentos tais como entrevistas com os projetistas e usuários, assim como descrições assistidas para a obtenção de informações necessárias ao reconhecimento das características e componentes do website. Na segunda fase utilizam-se checklists para avaliar os principais conjuntos de páginas, por meio de questões aplicáveis, conforme os atributos e componentes da interface que estas apresentam. O método de inspeção é baseado em recomendações ergonômicas específicas ao ambiente de EaD, compiladas conforme os Critérios Ergonômicos (CE) de Leulier, Bastien e Scapin (1998) e Componentes de Interação Homem-Computador de Cybis (1997). Os resultados são apresentados sob forma de recomendações ergonômicas para o reprojeto do website, visando a melhoria da qualidade de interação do usuário com a interface. Alguns dos principais objetivos da avaliação de usabilidade são: facilitar o uso, diminuir a carga visual, reduzir a carga mental no processo de memorização e melhorar as capacidades cognitivas.
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