988 resultados para Crane, Hart, 1899-1932.
Review of edited collection.
Review of edited collection.
Review of edited collection.
The photographs in this album were selected with the assistance of the Sir Robert Hart Research Project, which is a collaboration between Special Collections & Archives in the Library, the School of Modern History & Anthropology, Queen’s University Belfast, and the Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in Beijing. The research project is creating an annotated photobook from the Sir Robert Hart Photo Collection (originally donated in the 1970s) and the Irons Collection. The photographs here reflect those that will be included in the book.
Bob Dylan famously searched high and low for it and left us wondering ‘what it’s gonna take’ to find it. These days, the elusive dignity – and her equally, if not more, elusive cousin human dignity – has captured the imagination of not just the poet and philosopher, but also, in light of its increasing prominence in an array of legal contexts, the legal scholar. Catherine Dupré’s The Age of Dignity comes at a high point in (human) dignity scholarship, with the publication of numerous texts in the English language emerging on the subject, and with interest in it looking unlikely to dissipate any time soon. In this review, I consider (human) dignity’s promise and pitfalls as it transpires in Dupré’s wide-ranging and ambitious monograph.
O colapso da I República Portuguesa (1910-1926) teve lugar durante a vaga de crises dos regimes democráticos europeus do pós-Primeira Guerra Mundial e foi provocado por uma coligação heterogénea de militares e civis conservadores, e não por um movimento fascista (Pinto 2002). Predominantemente republicanos de direita, os generais que dominaram a ditadura militar criada após o golpe de 1926 procuraram o apoio de elementos conservadores e das elites católicas para a criação dos primeiros governos ditatoriais. Não obstante, os militares mantiveram o controlo da maioria das pastas ministeriais e dos cargos da administração local até 1932. Sucessivas crises políticas e financeiras forçaram-nos a negociar com as elites civis vários pactos para a insti tucionalização de um novo regime.