918 resultados para Cotton yarn


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Ramularia blight, caused by Ramularia areola, is one of the most important diseases affecting cotton crop in Brazil. For its effective control, 5-9 fungicide applications on susceptible cultivars are necessary. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, in vitro and in vivo, the sporulation potential of R. areolaisolates from different Brazilian regions at distinct temperatures. Spore production was assessed in the laboratory and under green house conditions by using leaves from plants of eight cotton cultivars. The in vitro results indicated that the potential of spore production was dependent on temperature. Maximum sporulation of the fungus occurred at 17°C for isolates from São Paulo State and 23°C for isolates from Goiás and Mato Grosso States. In the in vivo study, there was a variation in spore production according to the cultivar and the isolate. Most isolates showed to be highly aggressive on cultivars FM966 LL and DELTAOPAL. The obtained results suggest a more rational use of fungicides and cultivars with decreased fungal sporulation and can form the basis for further studies of the pathogenic variability of this fungus in cotton crops in Brazil. This is the first report on the sporulation potential of Brazilian R. areola isolates.


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The purpose of this study was to simulate and to optimize integrated gasification for combine cycle (IGCC) for power generation and hydrogen (H2) production by using low grade Thar lignite coal and cotton stalk. Lignite coal is abundant of moisture and ash content, the idea of addition of cotton stalk is to increase the mass of combustible material per mass of feed use for the process, to reduce the consumption of coal and to increase the cotton stalk efficiently for IGCC process. Aspen plus software is used to simulate the process with different mass ratios of coal to cotton stalk and for optimization: process efficiencies, net power generation and H2 production etc. are considered while environmental hazard emissions are optimized to acceptance level. With the addition of cotton stalk in feed, process efficiencies started to decline along with the net power production. But for H2 production, it gave positive result at start but after 40% cotton stalk addition, H2 production also started to decline. It also affects negatively on environmental hazard emissions and mass of emissions/ net power production increases linearly with the addition of cotton stalk in feed mixture. In summation with the addition of cotton stalk, overall affects seemed to negative. But the effect is more negative after 40% cotton stalk addition so it is concluded that to get maximum process efficiencies and high production less amount of cotton stalk addition in feed is preferable and the maximum level of addition is estimated to 40%. Gasification temperature should keep lower around 1140 °C and prefer technique for studied feed in IGCC is fluidized bed (ash in dry form) rather than ash slagging gasifier


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The objective of this work was to develop and validate a mathematical model to estimate the duration of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium hutch) cycle in the State of Goiás, Brazil, by applying the method of growing degree-days (GD), and considering, simultaneously, its time-space variation. The model was developed as a linear combination of elevation, latitude, longitude, and Fourier series of time variation. The model parameters were adjusted by using multiple-linear regression to the observed GD accumulated with air temperature in the range of 15°C to 40°C. The minimum and maximum temperature records used to calculate the GD were obtained from 21 meteorological stations, considering data varying from 8 to 20 years of observation. The coefficient of determination, resulting from the comparison between the estimated and calculated GD along the year was 0.84. Model validation was done by comparing estimated and measured crop cycle in the period from cotton germination to the stage when 90 percent of bolls were opened in commercial crop fields. Comparative results showed that the model performed very well, as indicated by the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.90 and Willmott agreement index of 0.94, resulting in a performance index of 0.85.


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The destruction of the cotton crop residues (cotton stalks) is a mandatory procedure in Brazil for prophylactic issues, but is a subject unexplored by the research and there are few studies that deal with this issue. However, this is not encouraged in recent decades, studies aimed at developing and evaluating equipment for this purpose. The present study had the objective to evaluate six methods for mechanical destruction of cotton crop residues. Each method was defined based on the principle of operation of the active parts of the equipment, which were tested in medium texture soil and in a clayey one. The variables used to evaluate the efficiency of the equipment were the regrowth rate, the theoretical field capacity and energy demand. The equipment with convergent concave disks (DCC) and flat cutters discs from manufacturer A (CPS-a) showed the best results in cotton stalks destruction in both soil types. The harrow disc (GPD) was efficient only in clay soil. It was concluded that the equipment with convergent concave disks, among those tested, was the most efficient to destroy cotton stalks, regardless of soil type, and that the harrow disc was not included among the best performers.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of subsoiling, gypsum and organic matter associated with the cultivation of cotton, sunflower and cowpea in crop rotation, seeking the reclamation and use of a saline-sodic soil. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design in split plots with four replications, during two crop cycles (2009/2010 and 2010/2011). The plots were formed by the treatments: T1. Subsoiling (S); T2. S + 20 Mg ha-1 of gypsum; T3. S + 40 Mg ha-1 of organic matter; T4. S + 10 Mg ha-1 of gypsum + 20 Mg ha-1 of organic matter; T5. S + 20 Mg ha-1 of gypsum + 40 Mg ha-1 of organic matter and the sub-plots consisted of the cotton-cowpea (C/CP) and sunflower-cowpea (S/CP) crop rotation. The use of gypsum and organic matter contributed to decrease the soil salinity and sodicity. Cotton was not affected by the treatments, while the sunflower crop was favored by the application of amendments only in the second production cycle. Higher yields of cowpea in T5 treatment, during the 2009/2010 cycle, are indicative that higher doses of gypsum and organic matter applied in this treatment accelerate the reclamation process. For other treatments with amendment application there was a beneficial effect for this crop only in the second cycle, when the values of productivity were similar to T5.


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ABSTRACT Tractor traveling speed can influence the quality of spraying depending on the application technology used. This study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum, the deposition and uniformity of spray distribution with different spraying systems and traveling speeds of a self-propelled sprayer in two phenological stages of the cotton plant (B9 and F13). The experimental design was randomized blocks and treatments were three spraying techniques: common flat spray tips; tilted flat jet with air induction, at 120 L ha-1; and rotary atomizer disk, 20 L ha-1, combined with four traveling speeds: 12, 15, 18 and 25 km h-1, with four replications. Spraying deposition was evaluated for both leaf surfaces from the cotton plant apex and base (stage B9) and middle part of the plant (stage F13) with a cupric marker. A laser particle analyzer also assessed the droplet spectrum. The centrifugal power spray system produces more homogeneous droplet spectrum and increased penetration of droplets into the canopy in both phenological stages. Variation on the operating conditions necessary for increased traveling speed negatively influences the pattern of spraying deposits.


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Yökerhon mainoskortti. Saksankielinen


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Taloudellisen taantuman jälkeen yksi suurimmista puheenaiheista työväestön keskuudessa on tyytymättömyys suhteellisen pieniin yleisiin palkankorotuksiin tai jopa niiden puuttumiseen kokonaan. Vuonna 2013 ei näkyvissä ole sellaisia merkkejä talouskasvusta, että palkkoja voitaisiin merkittävästi korottaa yleisellä tasolla. Tämä seikka nostaa esille kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän arvon eri organisaatioissa. Henkilöstön kokonaisvaltainen kannustinjärjestelmä on yksi väline, jolla voidaan motivoida, sitouttaa, kehittää ja johtaa nykyisen työelämän tietotyöntekijöitä taloudellisesti kannattavalla tavalla ja sitä kautta vahvistaa organisaation kilpailukykyä sekä paikallisilla että yhä globaalimmilla markkinoilla. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena tarkoituksenaan henkilöstön kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän luominen toimeksiantajayrityksen, Sport-Cotton Oy:n liikunta- ja hyvinvointiliiketoiminnan, tarpeisiin. Henkilöstön kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän perustana ovat organisaation sille asettamat tavoitteet. Kannustinjärjestelmälle asetetut tavoitteet ja reunaehdot määrittelevät käytettävät kannustimet, mutta kannustinjärjestelmästä tekee kokonaisvaltaisen sekä aineettomien että aineellisten kannustimien hyödyntäminen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Järjestelmä ei voi olla kiveen hakattu, sillä organisaatiot ja niiden toimintaympäristöt muuttuvat jatkuvasti. Esimerkiksi teknologisen kehityksen myötä työn luonne muuttuu ja markkinat globalisoituvat, mikä puolestaan voi merkittävästi vaikuttaa kannustinjärjestelmälle asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan henkilöstön kokonaisvaltainen kannustinjärjestelmä voidaan nähdä päivittäisen johtamisen työkaluna, joka on osa organisaation päivittäistä toimintaa. Henkilöstön osallistuminen kannustinjärjestelmän suunnitteluprosessiin on luonnollinen keino osallistaa ja sitouttaa henkilöstöä heihin vaikuttavaan uuteen asiaan ja usein sen mukanaan tuomaan muutokseen. Organisaation kannalta henkilöstön sitouttamisella prosessiin voidaan saavuttaa selkeitä hyötyjä.


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The majority of cotton grown commercially in the world has white lint, but recently, there has been a growing interest in colored lint cotton in several countries, including Brazil. The use of naturally-colored fiber reduces chemical pollution. The objective of this paper was to evaluate cotton cultivar fiber yield in response to weed control via intercropping with gliricídia. Cultivars BRS-Verde (greenish fibers), BRS-Rubi (reddish brown fibers), BRS-Safira (brown fibers), and BRS-187 8H (white fibers) were submitted to the following treatments: no hoeing, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after transplanting), and cotton intercropped with gliricídia. In the intercropped treatment, gliricídia was planted between rows of cotton plants, using one seedling pit-1, in pits spaced 50.0 cm apart. Twelve weed species predominated in the experiment, many of them belonging to the Poaceae family. Weeds occurred at different frequencies and in a non-uniform manner in the experimental area. Cultivars did not influence weed dry matter. Intercropping with gliricídia reduced weed dry matter but did not prevent reductions in cotton fiber and seed cotton yield, which were higher in hoed plots. Cultivar BRS Safira had the highest fiber yield, but no differences were observed between cultivars regarding to seed cotton yield.


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Cotton is highly susceptible to the interference imposed by weed community, being therefore essential to adopt control measures ensuring the crop yield. Herbicides are the primary method of weed control in large-scale areas of production, and usually more than one herbicide application is necessary due to the extensive crop cycle. This study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of different chemical weed control systems for conventional cotton. The experiment took place in the field in a randomized block design, with twenty nine treatments and four replications in a split plot layout (adjacent double check). Results showed that triple mixtures in pre-emergence increased the chance of observing reductions in the cotton yield. To avoid reductions in crop yield, users should proceed to a maximum mixture of two herbicides in pre-emergence, followed by S-metolachlor over the top, followed by one post-emergence mixture application of pyrithiobac-sodium + trifloxysulfuron-sodium.


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ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to evaluate the selectivity of fomesafen alone or in a tank mixture with other preemergent herbicides, with or without S-metolachlor application in early postemergence in cotton plant, cultivar DP 555 BG RR(r). The design utilized was a randomized complete block, organized in a split-plot arrangement, with four replications. For that, 24 herbicides were evaluated with fomesafen (0.45 and 0.625 kg ha-1), prometryn (1.25 kg ha-1), diuron (1.25 kg ha-1), trifluralin (1.8 kg ha-1), and S-metolachlor (0.77 kg ha-1), applied as preemergent, with or without S-metolachlor (0.77 kg ha-1) applied in early postemergence. The variables evaluated were: phytotoxicity, insertion height of the first reproductive branch, plant height, stand, number of reproductive branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, bolls weight, and productivity of cotton seed. Fomesafen alone or in a tank mixture with preemergent prometryn, diuron, trifluralin and S-metolachlor was selective to cotton plant. Preemergent fomesafen isolated application followed by the application of S-metolachlor in early postemergence was also selective. However, on average, preemergent tank mixtures applied in association with preemergent S-metolachlor early application was not selective to cotton crop.


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The effect of constant temperature on the germination rate and percentage of two cotton seed lots was determined using a thermogradient plate. A gradient of 10 ºC to 40 ºC was established across the plate so that temperatures changed 2 ºC for each 5 cm increment in length, resulting in sixteen different temperature treatments. The optimal temperature zone for germination was 28 ºC to 30 ºC. As temperature decreased from the optimal zone, the rate of germination also decreased but germination percentages during the 10-day period were significantly lower only below 20 ºC. As temperature increased above the optimal zone, the rate of germination decreased and the percentage of germination sharply decreased above 32 ºC - 34 ºC. As expected, high quality cotton seed performed better than medium quality seed for a low temperature range (16 ºC to 22 ºC), but the most intriguing results were observed for the high temperatures range (36 ºC to38 ºC). The germination of medium quality cotton seed was consistently higher than for high quality seed, especially at 38 ºC after the second day of evaluation. This response has not been reported in the literature and further research is needed to better understand the germination physiology of cotton seed at high temperatures.


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. The cotton mill industry is one of the important medium and large-scale industries in the State of Kerala. Due to the widespread development of the handloom industry in the State, there is an environment conducive to the growth of cotton spinning mills which produce yarn, the raw material required by the handloom industry. New spin— ing mills are being commissioned. But the performance of the existing cotton spinning and weaving mills in the State is not quite satisfactory. Hence an analysis has been carried out into the profitability and financial position of the industry in Kerala. The objective of the study is to make a financial analysis of the industry covering various aspects such as cost structure, productivity, asset structure, financial structure and working capital management.