985 resultados para Cordillera Ibérica


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En el presente trabajo se exponen los principales resultados obtenidos de una cartografa geommfolgica a escala 1: 50.W, adjuntndose un esquema geolgico y un esquema geomorfdlgito. Se pone de manifiesto las diferencias de modelado entre los Munitany~es de Prades y la Conca de Barkri debido a la teatnica y da ~litologa, la existencia de materiales crioclsticos a I..W m de altitud y su ausencia (no se han encontrado trazas de ellos) ten las zonas bajas, iste describen varios, tipos de evolucin de las cornilsas calcreas, toda una serie de depsitos fluviales y torrenciales escallonados, as como algunos pequeos glacis poco desarrollddos debido a la litologa diel substrato. Por iiiltimo hay un pequeo apartado en que se trata la dinmica aotual teniendo en cuenta las modificaciones introducidas por dl hombre.


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A new micromammal site at Alhaurín el Grande (Málaga, southern Spain) located above early Pliocene marine deposits allows an approach to the marine-continental correlation for this age. The early Pliocene marine filling throughout the Málaga Basin is developed in three transgressive-regressive sequences (Pl-1, Pl-2, and Pl-3 units) bounded by discontinuities. At the top of the intermediate sequence Pl-2, peaty sediments have yielded fossils of Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Insectivora, and Crocodylia. The presence of Cricetus barrieri Mein & Michaux, 1970 in combination with murids, both of primitive morphology, such as Apodemus gudrunae Van de Weerd, 1976, and more advanced forms (i.e. Occitanomys brailloni Michaux, 1969 and Stephanomys donnezani cordii Ruiz Bustos, 1986), points to an early Ruscinian age (MN 14 biozone). Based on the planktonic foraminifers, the biostratigraphic data indicate that marine sediments just below the micromammal beds belong to the MPl-2 biozone of the early Zanclean. Available paleomagnetic data from the marine sediments show that the micromammal bed must be located between the normal geomagnetic subchron C3n3n (4.89-4.80 Ma) and the subchron C3n2n (4.63-4.49 Ma), limiting the age of this site to the late part of the early Zanclean.


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[spa] En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés arqueológico por los cambios territoriales de época histórica. Asimismo, el número de registros polínicos ha aumentado sensiblemente. A pesar de que la falta de marcos cronológicos fiables impone límites a las interpretaciones sobre antropización, el presente artículo pretende realizar una síntesis de los cambios paleoambientales documentados entre los siglos VIII aC y XII dC, haciendo especial referencia a las transformaciones humanas del entorno. Este conjunto de datos polínicos hace evidente una intervención humana al inicio del periodo ibérico, presión que se intensifica durante el iberismo Pleno con la expansión de actividades agrícolas. El mundo romano significa una explotación del espacio menos extensiva, si bien el el siglo VII dC se produce una extensión de los pastos tanto en sectores elevados del Pirineo como de litoral catalán que modifica profundamente el paisaje. [eng] The archaeological interest on the environmental changes during historical times has increased during the last decades. In accordance, a number of palynological from NE Spain records has been recently published. Despite chronological frame works are not yet enough reliable, this paper proposes a synthesis of landscape changes from VIIIth century BC to XIIth century AD. Palynological data suggest the presence of human impacts at ghe beginning of iberic times. Humans pressure, mainly farmning activities, intensified during iberian times. Roman times record a less extensive land use but at the IVth century AD, grazing expanded at regional scale. Pastures expanded again at VIIth century AD, reaching high altitudes in the Pyrenees while at littoral plains, meadows were used for grazing. This period resulted in a deep change of the Catalan lansacapes.


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Los autores describen y comentan cuatro especies de mixomicetes: Arcyria oerstedtii Rost., Comatricha alta Preuss, Physarum decipiens Curtís, Stemonitis virginiensis Rex, poco mencionadas en el catálogo micològico de la Península Ibérica y Baleares.


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En este trabajo se presenta la interpretaciónpor métodos geofísicos combinados de un sector del contacto entre el Pre-Pirineo y la La zona objeto del presente estudio se halla a Depresión Central Catalana...


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Triangular facets, related drainage basins, alluvial fans and subtle scarps reveal the recent activity of the normal Amer fault (NE Spain). The 1427 earthquakes which reached epicentral intensities ranging between VI1 and VI11 have been attributed to the Amer fault. However, the geomorphologic and geologic characteristics of this fault (30 km length) suggest that it might be capable of producing larger earthquakes than those occurred during de 15th century.


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En este trabajo se estudian las facies graniticas del sector suroccidental del batolito granitico herciniano que aflora al NE de Barcelona. Tomando como base sus composiciones mineralógicas y texturales se individualizan cuatro tipos graniticos y se realiza su cartografa a escala 1:100.000. Dos de los tipos son tonalitas biotitico-homblendicas, el tercero granodioritas biotiticas y el cuarto leucogranitos biotitico (-moscoviticos). Por último. las relaciones de campo (contactos netos; diques y enclaves de unos tipos en otros) sugieren una relación entre ellos de tipo intrusivo con una sucesión en su emplazamiento desde los tipos mas básicos a los más ácidos.


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El artículo analiza los distintos usos y funciones de la escritura ibérica en el ámbito doméstico, lo que permite desarrollar determinadas consideraciones a propósito del nivel de literacy atribuible a la sociedad ibérica, especialmente en época romana.


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La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.


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We present an overview of the knowledge of the structure and the seismic behavior of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (AMF). We utilize a fault traces map created from a LIDAR DEM combined with the geodynamic setting, the analysis of the morphology, the distribution of seismicity, the geological information from E 1:50000 geological maps and the available paleoseismic data to describe the recent activity of the AMF. We discuss the importance of uncertainties regarding the structure and kinematics of the AMF applied to the interpretation and spatial correlation of the paleoseismic data. In particular, we discuss the nature of the faults dipping to the SE (antithetic to the main faults of the AMF) in several segments that have been studied in the previous paleoseismic works. A special chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the tectonic source of the Lorca 2011 earthquake that took place in between two large segments of the fault.


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Aquest treball parteix de la pregunta: quines eren les característiques principals de la religió ibèrica? A partir d’aquesta pregunta, n’han sorgit d’altres que han permès concretar aspectes més específics de la religió en aquest territori: quins llocs de culte utilitzaven?, quines divinitats veneraven?, qui s’encarregava de dur a terme el culte?, com es manifestava aquesta religió?, creien en el més enllà?, quins ritus o pràctiques cultuals realitzaven?


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Se presenta una tercera lista de 68 especies de moluscos marinos (4 Caudofoveata, 1 Solenogastre, 32 Gastropoda, 15 Bivalvia y 16 Cephalopoda) que no habían sido citados anteriormente en ahuas del litoral del Garraf (Barcelona, NE de la Península Ibérica).


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[cat] Es donen a conèixer diversos objectes singulars localitzats en superfície en els jaciments ibèric i romà de la Fogonussa, que romanien inèdits en la població de Sant Martí de Maldà, municipi de Sant Martí de Riucorb. La selecció està formada per una vora d'àmfora grecoitàlica tardana, que conté una inscripció ibèrica, dues nanses de vasos contenidors ibèrics amb grafits i tres nanses d'àmfora ibèrica estampillades, una d'elles amb la figura d'un griu.


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The publication of the fourth IPCC report, as well as the number of research results reported in recent years about the regionalization of climate projections, were the driving forces to justify the update of the report on climate change in Catalonia. Specifically, the new IPCC report contains new climate projections at global and continental scales, while several international projects (especially European projects PRUDENCE and ENSEMBLES) have produced continental-scale climate projections, which allow for distinguishing between European regions. For Spain, some of these results have been included in a document commissioned by the“State Agency of Meteorology”. In addition, initiatives are being developed within Catalonia (in particular, by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia) to downscale climate projections in this area. The present paper synthesizes results of these and other previously published studies, as well as our own analysis of results of the ENSEMBLES project. The aim is to propose scenarios of variation in temperature and rainfall in Catalonia during the 21st Century. Thus, by the middle of this century temperatures could rise up to 2 C compared with that of the late 20th Century. These increases would probably be higher in summer than in winter, generalized across the territory but less pronounced in coastal areas. Rainfall, however, would not change much, but it could slightly decrease. Towards the end of the 21st Century, temperatures could rise to about 5 C above that of the last century, while the average rainfall could decrease by more than 10%. Increases in temperature would be higher in summer and in areas further from the coast. Rainfall would decrease especially during the summer, while it could even increase in winter in mountainous areas such as the Pyrenees.