941 resultados para Coral Reefs


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Coral reefs, excellent climatic and environmental archives in tropical oceans, are widely distributed in the South China Sea (SCS), which is the largest enclosed marginal sea of western Pacific, covering over 20° in latitude and different climate conditions. Our recent research in the SCS focuses on coral-based high-resolution climate reconstruction and coral reef ecological responses using geochemical and U-series geochronological tools, which provide an ideal opportunity for understanding of Holocene climate processes and events. Some major research highlights are summarized below:


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Funding for the JC073 cruise was provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) UK Ocean Acidification (UKOA) research programme’s Benthic Consortium project (NE/H017305/1 to J Murray Roberts). Funding for analytical costs and field work was provided by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS) (Biodiversity Grant to Ursula FM Witte, 140 SF10003-10). Georgios Kazanidis was funded by a MASTS PhD scholarship.


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The occurrence of microbialites in post-glacial coral reefs has been interpreted to reflect an ecosystem response to environmental change. The greater thickness of microbialites in reefs with a volcanic hinterland compared to thinner microbial crusts in reefs with a non-volcanic hinterland led to the suggestion that fertilization of the reefal environment by chemical weathering of volcanic rocks stimulated primary productivity and microbialite formation. Using a molecular and isotopic approach on reef-microbialites from Tahiti (Pacific Ocean), it was recently shown that sulfate-reducing bacteria favored the formation of microbial carbonates. To test if similar mechanisms induced microbialite formation in other reefs as well, the Tahitian microbialites are compared with similar microbialites from coral reefs off Vanuatu (Pacific Ocean), Belize (Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean), and the Maldives (Indian Ocean) in this study. The selected study sites cover a wide range of geological settings, reflecting variable input and composition of detritus. The new lipid biomarker data and stable sulfur isotope results confirm that sulfate-reducing bacteria played an intrinsic role in the precipitation of microbial carbonate at all study sites, irrespective of the geological setting. Abundant biomarkers indicative of sulfate reducers include a variety of terminally-branched and mid chain-branched fatty acids as well as mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers. Isotope evidence for bacterial sulfate reduction is represented by low d34S values of pyrite (-43 to -42 per mill) enclosed in the microbialites and, compared to seawater sulfate, slightly elevated d34S and d18O values of carbonate-associated sulfate (21.9 to 22.2 per mill and 11.3 to 12.4 per mill, respectively). Microbialite formation took place in anoxic micro-environments, which presumably developed through the fertilization of the reef environment and the resultant accumulation of organic matter including bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), coral mucus, and marine snow in cavities within the coral framework. ToF-SIMS analysis reveals that the dark layers of laminated microbialites are enriched in carbohydrates, which are common constituents of EPS and coral mucus. These results support the hypothesis that bacterial degradation of EPS and coral mucus within microbial mats favored carbonate precipitation. Because reefal microbialites formed by similar processes in very different geological settings, this comparative study suggests that a volcanic hinterland is not required for microbialite growth. Yet, detrital input derived from the weathering of volcanic rocks appears to be a natural fertilizer, being conductive for the growth of microbial mats, which fosters the development of particularly abundant and thick microbial crusts.


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The scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa has been the focus of deep-sea research since the recognition of the vast extent of coral reefs in North Atlantic waters two decades ago, long after their existence was mentioned by fishermen. These reefs where shown to provide habitat, concentrate biomass and act as feeding or nursery grounds for many species, including those targeted by commercial fisheries. Thus, the attention given to this cold-water coral (CWC) species from researchers and the wider public has increased. Consequently, new research programs triggered research to determine the full extent of the corals geographic distribution and ecological dynamics of “Lophelia reefs”. The present study is based on a systematic standardised sampling design to analyse the distribution and coverage of CWC reefs along European margins from the Bay of Biscay to Iceland. Based on Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) image analysis, we report an almost systematic occurrence of Madrepora oculata in association with L. pertusa with similar abundances of both species within explored reefs, despite a tendency of increased abundance of L. pertusa compared to M. oculata toward higher latitudes. This systematic association occasionally reached the colony scale, with “twin” colonies of both species often observed growing next to each other when isolated structures were occurring off-reefs. Finally, several “false chimaera” were observed within reefs, confirming that colonial structures can be “coral bushes” formed by an accumulation of multiple colonies even at the inter-specific scale, with no need for self-recognition mechanisms. Thus, we underline the importance of the hitherto underexplored M. oculata in the Eastern Atlantic, re-establishing a more balanced view that both species and their yet unknown interactions are required to better elucidate the ecology, dynamics and fate of European CWC reefs in a changing environment.


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Coral reefs are increasingly threatened by global and local anthropogenic stressors, such as rising seawater temperature and nutrient enrichment. These two stressors vary widely across the reef face and parsing out their influence on coral communities at reef system scales has been particularly challenging. Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and nutrients on coral community traits and life history strategies on lagoonal reefs across the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS). A novel metric was developed using ultra-high-resolution sea surface temperatures (SST) to classify reefs as enduring low (lowTP), moderate (modTP), or extreme (extTP) temperature parameters over 10 years (2003 to 2012). Chlorophyll-a (chl a) records obtained for the same interval were employed as a proxy for bulk nutrients and these records were complemented with in situ measurements to "sea truth" nutrient content across the three reef types. Chl a concentrations were highest at extTP sites, medial at modTP sites and lowest at lowTP sites. Coral species richness, abundance, diversity, density, and percent cover were lower at extTP sites compared to lowTP and modTP sites, but these reef community traits did not differ between lowTP and modTP sites. Coral life history strategy analyses showed that extTP sites were dominated by hardy stress-tolerant and fast-growing weedy coral species, while lowTP and modTP sites consisted of competitive, generalist, weedy, and stress-tolerant coral species. These results suggest that differences in coral community traits and life history strategies between extTP and lowTP/modTP sites were driven primarily by temperature differences with differences in nutrients across site types playing a lesser role. Dominance of weedy and stress-tolerant genera at extTP sites suggests that corals utilizing these two life history strategies may be better suited to cope with warmer oceans and thus may warrant further protective status during this climate change interval. Data associated with this project are archived here, including: -SST data -Satellite Chl a data -Nutrient measurements -Raw coral community survey data For questions contact Justin Baumann (j.baumann3 gmail.com)


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Coral reefs are biologically complex ecosystems that support a wide variety of marine organisms. These are fragile communities under enormous threat from natural and human-based influences. Properly assessing and measuring the growth and health of reefs is essential to understanding impacts of ocean acidification, coastal urbanisation and global warming. In this paper, we present an innovative 3-D reconstruction technique based on visual imagery as a non-intrusive, repeatable, in situ method for estimating physical parameters, such as surface area and volume for efficient assessment of long-term variability. The reconstruction algorithms are presented, and benchmarked using an existing data set. We validate the technique underwater, utilising a commercial-off-the-shelf camera and a piece of staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis. The resulting reconstruction is compared with a laser scan of the coral piece for assessment and validation. The comparison shows that 77% of the pixels in the reconstruction are within 0.3 mm of the ground truth laser scan. Reconstruction results from an unknown video camera are also presented as a segue to future applications of this research.