998 resultados para Constrained clustering


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Evidence suggests that both nascent and young firms (henceforth: “new firms”)—despite typically being small and resource-constrained—are sometimes able to innovate effectively. Such firms are seldom able to invest in lengthy and expensive development processes, which suggests that they may frequently rely instead on other pathways to generate innovativeness within the firm. In this paper, we develop and test arguments that “bricolage,” defined as making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities, provides an important pathway to achieve innovation for new resource-constrained firms. Through bricolage, resource-constrained firms engage in the processes of “recombination” that are core to creating innovative outcomes. Based on a large longitudinal dataset, our results suggest that variations in the degree to which firms engage in bricolage behaviors can provide a broadly applicable explanation of innovativeness under resource constraints by new firms. We find no general support for our competing hypothesis that the positive effects may level off or even turn negative at high levels of bricolage..


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Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which IT resources are provided over the Internet as a service to users. One such service offered through the Cloud is Software as a Service or SaaS. SaaS can be delivered in a composite form, consisting of a set of application and data components that work together to deliver higher-level functional software. SaaS is receiving substantial attention today from both software providers and users. It is also predicted to has positive future markets by analyst firms. This raises new challenges for SaaS providers managing SaaS, especially in large-scale data centres like Cloud. One of the challenges is providing management of Cloud resources for SaaS which guarantees maintaining SaaS performance while optimising resources use. Extensive research on the resource optimisation of Cloud service has not yet addressed the challenges of managing resources for composite SaaS. This research addresses this gap by focusing on three new problems of composite SaaS: placement, clustering and scalability. The overall aim is to develop efficient and scalable mechanisms that facilitate the delivery of high performance composite SaaS for users while optimising the resources used. All three problems are characterised as highly constrained, large-scaled and complex combinatorial optimisation problems. Therefore, evolutionary algorithms are adopted as the main technique in solving these problems. The first research problem refers to how a composite SaaS is placed onto Cloud servers to optimise its performance while satisfying the SaaS resource and response time constraints. Existing research on this problem often ignores the dependencies between components and considers placement of a homogenous type of component only. A precise problem formulation of composite SaaS placement problem is presented. A classical genetic algorithm and two versions of cooperative co-evolutionary algorithms are designed to now manage the placement of heterogeneous types of SaaS components together with their dependencies, requirements and constraints. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of these new algorithms. In the second problem, SaaS components are assumed to be already running on Cloud virtual machines (VMs). However, due to the environment of a Cloud, the current placement may need to be modified. Existing techniques focused mostly at the infrastructure level instead of the application level. This research addressed the problem at the application level by clustering suitable components to VMs to optimise the resource used and to maintain the SaaS performance. Two versions of grouping genetic algorithms (GGAs) are designed to cater for the structural group of a composite SaaS. The first GGA used a repair-based method while the second used a penalty-based method to handle the problem constraints. The experimental results confirmed that the GGAs always produced a better reconfiguration placement plan compared with a common heuristic for clustering problems. The third research problem deals with the replication or deletion of SaaS instances in coping with the SaaS workload. To determine a scaling plan that can minimise the resource used and maintain the SaaS performance is a critical task. Additionally, the problem consists of constraints and interdependency between components, making solutions even more difficult to find. A hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) was developed to solve this problem by exploring the problem search space through its genetic operators and fitness function to determine the SaaS scaling plan. The HGA also uses the problem's domain knowledge to ensure that the solutions meet the problem's constraints and achieve its objectives. The experimental results demonstrated that the HGA constantly outperform a heuristic algorithm by achieving a low-cost scaling and placement plan. This research has identified three significant new problems for composite SaaS in Cloud. Various types of evolutionary algorithms have also been developed in addressing the problems where these contribute to the evolutionary computation field. The algorithms provide solutions for efficient resource management of composite SaaS in Cloud that resulted to a low total cost of ownership for users while guaranteeing the SaaS performance.


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An Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP) is a specialized processor tailored to run a particular application/s efficiently. However, when there are multiple candidate applications in the application’s domain it is difficult and time consuming to find optimum set of applications to be implemented. Existing ASIP design approaches perform this selection manually based on a designer’s knowledge. We help in cutting down the number of candidate applications by devising a classification method to cluster similar applications based on the special-purpose operations they share. This provides a significant reduction in the comparison overhead while resulting in customized ASIP instruction sets which can benefit a whole family of related applications. Our method gives users the ability to quantify the degree of similarity between the sets of shared operations to control the size of clusters. A case study involving twelve algorithms confirms that our approach can successfully cluster similar algorithms together based on the similarity of their component operations.


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The continuous growth of the XML data poses a great concern in the area of XML data management. The need for processing large amounts of XML data brings complications to many applications, such as information retrieval, data integration and many others. One way of simplifying this problem is to break the massive amount of data into smaller groups by application of clustering techniques. However, XML clustering is an intricate task that may involve the processing of both the structure and the content of XML data in order to identify similar XML data. This research presents four clustering methods, two methods utilizing the structure of XML documents and the other two utilizing both the structure and the content. The two structural clustering methods have different data models. One is based on a path model and other is based on a tree model. These methods employ rigid similarity measures which aim to identifying corresponding elements between documents with different or similar underlying structure. The two clustering methods that utilize both the structural and content information vary in terms of how the structure and content similarity are combined. One clustering method calculates the document similarity by using a linear weighting combination strategy of structure and content similarities. The content similarity in this clustering method is based on a semantic kernel. The other method calculates the distance between documents by a non-linear combination of the structure and content of XML documents using a semantic kernel. Empirical analysis shows that the structure-only clustering method based on the tree model is more scalable than the structure-only clustering method based on the path model as the tree similarity measure for the tree model does not need to visit the parents of an element many times. Experimental results also show that the clustering methods perform better with the inclusion of the content information on most test document collections. To further the research, the structural clustering method based on tree model is extended and employed in XML transformation. The results from the experiments show that the proposed transformation process is faster than the traditional transformation system that translates and converts the source XML documents sequentially. Also, the schema matching process of XML transformation produces a better matching result in a shorter time.


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Clustering identities in a broadcast video is a useful task to aid in video annotation and retrieval. Quality based frame selection is a crucial task in video face clustering, to both improve the clustering performance and reduce the computational cost. We present a frame work that selects the highest quality frames available in a video to cluster the face. This frame selection technique is based on low level and high level features (face symmetry, sharpness, contrast and brightness) to select the highest quality facial images available in a face sequence for clustering. We also consider the temporal distribution of the faces to ensure that selected faces are taken at times distributed throughout the sequence. Normalized feature scores are fused and frames with high quality scores are used in a Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence based face clustering system. We present a news video database to evaluate the clustering system performance. Experiments on the newly created news database show that the proposed method selects the best quality face images in the video sequence, resulting in improved clustering performance.


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To enhance the performance of the k-nearest neighbors approach in forecasting short-term traffic volume, this paper proposed and tested a two-step approach with the ability of forecasting multiple steps. In selecting k-nearest neighbors, a time constraint window is introduced, and then local minima of the distances between the state vectors are ranked to avoid overlappings among candidates. Moreover, to control extreme values’ undesirable impact, a novel algorithm with attractive analytical features is developed based on the principle component. The enhanced KNN method has been evaluated using the field data, and our comparison analysis shows that it outperformed the competing algorithms in most cases.


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The K-means algorithm is one of the most popular techniques in clustering. Nevertheless, the performance of the K-means algorithm depends highly on initial cluster centers and converges to local minima. This paper proposes a hybrid evolutionary programming based clustering algorithm, called PSO-SA, by combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) and simulated annealing (SA). The basic idea is to search around the global solution by SA and to increase the information exchange among particles using a mutation operator to escape local optima. Three datasets, Iris, Wisconsin Breast Cancer, and Ripley’s Glass, have been considered to show the effectiveness of the proposed clustering algorithm in providing optimal clusters. The simulation results show that the PSO-SA clustering algorithm not only has a better response but also converges more quickly than the K-means, PSO, and SA algorithms.


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In this paper, we address the control design problem of positioning of over-actuated marine vehicles with control allocation. The proposed design is based on a combined position and velocity loops in a multi-variable anti-windup implementation together with a control allocation mapping. The vehicle modelling is considered with appropriate simplifications related to low-speed manoeuvring hydrodynamics and vehicle symmetry. The control design is considered together with a control allocation mapping. We derive analytical tuning rules based on requirements of closed-loop stability and performance. The anti- windup implementation of the controller is obtained by mapping the actuator-force constraint set into a constraint set for the generalized forces. This approach ensures that actuation capacity is not violated by constraining the generalized control forces; thus, the control allocation is simplified since it can be formulated as an unconstrained problem. The mapping can also be modified on-line based on actuator availability to provide actuator-failure accommodation. We provide a proof of the closed-loop stability and illustrate the performance using simulation scenarios for an open-frame underwater vehicle.


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An ubiquitous problem in control system design is that the system must operate subject to various constraints. Although the topic of constrained control has a long history in practice, there have been recent significant advances in the supporting theory. In this chapter, we give an introduction to constrained control. In particular, we describe contemporary work which shows that the constrained optimal control problem for discrete-time systems has an interesting geometric structure and a simple local solution. We also discuss issues associated with the output feedback solution to this class of problems, and the implication of these results in the closely related problem of anti-windup. As an application, we address the problem of rudder roll stabilization for ships.


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In moderate to high sea states, the effectiveness of ship fin stabilizers can severely deteriorate due to nonlinear effects arising from unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of the fins: dynamic stall. These nonlinear effects take the form of a hysteresis, and they become very significant when the effective angle of attack of the fins exceeds a certain threshold angle. Dynamic stall can result in a complete loss of control action depending on how much the fins exceed the threshold angle. When this is detected, it is common to reduce the gain of the controller that commands the fins. This approach is cautious and tends to reduce performance when the conditions leading to dynamic stall disappear. An alternative approach for preventing the effects while keeping high performance, consists of estimating the effective angle of attack and set a conservative constraint on it as part of the control objectives. In this paper, we investigate the latter approach, and propose the use of a model predictive control (MPC) to prevent the development of these nonlinear effects by considering constraints on both the mechanical angle of the fins and the effective angle of attack.


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We address the problem of finite horizon optimal control of discrete-time linear systems with input constraints and uncertainty. The uncertainty for the problem analysed is related to incomplete state information (output feedback) and stochastic disturbances. We analyse the complexities associated with finding optimal solutions. We also consider two suboptimal strategies that could be employed for larger optimization horizons.


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In this paper, we propose a framework for joint allocation and constrained control design of flight controllers for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The actuator configuration is used to map actuator constraint set into the space of the aircraft generalised forces. By constraining the demanded generalised forces, we ensure that the allocation problem is always feasible; and therefore, it can be solved without constraints. This leads to an allocation problem that does not require on-line numerical optimisation. Furthermore, since the controller handles the constraints, and there is no need to implement heuristics to inform the controller about actuator saturation. The latter is fundamental for avoiding Pilot Induced Oscillations (PIO) in remotely operated UAS due to the rate limit on the aircraft control surfaces.


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The impact of acid rock drainage (ARD) and eutrophication on microbial communities in stream sediments above and below an abandoned mine site in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, was quantified by PLFA analysis. Multivariate analysis of water quality parameters, including anions, soluble heavy metals, pH, and conductivity, as well as total extractable metal concentrations in sediments, produced clustering of sample sites into three distinct groups. These groups corresponded with levels of nutrient enrichment and/or concentration of pollutants associated with ARD. Total PLFA concentration, which is indicative of microbial biomass, was reduced by >70% at sites along the stream between the mine site and as far as 18 km downstream. Further downstream, however, recovery of the microbial abundance was apparent, possibly reflecting dilution effect by downstream tributaries. Total PLFA was >40% higher at, and immediately below, the mine site (0-0.1 km), compared with sites further downstream (2.5-18 km), even after accounting for differences in specific surface area of different sediment samples. The increased microbial population in the proximity of the mine source may be associated with the presence of a thriving iron-oxidizing bacteria community as a consequence of optimal conditions for these organisms while the lower microbial population further downstream corresponded with greater sediments' metal concentrations. PCA of relative abundance revealed a number of PLFAs which were most influential in discriminating between ARD-polluted sites and the rest of the sites. These PLFA included the hydroxy fatty acids: 2OH12:0, 3OH12:0, 2OH16:0; the fungal marker: 18:2ω6; the sulfate-reducing bacteria marker 10Me16:1ω7; and the saturated fatty acids 12:0, 16:0, 18:0. Partial constrained ordination revealed that the environmental parameters with the greatest bearing on the PLFA profiles included pH, soluble aluminum, total extractable iron, and zinc. The study demonstrated the successful application of PLFA analysis to rapidly assess the toxicity of ARD-affected waters and sediments and to differentiate this response from the effects of other pollutants, such as increased nutrients and salinity.


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This paper is concerned with how a localised and energy-constrained robot can maximise its time in the field by taking paths and tours that minimise its energy expenditure. A significant component of a robot's energy is expended on mobility and is a function of terrain traversability. We estimate traversability online from data sensed by the robot as it moves, and use this to generate maps, explore and ultimately converge on minimum energy tours of the environment. We provide results of detailed simulations and parameter studies that show the efficacy of this approach for a robot moving over terrain with unknown traversability as well as a number of a priori unknown hard obstacles.