950 resultados para Constant-pressure conditions


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Based on an isothermal, isobaric simulation the structure and properties of the plastic crystalline phases of C60 and neopentane have been examined. Instantaneous cooling of the plastic crystalline phases of both C60 and neopentane leads to orientational glassy phases. These are accompanied by significant slowing down of reorientational motion. Constant pressure quench experiments on C60 yield a glass transition temperature of around 80 K.


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Bulk glasses of Ge(20)Se(80-x)ln(x) (O less than or equal to x less than or equal to 18) have been used for measurements of heat capacity at constant pressure (C-p) using a differential scanning calorimeter. These measurements reveal the chemical threshold in these glasses as a function of composition. The results are discussed in the light of microscopic phase separation in these glasses.


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We consider here the detailed application of a model Reynolds stress equation (Narasimha 1969) to plane turbulent wakes subjected to pressure gradients. The model, which is a transport equation for the stress exhibiting relaxation and diffusion, is found to be consistent with the observed response of a wake to a nearly impulsive pressure gradient (Narasimha & Prabhu 1971). It implies in particular that a wake can be in equilibrium only if the longitudinal strain rate is appreciably less than the wake shear. We then describe a further series of experiments, undertaken to investigate the range of validity of the model. It is found that, with an appropriate convergence correction when necessary, the model provides excellent predictions of wake development under favourable, adverse and mixed pressure gradients. Furthermore, the behaviour of constant-pressure distorted wakes, as reported by Keffer (1965, 1967), is also explained very well by the model when account is taken of the effective flow convergence produced by the distortion. In all these calculations, only a simple version of the model is used, involving two non-dimensional constants both of which have been estimated from a single relaxation experiment.


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Using in situ x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering techniques, we have investigated the behaviour of single-walled carbon nanotubes bundles under non-hydrostatic pressures. It is seen that the diffraction line corresponding to the two-dimensional triangular lattice in the bundles is not reversible for pressures beyond 5 GPa, in sharp contrast to earlier results under hydrostatic pressure conditions. Most interestingly, radial breathing and tangential Raman modes of the pressure-cycled samples from 21 and 30 GPa match very well with those of the starting sample. Raman and x-ray results put together clearly suggest that the ordering of tubes in the bundles is only marginally regained with a very short coherence length on decompression.


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Densification characteristics of amorphous ZrO2-40 mol% Al2O3 powder with 3 to 15 mu m nominal particle size range, produced by spray pyrolysis, have been studied by conducting hot pressing experiments at 573, 723 and 873 K with uniaxial pressures of 250, 500 and 750 MPa. Most of the increase in relative density from the starting value of similar to 40% occurred during loading up to the desired pressure. The increments in density during 1 hour constant pressure dwells were less than 4% at all temperatures and pressure. Inter-particle bonding was not observed at 573 K. Correlation between the results with a viscous sintering model for hot pressing is not satisfactory for describing the behavior as normal viscous sintering.


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Laminar separation bubbles are thought to be highly non-parallel, and hence global stability studies start from this premise. However, experimentalists have always realized that the flow is more parallel than is commonly believed, for pressure-gradient-induced bubbles, and this is why linear parallel stability theory has been successful in describing their early stages of transition. The present experimental/numerical study re-examines this important issue and finds that the base flow in such a separation bubble becomes nearly parallel due to a strong-interaction process between the separated boundary layer and the outer potential flow. The so-called dead-air region or the region of constant pressure is a simple consequence of this strong interaction. We use triple-deck theory to qualitatively explain these features. Next, the implications of global analysis for the linear stability of separation bubbles are considered. In particular we show that in the initial portion of the bubble, where the flow is nearly parallel, local stability analysis is sufficient to capture the essential physics. It appears that the real utility of the global analysis is perhaps in the rear portion of the bubble, where the flow is highly non-parallel, and where the secondary/nonlinear instability stages are likely to dominate the dynamics.


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Previous studies on a single-cavity, compact trapped vortex combustor concept showed good flame stability for a wide range of flow conditions. However, achieving good mixing between cavity products and mainstream flow was still a major challenge. In the present study, a passive mixing enhancement strategy of using inclined struts along with a flow guide vane is presented and experimentally tested at atmospheric pressure conditions. Results show excellent mixing and consequently low values of the combustor exit pattern factor in the range of 0.1 and small flame lengths (57 times the main-duct depth). The pressure drop is small in the range of 0.35%, and NOx levels of the order of 12ppm are achieved. The flame stability is excellent, and combustion efficiency is reasonable in the range of 96%. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is explained on the basis of in-situ OH chemiluminescence images and prior numerical simulations of the resulting complex flow field. The flow guide vane is observed to lead to a counterclockwise cavity vortex, which is conducive to the rise of cavity combustion products along the inclined struts and subsequent mixing with the mainstream flow.


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In this paper we clarify the role of Markstein diffusivity, which is the product of the planar laminar flame speed and the Markstein length, on the turbulent flame speed and its scaling, based on experimental measurements on constant-pressure expanding turbulent flames. Turbulent flame propagation data are presented for premixed flames of mixtures of hydrogen, methane, ethylene, n-butane, and dimethyl ether with air, in near-isotropic turbulence in a dual-chamber, fan-stirred vessel. For each individual fuel-air mixture presented in this work and the recently published iso-octane data from Leeds, normalized turbulent flame speed data of individual fuel-air mixtures approximately follow a Re-T,f(0.5) scaling, for which the average radius is the length scale and thermal diffusivity is the transport property of the turbulence Reynolds number. At a given Re-T,Re-f, it is experimentally observed that the normalized turbulent flame speed decreases with increasing Markstein number, which could be explained by considering Markstein diffusivity as the leading dissipation mechanism for the large wave number flame surface fluctuations. Consequently, by replacing thermal diffusivity with the Markstein diffusivity in the turbulence Reynolds number definition above, it is found that normalized turbulent flame speeds could be scaled by Re-T,M(0.5) irrespective of the fuel, equivalence ratio, pressure, and turbulence intensity for positive Markstein number flames.


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The present work aims to investigate the phase transition, dispersion and diffusion behavior of nanocomposites of carbon nanotube (CNT) and straight chain alkanes. These materials are potential candidates for organic phase change materials(PCMs) and have attracted flurry of research recently. Accurate experimental evaluation of the mass, thermal and transport properties of such composites is both difficult as well as economically taxing. Additionally it is crucial to understand the factors that results in modification or enhancement of their characteristic at atomic or molecular level. Classical molecular dynamics approach has been extended to elucidate the same. Bulk atomistic models have been generated and subjected to rigorous multistage equilibration. To reaffirm the approach, both canonical and constant-temperature, constant-pressure ensembles were employed to simulate the models under consideration. Explicit determination of kinetic, potential, non-bond and total energy assisted in understanding the enhanced thermal and transport property of the nanocomposites from molecular point of view. Crucial parameters including mean square displacement and simulated self diffusion coefficient precisely define the balance of the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic interactions. Radial distribution function also reflected the density variation, strength and mobility of the nanocomposites. It is expected that CNT functionalization could improve the dispersion within n-alkane matrix. This would further ameliorate the mass and thermal properties of the composite. Additionally, the determined density was in good agreement with experimental data. Thus, molecular dynamics can be utilized as a high throughput technique for theoretical investigation of nanocomposites PCMs. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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The paper revisits a simple beam model used by Chater et al. (1983, Proc. IUTAM Symp. Collapse, Cambridge University Press) to examine the dynamics of propagating buckles on it. It was found that, if a buckle is initiated at a constant pressure higher than the propagation pressure of the model (P-p), the buckle accelerates and gradually reaches a constant velocity which depends upon the pressure, while if it is initiated at P-p, the buckle propagates at a velocity which depends upon the initial imperfection. The causes for the difference are also investigated.


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Some aspects of wave propagation in thin elastic shells are considered. The governing equations are derived by a method which makes their relationship to the exact equations of linear elasticity quite clear. Finite wave propagation speeds are ensured by the inclusion of the appropriate physical effects.

The problem of a constant pressure front moving with constant velocity along a semi-infinite circular cylindrical shell is studied. The behavior of the solution immediately under the leading wave is found, as well as the short time solution behind the characteristic wavefronts. The main long time disturbance is found to travel with the velocity of very long longitudinal waves in a bar and an expression for this part of the solution is given.

When a constant moment is applied to the lip of an open spherical shell, there is an interesting effect due to the focusing of the waves. This phenomenon is studied and an expression is derived for the wavefront behavior for the first passage of the leading wave and its first reflection.

For the two problems mentioned, the method used involves reducing the governing partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations by means of a Laplace transform in time. The information sought is then extracted by doing the appropriate asymptotic expansion with the Laplace variable as parameter.


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The equations of state (EOS) of several geologically important silicate liquids have been constrained via preheated shock wave techniques. Results on molten Fe2SiO4 (fayalite), Mg2SiO4 (forsterite), CaFeSi2O6 (hedenbergite), an equimolar mixture of CaAl2Si2O8-CaFeSi2O6 (anorthite-hedenbergite), and an equimolar mixture of CaAl2Si2O8-CaFeSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6(anorthite-hedenbergite-diopside) are presented. This work represents the first ever direct EOS measurements of an iron-bearing liquid or of a forsterite liquid at pressures relevant to the deep Earth (> 135 GPa). Additionally, revised EOS for molten CaMgSi2O6 (diopside), CaAl2Si2O8 (anorthite), and MgSiO3 (enstatite), which were previously determined by shock wave methods, are also presented.

The liquid EOS are incorporated into a model, which employs linear mixing of volumes to determine the density of compositionally intermediate liquids in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO major element space. Liquid volumes are calculated for temperature and pressure conditions that are currently present at the core-mantle boundary or that may have occurred during differentiation of a fully molten mantle magma ocean.

The most significant implications of our results include: (1) a magma ocean of either chondrite or peridotite composition is less dense than its first crystallizing solid, which is not conducive to the formation of a basal mantle magma ocean, (2) the ambient mantle cannot produce a partial melt and an equilibrium residue sufficiently dense to form an ultralow velocity zone mush, and (3) due to the compositional dependence of Fe2+ coordination, there is a threshold of Fe concentration (molar XFe ≤ 0.06) permitted in a liquid for which its density can still be approximated by linear mixing of end-member volumes.


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This work proposes a new simulation methodology in which variable density turbulent flows can be studied in the context of a mixing layer with or without the presence of gravity. Specifically, this methodology is developed to probe the nature of non-buoyantly-driven (i.e. isotropically-driven) or buoyantly-driven mixing deep inside a mixing layer. Numerical forcing methods are incorporated into both the velocity and scalar fields, which extends the length of time over which mixing physics can be studied. The simulation framework is designed to allow for independent variation of four non-dimensional parameters, including the Reynolds, Richardson, Atwood, and Schmidt numbers. Additionally, the governing equations are integrated in such a way to allow for the relative magnitude of buoyant energy production and non-buoyant energy production to be varied.

The computational requirements needed to implement the proposed configuration are presented. They are justified in terms of grid resolution, order of accuracy, and transport scheme. Canonical features of turbulent buoyant flows are reproduced as validation of the proposed methodology. These features include the recovery of isotropic Kolmogorov scales under buoyant and non-buoyant conditions, the recovery of anisotropic one-dimensional energy spectra under buoyant conditions, and the preservation of known statistical distributions in the scalar field, as found in other DNS studies.

This simulation methodology is used to perform a parametric study of turbulent buoyant flows to discern the effects of varying the Reynolds, Richardson, and Atwood numbers on the resulting state of mixing. The effects of the Reynolds and Atwood numbers are isolated by looking at two energy dissipation rate conditions under non-buoyant (variable density) and constant density conditions. The effects of Richardson number are isolated by varying the ratio of buoyant energy production to total energy production from zero (non-buoyant) to one (entirely buoyant) under constant Atwood number, Schmidt number, and energy dissipation rate conditions. It is found that the major differences between non-buoyant and buoyant turbulent flows are contained in the transfer spectrum and longitudinal structure functions, while all other metrics are largely similar (e.g. energy spectra, alignment characteristics of the strain-rate tensor). Also, despite the differences noted between fully buoyant and non-buoyant turbulent fields, the scalar field, in all cases, is unchanged by these. The mixing dynamics in the scalar field are found to be insensitive to the source of turbulent kinetic energy production (non-buoyant vs. buoyant).


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The design of a two-stream wind tunnel was undertaken to allow the simulation and study of certain features of the flow field around the blades of high-speed axial-flow turbomachineries. The mixing of the two parallel streams with designed Mach numbers respectively equal to 1.4 and 0.7 will simulate the transonic Mach number distribution generally obtained along the tips of the first stage blades in large bypass-fan engines.

The GALCIT hypersonic compressor plant will be used as an air supply for the wind tunnel, and consequently the calculations contained in the first chapter are derived from the characteristics and the performance of this plant.

The transonic part of the nozzle is computed by using a method developed by K. O. Friedrichs. This method consists essentially of expanding the coordinates and the characteristics of the flow in power series. The development begins with prescribing, more or less arbitrarily, a Mach number distribution along the centerline of the nozzle. This method has been programmed for an IBM 360 computer to define the wall contour of the nozzle.

A further computation is carried out to correct the contour for boundary layer buildup. This boundary layer analysis included geometry, pressure gradient, and Mach number effects. The subsonic nozzle is calculated {including boundary layer buildup) by using the same computer programs. Finally, the mixing zone downstream of the splitter plate was investigated to prescribe the wall contour correction necessary to ensure a constant-pressure test section.


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As queimaduras são eventos comuns e recorrentes no dia a dia dos atendimentos médicos. Há uma constante busca para entender a sua fisiopatologia, no intuito de minimizar seus resultados devastadores. Plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é um concentrado de plaquetas com capacidade de liberação local de múltiplos fatores de crescimento (FC) que aceleram a cicatrização. Este estudo consiste em dois experimentos: o primeiro visa validar um modelo experimental para a criação de queimaduras de tamanho e profundidade padronizados e, o segundo, avalia o uso de PRP em queimaduras. Para o desenvolvimento de queimaduras na validação do modelo experimental, foi idealizado um equipamento que permitisse o controle preciso da temperatura, além da utilização em conjunto de uma técnica inovadora de fixação que garante pressão constante no momento das queimaduras. Para o primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 12 ratos, por grupo, submetidos a queimaduras de 60 oC, 70 oC ou 80 oC por dez segundos, com um equipamento que desenvolvemos. Metade dos animais de cada grupo foi morta no terceiro dia e suas feridas foram analisadas por histologia, e, na outra metade, a ferida foi mensurada e acompanhada até o seu fechamento. No uso de PRP em queimaduras, foram avaliadas queimaduras de segundo grau (SG), segundo grau com diabetes mellitus induzido (SGD) e queimaduras de terceiro grau (TG). Noventa animais foram distribuídos em três grupos (SG, SGD e TG), onde, em cada um, dez animais foram tratados, dez serviram de controle e dez foram utilizados para o preparo do PRP. As áreas das feridas foram acompanhadas até o vigésimo primeiro dia, quando os animais foram mortos e biópsias de pele foram realizadas. Os resultados da validação do modelo mostram que as queimaduras produzidas com 60 oC foram de SG superficial (28% da derme envolvida); com 70 oC foram de SG profundo (72% da derme envolvida); e com 80 oC foram de TG (100% da derme envolvida). Em relação ao uso de PRP em queimaduras, observou-se que nos grupos tratados SG e SGD houve aceleração do fechamento da ferida e redução no número de células CD31, CD163, CD68, MPO e TGF-β positivas, e aumento do número de células MMP2 positivas. A neoepiderme foi mais fina nos controles dos grupos SG e SGD, e o tecido de granulação foi reduzido nos controles SGD e TG. O modelo utilizado é seguro e confiável para produzir queimaduras regulares e uniformes, de diâmetros variados, pela capacidade do controle fino da temperatura e pelo posicionamento do animal, e reprodutíveis. PRP parece acelerar a cicatrização de queimaduras de SG e SGD, mas não de TG.