999 resultados para Conrad, Traci


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Author: Torgeir Ehler Title: One of Us: Joseph Conrad's Under Western Eyes and A Personal Record Advisor: Jan Gorak Degree Date: June 2009 Abstract This present work explores the relationship of Joseph Conrad's status as a Polish exile to his creative and biographical work. Its main focus is on the tandem publications of the novel Under Western Eyes and his autobiographical volume A Personal Record, both published within a year of each other and written contemporaneously. The first chapter is a short biographical survey of Conrad's life and addresses some later biographical works by his wife, among others. An overview of critical works that deal with Under Western Eyes is presented in the second chapter. An investigation into narrative structure and its use in creating a heteroglossic text is investigated in the third chapter. How this strategy reflects Conrad's personal stake in the novel and how the novel and its creation affected the author's ability to cope with his own homo-duplex geographies is also addressed herein. The fourth chapter then concerns itself with Conrad's attempt to create a truly heteroglossic, autobiographically based persona for public consumption in Britain, while keeping true to his function as a `cultural bridge'. An early effort at communicating the exile's predicament and failure to bridge the cultural divide in the story `Amy Foster' is taken up in the fifth and final chapter. The legacy of Conrad's effort is also discussed herein as relevant to the work of Milan Kundera and Erich Maria Remarque.


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Front Row: Sara Griffin, Kellyn Tate, Jessica Lang (captain), Kelly Holmes, Jen Smith, Tracy Taylor, Jen McKittrick, Lisa Kelley.

Back Row: Cathy Davie, Traci Conrad, Stacey Judd, Jamie Gillies, Melissa Gentile, Karmen Lappo, Pam Kosanke, Tammy Mika, Lisa Beard.

Not Pictured: Mary Adams.


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Back Row: Melissa Taylor, Christine Garza, Courtney Murdock, Melissa Gentile, Rebecca Tune, Marie Barda, Kim Bugel

Middle Row: Stacey Judd, Karmen Lappo, Traci Conrad, Tammy Mika, Cathy Davie, Pam Kosanke, Jamie Gillies

Front Row: Sara Griffin, Jennifer McKittrick (captain), Lisa Kelley, Kellyn Tate (captain) Blanc LeBron (manager)


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Front Row: Pam Kosanke, Blanca LeBron (mgr.), Traci Conrad (captain), Catherine Davie, Tammy Mika (captain), Carrie Silver (mgr.).

Middle Row: Rebecca Tune, Marie Barda, Melissa Gentile, Jamie Gillies, Courtney Murdock, Kate Eiland, Karmen Lappo.

Back Row: Kristen Hunter, Stefanie Volpe, Mary Conner, Kelsey Kollen, Chrissy Garza, Melissa Taylor, Lisa Beard, Kim Bugel.


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Plate is aquatint by F. Hegi after Gessner's "Die Pferd-Tränke." Headpiece port. of Gessner on p. [3] etched by H. Meyer.


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Title page of vol. 1 varies slightly.