1000 resultados para Conhecimento da língua
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A presente pesquisa desenvolve uma discussão acerca da formação inicial de professores de Licenciatura em Letras - Português. A crise pela qual passa a educação no Brasil hoje afeta a universidade brasileira e tem reflexos diretos sobre a qualidade da educação básica, na medida em que deveria constituir centro de formação, reflexão e produção de conhecimento para a escola. Os problemas que a universidade encara, especificamente no tocante às licenciaturas, têm raízes muito mais complexas do que a formulação de metas quantitativas para a formação inicial de professores ou para a alocação de recursos financeiros. Logo, é importante (e necessário) que se conheça melhor a constituição dos cursos de licenciatura que estão formando os professores contemporâneos. A pesquisa proposta tem como objetivo investigar, em duas instituições de ensino superior da região metropolitana de Belém-PA (uma pública e uma privada), a constituição das “disciplinas” de Metodologia do Ensino de Língua Portuguesa, denominadas como MELP. O quadro teórico que norteia este trabalho é o da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, de maneira particular os conceitos de Função Enunciativa, Formação Discursiva e Disciplina, apresentados por Michel Foucault em suas obras Arqueologia do Saber (1987) e A Ordem do Discurso (1996). Analisamos dados coletados em pesquisa documental (Projeto Pedagógico do Curso, Ementas, Planos de ensino e Material didático) e pesquisa de campo (observação em sala de aula, anotações de alunos e diário de campo), com o intuito de verificar quais elementos de disciplinas, no sentido foucaultiano (FOUCAULT, 1996), se fazem presentes na constituição das atividades curriculares de MELP desses Cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Os dados de duas disciplinas foram analisados a fim de identificar que objetos, métodos, proposições, definições/conceitos são reconhecidos e de que maneira se relacionam. Os resultados mostram um cenário bem diverso quanto à organização das atividades de prática de ensino e estágio supervisionado nos dois cursos no que tange a) à distribuição da carga horária no currículo; b) à articulação de objetos, métodos, conceitos e proposições de disciplinas variadas e c) ao próprio papel do aluno de Letras. O desafio que se apresenta é constituir as MELP a partir de um processo disciplinar de produção de saberes.
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Presents a developing laboratory within History of Culture, subject taught in the Library and Archive Studies at UNESP (Marilia). The project is based upon the foundations of research line Information and Technology: students from the second under graduation year participate in the improving of 27 entries in Portuguese language Wikipedia. The aim is to capacitate for scientific reading and writing in digital media, habilitate for the information identification and recuperation and for the interpretation and understanding of formal and contents aspects and its reorganization. It includes activities of search, selection, remix and republishing of texts, images, audio and videos in the convergence of diverse hypertext information sources, supported by tutors with strategic abilities in digital environments. In this sense it was adhered to the international Wikipedia Foundation University Campus Ambassadors project. It’s also aimed to induce sharing and collaboration behaviors with the purpose of creating necessary habits for the informational empowerment in Brazil. As methodology is to optimize the work of individuals already trained in wiki culture and to create in within the subject information sharing programs with a more specialized bias, giving greater credibility to the digital environment. The environment syntaxes helps in the learning of the complementary skills of reading and writing and offers itself as an open repository from which information can be reused. It is, thus, an empowerment strategy in the search of autonomy and self reliance considering intersemiotic knowledge in the edition, visualization and understanding of information in the social web. A second step of a verifying research on the environment’s credibility after the consolidation and dissemination of the entries improvement work is proposed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Le présent travail intitulé « Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux natifs », a eu pour objectif d’enquêter sur les consensus et les désacords dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux differents interlocuteurs. Des lectures préalables sur des textes de difusion scientifique qui ont pour but de divulguer des expériences sur l’enseignement du portugais aux étangers ont révélé l’importance atribuée à la connaisance de la culture quand il s’agit d’enseigner une langue donnée à de tels interlocuteurs. La connaissance de la culture est très importante dans ce cas de figure car il s’agit d’une conception plus ample : celle de l’interculturalisme. C’est pourquoi, nous faisons des lectures préalables dont la méthodologie proposée pour l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers s’organise d’une telle façon que l’interlocuteur se trouve immergé dans la culture locale. Néanmoins, quand il s’agit de réfléchir à l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dédié aux natifs et basé sur les propositions curriculaires de la langue portugaise au collège et au lycée, datés de 1993 e 1998, qui constituent des textes de vulgarisation scientifique, on peut constater la préoccupation à réfléchir sur les conceptions de langage, langue, discours, texte et grammaire, des connaissances considérées comme importantes à la proposition de methodologies de l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dans le contexte très formel de l’enseignement scolaire. Le principal objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser l’importance de la culture dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et natifs, le rapport entre culture, language, langue, discours, texte et grammaire dans l’enseignement du portugais aux étrangers et du portugais aux natifs, ainsi qu’à identifier le poids ...
Nowadays the accelerated development arising from globalization and the interrelation of the nations, the great increase in communication between different countries and the necessity for knowledge in different linguistic structures, the interest in learning a foreign language is crescent, and thinking about it, this work has the scope to verify how young and adult learners of a foreign language, in this case English, behave, that is, how best to develop the four language skills of the language: listening, writing, speaking, and reading and how the use of recreational and educational games can help this dichotomy between teaching-learning. The present research, theoretical and analytical basis, aims to make a study on how fun games can influence the teaching and learning of English in an audience of young and adult people and that includes a study of how human history has evolved, more precisely, as history of education was influenced by the playful and how the human mind also becomes over time. Nowadays, the playful is a tool that has been widely used pedagogically in teaching foreign languages and every day opens new manners and ways of teaching languages, always with its array of spaced more possibilities. Under this assumption, the focus of this research is discover how the use of recreational and educational games may influence grammar greater understanding and language development of young and adults students in learning English, and also what better way to introduce these games, that is, a contextualized content being discussed each time during the school way, so that the games may be, of course, used for relaxation of the students, but also (and especially) for their intellectual growth and language development
Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.
Brazilian Sign Language signature in the pedagogy courses curricula. In 2002, the Law nº 10.436 was published determining the obligation of offering the Brazilian Signal Language (Libras) signature in all teaching graduation courses. Considering this measure, it was searched to characterize how the public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the States of Paraná and São Paulo are organizing the signature in Pedagogy courses. The curriculum analysis developed showed that most of the public HEI’s in the State of Paraná provides its inclusion, while in the State of São Paulo the estimate is 60%. Most of the syllabus covers topics including deaf students, deaf culture and Libras linguistic aspects.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)