956 resultados para Congresses and conventions


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Clifford Lee Lord, editor.


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Volumes consist of proceedings, reports, and/or reprints of papers of the International Congress of Photogrammetry, or papers from various other congresses and symposia sponsored by the International Society for Photogrammetry.


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Library copy of guide is a photocopy (67 p. of [35] leaves ; 28 cm.)


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Includes proceedings of various congresses and societies on hypnotism.


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Includes proceedings of various congresses and societies on hypnotism.


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Issued also as part of the United States Congress serial set (Senate document no. 365, 59th Congress, 2nd session --- SERIAL 5073).


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The article critically examines propositions driving the exportation of western whistleblower concepts into the developing world.(1) Specifically it attacks the prevailing view that public interest disclosure is somehow a culture-free, or at least a culture-muted phenomenon, governed by a set of rules and conventions detached from local histories and practices. The article concludes that this exportation is in the spirit of neo-colonialism and issues a note of warning about the dangers of dispersing western conceived forms of corruption reporting to Africa. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Much of the geometrical data relating to engineering components and assemblies is stored in the form of orthographic views, either on paper or computer files. For various engineering applications, however, it is necessary to describe objects in formal geometric modelling terms. The work reported in this thesis is concerned with the development and implementation of concepts and algorithms for the automatic interpretation of orthographic views as solid models. The various rules and conventions associated with engineering drawings are reviewed and several geometric modelling representations are briefly examined. A review of existing techniques for the automatic, and semi-automatic, interpretation of engineering drawings as solid models is given. A new theoretical approach is then presented and discussed. The author shows how the implementation of such an approach for uniform thickness objects may be extended to more general objects by introducing the concept of `approximation models'. Means by which the quality of the transformations is monitored, are also described. Detailed descriptions of the interpretation algorithms and the software package that were developed for this project are given. The process is then illustrated by a number of practical examples. Finally, the thesis concludes that, using the techniques developed, a substantial percentage of drawings of engineering components could be converted into geometric models with a specific degree of accuracy. This degree is indicative of the suitability of the model for a particular application. Further work on important details is required before a commercially acceptable package is produced.


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The sociology of the professions has shied away from cross-national comparative work. Yet research in different professional jurisdictions emphasizes the transnational nature of professional fields. Further work is therefore needed that explores the extent to which transnational professional fields are characterized by unity or heterogeneity. To that end, this article presents the results of a qualitative interrogation of the habitus of partners in ‘Big 4’ professional service firms across, primarily, five countries (Bangladesh, Canada, France, Spain and the UK). Marked differences are observed between the partner habitus in Bangladesh and the other countries studied in terms of entrepreneurial and public service dispositions. In turn, these findings highlight the methodological relevance of habitus for both the sociology of the professions and comparative capitalism literatures: for the former, habitus aids in mapping the dynamics of transnational professional fields; for the latter, habitus can elucidate the informal norms and conventions of national business systems.


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Online writing plays a complex and increasingly prominent role in the life of organizations. From newsletters to press releases, social media marketing and advertising, to virtual presentations and interactions via e-mail and instant messaging, digital writing intertwines and affects the day-to-day running of the company - yet we rarely pay enough attention to it. Typing on the screen can become particularly problematic because digital text-based communication increases the opportunities for misunderstanding: it lacks the direct audio-visual contact and the norms and conventions that would normally help people to understand each other. Providing a clear, convincing and approachable discussion, this book addresses arenas of online writing: virtual teamwork, instant messaging, emails, corporate communication channels, and social media. Instead of offering do and don’t lists, however, it teaches the reader to develop a practice that is observant, reflective, and grounded in the understanding of the basic principles of language and communication. Through real-life examples and case studies, it helps the reader to notice previously unnoticed small details, question previously unchallenged assumptions and practices, and become a competent digital communicator in a wide range of professional contexts.


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Kutatásunk alapvetése, hogy egy ország versenyképessége az értékteremtő munkamegosztást támogató teljes közösségi intézményrendszer sikeres működésén múlik. Munkánkkal arra kerestük a választ, milyen értékek és motivációk alakítják a magyar gazdaság intézményrendszerét. Nem a hivatalos magatartási szabályok statikus elemzésére koncentráltunk, hanem a normák, konvenciók és innovációk világára, az intézményrendszer jövőjét befolyásoló dinamikus elemekre. Elemzésünk fókuszában a társadalmi és vállalkozói értékek, a gazdaságpolitika formálók versenyképességi narratívái, a helyi gazdaságok versenyképességi tényezői, a versenyképesség javítását szolgáló magánkezdeményezések és a nonprofit szektor működése álltak. Fő eredményünk, hogy a Magyarország jövőbeli versenyképességét befolyásoló tudati elemek - a gazdasági döntéshozók motivációi és normái – megfelelő alapot teremtenek a gazdaságunk versenyképességét megerősítő üzleti, civil és kormányzati kezdeményezések számára. Magas közösségi és morális elvárások jellemzik a lakosság és a vállalkozók értékrendjét. A gazdaságpolitika-alkotók nyitottak az intézményi problémákra, a magyar véleményformálók körében egyetértés van a fő versenyképességi kihívásokat illetően. Jól azonosíthatóak a szervezők erőfeszítéseit kompenzálni képes versenyképességi összefogások keretei. A helyi gazdaságfejlesztés intézményei alakulóban vannak. A nonprofit szektor működési viszonyainak bizonytalansága ellenére a közcélúság és a versenyképesség közös területein (mint az atipikus foglalkoztatás) jól teljesít. Ezek az eredmények egyszerre nyitnak perspektívát a tudományos vizsgálódás és a gyakorlati cselekvés számára. Az önérdek és a közösségi értékteremtő képesség javításának motivációja közötti kapcsolat tudományos vizsgálata, a társadalmi innovációk kutatása a versenyképesség javíthatóságának kereteit tárhatja fel. Az üzleti, civil vagy kormányzati szereplők pedig akkor tudják a fogyasztói, közösségi elvárásokat sikeresen összeegyeztetni stratégiai céljaikkal, ha a gazdasági és társadalmi szereplők normáihoz, konvencióihoz igazítva alakítják ki intézményformáló stratégiáikat. __________ The competitiveness of nations is based on the successful function of the institutions that support the division of labor on value creation – this is the basic principle of this research. Our project investigates what values and motivations shape the institutional setting of Hungarian economy. We study the world of norms, conventions and innovations – the elements that shape the institutions. The static analysis of official rules has only a minor role in this approach. Research focuses (1) on the value system of entrepreneurs (2), on the mind setting of public managers and executives of economic policy (3) on the factors of local economic competitiveness, (4) on the actions of private and non-profit sector in order to enhance competitiveness. The main finding of this research is that the cognitive factors that shape the competitiveness of Hungary – the norms and motivations of decision makers in the economy – give a positive support for the competitiveness strengthening initiatives of business, non-profit and public sectors. The studies on the values system of entrepreneurs and citizens show that expectations and moral values connected to competitiveness are strong. The public managers of economic policy are open-minded and there is a general consensus of experts, business and politics on the key competitiveness challenges of Hungary. There are well defined frameworks to conceptualize the schemes that make organizers’ efforts affordable in private initiatives for competitiveness. There are various developments on the field of institutions for local economic development. The nonprofit sector has good results on the common fields of competiveness and equity (like atypical forms of employment) despite the uncertainties in the background of the sector. These results open perspectives both for scientific research and practical applications. The research on connection between individual goals and motivation to improve value creating ability of the society and the study of social innovation reveal new aspects of competitiveness. Business, non-profit or public leaders can better synchronize their strategies with the expectation of consumers, communities and constituencies if their intentions to shape institutional settings fit better to the norms and conventions of the social and economic stakeholders.


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The present study had as goal to evaluate Rio Grande do Norte state’s medical residency programs (MRP) in Cardiology. It’s a descriptive study, including a documental analysis of the program’s accreditation processes (PAP) of cardiology’s medical residency in Rio Grande do Norte state in 2014 and the analysis of the resident’s perception about his professional education as a specialist in Cardiology. Beside the documental analysis of the PAPs, it was applied a semi-structured questionnaire with closed questions Likert style and open questions to all the current and former residents of the MRPs analyzed. Two MRPs in Cardiology were identified in Rio Grande do Norte state, one hosted in a public institution and the other in a private institution. The documental analysis showed a greater amount of preceptors with a good level of ownership on the public institution in comparison with the private one, as well as a bigger number of publications, participation in congresses and in book’s publications. The private institution presents a better Urgency’s infrastructure, with emergency room and cardiologic ICU. It IS clear that the residents are aware of how a good residency must work, as well as the strengths and fragilities of their own residences. Most of Onofre Lopes Universitary Hospital’s residents point out as a strength the organization, participation and quality of the preceptors, practice activities and scientific debates, great amount of patients and the visits and debates with the preceptors on the sickrooms. As the greatest fragilities, they emphasize the lack of a urgency service of their own and a specialized ICU. In Coração Hospital of Natal (HCor), it is listed as weak points the theoretic scheduling and the few ambulatory practices. As positive aspects, they report the preceptors, the agility on the execution of exams, a good number of serious patients and procedures. In both residences, it is seen a certain difficulty in accepting the important and mandatory items imposed by the rules of the Medical Residences’ National Committee, such as: biostatistics, bioethics, medical ethic, epidemiology and research methodology. Besides that, the residents recognize that both hospitals have a good infrastructure and technological support, especially in imaging methods. The evaluation of PRMCs identifies the strengths of each program and the aspects to be improved in both programs. It also allowed the observation of difficulties in accepting some regulations contained in the CNRM resolution by the resident, such as participation in activities such as biostatistics, epidemiology and research methodology as well as the improvement needs of specific technical training, such as in emergency care. Thus, our results make possible to develop strategies for continued improvement of PRMC in RN state. In addition, it enabled the preparation of the resident’s manual in cardiology, containing even a breakdown of resident evaluation system, which could serve as a model for other residency programs.


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The issue of this thesis concerns a selection of historical debates in which new Swedish drama is under discussion. The studied debates take place in the cultural and political fields and within the fields of theater and literature and deal with a recurring assumption in Swedish theatre history – that new Swedish drama is insufficient. The primary object of this thesis is to find explanations to: why is the Swedish new drama so often described as defective? The following questions, guiding the analysis, are: How are the crises described? What are the stakes? How has the dramatic text been influenced by being judged either as literary product or a product for the stage? How is the playwright’s role described, and perhaps changed, in the crises? The aim of the analysis is to understand how traditions and conventions are shaping the debates and contribute to perpetrate the myth of the malfunctioning Swedish new play. In a historical perspective several attempts have been made to govern new Swedish drama by legislative and political power. New Swedish drama has, for example, been viewed as a possible expression of the nation, as part of shaping the Swedish Welfare state or creating interactive communication with the audience. Despite its many uses, new Swedish drama continues to be describes as flawed. The study starts with King Gustav III:s Swedish theatre where the purpose was to produce Swedish original plays. The study ends with an analysis of a new government grant for new Swedish drama, which was installed in 1999. The chosen debates are analyzed with the help of concepts borrowed from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, looking at each historical situation as a possible moment for the establishment of the field ”new Swedish drama”. The survey ends with eight interviews with playwrights, who are active today. The conditions for the new Swedish drama are the guiding line in this thesis. These conditions are found in the cultural, social and historical contexts that cooperate when a taste or convention is being shaped. They are part of the discourses in the field, where criteria for the new Swedish drama is formulated. In order to understand the significance of, for example, the expression, ”the newly written Swedish drama” research has been pursued in biographical material, historical surveys, and debates in the daily press and in professional journals. Without being a full bourdieuan analysis, the thesis is using concepts from Bourdieu. The work of British feminist theatre historian Tracy C Davis inspires the critical historic perspective.


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This work aims to investigate the relationship between the Bunraku theater and the film Dolls (2002), by the Japanese director Takeshi Kitano. To do so, it was initially done a theoretical study of this theater, detailing its key elements, and thus allowing a direct analysis of the film to be made. The main objective here was to reveal the film‟s connections with the Bunraku. The Sangyo refers to the simultaneous presence of three arts in the Bunraku theater: the narrative, the music and the manipulation of puppets. In Dolls, the director Takeshi Kitano presents a narrative through three different stories, all built with references to the Bunraku. As in the theater the three distinct arts harmonize on stage, in Dolls three separate stories will perform in harmony within the film. By confronting the Bunraku Theater with the film Dolls, the intention is to establish the connections between the scenic language of the Bunraku, the dramaturgy of Chikamatsu and also the cinema of Kitano. These connections allow to the understanding of how characteristics of a secular art, governed by strong rules and conventions, can be presented again through another language: the cinematic language and its particular set of codes and conventions


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Cedar Point was a popular location for business groups and conventions. In 1933, the resort hosted a Chevrolet convention which included a formal dinner for hundreds of conventioneers. The event took place on the second floor of the Grand Pavilion.