974 resultados para Congenital Diaphragmatic-hernia
Intrahepatic arterioportal fistula (IAPF) is a rare cause of portal hypertension in young children. We report the case of a 2-year-old girl with severe undernutrition, chronic watery diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding because of a congenital intrahepatic arterioportal fistula. Radiographic embolization and surgical ligation of the left hepatic artery were attempted, with no resolution of the symptoms. So, a left lobectomy was performed, with excellent results and prompt disappearance of the diarrhea. Hepatectomy should be considered as a definitive and reliable. therapy for congenital IAPF. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P>Context Congenital generalized lipodystrophy, or Berardinelli-Seip syndrome, is a rare autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in either the BSCL2 or AGPAT2 genes. This syndrome is characterized by an almost complete loss of adipose tissue usually diagnosed at birth or early infancy resulting in apparent muscle hypertrophy. Common clinical features are acanthosis nigricans, hepatomegaly with or without splenomegaly and high stature. Acromegaloid features, cardiomyopathy and mental retardation can also be present. Design We investigated 11 kindreds from different geographical areas of Brazil (northeast and southeast). All coding regions as well as flanking intronic regions of both genes were examined. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications were performed using primers described previously and PCR products were sequenced directly. Results Four AGPAT2 and two BSCL2 families harboured the same set of mutations. BSCL2 gene mutations were found in the homozygous form in four kindreds (c.412C > T c.464T > C, c.518-519insA, IVS5-2A > G), and in two kindreds compound mutations were found (c.1363C > T, c.424A > G). In the other four families, one mutation of the AGPAT2 gene was found (IVS3-1G > C and c.299G > A). Conclusions We have demonstrated four novel mutations of the BSCL2 and AGPAT2 genes responsible for Berardinelli-Seip syndrome and Brunzell syndrome (AGPAT2-related syndrome).
Context: Thyroglobulin (TG) is a large glycoprotein and functions as a matrix for thyroid hormone synthesis. TG gene mutations give rise to goitrous congenital hypothyroidism (CH) with considerable phenotype variation. Objectives: The aim of the study was to report the genetic screening of 15 patients with CH due to TG gene mutations and to perform functional analysis of the p. A2215D mutation. Design: Clinical evaluation and DNA sequencing of the TG gene were performed in all patients. TG expression was analyzed in the goitrous tissue of one patient. Human cells were transfected with expression vectors containing mutated and wild-type human TG cDNA. Results: All patients had an absent rise of serum TG after stimulation with recombinant human TSH. Sequence analysis revealed three previously described mutations (p. A2215D, p. R277X, and g. IVS30 + 1G > T), and two novel mutations (p. Q2142X and g. IVS46-1G > A). Two known (g. IVS30 + 1G/p. A2215D and p. A2215D/p. R277X) and one novel (p. R277X/g. IVS46-1G > A) compound heterozygous constellations were also identified. Functional analysis indicated deficiency in TG synthesis, reduction of TG secretion, and retention of the mutant TG within the cell, leading to an endoplasmic reticulum storage disease, whereas small amounts of mutant TG were still secreted within the cell system. Conclusion: All studied patients were either homozygous or heterozygous for TG gene mutations. Two novel mutations have been detected, and we show that TG mutation p. A2215D promotes the retention of TG within the endoplasmic reticulum and reduces TG synthesis and secretion, causing mild hypothyroidism. In the presence of sufficient iodine supply, some patients with TG mutations are able to compensate the impaired hormonogenesis and generate thyroid hormone. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 2938-2944, 2009)
Context: Necdin activates GNRH gene expression and is fundamental for the development, migration, and axonal extension of murine GNRH neurons. In humans, necdin plays a potential role in the hypogonadotropic hypogonadism phenotype in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome. Aim: To investigate necdin gene (NDN) variants in patients with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH). Patients and methods: We studied 160 Brazilian patients with IHH, which includes 92 with Kallmann syndrome and 68 with normosmic IHH. Genomic DNA was extracted and the single NDN exon was amplified and sequenced. To measure GNRH transcriptional activity, luciferase reporter plasmids containing GNRH regulatory regions were transiently transfected into GT1-7 cells in the presence and absence of overexpressed wild-type or mutant necdin. Results: A heterozygous variant of necdin, p.V318A, was identified in a 23-year-old male with Kallmann syndrome. The p.V318A was also present in affected aunt and his father and was absent in 100 Brazilian control subjects. Previous FGFR1 gene analysis revealed a missense mutation (p.P366L) in this family. Functional studies revealed a minor difference in the activation of GNRH transcription by mutant protein compared with wild type in that a significant impairment of the necdin protein activity threshold was observed. Conclusion: A rare variant of necdin (p.V318A) was described in a family with Kallmann syndrome associated with a FGFR1 mutation. Familial segregation and in vitro analysis suggested that this non-synonymous variant did not have a direct causative role in the hypogonadism phenotype. NDN mutations are not a frequent cause of congenital IHH.
Background: Cardiac development is a complex and multifactorial biological process. Heterozygous mutations in the transcription factor NKX2.5 are between the first evidence of a genetic cause for congenital heart defects in human beings. In this study, we evaluated the presence and frequency of mutations in the NKX2.5 gene on 159 unrelated patients with a diverse range of non-syndromic congenital heart defects (conotruncal anomalies, septal defects, left-sided lesions, right-sided lesions, patent ductus arteriosus and Ebstein`s anomaly). Methods: The coding region of the NKX2.5 locus was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and mutational analysis was performed using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and DNA sequencing. Results: We identified two distinct mutations in the NKX2.5 coding region among the 159 (1.26%) individuals evaluated. An Arg25Cys mutation was identified in a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot. The second mutation found was an Ala42Pro in a patient with Ebstein`s anomaly. Conclusions: The association of NKX2.5 mutations is present in a small percentage of patients with non-syndromic congenital heart defects and may explain only a few cases of the disease. Screening strategies considering the identification of germ-line molecular defects in congenital heart disease are still unwarranted and should consider other genes besides NKX2.5. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Complications related to renal transplants have been widely reported in the literature. The most common complications include acute tubular necrosis, rejection, perirenal fluid collections, vascular complications, and urinary tract obstruction, which are promptly identified by imaging studies. Here we report a case of a patient with a rare cause of obstruction: a ureteral inguinal hernia. This is the sixth report of this condition, and, to our knowledge, no previous case has been reported in which sonography played an important role in promptly identifying the underlying condition and allowing additional less hazardous studies, therefore aiding case management.
An 8-month-old child presented with a right pulsatile neck mass. The tumor`s rapid increase in size and respiratory problems prompted image evaluation. An external carotid artery aneurysm was found, which was compressing other neck structures. The patient underwent aneurysm resection and ligation at its insertion on the common carotid artery. Recovery was uneventful and no further aneurysms on other arteries were found.
The successful elimination of vectorial and transfusional transmission of Chagas` disease from some countries is a result of the reduction of domestic density of the primary vector Triatoma infestans, of almost 100% of coverage in blood serological selection and to the fact that the basic reproductive number of Chagas` disease is very close to one (1.25). Therefore, congenital transmission is currently the only way of acquiring Chagas` Disease in such regions. In this paper we propose a model of congenital transmission of Chagas` disease. Its aim is to provide an estimation of the time period it will take to eliminate this form of transmission in regions where vetorial transmission was reduced to close to zero, like in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) is a disabling and life-threatening disorder resulting from either recessive or dominant mutations in genes encoding collagen VI. Although the majority of the recessive UCMD cases have frameshift or nonsense mutations in COL6A1, COL6A2, or COL6A3, recessive structural mutations in the COL6A2 C-globular region are emerging also. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms have remained elusive. Here we identified a homozygous COL6A2 E624K mutation (C1 subdomain) and a homozygous COL6A2 R876S mutation (C2 subdomain) in two UCMD patients. The consequences of the mutations were investigated using fibroblasts from patients and cells stably transfected with the mutant constructs. In contrast to expectations based on the clinical severity of these two patients, secretion and assembly of collagen VI were moderately affected by the E624K mutation but severely impaired by the R876S substitution. The E624K substitution altered the electrostatic potential of the region surrounding the metal ion-dependent adhesion site, resulting in a collagen VI network containing thick fibrils and spots with densely packed microfibrils. The R876S mutation prevented the chain from assembling into triple-helical collagen VI molecules. The minute amount of collagen VI secreted by the R876S fibroblasts was solely composed of a faster migrating chain corresponding to the C2a splice variant with an alternative C2 subdomain. In transfected cells, the C2a splice variant was able to assemble into short microfibrils. Together, the results suggest that the C2a splice variant may functionally compensate for the loss of the normal COL6A2 chain when mutations occur in the C2 subdomain.
The incidence of CRS and CRI has decreased markedly worldwide with the implementation of efficient vaccination programs. We report a congenital rubella case with fetal death occurred at 29th week of gestation. RV was confirmed in placenta. The results of phylogenetic analysis showed that the RVs/Sao-Paulo01.- BRA/08.CRI belongs to the genotype 2B of RV. J. Med. Virol. 83:2048-2050, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare pancreatic beta-cell disease of neonates, characterized by inappropriate insulin secretion with severe persistent hypoglycemia, with regard to which many questions remain to be answered, despite the important acquisition of its molecular mechanisms in the last decade. The aim of this study was to examine pancreatic histology, beta-cell proliferation (immunohistochemistry with double staining for Ki-67/insulin), and beta-cell adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels genes from 11 Brazilian patients with severe medically unresponsive CHI who underwent pancreatectomy. Pancreatic histology and beta-cell proliferation in CHI patients were compared to pancreatic samples from 19 age-matched controls. Ten cases were classified as diffuse form (D-CHI) and 1 as focal form (F-CHI). beta-cell nucleomegaly and abundant cytoplasm were absent in controls and were observed only in D-CHI patients. The Ki-67 labeling index (Ki-67-LI) was used to differentiate the adenomatous areas of the F-CHI case (10.15%) from the ""loose cluster of islets`` found in 2 D-CHI samples (2.29% and 2.43%) and 1 control (1.54%) sample. The Ki-67-LI was higher in the F-CHI adenomatous areas, but D-CHI patients also had significantly greater Ki-67-LI (mean value = 2.41%) than age-matched controls (mean value = 1.87%) (P = 0.009). In this 1st genetic study of CHI patients in Brazil, no mutations or new polymorphisms were found in the 33-37 exons of the ABCC8 gene (SUR1) or in the entire exon of the KCNJ11 gene (Kir 6.2) in 4 of 4 patients evaluated. On the other hand, enhanced beta-cell proliferation seems to be a constant feature in CHI patients, both in diffuse and focal forms.
Conventional karyotyping detects anomalies in 3-15% of patients with multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation (MCA/MR). Whole-genome array screening (WGAS) has been consistently suggested as the first choice diagnostic test for this group of patients, but it is very costly for large-scale use in developing countries. We evaluated the use of a combination of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) kits to increase the detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities in MCA/MR patients. We screened 261 MCA/MR patients with two subtelomeric and one microdeletion kits. This would theoretically detect up to 70% of all submicroscopic abnormalities. Additionally we scored the de Vries score for 209 patients in an effort to find a suitable cut-off for MLPA screening. Our results reveal that chromosomal abnormalities were present in 87 (33.3%) patients, but only 57 (21.8%) were considered causative. Karyotyping detected 15 abnormalities (6.9%), while MLPA identified 54 (20.7%). Our combined MLPA screening raised the total detection number of pathogenic imbalances more than three times when compared to conventional karyotyping. We also show that using the de Vries score as a cutoff for this screening would only be suitable under financial restrictions. A decision analytic model was constructed with three possible strategies: karyotype, karyotype + MLPA and karyotype + WGAS. Karyotype + MLPA strategy detected anomalies in 19.8% of cases which account for 76.45% of the expected yield for karyotype + WGAS. Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of MLPA is three times lower than that of WGAS, which means that, for the same costs, we have three additional diagnoses with MLPA but only one with WGAS. We list all causative alterations found, including rare findings, such as reciprocal duplications of regions deleted in Sotos and Williams-Beuren syndromes. We also describe imbalances that were considered polymorphisms or rare variants, such as the new SNP that confounded the analysis of the 22q13.3 deletion syndrome. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Context: Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy (BSCL) is a rare recessive disease characterized by near absence of adipose tissue, resulting in severe dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. In most reported cases, BSCL is due to alterations in either seipin, of unknown function, or 1-acylglycerol-3- phosphate acyltransferase-beta (AGPAT2), which catalyzes the formation of phosphatidic acid. Objective: We sought to determine the genetic origin of the unexplained cases of BSCL. We thus sequenced CAV1, encoding caveolin-1, as a candidate gene involved in insulin signaling and lipid homeostasis. CAV1 is a key structural component of plasma membrane caveolae, and Cav1-deficient mice display progressive loss of adipose tissue and insulin resistance. Design: We undertook phenotyping studies and molecular screening of CAV1 in four patients with BSCL with no mutation in the genes encoding either seipin or AGPAT2. Results: A homozygous nonsense mutation (p.Glu38X) was identified in CAV1 in a patient with BSCL born from a consanguineous union. This mutation affects both the alpha-and beta-CAV1 isoforms and ablates CAV1 expression in skin fibroblasts. Detailed magnetic resonance imaging of the proband confirmed near total absence of both sc and visceral adipose tissue, with only vestigial amounts in the dorsal sc regions. In keeping with the lack of adipose tissue, the proband was also severely insulin resistant and dyslipidemic. In addition, the proband had mild hypocalcemia likely due to vitamin D resistance. Conclusions: These findings identify CAV1 as a new BSCL-related gene and support a critical role for caveolins in human adipocyte function.
The clubfoot is one of the most common congenital deformities affecting the lower limbs, it still presents controversial aspects regarding etiology and treatment. In spite of its relatively high frequency, the treatment is still challenging, since the long-term aim is achieving an everlasting flexible, plantigrade, pain-free and totally functional foot. The Ponseti method has gained attention and popularity because of its satisfactory results and surgery avoidance. Presently, surgical treatment is indicated only after failure of conservative methods, avoiding extensive soft-tissue release, but performing localized corrections of the deformities, a technique also know as ""a la carte"" release. The future perspective is based on the knowledge about long-term results and new understanding of the clubfoot etiology, especially in the genetic field, which may eventually be helpful for prognostic and treatment. Level of Evidence: Level II, systematic review.
Background: Most cases of congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti technique require percutaneous Achilles tenotomy to correct the residual equinus. Clinical evidence suggests that complete healing occurs between the cut tendon stumps, but there have not yet been any detailed studies investigating this reparative process. This study was performed to assess Achilles tendon repair after percutaneous section to correct the residual equinus of clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method. Method: A prospective study analyzed 37 tenotomies in 26 patients with congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti technique, with a minimum follow-up of 1 year after the section. The tenotomy was performed percutaneously with a large-bore needle bevel with patient sedation and local anesthesia. Ultrasonographic scanning was performed after section to ascertain that the tenotomy had been completed and to measure the stump separation. In the follow-up period, the reparative process was followed ultrasonographically and assessed at 3 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year posttenotomy. Results: The ultrasonography performed immediately after the procedure showed that in some cases, residual strands between the tendon ends persisted, and these were completely sectioned under ultrasound control. A mean retraction of 5.65 mm +/- 2.26 mm (range, 2.3 to 11.0 mm) between tendon stumps after section was observed. Unusual bleeding occurred in one case and was controlled by digital pressure, with no interference with the final treatment. After 3 weeks, ultrasonography showed tendon repair with the tendon gap filled with irregular hypoechoic tissue, and also with transmission of muscle motion to the heel. Six months after tenotomy, there was structural filling with a fibrillar aspect, mild or moderate hypoechogenicity, and tendon scar thickening when compared with a normal tendon. One year after tenotomy, ultrasound showed a fibrillar structure and echogenicity at the repair site that was similar to a normal tendon, but with persistent tendon scarring thickness. Conclusions: There is a fast reparative process after Achilles tendon percutaneous section that reestablishes continuity between stumps. The reparative tissue evolved to tendon tissue with a normal ultrasonographic appearance except for mild thickening, suggesting a predominantly intrinsic repair mechanism.