866 resultados para Conference title: Risk-informed Disaster Management : Planning for Response, Recovery
Margaret Woods discusses lessons from the UK's too organizations on integrating risk and performance management.
Objectives: To develop a decision support system (DSS), myGRaCE, that integrates service user (SU) and practitioner expertise about mental health and associated risks of suicide, self-harm, harm to others, self-neglect, and vulnerability. The intention is to help SUs assess and manage their own mental health collaboratively with practitioners. Methods: An iterative process involving interviews, focus groups, and agile software development with 115 SUs, to elicit and implement myGRaCE requirements. Results: Findings highlight shared understanding of mental health risk between SUs and practitioners that can be integrated within a single model. However, important differences were revealed in SUs' preferred process of assessing risks and safety, which are reflected in the distinctive interface, navigation, tool functionality and language developed for myGRaCE. A challenge was how to provide flexible access without overwhelming and confusing users. Conclusion: The methods show that practitioner expertise can be reformulated in a format that simultaneously captures SU expertise, to provide a tool highly valued by SUs. A stepped process adds necessary structure to the assessment, each step with its own feedback and guidance. Practice Implications: The GRiST web-based DSS (www.egrist.org) links and integrates myGRaCE self-assessments with GRiST practitioner assessments for supporting collaborative and self-managed healthcare.
Each disaster presents itself with a unique set of characteristics that are hard to determine a priori. Thus disaster management tasks are inherently uncertain, requiring knowledge sharing and quick decision making that involves coordination across different levels and collaborators. While there has been an increasing interest among both researchers and practitioners in utilizing knowledge management to improve disaster management, little research has been reported about how to assess the dynamic nature of disaster management tasks, and what kinds of knowledge sharing are appropriate for different dimensions of task uncertainty characteristics. ^ Using combinations of qualitative and quantitative methods, this research study developed the dimensions and their corresponding measures of the uncertain dynamic characteristics of disaster management tasks and tested the relationships between the various dimensions of uncertain dynamic disaster management tasks and task performance through the moderating and mediating effects of knowledge sharing. ^ Furthermore, this research work conceptualized and assessed task uncertainty along three dimensions: novelty, unanalyzability, and significance; knowledge sharing along two dimensions: knowledge sharing purposes and knowledge sharing mechanisms; and task performance along two dimensions: task effectiveness and task efficiency. Analysis results of survey data collected from Miami-Dade County emergency managers suggested that knowledge sharing purposes and knowledge sharing mechanisms moderate and mediate uncertain dynamic disaster management task and task performance. Implications for research and practice as well directions for future research are discussed.^
This research examined sex offender risk assessment and management in Ireland. It focused on the statutory agencies with primary responsibility (Garda SÃochána and the Probation Service). The goal was to document the historical, contextual and current systems, in addition to identifying areas of concern/improvements. The research was a mixed-methods approach. Eight studies were conducted. This incorporated documentary reviews of four Commission to Inquire Reports, qualitative interviews/focus groups with Garda staff, Probation Service staff, statutory agencies, community stakeholders, various Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and sex offenders. Quantitative questionnaires were also administered to Garda staff. In all over 70 interviews were conducted and questionnaires were forwarded to 270 Garda members. The overall findings are: â€¢ï€ Sex offender management in Ireland has become formal only since 2001. Knowledge, skills and expertise is in its infancy and is still evolving. â€¢ï€ Mixed reviews and questions regarding fitness for purpose of currently used risk assessments tools were noted. â€¢ï€ The Sex Offender Act 2001 requires additional elements to ensure safe sex offender monitoring and public protection. A judicial review of the Sex Offender Act 2001 was recommended by many respondents. â€¢ï€ Interagency working under SORAM was hugely welcomed. The sharing of information has been welcomed by managing agencies as the key benefit to improving sex offender management. â€¢ï€ Respondents reported that in practice, sex offender management in Ireland is fragmented and unevenly implemented. The research concluded that an independent National Sex Offender Authority should be established as an oversight and regulatory body for policy, strategy and direction in sex offender management. Further areas of research were also highlighted: ongoing evaluation and audits of the joint agency process and systems in place; recidivism studies tracking the risk assessment ratings and subsequent offending; and an evaluation of the current status of sex offender housing in Ireland.
Adaptive management has been defined and redefined in the context of natural resource management, yet there are few examples of its successful application in ecological restoration. Although the 2009 Delta Reform Act now legally requires adaptive management for all restoration efforts in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, in California, USA, projects in this region still encounter problems with implementation. We used a comparative case study analysis to examine adaptive management planning and implementation both in and around the Delta, assessing not only why adaptive management is not yet well implemented, but also what changes can be made to facilitate the adaptive management approach without sacrificing scientific rigor. Adaptive management seems to be directly and indirectly affected by a variety of challenges and convoluted by ambiguity in both planning documents and practitioner’s interpretations of the concept. Addressing these challenges and ambiguities at the project level may facilitate the adaptive management process and help make it more accessible to practitioners.
Italy and its urban systems are under high seismic and hydrogeological risks. The awareness about the role of human activities in the genesis of disasters is achieved in the scientific debate, as well as the role of urban and regional planning in reducing risks. The paper reviews the state of Italian major cities referred to hydrogeological and seismic risk by: 1) extrapolating data and maps about seismic hazard and landslide risk concerning cities with more than 50.000 inhabitants and metropolitan contexts, and 2) outlining how risk reduction is framed in Italian planning system (at national and regional levels). The analyses of available data and the review of the normative framework highlight the existing gaps in addressing risk reduction: nevertheless a wide knowledge about natural risks afflicting Italian territory and an articulated regulatory framework, the available data about risks are not exhaustive, and risk reduction policies and multidisciplinary pro-active approaches are only partially fostered and applied.
Safe operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over populated areas requires reducing the risk posed by a UAV if it crashed during its operation. We considered several types of UAV risk-based path planning problems and developed techniques for estimating the risk to third parties on the ground. The path planning problem requires making trade-offs between risk and flight time. Four optimization approaches for solving the problem were tested; a network-based approach that used a greedy algorithm to improve the original solution generated the best solutions with the least computational effort. Additionally, an approach for solving a combined design and path planning problems was developed and tested. This approach was extended to solve robust risk-based path planning problem in which uncertainty about wind conditions would affect the risk posed by a UAV.
Las bases de datos geoespaciales temáticas en distintas escalas geográficas y temporales, son necesarias en multitud de lÃneas de investigación. Una de ellas es la gestión y alerta temprana de riesgos de desastres por amenazas naturales (inundaciones, huracanes, terremotos, etc.). Las noticias sobre éste tema se publican habitualmente en periódicos digitales de todo el mundo y comportan un alto contenido geográfico. Este trabajo pretende extraer automáticamente las noticias emitidas por canales de re-difusión web (conocidos por las siglas RSS en inglés) para georreferenciarlas, almacenarlas y distribuirlas como datos geoespaciales. Mediante técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural y consultas a bases de datos de topónimos realizaremos la extracción de la información. El caso de estudio se aplicará para México y todos los componentes utilizados serán de código abierto
Optimizing GIS capability does not always require that the municipality obtain cutting edge professionals and resources. This paper offers a disaster risk reduction (DRR) design methodology for small towns and rural areas that employs a multi-variable classification system, enabling customization for effective DRR. Determining appropriate GIS capacity requires that a community first be evaluated in order to identify its disaster risk reduction/disaster management (DRR/DM) requirements. These requirements are then considered in conjunction with the municipality's resources to establish the desired capability. Qualification levels for major aspects of GIS capability with respect to DRR/DM are provided along with descriptions of each level and suggested procedures for advancement to the next level. It should be noted that a municipality can be classified at a different level with respect to different variables. Needs vary according to the community, thus attainment of a uniform capability level may not be necessary.
The aggregation and management of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) by an Virtual Power Players (VPP) is an important task in a smart grid context. The Energy Resource Management (ERM) of theses DERs can become a hard and complex optimization problem. The large integration of several DERs, including Electric Vehicles (EVs), may lead to a scenario in which the VPP needs several hours to have a solution for the ERM problem. This is the reason why it is necessary to use metaheuristic methodologies to come up with a good solution with a reasonable amount of time. The presented paper proposes a Simulated Annealing (SA) approach to determine the ERM considering an intensive use of DERs, mainly EVs. In this paper, the possibility to apply Demand Response (DR) programs to the EVs is considered. Moreover, a trip reduce DR program is implemented. The SA methodology is tested on a 32-bus distribution network with 2000 EVs, and the SA results are compared with a deterministic technique and particle swarm optimization results.
El avance de la frontera agropecuaria y la urbanización han reducido la superficie boscosa del Espinal en Córdoba a fragmentos que son sumamente valiosos como relictos del ambiente original del Algarrobal y como barreras frente a la acción erosiva del agua y los vientos. Por su estructura, degradada y enmarañada, el productor agropecuario generalmente los visualiza como una molestia ya que le restan superficie apta para el cultivo y resultan poco aprovechables para el pastoreo de los animales. Bajo pautas de manejo adecuadas estos bosquecillos podrÃan rehabilitarse para el aprovechamiento del ganado y otros usos complementarios. Para que el productor local cuente con herramientas de manejo sustentable de sus recursos naturales es necesario generar información confiable para la zona. En ese contexto, se plantea la siguiente Hipótesis General: Existen alternativas de manejo que, aplicadas sobre los bosques del Espinal, permiten recuperar y conservar la biodiversidad a la vez que mejoran la rentabilidad del productor. El Objetivo General es diseñar y evaluar, en términos ecológicos, tecnológicos y socio-económicos, alternativas de manejo sustentable de bosques degradados del Espinal de la provincia de Córdoba tendientes a su recuperación y conservación. El proyecto se localizará en el bosque fragmentado del Campo Escuela de la FCA-UNC. Se establecerán parcelas con distintos niveles de cobertura arbustiva en las que se medirán el efecto de los arbustos sobre la regeneración de especies arbóreas deseables, la producción y calidad de la pastura, el crecimiento de los árboles y las condiciones edáficas del sistema. Además, la incidencia del ganado vacuno sobre la regeneración de especies arbóreas deseables, la riqueza y abundancia de especies forrajeras deseables y las condiciones edáficas del sistema. Se hará enriquecimiento con plantines de tres especies de Prosopis tanto en el bosque con distintos anchos de fajas como en suelo desmontado, para evaluar su comportamiento. También se probará la diseminación y establecimiento posterior de estas especies por medio de la ingesta del ganado vacuno. Se relevarán especies medicinales, aromáticas, melÃferas, tintóreas y ornamentales nativas, y se las valorará económicamente según su uso actual y potencial en esta y otras zonas de la provincia y el paÃs. Se efectuará la caracterización socio-económica y ambiental del área circundante al Campo Escuela y mediante encuestas se determinará el grado de valorización del bosque que tienen los pobladores zonales. Se realizará el análisis económico y financiero del sistema propuesto versus el sistema sin proyecto, considerando bienes producidos y servicios ambientales del bosque y se socializará el proyecto a través de encuestas y reuniones participativas con los productores zonales. Para el análisis de toda la información se usará el software INFOSTAT 2007. Se harán tablas y gráficos de estadÃstica descriptiva para visualizar la distribución de datos. Se usará análisis de correlación, análisis de regresión lineal múltiple, ANAVA y test a posteriori. Se espera generar pautas preliminares de manejo, sencillas y económicas, fácilmente adoptables por los productores de la región, que aseguren la persistencia de estos fragmentos boscosos, relictos de la vegetación original del Espinal.
The average UK adult consumes less than three portions of fruit and vegetables daily, despite evidence to suggest that consuming five portions daily could help prevent chronic diseases. It is recommended that fruit juice should only count as one of these portions, as juicing removes fibre and releases sugars. However, fruit juices contain beneficial compounds such as vitamin C and flavonoids and could be a useful source of dietary phytochemicals. Two randomised controlled cross-over intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of commercially-available fruit- and vegetable-puree-based drinks (FVPD) on bioavailability, antioxidant status and CVD risk factors are described. Blood and urine samples were collected during both studies and vascular tone was measured using laser Doppler imaging. In the chronic intervention study FVPD consumption was found to significantly increase dietary carotenoids (P = 0.001) and vitamin C (P = 0.003). Plasma carotenoids were increased (P = 0.001), but the increase in plasma vitamin C was not significant. There were no significant effects on oxidative stress, antioxidant status and other CVD risk factors. In the acute intervention study FVPD were found to increase total plasma nitrate and nitrite (P = 0.001) and plasma vitamin C (P = 0.002). There was no effect on plasma lipids or uric acid, but there was a lower glucose and insulin peak concentration after consumption of the FVPD compared with the sugar-matched control. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both chronic and acute FVPD consumption. All volunteers were retrospectively genotyped for the eNOS G298T polymorphism and the effect of genotype on the measurements is discussed. Overall, there was a non-significant trend towards increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation following both acute and chronic FVPD consumption. However, there was a significant time x treatment effect (P < 0.05) of acute FVPD consumption in individuals with the GG variant of the eNOS gene.
This PhD thesis reports on car fluff management, recycling and recovery. Car fluff is the residual waste produced by car recycling operations, particularly from hulk shredding. Car fluff is known also as Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR) and it is made of plastics, rubbers, textiles, metals and other materials, and it is very heterogeneous both in its composition and in its particle size. In fact, fines may amount to about 50%, making difficult to sort out recyclable materials or exploit ASR heat value by energy recovery. This 3 years long study started with the definition of the Italian End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) recycling state of the art. A national recycling trial revealed Italian recycling rate to be around 81% in 2008, while European Community recycling target are set to 85% by 2015. Consequently, according to Industrial Ecology framework, a life cycle assessment (LCA) has been conducted revealing that sorting and recycling polymers and metals contained in car fluff, followed by recovering residual energy, is the route which has the best environmental perspective. This results led the second year investigation that involved pyrolysis trials on pretreated ASR fractions aimed at investigating which processes could be suitable for an industrial scale ASR treatment plant. Sieving followed by floatation reported good result in thermochemical conversion of polymers with polyolefins giving excellent conversion rate. This factor triggered ecodesign considerations. Ecodesign, together with LCA, is one of the Industrial Ecology pillars and it consists of design for recycling and design for disassembly, both aimed at the improvement of car components dismantling speed and the substitution of non recyclable material. Finally, during the last year, innovative plants and technologies for metals recovery from car fluff have been visited and tested worldwide in order to design a new car fluff treatment plant aimed at ASR energy and material recovery.